Dragon Quest XI S Script: Act 1 NPC Text

1.01 Cobblestone
1.02 Heliodor
1.03 Downtown Heliodor
1.04 Manglegrove
1.05 Cobblestone (Flashback)
1.06 Hotto
1.07 Gallopolis
1.08 Gondolia
1.09 Zwaardsrust
1.10 Octagonia
1.11 Dundrasil
1.12 Puerto Valor
1.13 L'Académie de Notre Maître des Médailles
1.14 Phnom Nonh
1.15 The Strand
1.16 Lonalulu
1.17 Nautica
1.18 Viking Hideout
1.19 Sniflheim
1.20 Arboria

1.01 Cobblestone


<pc>, seeing you and my dear Gemma all set for your big day makes me proud as anything—both as a mayor and as a grandfather.



You're not kids any more, you know—no, you're grown-up now, and that means going to the Tor and offering your thanks.



Now, it's time you were on your way. Head up to the top, give praise to the Spirit of the Land, then come back down and tell us how you like the view!



Oh, and if you're ever unsure what to do next, try pressing  and selecting Party Talk. Gemma might have some useful tips for you!


Just look at you, <pc>! My little boy, all grown-up!



Now, be sure to look after Gemma, you hear? To think, you've been inseparable since you were tiny, and here you are, about to climb the Tor together!



Oh, and if ever you lose your way, just follow Sandy. That dog's got more sense than any of us!



Off you go now, dear! I know the two of you will be just fine! And I'll make sure there's a delicious supper waiting for you when you get back!


<pc>, seeing you and my dear Gemma all set for your big day makes me proud as anything—both as a mayor and as a grandfather.



You're not kids any more, you know—no, you're grown-up now, and that means going to the Tor and offering your thanks.



Now, it's time you were on your way. Head up to the top, give praise to the Spirit of the Land, then come back down and tell us how you like the view!



Oh, and if you're ever unsure what to do next, try pressing  and selecting Party Talk. Gemma might have some useful tips for you!


Just look at you, <pc>! My little boy, all grown-up!



Now, be sure to look after Gemma, you hear? To think, you've been inseparable since you were tiny, and here you are, about to climb the Tor together!



Oh, and if ever you lose your way, just follow Sandy. That dog's got more sense than any of us!



Off you go now, dear! I know the two of you will be just fine! And I'll make sure there's a delicious supper waiting for you when you get back!


*: To think you and Gemma are all grown-up already! I can remember you two littluns haring round the place causing trouble like it was yesterday! Ahh, time flies, it really does!



*: Oh, dearie me! Where can that boy have got to this time?



*: I just hope he hasn't decided to go up the Tor on his own. No, he wouldn't be that stupid, surely? Ahh, he'll be the death of me, that one!


*: Hold on there, young <pc>! Where do you think you're off to? You haven't been up the Tor yet, have you?



*: It's back the other way, as you well know! I don't want to see you again till you've climbed it!



*: The symbols on the side of the Tor represent the Spirit of the Land, you know. The Spirit has always watched over the people of Cobblestone.



*: The coming-of-age ceremony is one of the ways we show our gratitude for its protection.



*: You know, I'm not sure I've ever seen the two of you apart! And to think you're all grown-up already! Are those wedding bells I hear? Hee hee!



Grandma! Honestly!



*: Oh, let an old woman have her fun, will you? Now, <pc>—you look after my lovely grandaughter, you hear!



*: The path gets pretty steep up on the Tor, so be sure to watch your footing!



*: But don't let that make you stick to the beaten track—little detours are where you find all the fun stuff!



*: So, it's time for you to head up the Tor, I hear! Mind you don't slip—it's a long way down!



Oh, don't worry! <pc> would never let me fall!


*: Ahh, what would you do without him, eh? Well <pc>, you heard the lady—make sure she comes to no harm!


*: The path ahead will at times be a steep one, but fear not, my children, for the Spirit of the Land shall watch over you.



*: May your climb teach you how truly blessed we are to live among such beautiful surroundings. We will pray for your safe return.


*: We've all been through it, you know. We've all climbed to the top of the Tor. I remember it like it was yesterday...



*: But I can't tell you what I found up there. No, that's something you'll just have to find out for yourselves.



*: Good luck, <pc>!


*: I wish I was a grown-up like you! I can't wait to climb the Tor!


*: You know the Mayor and your mother are waiting to see you off at the top of the steps, don't you? Don't keep them waiting, dear!



*: Oh, and remember—if you're ever in need of some advice or you're stuck for what to do, have a chat with folks with pretty pink speech bubbles above their heads like me.



*: Just press  and look at the map—you can't miss us!



*: While you're looking at the map, use  to change the direction you're facing. It's a handy little trick, trust me!



*: Cor! Just look at that view! It's beautiful, isn't it?



*: Whenever you find somewhere with lovely scenery like this, you should take the time to stop and bask in the wonder of nature—it always does me the power of good!



M-More monsters! But I don't think they've spotted you yet. You should sneak up and try and surprise them!


Hold on <pc>, we can't call it a day yet! We've got to get up to the top and do the ceremony thing!


<pc> and Gemma make their way back to the bottom of the Tor.


Where are you going now? The ceremony's over! Everyone'll be waiting for us!


*: My Cole told me everything! He told me how you fought off those horrible foggy monsters! I don't know how to thank you!



*: And you and Gemma aren't hurt either! Oh, that's such a relief!


I'm sorry, Gemma. I thought it would be funny to jump out and surprise you. I, I'm an idiot... I'll never do it again, I promise!


*: Well, the main thing is that everyone's alright. You can never be too careful with monsters around. We owe you one, <pc>—and Gemma and Sandy too!


Woof! Woof woof!



Thanks for bringing Cole back safely, Sandy! Good girl! I knew you could do it!


*: That lightning was terrifying! Were you lot alright up there? I'm ever so sorry you poor things had to go through such an awful ordeal!



*: So, you did it—you've been to the top of the Tor! Well, you'd better let the Mayor know!



*: Everyone'll be desperate to hear how you got on up there! Don't keep them waiting, will you?


*: When the lightning struck the Tor, I must confess that I feared for your safety. But it seems that you escaped unharmed.



*: Truly, we must give thanks to the Spirit of the Land, who watches over us all!


*: Yay! You're back, you're back! Your mum said to tell you she's gone home to make your tea.


*: That lightning was so scary! The sky flashed and there was this big bang! BOOOM!


*: Oi, where d'you fink you're goin'? Yer mum's waitin' for ya! I'd 'ead 'ome sharpish if I were you!



*: You don't want to go wandering around out there—you'll end up as a monster's dinner! You want to be heading home.



Woof! Woof!


A curious power emanates from the root wrapped around the tree...


*: Alright? A little bird told me you an' yer mate Gemma went to the top o' the Tor an' back. You ain't a little boy no more, <pc>—yer a man!



*: So 'ere's some advice, from one bloke to anuvver—whatever yer doin', enjoy it. No one knows 'ow long they've got, so make the most of it.


*: Cobblestone's well tucked away here in the valley. There aren't that many people who even know this place exists, you know.



*: And that's why it's so lovely and safe. The monsters don't tend to bother us, and we get to live in peace and quiet. Lovely!


*: You did well, both of you! You're not children any more—you're grown-ups! Welcome to the club!


*: Well, well—if it isn't Cobblestone's newest grown-ups! Were you looking for the Mayor? He's at home at the moment.



*: Listen, I probably shouldn't be saying this, but he's been worried sick about you, Gemma. Well, it's only natural, I suppose—he is your grandad, after all.


*: Look at my lovely horse! He's the loveliest horse in the whole village!



*: Hello there, young <pc>! Do you know what's good? Prayer, that's what! You should get down to the church every chance you get!



*: Every time I pray, I feel all my troubles slipping away. It'll make a new man of you, take my word for it!


*: I'm afraid my horses don't have a lot of get-up-and-go at the minute. They're too busy enjoying this delicious grass! Mm-mm!



*: Nice work, Mister Grown-Up! Now, yer dear old mum'll be waitin' for ya, I reckon. 'Urry 'ome an' tell her all about yer adventures!



*: Come on in, <pc>! The water's lovely!



Woof! Woof!


It's chewing contentedly on a great big mouthful of grass.


*: Yaaay! I love playing in the water!



*: Tee hee! We were just talking about you and Gemma! ...What's that? What were we saying? Oh, nothing! Tee hee hee!



*: Ooh, if it isn't young <pc>! Make sure you're nice to Gemma, you hear? She's a keeper, that one!



Not this again!


*: Ooh, just look at your face! You've gone all red! Ohh, to be young again!



*: I'd love to visit Heliodor one day. They say there's always something going on there.



*: Apparently, it's always bustling with people, and the shops are full of all kinds of lovely things. Not like boring old Cobblestone!


*: So the ceremony's all done? Congratulations! Now, don't tell me you've forgotten where you live in all the excitement?



*: Just follow the paving stones—you'll soon find your way back. Ooh, but you must be tired to be forgetting that! You should head home and put your feet up!


*: It's amazing when you think about it, isn't it? That Yggdrasil, the World Tree, has watched over Erdrea since the dawn of time.



*: They say that the tree here has been around for as long as Yggdrasil. I don't know if that's true, but there's something special about it, right enough.



*: Hey, <pc>! You don't want to be wandering around outside the village after the day you've had! You need to be getting home!



*: I'll always remember you when you were little, going fishing with old Chalky.



*: You'd sit there for hours on that funny three-sided rock out by the Falls, just the two of you...



*: He would have been so proud to see how big and strong you've grown. Seems like only yesterday you were knee-high to a grasshopper!


*: Alright, <pc>? What are you and Gemma up to, eh?



We just got back from climbing the Tor!


*: Ah, so that's where you've been, is it? Well, it's nice that you got to go up there together, eh?



*: If you want to get somewhere in a hurry, what you need is a horse. They're faster than people by a long old shot!



*: But you know that already, being a better rider than most, eh? Nice, manly pursuit, riding. Very grown-up.


*: Greetings, my child. It is good to see the younger members of my flock taking the time to pray. Now, shall we begin?


*: It's all thanks to the Spirit of the Land, you know—you coming back from the Tor safe and sound, the village being so peaceful for so long...



*: I think this would be the perfect time for you to offer up a prayer of thanks, don't you?


Now that you've climbed the Tor, I'm pleased to say that you and Gemma are fully fledged Cobblestonians!



Now all you need to do is settle down together and live happily ever after!



Grandad! Honestly!


*: You're my hero, <pc>! You saved my little boy! I'm so glad you and Gemma got back safely!


Thanks for clobbering those stupid monsters! When I grow up, I'm going to be big and tough, just like you!


*: Ahh, I remember climbing the Tor all those years ago! Back then, I was young, single and free... Great days, great days!


*: Monsters appearing on our sacred tor, of all places...



*: And they say there are more of the blighters running around outside the village than ever before. I don't like this one little bit.


Having trouble sleeping, are we? Well, it's no surprise after all the excitement today. And your big news.



Whenever I have trouble nodding off, I like to go for a little walk. The night air always does me a power of good.



The door is locked.


*: Oi, where d'you fink you're goin'? It's too late for fishin', sunshine! Save it till the mornin'!



*: A little walk to clear your head's all well and good <pc>, but not outside the village. You wouldn't want to bump into any monsters.



*: I saw your mate Gemma over by the old tree. She was lookin' a bit sorry for 'erself. Maybe you should go an' 'ave a word, eh?



*: Out for a little evening stroll, are we? Well, make sure you don't stray outside the village—there be monsters!



*: Oi! Where do ya fink yer goin', <pc>? Everyone's waitin' for ya up at the north entrance!



I heard you're going all the way to Heliodor! Can I come with you? Please? Pleeease?



...Fine. I suppose I am a bit young still. Well, be careful—it's a long journey. My dad says you have to head north and just keep going!



And he says it's full of all kinds of people—way more than you see in Cobblestone. Ahh, I can't wait to grow up and see it for myself!


*: Poor Gemma! She just can't stop crying! But she said she'd put on a brave face to say goodbye to you—whoops! I wasn't meant to tell you that!



*: I can't believe you're leaving us so soon. Well, make sure you stock up on items and weapons for the journey.



*: Oh, and remember—there's no point just carrying equipment around with you. Make sure you equip it!


*: Before you head off, you really should have a quick pray. With all those monsters out there, you'll be wanting some protection from a higher power.



*: And if you make a quick record of your adventure, you'll be miraculously whisked back to the church where you made it if you happen to come a cropper!


*: So yer leavin' us for a bit, eh? Well, they're all up at the north entrance waitin' to wave you off. Better get up there. We'll miss ya, sunshine!



*: Sorry, <pc>. The old fellers here are busy eating their beloved grass. I don't think they'll be moving any time soon.



*: Ooh, just look at you! You look just like Chalky did at your age!



*: I'll never forget the day he set off to explore the world... And now here you are, following in his footsteps!


*: I heard all about it from your mother—she said there's an important journey you have to make. And you just a youngster!



*: Well, before you head off, make sure you visit the shop. You know where it is, of course—down this slope and across the river.



*: Once you've stocked up, head up to the village entrance to the north. We'll all be waiting to see you off!


Woof woof!


What's the matter, girl? Is someone there?



I, I'm sorry. I don't want to speak to anyone right now. Could you come back in a bit?


*: Ever since she heard you were leaving, Gemma's been cooped up indoors. I wonder what she's doing in there...


*: I don't know much about fighting, but I've heard that the best way to get big and strong is to wallop lots of monsters and build up your experience.



*: But if you realise you've picked a fight with a monster that's tougher than you, there's no shame in running away!



*: Be sure to do some shopping before you go. I'd recommend stocking up on medicinal herbs.



*: If you get hurt from too much fighting, you can use them to heal yourself. Wouldn't go anywhere without at least a couple if I were you.


*: 'Ere's some advice, from one bloke to anuvver—keep yer mind on the job! No matter 'ow fierce the fightin' gets, ya gotta stay focused!



*: The more ya get walloped, the more focused you'll get. An' before ya know it, you'll be all pepped up! Then you'll really be full o' beans!



*: When yer pepped up, you'll be stronger, faster, better at everyfing—there ain't another feelin' like it! Go on, my son—get out there an' pep yerself silly!


*: So you're leaving good old Cobblestone, are you? Well, make sure you've got all the essentials before you set off.


*: So you're leaving good old Cobblestone, are you? Well, make sure you've got all the essentials before you set off.



*: If you'd like to do some shopping, head round to the other side of the counter.



*: So you are setting out into the world, my child. Perhaps a little prayer before you depart?


*: Just because you're setting out on a journey, that doesn't mean you can't pop home for a visit whenever you like.



*: If you ever get hurt or you're in need of a rest, there's no place like home, that's what I always say. I'm sure your comfy old bed will always be waiting for you!


So, this is it. My little soldier's really leaving...



You might not be back for a while. Hope you've said all your goodbyes. So...ready?<yesno 2>



Well, hurry up, will you? We don't want to be standing round here all day.



Well...off you go then...


*: Oh-ho! Hold on a second!


*: I wouldn't go through here if I were you. The monsters up that way'll make mincemeat of you!



*: If it's Heliodor you're trying to get to, you need to head north, anyway.



*: W-Wait!



*: You don't want to be going anywhere near the Manglegrove! The monsters in there will have your guts for garters! No, if you're headed for Heliodor, you need to go straight there.



*: Hang about—you shouldn't go any further. The monsters up there are a proper nasty bunch.



*: You'll be wanting to go north if you're heading for Heliodor. Mind how you go now!



*: Ah, <pc>! There you are! The Mayor asked me to teach you a thing or two about horses—and maps, too, for that matter!



*: Now, you see this bell here? Well, if you give it a ring, a fine steed will gallop up out of nowhere, just like that! Good to remember if your feet are getting sore!



*: And what if you're lost as well as tired? Easy! Just press  to take a look at your map. What's more, pressing  once you've got your map open will allow you to access all sorts of useful information!



*: I'm sure all this is written in the list of Traveller's Tips in your pack there, but you can't go over these things too often.


*: I'm here to stop anyone from wandering too close to the Emerald Coast. There's some nasty monsters up there, you see.



*: If it's Heliodor you're heading for, you need to go north, anyway.



*: Ah! Setting off on your big adventure, are you, <pc>?



*: You'll be wanting to go north if you're heading for Heliodor. Mind how you go now!



*: I've been sent from Heliodor Castle to make sure no one passes this way.



*: The monsters up on the Emerald Coast are nasty pieces of work. I'm not to let anyone go anywhere near them.



*: Oh-ho! I suppose you're here for another little lecture on the joys of camping, are you?<yesno>


*: ...Oh. Umm, well if you do ever fancy a recap, you know where to find me.


*: It would be my pleasure! Listen up, and I'll take you through the basics again!



*: To set up camp for the night, just go up to the fire and examine it. You'll soon be enjoying a well-earned break.



*: The statues you'll find at campsites are chock-full of holy powers. You can pray to them to be cured of poison and all kinds of other things. Think of them as mini churches!



*: You'll need to get used to what campsites look like and how to find them. After all, you'll be relying on them whenever you're out in the wilderness.



*: It's like my dad always said: keen campers can continue on where others can't! Be prepared!


*: Have you come far? Well, you're safe now—Heliodor awaits!



*: Once you're in the city, you can find a nice inn and rest up. Lucky old you!


*: Welcome to Heliodor!



*: This is the largest city in all of Erdrea, you know. You should head downtown for a look at the...livelier side of life here if you get the chance!



*: Welcome to Cobblest— Hold on! It's <pc>! You're back!



*: Shouldn't you be heading to Heliodor? Just leave the village and then keep going north. You can't miss it!


I don't know what this big journey of yours is all about, but wherever you end up, make sure you don't forget us back here in Cobblestone.



Come back as soon as you can, you hear? I'll be waiting...


You've still got the charm I gave you! I'm so happy!



When I heard you were leaving, I stayed up all night making it. I put my heart and soul into that thing.



Be sure to take it with you wherever you go, won't you? And make sure you come home—I'll be waiting...



Ah-phew! Ah-phew! <pc>... Stay safe... Promise me...


Woof woof!


*: Oh, so you came back! Well, if you're heading off again, be sure to visit the church before you go.


Yay! It's <pc>! But why did you come back so soon?



Wait, I know! You wanted to see Gemma again, didn't you? She's been looking really sad ever since you left...



Zzz... Zzz...


*: Doesn't my lovely horse ride like a dream! Best in the village, that one! Look after him, won't you?



*: Ooh, you're a fine young man! You don't let anything faze you, do you? I know you're going to be just fine!


*: We all miss you, of course, but we know this is something you have to do. Make us proud, won't you?



*: To think that Chalky knew you were the reincarnation of the Luminary and he kept it a secret all those years!



*: And now you climb the Tor and you're off to fulfil your destiny, all in a matter of days! Come home for a rest if it all gets too much, won't you?



*: Ah-phew... Ah-phew...


*: Word to the wise—don't go pickin' fights wiv monsters that're tougher than you. I got into a few scrapes in me younger days, an' I've still got the scars to show for it.


*: Be sure to look after yourself, won't you? Poor Gemma would be devastated if anything were to happen to you.


*: Ahh, the water's so lovely and cool! Yay for water!



*: Ah-phoo... Ah-phoo...


*: I love playing in the water!



*: Zzz... Zzz...


*: Oh, if it isn't <pc>! Are you heading up to the Tor? Well, watch out for monsters!



*: The Mayor's got some nerve, expecting a reward from the King! Honestly! What is he like?



*: I suppose he's got a point, though. We did bring up the Luminary, after all!


*: Not in town for long, I take it? Well, you be careful out there. And don't be a stranger!



*: In this world, you have to rely on yourself. And you have to be prepared for anything.



*: Make sure you're never caught without medicinal herbs, you hear? They can be the difference between life and death in a pinch.


Awww, if it isn't my little soldier! But what are you doing back so soon? You've only just left!




Not that I'm complaining, of course. You're always welcome to come home and rest up! Go on, then—off to bed with you!


Morning, love! You'd best be on your way before I get all weepy again!



What is it, <pc>? Getting cold feet about your big adventure or something?<yesno>


That's my boy! Never forget that you're the pride of the village—so go and do your grandfather proud!


Well, I can understand that. I mean, I don't want you to go either. But you have to. It's your destiny.



Now, off you go, my little soldier! You go and put Cobblestone on the map!


They say that the original Luminary banished the darkness that threatened the world. He was a true hero.



I'm still having trouble believing that you're really him reincarnated, but if old Chalky said so, he must have been sure.



Well, whatever lies ahead of you, I've got a funny feeling it's going to be something extraordinary.


*: Oh, you're back. Well, I hope you've visited your mother.



*: Ah-phew... Ah-phew...


*: I'll warrant there are a fair few monsters lying in wait on the road to Heliodor. If I were you, I'd stock up with all the supplies you can carry.


*: Sorry, could I ask you to head round to the other side of the counter if you want to buy something?



*: If you're headed somewhere in a hurry, a horse is always your best bet. No matter how you look at it, humans have got nothing on horses!



*: But I don't need to tell you that—you're one of the best riders in the village!



*: Ah-heurgh...! Ah-heurgh...!


*: My child, do you mean to leave us once again? Perhaps a prayer before you go?


*: So you're back? Well, I do hope you've paid a visit to your mother.



*: Ah-phew! Ah-phew!


*: Leaving behind those you love and travelling the world is tough. I know—I did it myself a long time ago.


*: Ah, so you decided to pop back, did you? Well, good for you. You don't want to go pushing yourself too hard.



*: Zzz... (snort) Zzz...


*: S'pose you'll be 'ittin' the road again soon, eh? Well, more power to ya!



*: I remember when you were a little boy, you know. You were always going off fishing with your grandfather. You two were inseparable!



*: Well, now you're ready to stand on your own two feet at last. Chalky would be proud of you, I know he would.



1.02 Heliodor


*: Sorry, but this area's off limits. Now, if you wouldn't mind clearing off...



*: Eh!? How did you get in here? This area's off limits! Clear off, will you?



*: If you have business with the King, I'm afraid you've left it a little late. You'll have to come back in the morning.


It seems it's too late to visit the castle tonight. Wait until morning?<yesno>


*: Welcome to Heliodor, greatest city in all Erdrea. Please, make yourself at home.



*: Oh, and if you're wondering about that white speech bubble above my friend's head... Well, that just means he's got nothing else to say right now. People get like that sometimes, you know.


*: So where are you from, then? ...What's that? Cobblestone, you say? Where's that, then? Down south? Never heard of it!



*: With all those mountains and valleys down south, it's hard to know what's what. I've never heard of Cobblestone, but I'm sure it's lovely.



*: I haven't seen you round here before. ...Hm? You're here to see the King, you say?



*: Well, you won't find him round here! You'd better head to the castle. Go straight up this road, climb the steps, keep going and Bob's your uncle!



*: Just remember that they shut the gates as soon as the sun goes down—the King needs his sleep, you know. You're best off heading there bright and early if you want an audience.



*: The two top knights up at the castle are Sir Jasper and Sir Hendrik. But if you ask me, Sir Jasper's the best by a long way. Yes, he's the one for me!



*: Sure, he's not going to win any awards for friendliness, but who cares—he's a real looker! And he's such a strategic genius, the King even asks his advice sometimes!



*: This travelling salesman told me he's never seen so many monsters. Roaming all over the place, they are. What is the world coming to?



*: By the way, if you see a white speech bubble like the one above the fellow in front of me's head, it just means that person doesn't have anything else to say right now.



*: I've been hearing from travelling merchants that there are more and more monsters out there these days. What a terrible time to be alive...



*: Heliodor's a big place. If it's your first time here, you can expect to get lost.



*: But if you're not sure where you are, you can always press  and check the map.



*: Downtown Heliodor's a hive of waifs, strays, drifters, cutpurses and ne'er-do-wells. Mind you stay well clear!


*: You can't go through here—it's far too rough for law-abiding folks. I'd strongly advise you to head elsewhere.



*: Everyone knows their place in Heliodor—the riff-raff and rabble live in the slums, while the well heeled live uptown. The nicest area is up the stairs. That's where you'll find the castle.


*: When the monsters attacked Dundrasil, it was Sir Hendrik and his men who fought them back. He's the mightiest warrior in the whole kingdom.



*: They say the King was surrounded by the enemy, but Sir Hendrik came to his rescue. He's been known as the Hero of Heliodor ever since.



*: You see that big swanky house over there? Well, it belongs to some rich and slightly...vulgar stranger. He just turned up one day, bought the land and had it built, the showy blighter!



*: Goodness knows where he got the money, but that rich fellow just turned up, bought a prime plot of land and had a huge house built, the great big show-off!


*: Heliodor is a fine place to live. It's safe, it's clean and everyone's happy. We owe it all to the King. Three cheers for King Carnelian!


*: This young thief broke into the castle treasury in search of loot. Now he's banged up in the dungeons.



*: It's such a waste—he had his whole life ahead of him, and he just went and chucked it all away...


*: Waaah! Waaah! My kitty's stuck on the roof! She won't come down! Waaah!



*: Someone help meee! My kitty's stuck on the roof! You have to help!


*: Y-You did it! You got my kitty off the roof! Thank you! Oh, thank you, thank you, thank you!



*: Here, mister! This is to say thank you for getting my kitty back!



<pc> receives a grubby handful of kitty litter!


*: Thank you so much for getting my kitty back, Mister! I'm glad you didn't get stuck on the roof too!


*: Meeew!


The cat's paw seems to be stuck in a hole in the roof. Do you want to help it?<yesno>


*: Miaooow!


<pc> gently removes the cat's paw from the hole.


*: Miaaaowr!


*: Mmm! Mmmeowww!


*: So you're a visitor to Heliodor, are you? Well, don't pull anything funny, or I'll sling you in the dungeons, got it?


*: If you asked me who I most wanted to be in the world, I'd have to say Sir Hendrik. But then every man in the kingdom would say the same thing. He's basically an all-round legend!



*: They say that when the world is in trouble, a true hero will appear—they must be talking about him.


*: I won't allow any nonsense on my watch! If you even think of causing any trouble, I'll come down on you like a ton of bricks!


*: No one sells sharper swords than me, mate! You can look, but you'd prob'ly best not touch!


*: Armour is every adventurer's best pal! When the chips are down, it'll always be there for you! So come on, what do you say?


*: You name it, I've probably got it! Don't leave without getting stocked up on all your adventuring essentials!


*: Traditionally, I stand on one side of the counter, and you stand on the other. Want to give it a try?




*: There's so much great stuff, I can't decide what to get!


*: This is tasty stuff—but then everything else looks great too. Yep, Heliodor is one heck of a place!


*: Heliodor is a huge place. There are all sorts of surprises awaiting the doughty explorer willing to visit its more out-of-the-way locales.



*: Take the time to check out every nook and cranny you come across. You'll thank me for it later!




*: (snore) Nnngrrrgh...! (snort)


*: Heliodor is surrounded by mountains which serve as a kind of natural wall, keeping monsters and other nasties at bay. That's why we live such safe, secure lives.



*: Ah-phewww...! Ah-phewww...!


There's a small note on the door. <pc> takes a closer look...



*: I'm so happy I can't stop laughing! My wife's the best cook in the whole wide world! Ho ho ho! Lucky me!


*: Heliodor's the most powerful kingdom in the world, you know. It has been ever since the fall of Dundrasil.



*: King Carnelian is surely the wisest of rulers. His influence spreads far and wide—in fact, it would be no exaggeration to call him the king of the world.


*: You wish to see the King? I'm afraid His Majesty does not receive unsolicited callers in the middle of the night. Come back in the morning.



*: No one is permitted to enter the castle after dark. If you have business here, come back in the morning.



*: This is a fine inn! Maybe the finest in Heliodor! I mean, who knows?


*: I think I've met the love of my life! But how do I tell her? I don't want to pick the wrong moment and blow it!




*: I'm so happy I met you! Just being near you makes me so happy I could burst!


*: You might want to go climbing around on the roofs one of these days. There's a ladder in an alleyway over to the west that'll get you up there.


*: So you're a traveller, eh? Well, I don't know where you're from, but around here we don't go barging into people's houses without so much as a by-your-leave!



*: I've been saving my pennies, and now it's time to spend 'em! You can't afford to be stingy, you know—it's important to get yourself the best kit!


*: I bet you didn't know about the rope on the roof, did you? You can use it to get up to the swanky part of town!



*: This poor nipper's cat's gone an' got stuck on the roof.



*: You can get out on the rooftops from the item shop, but I can't leave 'er 'ere bawlin' to go an' get it, can I? Cor, wot a pickle...



*: So you're the 'ero who climbed up on the roof an' came to the rescue, eh? Nice one, mate! She looks pleased as punch to 'ave 'er cat back!



*: This band are the best! I wish I could play an instrument!



*: This must be the greatest bar in the whole wide world! It's a shame all these grown-ups keep telling me to clear off...


*: I've just found out you can tell wot 'ouses you can go into by the red lines on the map! 'Oo knew?



*: It's amazin' the fings you can learn from books an' that, eh?



*: Nothing beats a nice, cool drink! ...Wait! Are you sure you're old enough to be in here?


*: A church is a haven in life's storm. I can highly recommend prayer and quiet reflection from time to time.


*: Wow, look at this! I wonder how much it's worth? If I sold it, I bet I'd never have to work again!



*: You see this two-headed eagle? It's the symbol of Heliodor. It's on the flag as well.



*: Every time I go to church and pray, I come out feeling like a new man. It's weird, isn't it?


*: The water's so still and beautiful! It feels like it's drawing me in...



*: It's so nice and quiet here, isn't it? Ahh, it feels like everything's going to be alright forever...



*: Hey, want to know something interesting about that house? You can climb up on the roof from the back garden, and then there's a rope you can cross.



*: I love it here! It's simply marvellous! And you know the best part? Only fantastically rich folk like yours truly can afford to live here!


*: There's a gate to the east that will take you to the rough part of town. It's manned by guards to keep the riff-raff out.


*: When you can't wait for the next day, turn in for the night! Go to an inn, get your head down, and it'll be morning before you know it!


*: There's a lovely breeze here. It's perfect for drying clothes!



*: If your feet are getting sore, I recommend a stay at a nice inn. There's one above the bar just over there.


*: Here's my idea of a perfect evening: work out, feel the burn, eat till you're fit to burst, then go for a nice long walk!



*: If you're going to travel the world, you're going to run into monsters—and that means you need to get ripped! Do it! Do it!


*: I came here looking for some excitement, but there's nothing going on. Maybe I should stick to the main drag rather than loitering in back alleys...


*: Listen to the latest clever thing my darling husband said—just because something might seem useless, that doesn't mean it is. Keep hold of everything you find, just in case.



*: Except for those old Drasilian coins, of course. The only thing they're good for is selling.



*: I'm absolutely convinced there's treasure down this chimney, but I can't stand dark places, so I'm too scared to go down and have a look...



*: If I stand up here, I can see folks walking down below. Sometimes they see me and smile, and we have a little bit of a moment!



*: Sorry for all the fuss. Head on through. His Majesty's eager to speak with you.



*: If you want to see the King, you should come back in the morning.



*: So you really are the Luminary? I can only apologise for doubting you. Please, go right on through.



*: No one's allowed to enter the castle after dark, so you'll have to come back in the morning.



A curious power emanates from the root wrapped around the tree...


*: You must be the Luminary! It is truly an honour!


*: Welcome to Heliodor Castle! How long we have waited to meet the Luminary!


*: You must be the Luminary. You've created quite a stir, you know. It's nice to be able to meet you in person.


*: Ohhh, I like wot yer wearin'! That musty bumpkin look is really in right now!


*: His Majesty is waiting for you. To get to the throne room, head up these stairs and go straight on.


*: Climb these stairs and go straight on—the King is waiting for you.


*: To think it's been so many years since Dundrasil was attacked by that terrible horde of monsters! King Carnelian was lucky to make it out alive, you know.



*: And his daughter the Princess, well...she wasn't so lucky...


*: The world can be such a cruel place. Who would have thought that a beautiful kingdom could be wiped out just like that? Curse those monsters...



*: Well, at least we have Sir Hendrik. With the Hero of Heliodor to protect us, we won't be going the same way as Dundrasil any time soon.


*: I am afraid I cannot allow you to proceed any further.


*: Sorry, but this part of the castle is strictly off limits.


*: This tree has been here since before I was born. It is simply magnificent—it requires no care, but retains its noble form entirely naturally.



*: We have travelled for days for an audience with the King of Heliodor, and now we are told he has a more important guest! The impertinence!



*: Who could it be? It can surely only be another king—who else would outrank one such as I?


*: We are nobles of the most blue-blooded stock, and yet we have been told that we must wait for an audience with the King!



*: Hands off, urchin! Those are gifts for the King! You so much as touch them, and you'll be sorry...



*: I am stupendously wealthy, and have brought marvellous gifts for the King. But now I hear that he means to grant an audience to some upstart, and that I must wait! Hmph!



*: Oh! It's the Luminary! Err... Very nice to meet you. I'm a bit busy with my reading at the moment, though. Could we speak later, maybe...?


*: Ever since you arrived in the castle, there has been a curious tension in the air. I cannot quite put my finger on it...


*: As long as we have Sir Jasper and Sir Hendrik on our side, we Heliodorians have nothing to fear.



*: They've been fighting side by side to protect the kingdom ever since they were boys.


*: Sniflheim and Gallopolis aren't to be messed with, but there's no two ways about it, Heliodor is the most powerful kingdom in the world.



*: Our army will never allow the monsters to take over, you can be assured of that.


*: This is His Majesty's chamber, and before you ask, no—you're not coming in.



*: The stairs to the left and right will take you up to the top floor, but there's not much up there that's really worth seeing. And besides, you're here to see the King, aren't you? Focus on the task at hand, I always say!


*: This is the entrance to the late princess's chamber. I am afraid I cannot permit you to pass.



*: So you're the Darkspa... Sorry! Forgive me! Sometimes I think out loud, you see. Erm... His Majesty is very eager to see you!


*: His Majesty awaits you in the throne room.


*: His Majesty is a most munificent man, but he does not suffer fools gladly. My advice is not to do anything stupid.



*: Phew! Training with Sir Hendrik is exhausting! I'm just taking a little breather...


*: His Majesty asks that you speak with him right away. Please make your way to the throne room.


*: Well now... You must be the Luminary I've been hearing so much about!



*: You'll be looking for the throne room, I'll warrant. Well, it's on the floor below this one. The King is expecting you, I believe.


*: Fancy getting to meet you in person! His Majesty must be very pleased that you've finally appeared.


*: That red star in the sky is known as Erdwin's Lantern, you know.



*: Scholars have long wondered how it got that name, but I am afraid it has remained a mystery.



*: There's something shiny in that chandelier, but I can't quite reach it...



*: Hey! Cut it out!


*: Get a grip! Making a racket isn't going to help you any.


*: Sheesh! Keep it down, will you? There goes the neighbourhood...


*: Do you want to get caught or something? There's too many guards that way. Stick with me, okay?


There's no response. The guard is unconscious.


There's no response. The guard is unconscious.


*: Let's get out of here. You first!


It looks like <pc>'s neighbour has been busy. Go down the hole?<yesno>


*: They can't have got far! Spread out! Do not let them escape!


*: Sounds like they noticed we were missing. Umm, might be time to run...


It might be a good idea to stick with the other prisoner and avoid the guards...


*: Right, snuff that torch out and follow my lead!


It might be a good idea to snuff out the torch to avoid alerting the guards to your presence...


*: We can get across that bridge! Go on ahead and check it out...


*: We can get across that bridge! Light the torch again and go and check it out...


*: Come on! We need to move! Now!


*: If we don't get moving, we're dead meat. Run!


*: What are you doing!? Do you want to get eaten by that thing!?


*: This way! The Darkspawn is close, I know it!


*: They don't give up, do they? Let's get moving!


*: What are you doing!? We need to get away, and fast!


Come on, where are your manners? We can't leave without saying thanks to the nice old nun who helped us out!


Come on, we can't hit the road without saying thanks.


*: Now, my children, with those fugitives at large, you must take care. I shall offer what little succour I can...


Huh? Are you lost already? If we want to get to Heliodor, we'll need to head up the slope by the church.


1.03 Downtown Heliodor


These planks don't look hugely comfortable, but there don't seem to be any better options for bedding down nearby. Rest here?<yesno>


<pc> awakens after an uncomfortable night's sleep.




<pc> awakens after an uncomfortable night's sleep.


*: Oi! You're not getting through here, so clear off, will you?


*: 'Ello love. Are you wantin' to get through this way? Sorry, it ain't quite that simple at the mo.



*: Someone's pinched 'alf the planks again! They'll repair it eventually, but it'll take a little while, I reckon.


*: You won't find armour at better prices than this, believe me! Brand spanking new kit at knock-down prices! You can't say fairer than that!


*: Alright there? Tell me, are you sorted for swords? Bristling with blades? It's a dangerous world out there, so it pays to be prepared!


*: Welcome, an' all that... (cough cough) Me stock may not be much to look at—(splutter)—but it's the quality that counts.


*: Go on—(cough)—say you'll buy somefing. I need—(cough)—the bleedin' money! I'm brassic, an' it's not like I can—(splutter)—retire or anyfing...


*: Welcome to my fine establishment! It may be small, but it's perfectly formed! You'll have a great night's sleep, I guarantee it!


*: You after somefink, sunshine? Well, we don't serve kids in 'ere. Sling yer 'ook!



*: Or are you 'ere lookin' for work? Well, you can 'ave all the shifts you want—as long as you don't mind not gettin' paid! Nah-ah-ah-ah!


*: It is rare indeed for travellers to brave this rather down-at-heel part of town.



*: But since you are here, I recommend you talk to the locals—some of them are rather rough and ready, but they've good hearts for the most part. Now...


*: Sorry, you're not getting through here. I recommend you clear off, sharpish. Unless you want to spend the night in a nice, comfortable cell, that is...



*: .........




*: .........



*: Wot d'you fink you're starin' at, eh?


*: We can't find Cammo anywhere! 'E's the undisputed 'ide-and-seek champion of 'Eliodor!



*: Hee hee hee hee! Welcome to the mysterious realm of the magnificent Mistress Bev! Don't cross me palm wiv silver, an' I'll read yer fortune anyway! Hee hee! Well? Fancy it?<yesno>

Mistress Bev

Pah, well I knew you were gonna say that, obviously. But if you ever change yer mind, love, you know where to find me! It won't cost you a fing, remember!

Mistress Bev

I knew you'd say that! Hee hee! Right, 'ere goes...

Tell me, mysterious rulers of fate...

What's this lank-'aired lad 'ere got on his plate...?


Mistress Bev

...Oh dear me! Dear, oh dear, oh dear! I see pain...an' sadness! An' a big 'elpin' of grief and misfortune to boot!


Mistress Bev

But do not despair! You can avoid all this misery with just one wise investment...

Mistress Bev

This top-notch item would normally cost you an arm an' a leg, but I'll sell it to ya for the jaw-droppin'ly knock-down price of only 100 gold coins! So, what do you say?<yesno>

Mistress Bev


You wot!? After I give you a free readin', an' all!? Cheeky little toerag! Well, don't blame me if the sky comes crashin' down on yer 'ead! Go on, clear off!

Mistress Bev

Wot's your game? You ain't got the cash, you cheeky swine! Well, don't blame me if yer arms an' legs fall off!

Mistress Bev

Sold, to the boy wiv the 'airdo! 'Ere you go, love—knock yerself out!



<pc> receives some holy water.

Mistress Bev

Sprinkle some of that about the place, an' the beasties'll steer well clear. No more monster misery for you, sunshine!


Mistress Bev

...Wossat? You seen the same fing on sale down the road for 'alf the price? Well, that's business innit? Oh, we don't do returns, by the way. Sorry, love!

Mistress Bev

'Ang about... You're on one o' them Draconian Quests, ain'tcha? Which means you ain't no use to me. Go on, sling yer 'ook!

Mistress Bev

Use that 'oly water wisely, an' the beasties'll steer well clear.


Mistress Bev

...Wossat? You seen the same fing on sale down the road for 'alf the price? Well, that's business innit? Oh, we don't do returns, by the way. Sorry, love!


*: Keep yer wits about ya—them escaped prisoners're still at large. If they got out o' the castle dungeons, they ain't no part-timers. Prob'ly armed an' dangerous.



*: I should know—I used to be a bit of a villain meself. Done me fair share o' chokey in them same cells. Heh heh! Best years o' me life!



*: I was pretty wild in me younger days, let me tell ya. Always up to no good, I was. Spent a fair bit o' time in the dungeons for me troubles, an' all.



*: But now I'm repayin' me debt to society by working as a night watchman. Trust me, crime don't pay—so keep yer nose clean, an' stay out o' trouble!


*: Alright, mate? Want to hear somefink good?


*: It'll cost ya, mind you. Five gold coins for some proper juicy info! Wot d'ya say?<yesno>


*: You can't spare a measly five gold coins? Well, it's no skin off my nose. But if you change yer mind, you know where I am!


*: Sorry mate, but you seem to be a little lackin' in the funds department. I'd be careful if I was you, or you'll end up under this bridge wiv me!


*: Right! So if it's juicy info yer after, I've got it—firstly, oranges are an excellent source o' juice. But don't forget about bananas—them little fellas're juicier than you fink.



*: Wot, you don't believe me? Go an' get some fruit an' try it out for yerself! Juice is the future, you better believe it!


*: Grrr... Ruff ruff!


*: This place is legend'ry! It's filthy, it's got no roof and the food's bleedin' awful. But the drinks're cheap, and the dancers...heh, they're out o' this world!



*: I'll bet yer 'ere for an eyeful o' Roxy an' all, ain'tcha?<yesno>


*: Well, your loss, mate. Trust me, she's the bee's knees—an' then some!


*: Well then yer luck's about as good as mine, mate. Roxy ain't 'ere. She's on the other side o' the wall struttin' 'er stuff for all them posh lot up there.



*: I've been waitin' for 'er to get back for days. Aww, I can't wait to see 'er again! Come on, Rox...!


*: Welcome to downtown 'Eliodor, the grimy little secret the posh folks over the wall don't want you to know about! Heh!



*: You ain't from round 'ere, eh? Well, if you ain't got a reason to stick around, I wouldn't bovver.



*: ...Wossat? Yer lookin' for the dump? Well, yer in the right part o' town for rubbish! There's a great big pile of it right in the middle.


*: Roll up, roll up! Get yer fresh veg 'ere! I got yer onions, yer spuds—the 'ole lot!



*: Don't go eatin' 'em raw, mind you. Nah, you'll wanna boil 'em for a good two, three hours first. Maybe disinfect 'em a bit an' all...



*: Can't...fall...asleep... (yawn) Thieves'll...nick...me...veg...


*: Them numpties up at the castle locked up some Lumin'ry bloke 'oo's s'posed to bring disaster an' destruction, an' then they went an' let 'im escape!



*: 'Avin' 'im on the loose'll play 'avoc wiv the price o' veg! I can barely scrape the cash togevver for a bunch o' mangy carrots as it is!




*: I dunno much about this Lumin'ry character, but I know they should lock him up and throw away the key! Them guards need to get off their backsides and track 'im down!


*: I can't wait to see the back o' this town—there's no money, no 'ope, no nuffink!



*: But where else am I gonna go, eh? This is 'ome, even if it is bloomin' awful...


*: This singer bloke knows wot 'e's talkin' about! Fings might look bleak, but you can't go givin' up!



*: After all, 'oo knows what tomorrow'll bring?


*: This is the life for me! I don't want to work or have responsibilities or have to answer to anyone. No, this is exactly where I want to be!


*: 'Ello love. Are you wantin' to get through this way? Sorry, it ain't quite that simple at the mo.



*: Someone's pinched 'alf the planks again! They'll repair it eventually, but it'll take a little while, I reckon.



*: Hanging out here jamming is all well and good, but I can't help feeling I'd like to play in front of some slightly bigger crowds...



*: But that would mean hitting the nice part of town, and I don't have the money or the contacts to get past the checkpoint. If only there was a way of sneaking through...



*: Oh, I'm livin' in Heliodor, workin' for the Man,

An' I'm just tryin' to do the best I can!

*: But no matter how bad things might get,

I can't give up—the game ain't over yet!


*: See the veg in this shop? Well, guess 'oo smuggles it over from the other side o' the wall? That's right—yours truly! It's good stuff, eh?



*: I mean, fair enough, some of it's a little on the...erm...ripe side...but it's still tasty! You wouldn't believe the fings them rich lot chuck away!



*: See the big tough-lookin' bloke over there? Well, 'e's only been sittin' there for days waitin' for that dancer Roxy to come back. Talk about moon-eyed!



*: The workin' man's an idiot, if you ask me. Wot's the point o' slavin' away every poxy hour o' the day just to earn a pittance?



*: Nah, gimme a life o' freedom any day. Bit o' wheelin' an' dealin'—just enough to keep the wolf from the door—wot more does a man need?



*: Ah-phew! Ah-phew!



*: If you go up to the nice part o' town, there's loads o' good jobs, but down 'ere, we 'ave to make do wiv rubbish. There ain't no security, an' there ain't no future. The world ain't fair!



*: Zzz... Gurgle...


*: Heh heh heh! I'm Cammo, the king of 'ide-an'-seek! Wait—don't tell me you're playin' too?<yesno>


*: ...Alright, well, promise you won't tell no one else where I am!


*: Gah! You got me! I can't believe I got found by a grown-up! I need to up me game!


*: When there's a lot o' people livin' in a small space, you 'ave to build upwards—that's why I live up 'ere on the second floor.



*: I ain't sayin' it's ideal, mind you. The floor's all wonky, an' gettin' up an' down is a right ol' pain. Still, it's 'ome.


*: I'm sure I saw Cammo come this way, but I can't find 'im anywhere!


*: We're playin' 'ide-and-seek, but I can't find Cammo anywhere! 'E's too bleedin' good!



*: I bet 'e went up that ladder! It's not fair! 'E knows I'm scared of 'eights!



*: Geh heh! Nuffink tastes better than a drink bought wiv someone else's money! Ahh, I got the best job in the world!



*: Geh heh heh! Wot kind o' mug sleeps out in the open wiv pockets full o' change, eh? I 'ad to take a bit really. Teach 'im a lesson, like.




*: 'Ang about—you're......! Ulp! Listen, I didn't mean nuffink by it, honest! You'll forgive a bloke an honest mistake, won'tcha?<yesno>


*: Mate, mate, listen—it was nuffink personal, alright? Let's just be grown-ups about this an' put it behind us, yeah?<yesno>


*: Geh heh! Nice one, mate. I could tell you were the reasonable type. Now, in light o' yer generosity, let me see wot I can manage in terms o' compensation...


<pc> receives 3 gold coins!


*: ...Wossat, mate? I owe you more than that, you reckon? Well sorry, but that's yer lot!



*: You shoulda come and found me earlier. I've gone an' spent most o' yer dosh at this fine establishment now, ain't I? Wot can I say? Sorry, guv.



*: Geh heh! Wot a great night! Ahhh, I wouldn't trade me job for anyfink! Not in a million years!



*: Gah! 'Ow did I end up 'ere? 'Ow did fings come to this? 'Ow am I gonna get out o' this one?




*: ...Eh? 'Oo are you? D'you want somefing? 'Cos if not, I recommend you clear off. I've got enough on me plate wivout you bovverin' me.



*: Life isn't easy for a trainee sorceress, let me tell you. I mean, how am I supposed to do any magic with my tummy rumbling like this?



*: If only there were a spell that could summon a big loaf of freshly baked bread...


*: Welcome to downtown 'Eliodor, the grimy little secret the posh folks over the wall don't want you to know about! Heh!



*: You ain't from round 'ere, eh? Well, if you ain't got a reason to stick around, I wouldn't bovver.



*: ...Eh? An inn run by a red'ead? It's over to the east o' town, mate. Two-storey place, you can't miss it.


Hey, what are you doing? Climb that tower and watch out for Ruby!



The watchtower over by where the guard's standing—you can't miss it. Get up there and keep your eyes peeled.



*: Welcome to downtown 'Eliodor, the grimy little secret the posh folks over the wall don't want you to know about! Heh!



*: You ain't from round 'ere, eh? Well, if you ain't got a reason to stick around, I wouldn't bovver.


Hey! Where are you going? We need to get to the inn!



*: Heh heh! Nice one, Bullseye! That great big coward of a guard nearly weed 'imself when 'e saw ya!




*: .........



*: Wot d'you fink you're starin' at, eh? Get lost!



*: Heh heh! Now we know 'is weak spot! Petrified, 'e was! 'Ow'd 'e make it through Guard School, that's wot I wanna know!



*: Ahhh, that's the funniest fing I've seen in years! You know wot I'm talkin' about, don'tcha?<yesno>


*: Heh heh! So you saw it too, eh? I can't remember the last time I laughed that much!



*: Yer kiddin'? Heh heh! You missed the sight of the century!



*: See that guard over there? Well, an 'armless little doggie went up to 'im, an' 'e went to pieces! Shakin' like a leaf, 'e was!



*: She did it on purpose o' course, the little rascal 'oo owns him. 'Ates the bloke, she does!



*: Heh heh! Nice one, Bullseye! That great big coward of a guard nearly weed 'imself when 'e saw ya!




*: .........



*: Wot d'you fink you're starin' at, eh? Get lost!



*: ...You wot? You wanna borrow me dog!? Yer 'avin' a giraffe, ain'tcha!? Look, I ain't got time for this—go on, sling yer 'ook!



*: Bullseye 'ere is a lone wolf like me. 'E don't take kindly to strangers.



*: Ahh, but you know wot? Some 'oly water an' a buzzberry or two might change 'is mind...



*: Wot are you gawpin' at me like that for? It ain't like I'm askin' much! Just go an' shake the tree an' grab some berries, innit.



*: Go out o' town, down the walkway fing an' straight on. Big tree, funny berries on it. Bosh.



*: An' as for 'oly water, well, that's easy—buy it from a shop!



*: An' remember, I didn't say 'oly water OR buzzberries—I want 'em both, otherwise no deal.


*: Wot, did you fink I was just gonna 'and over me dog to some stranger?



*: Nah, there's gotta be somefink in it for me, innit? That's 'ow fings work round 'ere. So get me some 'oly water an' a buzzberry or two, then we'll talk.



*: It ain't like I'm askin' much. Just go an' shake the tree an' grab some berries, innit.



*: Go out o' town, down the walkway fing an' straight on. Big tree, funny berries on it. Bosh.



*: An' as for 'oly water, well, that's easy—buy it from a shop!



*: An' remember, I didn't say 'oly water OR buzzberries—I want 'em both, otherwise no deal.


*: Wot, did you fink I was just gonna 'and over me dog to some stranger?



*: Nah, there's gotta be somefink in it for me, innit? That's 'ow fings work round 'ere. So get me some 'oly water an' a buzzberry or two, then we'll talk.


Give the buzzberries and holy water to the girl?<yesno>


*: No goods, no dog—simple as that. Go on, scram!




*: Let's see now... Yeah, that looks like wot I asked for. Blimey, you actually brought it! Mug!


*: 'Ere, Bullseye. It's yer favourite—buzzberries! We'll share these, alright?


*: Arf!


*: Heh! Good, ain't they? Right, let's sprinkle this 'oly water on ya, shall we? 'Ere we go...


*: Now the monsters'll steer clear when you go playin' outside town. Nice.


*: Woof! Woof!


*: Wot? Don't look at me like that. Bullseye looks after me, an' I look after 'im. Anyway, a promise is a promise. 'E's yours for a bit. Look after 'im, alright?



*: Bullseye! Listen, boy! Go an' play wiv the nice man for a bit, okay?


*: Arf! Woof woof!


*: Wotever it is you need 'im for, make it quick, alright? That dog's me only family.


*: Eh? Don't tell me you wanna borrow Bullseye again?<yesno>


*: Bullseye! Listen, boy! Go an' play wiv the nice man for a bit, okay?


*: Arf! Woof woof!


*: 'Ang about! Where's Bullseye? I told you to look after 'im, didn't I?



*: ...Wossat? 'E's barkin' at that guard bloke? Oh-ho! Once that one starts yappin', 'e don't stop!


*: Heh heh heh! I'm Cammo, the king of 'ide-an'-seek! Wait—don't tell me you're playin' too?<yesno>


*: ...Okay, well, promise you won't tell anyone where I am, an' I'll tell you somefing top-secret.



*: 'Ere goes... Well, you know the red'ead 'oo runs the inn? When she was younger, she looked exactly like Roxy the dancer!



*: An' you know wot's weirder? Their 'andwritin's exactly the same too! Nuts, innit?



*: I keep meanin' to get 'er to write a letter pretendin' to be Roxy. Reckon I could cause some 'avoc wiv that! Heh!


*: Gah! You got me! I can't believe I got found by a grown-up! I need to up me game!



*: Tell you wot, 'ow about we make a little deal? Promise you won't tell no one where I am, and I'll tell you somefing top-secret.


*: 'Ere goes... Well, you know the red'ead 'oo runs the inn? When she was younger, she looked exactly like Roxy the dancer!



*: An' you know wot's weirder? Their 'andwritin's exactly the same too! Nuts, innit?



*: I keep meanin' to get 'er to write a letter pretendin' to be Roxy. Reckon I could cause some 'avoc wiv that! Heh!


...Wossat, love? Yer after a way to get past the guard? Wot are you two rascals up to, eh?



Well, that's your business, I s'pose. All I can say is, 'e's a young chap, so 'e's prob'ly got love on 'is mind most of the time. You know wot men are like, eh?



A year or two back, I could've turned 'is 'ead meself, you know. I was quite a stunner in me day. But them days are gone, I'm afraid...



Word is you two are goin' round askin' all kinds o' questions. Wot's goin' on, eh?



You wot? You want me to 'elp you forge a love letter from Roxy to that guard? Cor, you don't ask much, do ya!?



But I reckon it might be a laugh, you know. I've seen 'ow 'e looks at 'er. Smitten, 'e is!



...Go on, then. You know I don't like messin' wiv people's 'eads usually.



But it ain't like 'e don't deserve it. An' besides, anyfink for my darlin' Erik! Let's see if I've still got the old magic, shall we?


Ruby takes out some writing paper and a pen and composes a red-hot love letter!


There we go! I've put 'earts over the ‘I’s and little kiss marks, just like wot Roxy does. Give this to that moon-eyed guard and watch it work its magic!




<pc> receives the forged love letter!


I know I ain't one to talk, but you keep yerselves out o' trouble, alright? I'd 'ate to see you thrown in jail.



Go on—go an' give that love letter to the guard. 'E'll never guess in a million years I wrote it! Heh heh!



So, did me little love letter do the trick? I'll bet it got his heart poundin' ten to the dozen! Ahh, you blokes ain't 'alf gullible!



A sudden gust of wind blows the love letter away!


*: I don't know what you're skulking about for—there's no way I'm letting the likes of you through here!


*: Wot d'you want? Can't you tell I'm busy?



*: ...You wot? Yer tryin' to come up wiv a way to get past the guard, and yer finkin' o' usin'...a dog!?



*: Are you bleedin' mad!? If 'e gets wind o' you tryin' any funny business, you'll be straight in the dungeons!




*: Wot you need is a foolproof plan. ...An' I just so 'appen to 'ave one!



*: I do a little bit o' tunnel-buildin' on the side, see. An' it just so 'appens that me latest creation is just about finished.



*: But I've only gone an' broken the flintstone I've been usin' to dig wiv. I was so close, an' all!



*: If you could sort me out wiv a new one, well...



*: I might find it in me 'eart to let you be the lucky devil who gets to...test me little passage through the wall, if you know wot I mean. Heh heh. Well? You up for it?<yesno>



*: Heh heh! Come on, don't be like that! This is a once in a lifetime opportunity, mate!



*: So come on, wot d'you reckon? You gonna take me up on me little offer or not?<yesno>



*: Heh heh! That's the spirit! I knew you'd see sense! After all, you'd be a fool to pass up a chance like this!



*: I reckon if you search round town, you'll turn up a bit o' flintstone in the end. Smash a few pots, see what you can find, innit.


*: First bloke through the wall! Talk about an honour! And that, my friend, could be you!



*: I reckon if you search round town, you'll turn up a bit o' flintstone in the end. Smash a few pots, see what you can find, innit.



*: Oh ho! Wot've we got 'ere then? Looks like a nice piece o' flintstone to me! So, are you gonna give it 'ere, or wot?<yesno>


*: Eh!? ‘No’!? Are you kiddin' me!? Don't mess me about, alright?


*: Much obliged! Now I can finally finish me tunnel! Gimme just a second 'ere...


*: Right, one last push! Hup! Not far now... Hup! That's it, go on, my son... Hup! I can see light! One more biggun... HUP!!!


*: I did it! Me masterpiece is finished at last!



*: It's beautiful! Just beautiful! An' I couldn't've done it wivout ya! You little beauty! Heh heh!



*: Right, don't let no one say I ain't a man o' me word—go on, through you go. First dibs is all yours.



*: Heh heh! Tunnels, eh? Nuffink else quite gives you that magical feelin' o' goin' from one place to anuvver wivout 'avin' to go round. Well, use it as much as you like!


It seems to be a tunnel linking this part of Heliodor to an alley in the upper part of town. Go through it?<yesno>


*: Not so fast, you! There's no way you're coming through here!


*: Roxy's worth 'er weight in gold, she really is. She's the most famous dancer in the city, so everyone's 'eard of 'er, rich and poor. Which means she always packs the place out!



*: When she first told me she wanted to work 'ere, my jaw nearly 'it the floor! You don't find talent like that every day, I'm tellin' ya.



*: N-Nooo! Not a dog! Anything but that! Eeek!



*: I can't be standing here on sentry duty at a time like this! No, when love calls, one must answer!



*: Zzz... Mmm, Roxy... My darling Roxy...! We'll be together...mmm...forever... Zzz...



*: All's well in Heliodor!


*: Not so fast, you! There's no way you're coming through here!


*: ...Of course, there is one way to get me to change my mind. I'm talking about cold hard cash, and lots of it—2000 gold coins, to be precise. So, what do you say?<yesno>


*: Well, in that case there's nothing doing. May I suggest you make yourself scarce? Sharpish!


*: Pah! Do you think I can't count or something? Come back when you've got enough!



*: Zzz... (sniff) Zzz...



*: 'Ello, 'andsome! You're new! Let me guess—come from somewhere out in the sticks to see yours truly strut 'er stuff, 'ave ya? Tee hee! Thought so! Well, enjoy!



*: I ain't short on fans, ya know. Even the little nippers love me! There's this one in particular, but 'e ain't around at the mo. Prob'ly off playin' 'ide-and-seek...



*: 'E's quite a character, that one. Got all these...'idey-'oles all around town, 'e 'as. Sits in 'em an' earwigs on all the latest gossip, the cheeky little toerag.


*: What is it, love? Did you wanna ask me somefink?<yesno>


*: Hee hee! Just 'ere to watch me strut me stuff then, eh? Well, tonight I'm gonna give it me all, so enjoy!



*: ...Eh? You want me to distract the guard wiv me good looks an' winnin' personality? Sorry love, can't 'elp you there, I'm afraid.



*: When yer a stunner like me, you soon learn not to mess wiv blokes' feelings. Never ends well, believe me.



*: An' besides, if I start doin' special favours for you, all the fans'll be askin'. Not worth the 'assle, love. Sorry.



*: This place is legend'ry! It's filthy, it's got no roof and the food's bleedin' awful. But the drinks're cheap, and the dancers...heh, they're out o' this world!



*: I'll bet yer 'ere for an eyeful o' Roxy an' all, ain'tcha?<yesno>


*: Well, your loss, mate. Trust me, she's the bee's knees—an' then some!


*: Well, yer out o' luck I'm afraid. Ol' Roxy don't get 'ere till the sun goes down.



*: Not that she's been back for a while. I've been waitin' for 'er for days now... Aww, I can't wait to see 'er again! Come on, Rox...!



*: Roxy darlin', you rock my world!




*: Nobody does it better than Roxy! No, I'll never get tired o' watchin' 'er do 'er stuff, not in a million years, mate!



*: Welcome to downtown 'Eliodor, the grimy little secret the posh folks over the wall don't want you to know about! Heh!



*: You ain't from round 'ere, eh? Well, if you ain't got a reason to stick around, I wouldn't bovver.



*: ...Wossat? Yer lookin' to get over the other side of the wall?



*: Now you mention it, I did 'ear a rumour about some bloke diggin' a tunnel. Dunno 'oo, though. Or where...


*: 'Ello, love. 'Ave you seen all the nippers playin' 'ide-and-seek round town? It's all the rage wiv the littluns these days. Word is, young Cammo's the sneakiest of the lot.



*: An' the ears on the boy! There ain't a bit o' gossip 'e don't catch. Told me the other day he'd got somefink juicy on the guard down at the gate there.



*: ...You wot? You want a word wiv 'im, you say? Well, last I saw, 'e was up in the walkways somewhere.


*: Hanging out here jamming is all well and good, but I can't help feeling I'd like to play in front of some slightly bigger crowds...



*: But that would mean hitting the nice part of town, and I don't have the money or contacts to get past the checkpoint. If only there was a way of sneaking through...


*: Cor, I dunno wot I'd do wivout Roxy!



*: All me problems, all me worries, they just disappear when she starts dancin'. Ahh, she's the best!



It seems to be a tunnel linking this part of Heliodor to the slums. Go through it?<yesno>


Wait! The guards'll spot us! It's too risky!



If we need to leave, we'll have to do it from downtown.


Hold up, <pc>. The guards aren't going to let us past, so we'll need to find another way to get to Derk's shop.


Hey! If the guards spot us now, this will all have been for nothing. We need to get to Derk's shop!


‘Wanted: The Darkspawn

This dangerous fugitive is believed to be at large in Heliodor.

If you see him, alert the authorities immediately.’


*: With Heliodor's crack troops on the case, those fugitives don't stand a chance!


*: Hm? You know, I have the strangest feeling I've seen your face somewhere before...



*: I can't sleep at night thinking about those terrifying fugitives who've escaped from the castle. I hope they catch them soon!


*: I heard that those criminals who escaped were being kept in the deepest dungeon in the castle before they broke out.



*: If they were locked up down there, it must mean they were the worst of the worst. Brrr! I just hope I don't run into them!



*: Have you heard about the Darkspawn? Apparently, they had him locked up in the dungeons, but he managed to escape.



*: I don't know much about him, but he's supposed to have this grudge against the world which makes him want to destroy everything. Sounds like a pretty sinister character to me...



*: I'm sure I've seen your ugly mug somewhere before...



*: I just wish I could remember where it was...



*: Well, never mind. I can't let myself be distracted—I need to stay focused on finding the Darkspawn.



*: If they're sending all these soldiers to catch two fugitives, they must be some seriously scary individuals.



*: What is all this kerfuffle? Whatever in the world is going on?


*: I'm not sure what's going on, but all I know is that with Sir Hendrik on our side, we'll be safe.


*: Apparently, one of the fugitives is a nasty little thief by the name of Erik. The last I heard, he broke into the royal treasure rooms in search of loot.



*: If he'd known what was good for him, he'd have stayed in his cell and had a good think about what he'd done. But oh no! He had to go and break out, the rotter!


*: Those fugitives might think they're clever, but our men are going to catch up with them! Justice will be done, you mark my words!



*: The best thing to do is show them the old Heliodorian spirit. Keep calm and carry on, that's what I say!


*: Everyone's making a fuss about these fugitives, but I'm just going to have a nice, refreshing drink and leave it all to the brave guards of Heliodor!


*: It was quite a sight to see Sir Jasper ride by with his troops! He's just so... So dashing!



*: I just can't wait for him to catch those awful outlaws and return. Rest assured, I'll be here to cheer him on!




*: Apparently, the two criminals who broke out of the dungeon are stone-cold killers without an emotion between them. I just pray I can stay out of their way...



*: I'm too young to die...



*: Ah-phew! Ah-phew!


*: Every soldier in town is running around saying some character called the Darkspawn is on the loose. I can't make head nor tail of it.



*: All I know is they've got me too het up to enjoy my food! Honestly, what is the world coming to?


*: I heard that the fugitives were trying to find a way to sneak out of town.



*: If I were you, I wouldn't go wandering around—you never know who you might bump into.


*: A colleague of mine told me that the fugitives were cornered while they were escaping, and ended up jumping off a cliff.



*: They must have survived though, otherwise they wouldn't have us out looking for them. I hope we find them soon...


*: Wherever you're going, whatever you're doing, don't even think about setting off without perusing my fine wares!



*: ...What's that? Is this Derk's shop? Well, I'm very flattered, but I'm afraid not. No, his is in a much more exclusive location up by the castle.


*: ...What's that? Is this Derk's shop? Well, I'm very flattered, but I'm afraid not. No, his is in a much more exclusive location up by the castle.



*: You've got the Darkspawn on the loose and more and more monsters roaming round the place. Something's seriously wrong with the world...



*: ‘Darkspawn’... ‘Darkspawn’... Brrr! Just saying the word is enough to send shivers down my spine!



*: They're saying that the Darkspawn is destined to revive some kind of evil spirit. Well, all I know is that I don't want to run into him in a dark alley!



*: ...Hm? What's that? What kind of evil spirit? I haven't got the foggiest, I'm afraid. I'm just repeating something a soldier told me.


*: Allow me to give you some free financial advice: if you've managed to save some money, you're best off putting it in the bank. No ne'er-do-wells will be able to nobble it there.


*: ...What's that? You're looking for a shop run by someone called Derk? Hmm... I've got a feeling there's someone by that name who lives in a big mansion by the castle.



*: If you're heading up to that part of town, take my advice and use the rope up on the roof of this house. You'll be there much quicker.



*: Just one word of advice: you'll need to be able to jump to get up there. You can do that by pressing , in case you didn't know.



*: This soldier just told me this was no place for kids, and that I should get home before the Darkspawn catches me. Whatever...


*: Hey, I heard some grown-ups talking. They said the Darkspawn has a grudge against everyone in the whole world!



*: But why? What did we ever do to him?


*: From what I hear, this Darkspawn fellow can't be a human being. He's clearly some kind of monster!



*: The other fugitive is some thief by the name of Erik. He's definitely human as far as I know—so what does he think he's doing associating with that...thing!?



*: This Darkspawn bloke is bad news. They say 'e's gonna trigger a calamity that'll end life as we know it. Don't sound too good, does it?



*: Mind you, 'owever bad 'e is, 'e can't be as frightenin' as my muvver-in-law!


*: The guards really slipped up, it seems. The last person you want escaping from the dungeons is someone hell-bent on reviving a terrifying evil spirit.



*: I've never seen Heliodor in such a state of panic and confusion. I really, really hope this will all blow over soon.


I wouldn't go near the castle unless you want to be slung in the cells again...


*: Why, hello. Charmed, I'm sure. You must be Erik. One is lucky enough to be married to the magnificent Derk. He has told us such an awful lot about you!



*: One understands that you are quite the most light-fingered gentleman in all the realm. Fascinating... It's an honour to meet such a...rogue.


*: So apparently, someone told the authorities they'd spotted someone who looked just like the Darkspawn. That's why everyone's on high alert.



*: I just saw a whole troop of soldiers racing toward the gates. I daresay they must have spotted these escaped prisoners everyone's been talking about.


*: If you're ever heading to the nicer part of town, take my advice and use the rope up on the roof of this house. You'll be there in no time.



A little bird tells me that 'Endrik an' 'is men took that orb to the Kingsbarrow, an' it's been under lock an' key there ever since.



Don't envy the poor mugs that little journey. You 'ave to go round by the Manglegrove to get there—an' that place is every bit as nasty as it sounds...




*: Heh heh! Couldn't've come at a better time, mate!



*: I do a little bit o' tunnel-buildin' on the side, see. An' it just so 'appens that me latest creation is just about finished.



*: But I've only gone an' broken the flintstone I've been usin' to dig wiv. I was so close, an' all!



*: If you could sort me out wiv a new one, well...



*: I might find it in me 'eart to let you be the lucky devil who gets to...test me little passage through the wall, if you know wot I mean. Heh heh. Well? You up for it?<yesno>



*: Heh heh! Come on, don't be like that! This is a once in a lifetime opportunity, mate!



*: So come on, wot d'you reckon? You gonna take me up on me little offer or not?<yesno>



*: Heh heh! That's the spirit! I knew you'd see sense! After all, you'd be a fool to pass up a chance like this!



*: I reckon if you search round town, you'll turn up a bit o' flintstone in the end. Smash a few pots, see what you can find, innit.


*: First bloke through the wall! Talk about an honour! And that, my friend, could be you!



*: I reckon if you search round town, you'll turn up a bit o' flintstone in the end. Smash a few pots, see what you can find, innit.



*: Oh ho! Wot've we got 'ere then? Looks like a nice piece o' flintstone to me! So, are you gonna give it 'ere, or wot?<yesno>


*: Eh!? ‘No’!? Are you kiddin' me!? Don't mess me about, alright?


*: Much obliged! Now I can finally finish me tunnel! Gimme just a second 'ere...


*: Right, one last push! Hup! Not far now... Hup! That's it, go on, my son... Hup! I can see light! One more biggun... HUP!!!


*: I did it! Me masterpiece is finished at last!



*: It's beautiful! Just beautiful! An' I couldn't've done it wivout ya! You little beauty! Heh heh!



*: Right, don't let no one say I ain't a man o' me word—go on, through you go. First dibs is all yours.



*: Heh heh! Tunnels, eh? Nuffink else quite gives you that magical feelin' o' goin' from one place to anuvver wivout 'avin' to go round. Well, use it as much as you like!


*: Come on, mister! You ain't busy or nuffink! Come an' play 'ide-and-seek wiv us!



*: I wanted to keep playin', but that old night watchman told me to clear off and go 'ome! 'E's stupid! An' really old!


*: Welcome to downtown 'Eliodor, the grimy little secret the posh folks over the wall don't want you to know about! Heh!



*: You ain't from round 'ere, eh? Well, if you ain't got a reason to stick around, I wouldn't bovver.



*: ...You wot? Yer plannin' on goin' to the Manglegrove? Well, I'd strongly recommend you don't, but if you insist, it's due south of 'ere.



*: Come off it, will you? If you want to play, play with kids your own age!



*: Why would I want to play hide-and-seek? I'm a grown man! Now get out of my hair, will you?


*: I know it sounds a bit weird, but I gave my house to a bunch of local brats to look after. Well, I didn't need it any more.



*: A house is somewhere to live with a family. It's not a place to rattle round in on your own. The way things turned out, I realised I was better off getting rid of it.


*: 'Ello, love. 'Ave you seen all the nippers playin' 'ide-and-seek round town? It's all the rage wiv the littluns these days. Word is, young Cammo's the sneakiest of the lot.



*: An' the ears on the boy! There ain't a bit o' gossip 'e don't catch. Told me the other day he'd got somefink juicy on the guard down at the gate there.


*: Heh! You'll never guess what! We only own this 'ouse!



*: Yeah! That bloke over there went an' gave it to us! Pretty generous, eh?


*: I'm gonna find you, Cammo! I'm gonna find you if it's the last fing I do! Come out, come out, wherever you aaare!


*: It's 'ard livin' wivout grown-ups to look after us, but it 'appens a lot round 'ere.



*: Well, at least we got our mates an' a roof over our 'eads. Could be worse, eh?


*: I couldn't find Cammo anywhere, but never mind that—I found a well juicy mushroom down the dump! I'm gonna eat it for me tea!



*: Zzz... Mummm... Dad... Found you... Zzz... Where were you...'idin'...?


1.04 Manglegrove


*: It's your lucky day! I'm a travelling salesman, and to celebrate us running into each other like this, I'm going to offer you some special discounts! Have a look...


*: Oh, it's you! Thanks again. If it wasn't for you, I'd never have made it over here. Now...


Here, let me give you some of the ingredients you need for those recipes I gave you. Maybe you could try forging yourself a weapon or something...


So you finished your first-ever forging session, huh? Nice. Did everything go according to plan?<yesno>


Not so good, huh? Well, don't worry too much—it takes a while to get used to. Just keep trying, and you'll get there in the end!


Nice work! You must be a natural! Don't rest on your laurels just yet, though—this is a deep, deep art we're talking about here.



Oh, by the way, you can bust out the Fun-Size Forge any time you want—you just have to head to a campsite or dig it out of your bag.



Alright, I think it's time to call it a day. We've been through a lot. Better grab some rest while we can...


Up and at 'em, champ! The sun's high in the sky already—time for us to head to Cobblestone.


*: (sniff sniff)


Is it just me, or do you get the feeling there's something funny going on up ahead? Let's follow that path by the cabin.


Gah! Somebody smashed up the bridge! How are we meant to get across now?



I guess we're just gonna have to find another way. Let's take a look around...


The mark on <pc>'s hand is glowing. It seems to be responding to the curiously shaped plant. Hold your hand out to it?<yesno>


*: So, you have returned to the haven of the church. You are always welcome here, my child.



*: But please do be careful out there—the fugitives remain at large, it seems. Now, let me offer you what succour I can...


Remember that if you're ever at a loss as to where to go next, it's a good idea to seek out one of the World Tree's roots.



Chances are, you'll get some hints on what you need to do.



After all, you're one of the special ones—chosen by Yggdrasil. And by golly, that hair... Life just isn't fair...


Hey, we need to watch our step. We're wanted men, remember?



It's probably a good idea to avoid Heliodor Castle until the heat dies down a little...


Hold up, <pc>—the castle will be crawling with guards searching for us.



I don't know about you, but I'm in no hurry to get thrown back in the dungeon. We need to give this place a wide berth.


*: A pair of dangerous criminals have escaped from the castle dungeons, so we're combing the town for them.



*: You look like you're from out of town, so I'll give you some advice—walking round with your faces covered like that is only going to make people suspicious.


*: So you're a visitor to Heliodor, are you? Well, I've got to say, your timing's not great.



*: We've got dangerous fugitives hiding somewhere in the city. You'd be well advised to come back some other time.


*: You mark my words—Sir Hendrik always gets his man! They don't call him the Hero of Heliodor for nothing—he's basically an all-round legend!



*: It's only a matter of time before he tracks down those fugitives!



There's no response. It's just a corpse.



There's no response. It's just a corpse.



There's no response. It's just a corpse.



There's no response. It's just a corpse.



There's no response. It's just a corpse.



There's no response. It's just a corpse. But something's been hurriedly scrawled in the dust next to it...



‘To the altar... Hurry... The Orb...’



The writing trails off after that. The poor soldier must have run out of strength...


*: Ahoy there! We don't get too many visitors round these parts. You've come to see the Kingsbarrow, I'll wager?<yesno>


*: Hoohoo! Pull the other one, sonny! 'Course you're here to see it! Why else would you drag your hide all the way out here?



*: Well, you'll find it off to the west there—can't miss it!



*: Aye, I thought as much. No point dragging your hide all the way out here otherwise.


The doors won't budge an inch.


The doors won't budge an inch, and the Keystone seems to have no effect.


A mysterious glowing barrier blocks the way.


1.05 Cobblestone (Flashback)


It looks like a child has scrawled something on the sign...



‘By orders uv the King! <pc> is a verry gud boy an if you see him youve got to giv him lots uv sweeties!’


*: It's rare to see travellers here in Cobblestone! I hope you enjoy your stay...though we don't have an inn or anything, I'm afraid...



*: But what we do have is Amber—she's always very hospitable, and I'm sure she'll be happy to put you up if you ask nicely. She lives over on the east side of the village.


*: This is the fastest filly in the village! But she won't be doing much running for a while—she's about to become a mother!



*: I'll bet her foal will be even quicker on its feet than she is!


*: Ooh, just look at you! You must have been on quite the journey—your clothes are filthy! I've a good mind to make you strip off and give them a scrub!


*: Mmm! Get a sniff o' that! There's a lovely smell o' stew waftin' from Amber's window. Ahh, I'd kill for a bowlful!



*: Reckon if I ask nicely, she might 'ave a little goin' spare. It's worth a try, innit? There's nuffink like a little 'ome-cooked dinner every now an' then!


*: Welcome to Cobblestone! Not a lot goes on here, but I hope you enjoy your visit!



*: ...What's that? You were born here? Har har! Yeah, sure you were! And I'm the King of Heliodor! Har har har!


*: The big tree in the middle of town is truly a wonder. Come drought or disaster, it just keeps on growing.



*: Why, I walked past it this morning and the leaves all seemed to be rustling, even though there wasn't a breath of wind! It almost felt like it was trying to tell me something...


*: Make sure you watch out for young <pc>. He's always up to some mischief or other!



*: Apparently, he played a trick on the poor old woman in the shop and now she's on the warpath!


*: Ahh, they grow up so fast! I just saw young Gemma running past with Sandy. To think—it seems like only yesterday that she was a babe in arms!



*: Sorry, my dad told me not to talk to strangers.



*: ...Oh no! I talked to a stranger! My dad's going to be so mad! This is all your fault! Why did you have to go and speak to me!?



*: Stop talking to me! ...Ach! I did it again! I spoke to a stranger!


*: Hmph! We were supposed to be playing hide-and-seek, but it looks like Gemma's found something better to do.



*: I'll bet she's off somewhere with <pc>. Why does she always want to play with just him?



*: Hmm... <pc> is a good boy, and we should give him lots of sweeties, eh? And it's an order from the King, no less...



*: That <pc> is an absolute menace! Just look at this sign! It's ruined!


*: (munch gulp)


*: That cheeky so-and-so! You'll never believe his latest trick—he hid a frog in a jug of water, and when I took the lid off, it jumped out at me! I almost died of shock!



*: And that's not all! I went and dropped the jug, and now the floor's soaking wet! When I catch that <pc>, I'll have his guts for garters!



*: ...Eh? What's that? You're <pc>, you say? Oh, don't be so silly! There's no use you covering for him, you know!


*: ...Eh? What's that? You're <pc>? Would you cut that nonsense out? You must think I was born yesterday!


*: Mmm! My old mum must be the greatest cook in Cobblestone! What do you say? Fancy trying a little bit of her delicious food?<yesno>


*: ...Oops! What am I saying!? There isn't any left to offer you—I've gone and scoffed it all! Wah hah hah!


*: I wish that useless son of mine would stop sitting round stuffing his face and go and find himself a wife! I want some grandkids before I cark it! Is that too much to ask?



*: Eek! What are you doing standing there!?



*: Don't you know it's bad manners to interrupt a lady at prayer? Honestly, some people!



Well now, we don't get many visitors here. You're very welcome, of course. The name's Dunstan, and it's my very great honour to be mayor of this here village of Cobblestone.



...What's that you say? You knew that already? Interesting... Have I bumped into you somewhere before? I'm not normally the forgetful type, but I can't for the life of me think where we might have met.


Hmm... So we've met somewhere before, have we? I'm not normally the forgetful type, but I can't for the life of me think where...


*: Oh, my poor Gemma. She puts a brave face on it, but I know how sad it makes her that her old mum's too frail to leave the house. Ahh, I've put her through so much...



*: Still, at least she has <pc>, eh? Playing with him always puts the smile back on her face. What would we do without him, eh?



*: Dearie me! I am sorry! I shouldn't be burdening you with all my worries! You're just visiting, after all!



*: I wouldn't normally be so forthcoming, but there's something strangely familiar about you. I wonder what it could be...



*: Where can he be? He told me he had something important to tell me, and now he's nowhere to be seen...



*: Please, Father! Pray for me! I have to do this! I have to strike while the iron's hot! She's not going to wait forever! I have to pop the question!



*: Have faith, my child. The Spirit of the Land is watching over you. Gather your courage and do what you have to do. You are meant to be together.



*: Oh, hello there! I'm a little bit busy at the moment. And by the looks of things, I will be for a little while yet...




*: Come now, my child. Gather your courage and do what you must do! Have faith in the power that watches over you!


*: You're travelling alone, are you? Ahh, that's the best way to see the world! You never know what you're going to discover, or what new friends you're going to meet!



*: I mean, I never expected to find love on the open road, but then I went and met my wife-to-be, and the rest is history! Ho ho!


*: Just visiting Cobblestone, are you? You know, it's strange—I could swear I've met you somewhere before...


*: (snort) Neeeigh!


A curious power emanates from the root wrapped around the tree...


*: I could have sworn that was Amber I heard screaming. I hope nothing untoward's going on...



*: Are you alright? You look a little pale.


*: I just 'eard a blood-curdlin' shriek! I 'ope nuffink funny's goin' on...



*: S-Something terrible's happening! I just heard a woman screaming! Someone has to help her, whoever she is!




You again! Look, I warned you! I want you out of my house this instant! Don't make me tell you again!




*: (sniff) M-My headscarf! I'll never get it back... (sob)


The girl's headscarf is stuck in the tree. Retrieve it for her?<yesno>



*: (sniff) M-My headscarf! I'll never get it back... (sob)


The girl's headscarf is stuck in the tree. Retrieve it for her?<yesno>



Woof woof! Woof woof woof!



*: (sniff) M-My headscarf! I'll never get it back... (sob)



That's <pc> there!


*: What are you up to? Playing tag, are you? Oh, to be young again!


A curious power emanates from the root wrapped around the tree...


Woof! Woof woof!


*: I wanted to show off in front o' me girl, but it didn't 'alf backfire! I thought it'd be easy enough—just beat ol' Chalky in a fishin' contest and watch 'er swoon.



*: Turns out the sly old devil knows wot 'e's doin'. 'E just kept reelin' 'em in, non-stop! Made me look like a proper numpty, I tell ya!



*: Keep following this path and you'll reach Cobblestone Tor. It's where the Spirit of the Land lives, or so they say.



*: It's very special to us, but I expect to an outsider it probably just looks like a big old lump of rock, doesn't it?



*: Neigh! Neeeigh!


The curious energy that once emanated from the root can no longer be felt.


<pc>'s old bed still looks comfortable enough. Lie down for a rest?<yesno>


The bed has seen better days, but it's probably still possible to sleep in it. Lie down for a rest?<yesno>


*: I am a travelling priest. I heard a terrible rumour that this village was to be razed to the ground, and rushed from Heliodor to try to reason with the troops. Alas, it seems I was too late...



*: King Carnelian ordered that the entire place be destroyed for its role in raising the accursed Darkspawn.



*: But did the people of Cobblestone really deserve this? Seeing such terrible devastation, one wonders who the real sinners are...



*: At least the troops did not destroy the church. That is something. And inside, you will find a bed where a traveller may yet rest his weary bones.



*: Now, though things may look bleak, one may still find comfort in the age-old rituals...


*: Fortunately, the Heliodorian forces did not destroy the church. That is something at least. And inside, you will find a bed where a traveller may yet rest his weary bones.



*: Now, though things may look bleak, one may still find comfort in the age-old rituals...


Hey, we need to watch our step. We're wanted men, remember?



It's probably a good idea to avoid Heliodor Castle until the heat dies down a little...


Hold up, <pc>—the castle will be crawling with guards searching for us.



I don't know about you, but I'm in no hurry to get thrown back in the dungeon. We need to give this place a wide berth.


Hey, we need to watch our step. We're wanted men, remember?



It's probably a good idea to avoid Heliodor Castle until the heat dies down a little...


Hold up, <pc>—the castle will be crawling with guards searching for us.



I don't know about you, but I'm in no hurry to get thrown back in the dungeon. We need to give this place a wide berth.


The curious energy that once emanated from the root can no longer be felt.


<pc>'s old bed still looks comfortable enough. Lie down for a rest?<yesno>


The bed has seen better days, but it's probably still possible to sleep in it. Lie down for a rest?<yesno>


This looks like the rock Chalky described.



It's cool and strangely soothing to the touch.


Listen, before we hit the Door of Departure, there's that thing I need to do.



I'm not going anywhere without the Orb. We need to get to the Kingsbarrow.


Hey, we need to watch our step! We're wanted men, remember?



It's probably a good idea to avoid Heliodor Castle until the heat dies down a little...


Hold up, <pc>—the castle will be crawling with guards searching for us.



I don't know about you, but I'm in no hurry to get thrown back in the dungeon. We need to give this place a wide berth.


*: A whole troop of soldiers rode by just a short while ago. The sooner they apprehend those fugitives, the better. Now...


The curious energy that once emanated from the root can no longer be felt.


<pc>'s old bed still looks comfortable enough. Lie down for a rest?<yesno>


The bed has seen better days, but it's probably still possible to sleep in it. Lie down for a rest?<yesno>


*: What's that, now? You're looking for the Door of Departure, you say? Well, I couldn't be certain, but there's an old building out east of here with a big set of doors on it.



*: If you've a mind to go traipsing out to far-flung ruins, you could do worse than go and take a look. You never know...



The doors won't budge an inch, and the Keystone seems to have no effect.


1.06 Hotto


*: Nothing has disturbed this place in aeons, and yet here you are. I can only imagine what curious path has led you here...but mine is not to reason why. Perhaps I can be of assistance...


*: I haven't seen you round here before. Well, whatever you're doing, you're going to need supplies! And that's where I come in...


*: Child gone, mother's fear.

Panic like ice, then relief—

The guard has found him!



*: This place has known fear.

A great red dragon of fire,

Craving human flesh.



*: Foul Tatsunaga!

Beware his volcano lair:

Huji, mount of fire.



*: Beneath Mount Huji,

Like snowstorms on summer days,

Visitors are rare.



*: Your blue-haired comrade

Steams in the stairtop sauna,

A peak in the mist.



*: High Priestess Miko.

Her son, our finest swordsman,

Ryu, strong as the bear.



*: Brave as the lion.

He slew the mighty dragon,

But he too was slain...



*: Our forge is our pride.

It stands there atop the stairs.

Go—glimpse its wonder!


*: I came here in search of a new supply of weapons, and I have been richly rewarded. The quality of the steel here is truly second to none.



*: Am I right in thinking that you are visitors here? I strongly recommend that you purchase some arms before you leave. You will not regret it.


*: We stood by and watched—

Meanwhile Miko and her son

Went to fight the beast.



*: The dragon lay slain,

But the price paid was heavy—

The life of the boy.



*: Now our mistress grieves.

And our efforts to soothe her

Fall like rain on stone.



*: You are a pilgrim?

Then come, friend, join me in prayer!

Give thanks and be well!



*: I prayed, prayed again!

Prayed for our deliverance

From the foul dragon.



*: Deliverance came,

But my prayers must continue,

Lest darkness return.


*: Our mistress is here.

Our guide in life's endless storm.

She redeems us all.



*: Our mistress is here.

But now the hour has grown late,

And she takes her rest.



*: Go, friend, and rest now.

Rise as the birds greet the dawn—

Miko will be here.



*: The steel of Hotto,

Celebrated far and wide,

Our forge never sleeps.



*: They come from the west—

Merchants from the desert lands,

In search of our swords.



*: Truly I am blessed,

For who eats as well as I?

Wife? Ha! No—angel!


*: Steel, red as magma,

Hammered slowly into shape.

So a sword is forged.



*: Smith's blood, sweat and tears

Mingle with metal, arms ache.

Such is our calling.



*: We are poor as mice,

But we still have each other.

This is no small thing.



*: The volcano broods.

Hot water bubbles beneath,

Steamy baths are filled.



*: Black pipes stand sentry,

Working tirelessly for us.

Releasing hot steam.



*: I must eat my greens.

Without them, like old lettuce,

I will droop and wilt.


*: Hot water rises,

Eggs descend, boil and harden.

Delicious meeting!



*: Our eggs make great gifts—

Take them with you when you go!

Tasty mementos!



*: Mmm, supper beckons!

A soothing soup of delight,

An egg floats within!



*: A mother's kindness.

Love served up by the bowlful.

A family meal.


*: Mysterious girl.

Temper fiery as lava,

Words harsh as winter.



*: Where does she hail from?

What has brought her to our home,

This red-hatted girl?


*: My sister is strong,

Her appetite knows no bounds.

She ate my dinner...


*: Welcome to our home!

You have timed your visit well,

As bears time their rest.



*: The dragon is gone.

Sun rises on peaceful dawn

For all to enjoy.


*: I came here intending to spread the good word, but I find that I am spending far too much time relaxing in the sauna. Really, I must keep my mind on the job...


*: Alright? Are you a tourist too? I've brought my girl here for a relaxing spa weekend. I hope she likes it...


*: I've come here with my boyfriend. It's our first trip away together. I must say, he's come up trumps with this one—this place is a bit weird, but I like it!


*: My name is Miko.

Leader of this town's people,

Maiden of the shrine.



Our home is humble,

A place of hot springs and steel.

Little happens here.


*: Your eyes seem weary,

As if you have seen trouble.

Does something ail you?<yesno>


*: ...Oh. Very well.



*: So all is not well...

But there is a solution—

The sauna awaits!



*: She hides her grief well,

But Miko mourns her son still.

This wound will not heal.



*: Alone in her room,

I hear her calling Ryu's name—

The child she has lost.



*: Our town was blighted.

Tatsunaga the dragon

Held us in his thrall.



*: But Miko was strong,

She would not let the beast win.

She chose to fight it.



*: She went with her son,

But victory was hard won—

Ryu paid with his life.



*: Ryu is our hero.

His life, fleeting but worthy,

Given to save us.



*: You may not enter—

A mother's grief is private.

The fox mourns her cub...



*: Ryu protected us.

His sword held the dragon back.

Now he is no more...



*: Miko lost her son.

Now she must live with her grief,

Bleak as winter rain.



*: Relax in our bath

Then slip into a futon—

Deep sleep awaits you...


*: Can the owl be wise

If his head is turned about?

Come, please—go around!



*: Wah! A c-c-customer! Ahem...



*: Squeak! The timid mouse,

Startled, begs rat not to come

Into his sanctum!





*: I welcome you, friend,

As the farmer welcomes rain!

Stay, please, browse awhile...


*: Does a ship make port

By approaching sea from land?

No, friend—go around!





*: The sweat pours down me

As the stream flows to the sea.

Relentless labour!


*: Mount Huji's black sands,

With the crucible's urging,

Give their gift of steel.



*: Swords, shields and armour—

All spring forth from its bounty,

Hard as cold moonlight.




*: He slinks from the dark,

A night creature. Is he a

Fugitive, perhaps?<yesno>


*: Friend, I speak in jest!

You are no prowling presence,

But a welcome guest!



*: Hotto welcomes you,

Town of hot springs and cold steel.

Savour its pleasures.



*: Hotto welcomes you,

Town of hot springs and cold steel.

Savour its pleasures.



*: But be on your guard—

Not all who you meet in life

Mean you well, my friend...



*: Before you leave us,

Buy our fine swords and armour—

They are made with love!



*: On the tavern stair—

Our merchants await you there,

Eyes glinting like gold!




*: I need hearty meals

Like the hungry forge needs fuel!

Om nom nom nom nom!


*: My love departed,

Seeking to forge a great sword.

When will he return? (sigh)




*: The hammer rises,

Like an eagle taking wing,

Then it falls once more.



*: Work the sword again,

Make a thousand folds of steel,

Sharp as dragon's teeth!


*: Now I learn my trade,

Hone my skills and chase my dream—

To build my own forge.



*: But I need money,

Without it, my dream remains

Distant as the stars.



Reach out and touch the Yggdrasil root?<yesno>


Reach out and touch the Yggdrasil root?<yesno>


It looks like an unfortunate adventurer has scrawled a desperate final message on the wall...



‘Defeat the sparkling skullrider, and look up to find its trail. Follow it, and it shall lead you to the surface!’



*: Wooo! Who are you? A pitiful weakling, without a shadow of a doubt!



*: I'm making sure no shady characters get through here while my boss is away. And that means you! Keh heh!


*: Gallopolis lies ahead. But I cannot allow you through without a pass.



*: If you seek a bed for the night, you would be wise to head north-east, to the village of Hotto.




*: Stop! Where do you think you are going? No one journeys to Gallopolis without a pass!



*: If you seek a bed for the night, you would be wise to head north-east, to the village of Hotto.




*: Do not waste my time!

You claim you travel alone?

You are but a child!



*: Your sister is lost?

Well, go and tell your parents—

I have work to do!



*: Don't you talk to me like that! I'm telling the truth! I'm travelling with my sister, and she's gone missing!


*: My dear, it is late.

Today's work is at an end—

No more steel to forge.



*: But the furnace burns

Sun-like, through both night and day.

So do not touch it!


*: Though so loud by day,

By night, they are as angels—

Quietude itself.



*: One day they will grow,

And fly free from mother's nest.

I will miss them then...



*: The valiant Ryu—

He who shielded us from harm,

Gone like last year's rain...



*: I wished to thank him,

To make him a mighty sword.

This dream too is gone...


*: A strange girl appears,

Picks a fight with the barman

And then she is gone.



*: Is she not aware?

Little girls should be silent

As snowfall on silk!



*: Where is she, you ask?

She marched toward the town gate—

Perhaps she is there?



*: Hear the dragon's roar!

Tremble as I leave my lair

To devour you all!



*: Ah-phew! Ah-phew!



*: You stupid dragon!

You are no match for my strength!

I, Ryu, shall slay you!



*: Zzz... Zzz...


*: You seek our steam baths?

Then you must ascend these stairs,

To the misty peak...




*: Bah! Our little date was going so well, and then he had to turn up!




*: Who does he think he is anyway, with his stupid blue hair?



*: Ooh, my heart's all aflutter! He was a proper looker, that one—and I love the whole blue hair thing!



*: Suddenly my boyfriend doesn't look so special...



*: The rumours were true—

A restless spirit haunts us!

My veins turn to ice...




*: Pray heed my advice—

A fearsome wraith is abroad,

Do not tarry here!



*: Hmph! The young these days!

Children are not welcome here!

Is nothing sacred?



*: We will not serve you.

Go and sweat in the sauna,

Leave us here in peace!



You are impatient,

Restless as the birds at dawn.

Come back when night falls.



A traveller comes,

Roaming, as I too once did,

All those years ago.



Savour each new sight!

Drink it in while you still can!

Blink, and it is gone...



*: She came here alone,

Fearless as a lion cub,

A girl on a quest.



*: She sought her sister,

One vanished like snow in spring.

I pray she finds her.



*: A drop of mirin,

Add soy, bonito, miso...

Ahh, delicious soup!




*: (gasp) An unwelcome guest,

Like a cuckoo in the nest!

Do not spoil the broth!



*: Did hunger guide you?

The aroma of dinner,

Floating on the breeze?



*: Exotic flavours.

A traveller finds himself

A long way from home.



*: Grasp one of our swords,

Forged from flame and solid steel,

Feel its sheer power...


*: Often would he come,

Ryu, the mighty warrior,

My swords to assay.



*: But he has fallen.

His battles all at an end,

His sword gathers rust...





*: Don sturdy armour—

Stout shields and rugged bracers.

Let battle begin...


*: A family firm,

My brother sells the weapons,

And I sell the shields.



*: Peruse our fine wares,

Arm yourself before you go—

And thank me later...





*: So we meet again!

Your friend is in the sauna,

Savouring the steam.



*: Does it sound tempting?

Will you don some lighter clothes

And join your comrade?<yesno>



*: That is no problem—

The sauna is always here

Should you change your mind.



*: A wise decision!

Let your soul be purified

Like fresh spring water.


<pc> changes into more appropriate attire.


*: Now you are ready.

The entranceway lies ahead—

Sweaty bliss awaits!



*: Now you are ready.

The entranceway lies ahead—

Sweaty bliss awaits!



Head outside?<yesno>


*: Stop!



*: A visitor comes.

A passing cloud, a drifter.

Are you here to bathe?<yesno>



*: Well, there is no rush—

The sauna is always here,

Constant as the sun.



*: Then you must change, please.

If you enter as you are

Sweat will fall like rain.


<pc> changes into more appropriate attire.


*: Now you are ready.

The entranceway lies ahead—

Sweaty bliss awaits!



*: Welcome, honoured guest!

The blue curtain is for men,

Red is for women.



*: Weary traveller,

Pilgrim of the dusty road,

Soothe your bones awhile.



*: Turning sand to steel—

A man's work is never done,

Busy as the bees.



*: Now hunger rages,

Belly rumbles like thunder,

Dinner time draws near.


*: Good samaritan,

You protect the wayward child

As hens do their brood.




*: Brother and sister,

They are always together,

Like the moon and stars.




*: And who is your friend?

A child her age needs her home

As fish need water.



*: The future is theirs—

Young people are our treasures,

Precious as spun gold.



*: What are you staring at? If you're finished here, clear off!



*: I've got enough trouble as it is—I brought my sweetheart here for a romantic day out, but I'm not sure she's enjoying it...



*: I'm not sure what he was thinking. Going to a sauna on a first date seems a bit much.



*: And this place is a little quiet, isn't it? I was hoping for somewhere with a bit of life...



*: B-Back in the sauna...

A mournful voice, a cold wind...

C-C-Could it be a ghost?



*: Y-You were in the baths?

The wr-wraith—the thing from beyond...

D-D-Did you see it, friend?<yesno>


*: What? Can it be true?

The wraith was no ghost or ghoul,

But just a lost child?


*: You did! I knew it!

But it was only a child?

Curse my jumpiness...


*: Is what you say true?

The voice was no ghost or ghoul,

But just a lost child?


*: I want to trust you...

But still it fills me with fear—

The haunted sauna...


*: Saunas and taverns,

A pairing made in heaven—

Cold drinks and hot steam!


*: Come, change your clothes, friend.

Savour the sauna's embrace!

Will you bathe awhile?<yesno>



*: That is no problem—

The sauna is always here

Should you change your mind.



*: A wise decision!

Let your soul be purified

Like fresh spring water.


<pc> changes into more appropriate attire.


*: Now you are ready.

The entranceway lies ahead—

Sweaty bliss awaits!



*: Now you are ready.

The entranceway lies ahead—

Sweaty bliss awaits!



*: Thank you for coming!

We await your return, friend,

As seeds await rain!



*: Eek! Intruder! Man!

A bold, ugly cuckoo stands

In the nest of doves!



*: Does the sun enter

The moon's serene kingdom? No!

Begone from here! Now!



*: You have quite a nerve!

You are as out of place here

As cats in the sea!


*: My vision is—Hic!—blurred...

I have been intemperate

As a storm at sea.



*: But what is that noise?

A voice raised, shrill as a bell,

Is trouble afoot?


*: This fiery young girl,

Her persistence knows no bounds—

And I know no rest...



*: You seek the tavern?

It is the other way, friend.

Just down the steps there.



*: My friends live up there—

Atsuo and Atsuko,

Close as close can be.



*: They fight, it is true,

But in the end they make up,

Choppy waters calmed.


*: I know that girl's face!

Ejected from the tavern,

A flea in her ear!



*: ...She means to return?

This time she has companions—

Perhaps it will work.



*: The hour has grown late.

Children should be home in bed,

Not roaming the streets.


*: No, there was no ghost.

I must have imagined it.

Jumping at shadows...



*: I must clear my head.

A quick trip to the sauna,

Sweat the bad things out.


*: Sweat glistens like dew.

The sultry heat cleanses me—

A phoenix, reborn.



*: Now you have joined me,

Fellow sauna devotee,

Let us sweat like men!


*: My skin, velvet smooth,

And softer than a ripe peach.

The sauna's blessing.



*: They look out of place,

These young companions of yours—

Like sheep amongst cows.


*: Pray, heed my warning—

If you intend to go west,

Be prepared to fight.



*: And that is not all—

Dark spirits lurk there, waiting...

Preying on the weak...



*: A sweet child appeared,

But sits now in the tavern,

Forlorn as the rain.


*: The little lost girl,

She came here with her father,

Dragged far from her home.



*: But where is he now?

Has he abandoned the girl?

The truth lost in clouds...


*: I worry for this young lady.



*: Where are her parents? Do they know she is here? I cannot help but fear the worst...


*: A strange labyrinth,

It stands near the westward coast,

Haunted by dark souls.



*: ...You mean to go there,

Though you have a child in tow?

I beg you, take care.


You seek Serena?

She said she was going west

To find her sister.



Leave the lost child here.

We will see that she is safe

As clams in their shells.




*: The very idea!

Is my job to mind children,

Or to tend the bar!?




*: Bring her father back—

His daughter should be with him,

Not here in an inn!



*: Find Connie's father.

I shall watch over the child

As shepherds watch sheep.



I've never been in a tavern before! Look at all the different bottles! It's really nice—apart from the funny smell...



Please find my daddy! I'll be a good girl till you get back!


Everyone here is so nice! The owner gave me a big bowl of soup! It tasted a bit funny, but I like it! It was called...mee-so. Mee-soooooo... Hee hee!



Please find my daddy! I'll be a good girl till you get back!


*: Who can this girl be?

Is she the owner's daughter,

Or a stray kitten?



*: She is out of place.

A tavern is for grown-ups,

For late nights and fun.


*: The girl dressed in green,

She was here, then she was gone,

Like leaves in autumn.




*: Now she has returned,

Like new grass in the meadow,

The first blush of spring.



*: But I am confused—

She sought her elder sister,

Not a little girl...



So, she has returned,

Fair Serena, radiant

As the noonday sun.



But the child's father—

Not in the labyrinth too?

Connie pines for him...



A strange voice comes from the other side of the door...




Say the secret word?<yesno>


But you don't know it!


<pc> repeats the word he heard in the vision...




The lock clicks open!



Voices can be heard on the other side of the door. <pc> gingerly pushes it open...


*: Finally you wake!

Your comrades rose long ago,

At morning's first light.



*: Now they wait below—

They wait for you to join them

As trees wait for spring.


*: Rumours and hearsay,

Kerfuffle at the tavern...

Do you know something?<yesno>


*: Hmph...

*: But this girl in red,

Does she not seek her parents,

As hatchlings seek hens?


*: But this is awful!

Children losing their loved ones—

Chicks fallen from nests...


*: So, this girl in red—

Does she not seek her parents,

As hatchlings seek hens?


*: What is happening?

Children losing their loved ones—

Chicks fallen from nests...


*: Off to the south-west,

Gallopolis, desert realm,

Horses fast as wind.



*: A sultan rules there,

Famed for his wisdom and strength.

I long to meet him.



*: Desert-dwellers come,

They buy our swords and armour,

Our coffers grow full.



*: We take pride in this—

Soldiers of Gallopolis,

Wielding our fine steel.


*: We live and breathe steel.

The sound of hammers clanking?

Music to our ears!



*: When you wield our swords,

A part of us is with you—

Our strength and our pride.



*: Against all the odds,

As a salmon swims upstream,

Her father returns.



*: Now reunited,

Connie's father celebrates—

He drinks like a fish.


*: The line of your jaw,

The glint of steel in your eyes—

I have seen this look.



*: Ryu, son of Miko,

Brave defender of the weak—

You share it with him.


*: Wherever you roam

Know that you have a place here,

A true home from home.


Oh! I've just remembered something important!



We have a long journey ahead of us, don't we, <pc>? Well, I happen to know a handy little spell that'll make life a lot easier for us! Just give me a minute...


Hnnnggghhh... Hnnngggggghhh... HYURGH! There!



<pc> learns Zoom!


You can use the spell I just taught you to travel back to anywhere you've been before, quick as a flash.



So if you want to come back here to Hotto, for example, just cast Zoom, think of Hotto, and you'll be back here just like that!



Right, now you've got that little beauty in your bag of tricks, let's go and find this Yggdrasil branch, shall we? Gallopolis is south-west of here. Come on!


*: Noah knows it all.

And it seems that you know him.

You surprise me, friend...


*: I hear that you are heading to Gallopolis, my cherished home, in search of a very precious item.



*: Well, be sure to request an audience with His Excellency, the Most Exalted Sultan. I am sure you will find him most obliging.


*: I have heard the news.

You found the lost girl's father—

A heroic deed.



*: All should learn from you,

A paragon of virtue,

A light in the dark.


Rich, poor, good and bad,

People of all stripes come here,

But none are like you...



Is it destiny,

That weight you seem to carry?

That light in your eyes?



*: Finally, relief!

My ordeal is at an end—

No more childminding...



*: My future is clear—

I want a child of my own,

A light in my life.


Oh, thank you! Thank you! You found my daddy! And you rescued him! Thank you so much!



He told me he got caught by these horrible monsters, and that you beat them! You're the best!


World Tree branches are rarer than rockin' 'orse poop, mate. That one in Gallopolis is the only one I know of. You'll want to be 'eadin' south-west.



Mind you, I don't reckon the Sultan'll just 'and the fing over, you know. But I'm sure you'll fink of somefing...


*: All's well that—Hic!—ends well!

The girl's—Hic!—father has been found,

We can drink in—Hic!—peace!



*: But it's a strange world—

He's a shady character

And she's a—Hic!—angel...


*: You are a fellow traveller, are you not? Tell me, do you sense something...sinister in these parts?



*: I hope there are no gh-ghosts here. Being a man of the cloth, I should not fear such things, and yet...I cannot help myself...


1.07 Gallopolis


*: Halt! None may pass without...erm...a pass!


Show the guard your pass?<yesno>


<pc> shows the Gallopolis Pass to the guard.


*: Hmm... Very well. Everything seems to be in order. Through you go.


*: One word of advice before you go—Gallopolis is a proud nation of noble knights. Be on your best behaviour.




*: Halt! None may pass without...erm...a pass!

Show the guard your pass?<yesno>


*: If you do not have a pass, you have no business here. Be on your way!



<pc> shows the Gallopolis Pass to the guard.


*: Hm... Very well. Everything seems to be in order. Through you go.


*: Only those with permission from His Excellency, the Most Exalted Sultan of Gallopolis, may enter the Laguna di Gondolia through this checkpoint! Leave immediately, please!



*: Beyond this checkpoint lies the Laguna di Gondolia and the city of Gondolia itself. It is the world's grandest and most prosperous trading port.



*: Alas, none may pass without express permission from His Excellency, the Most Exalted Sultan of Gallopolis. You must leave now, please.



*: I thought I'd head to Gondolia to do a spot of trading, but they won't let you through unless you've got permission from the Sultan.



*: I'm not sure I can be bothered traipsing all the way to the palace and back, to be honest with you...


‘WARNING! The Slayer of the Sands roams the desert ahead. Remain vigilant at all times!’


*: Stop! The Celestial Sands are off limits to civilians! Terrible monsters lurk among the dunes. Please, you must leave immediately!



*: The Celestial Sands lie beyond this checkpoint. Terrible monsters lurk among the dunes.



*: As a knight of Gallopolis, I have a duty to protect the weak. I am afraid I cannot allow civilians to pass.



*: The streets of Gallopolis are always awash with excitement during Sand National season!



*: I wish I had been stationed in the city instead of out here in the desert. I could have watched all the races, seen the horsemen making their way to the track...


*: Ahh, how I always dreaded this posting. Out in the lonely desert with only the Slayer of the Sands for company.



*: I once encountered the beast, you know. It was several years ago, but it haunts my dreams to this day. Such... Such ferocity...


*: I do not know why, but the Sultan of Gallopolis's palace is home to a great many cats. Their friendship is often a source of comfort to soldiers returning from distant postings.



*: I personally have a fondness for one by the name of Princess Furris. I do hope she is doing well...


*: Welcome to Gallopolis, home to Erdrea's most magnificent horse races!



*: The races are open to all. Simply pay a visit to the stables on the western side of the city should you wish to participate.


*: ...Hmm? Oh! W-Welcome to Gallopolis, home to Erdrea's most magnificent horse races!



*: The races are open to all. Simply pay a visit to the stables on the western side of the city should you wish to participate.


*: Aha! You are a visitor here, yes? You have come to watch the races?<yesno>


*: Ha ha! You do not fool me! Surely you are here to witness the spectacle that is the mighty Sand National!


*: Then your timing is perfect, for soon it shall be time for the Sand National, the biggest race of the year!



*: It is held to celebrate our beloved Prince Faris's birthday. And this year's event will be particularly significant.



*: For Prince Faris is at last to come of age and take part in the race himself! Some say that he is the finest horseman Gallopolis has ever seen!


*: ...Hmm? Ah! You have come to Gallopolis to witness our beloved prince in action? To see with your own eyes his courage, his class, his elegance, yes?



*: But you will have to wait until the Sand National! Even his most ardent fans are not allowed to disturb His Highness's preparations!



*: Can you believe it!? They will not allow us into the palace, despite the fact that we love Prince Faris! We love him!



*: Prince Faris is surely a most mighty knight, but he refuses absolutely to make a public display of his talents. Such modesty is truly admirable...



*: Oh, Prince Faris... I simply cannot stop thinking about you... I see your face before me each and every time I close my eyes...


*: I have heard that the Prince is fond of evening strolls. That is why I have decided to wait here. I will wait all night if necessary...



*: My beloved Prince... What are you doing at this very moment, I wonder...?



*: I could spend all day trawling through these stalls! There's rarities and bargains galore!



*: ...What's that? Have I come across some kind of special branch?



*: Hmm... Now that you mention it, I do remember hearing about some valuable branch or other that the Sultan owns. Maybe you should ask him about it.



*: He lives in the big palace up at the top of the stairs in the middle of the city.


*: I heard that the Sultan might have a special branch like the one you're looking for. Maybe you should go and talk to him.



*: He lives in the big palace up at the top of the stairs in the middle of the city.


*: My husband is a horseman. When he returns home after a hard day of training, his appetite is bigger than that of his horse, I swear!




*: You can smell it too, can't you? We're supposed to be here having a nice time, and this idiot goes and steps in horse poo!



*: Well, I'm not walking around with you smelling like that. Get out of my sight! (sigh) I wish I was dating someone cool like that Prince Faris...


*: I, I didn't realise there'd be so many horses here. I didn't look where I was going, and...splat! She's really mad with me this time...



*: We've been saving up for years to come on this trip, and now a little bit of horse poo has gone and ruined it all...


*: Sí, I am a caballero. I come here from Puerto Valor every year to watch la Sand Nacional.



*: But perhaps this year I will treat myself to a trip to the circus too. The troupe will put on a special show for the Prince's birthday, no?



*: Sí, I am a caballero. I come here from Puerto Valor every year to watch la Sand Nacional...



*: And each time I am surprised by the quality of the food! And all this in the middle of the desert... Increíble, ¿no?


*: We must give thanks to the Sultan. If it were not for his efforts in keeping the peace of our kingdom, we would not have the leisure to enjoy the Sand National.


*: Hold up! You can't go in there right now. Sorry!


The curtain is closed. You can't go in right now.


*: Did you hear? The Great Sylvando has come to Gallopolis! I cannot wait to see him!


*: My boy truly loves the circus. Ever since he heard about this special performance, it is all that he has spoken of.



*: Unfortunately, the Great Sylvando is such a draw that all the tickets have sold out. I do not know how to tell him...



*: Oh... Are you here to buy tickets for the circus? I'm afraid they're all sold out.



*: It's because Sylv's performing, you see. They all sold in a flash. You'll have to try again another time...



*: I don't just sell tickets, you know. I'm actually training to be a performer myself.



*: I'm only an apprentice clown right now, but one day I'm going to be bigger than Sylvando! You just wait!


It's a horse with a beautifully brushed coat.


*: I can't be very good at this if no one's watching me...



*: But this is just the warm-up. Once the show starts, it'll be a different story. Curious? Then you'll just have to come along tonight!


*: This circus isn't all about Sylvando, you know! We're all at the top of our game! That's why the Sultan asked us to come and perform here!



*: H-Huh...!? Oh...! Please, do not startle me so...



*: ...You wish to know what I am doing? Well, I am an admirer of the Great Sylvando. His greatest admirer, in fact! I saw him perform, and at that moment, everything changed.



*: I wish to speak with him and tell him how much his work means to me. But nerves have overwhelmed me, and I can go no further...



*: What!? You have met the Great Sylvando!? A-And you have s-spoken to him!?



*: Truly, I am green with envy! To exchange words with the undisputed grand master of the performing arts is my greatest ambition!



*: I am an admirer of the Great Sylvando. His greatest admirer, in fact! I saw him perform, and at that moment, everything changed.



*: I wish to speak with him and tell him how much his work means to me. But nerves have overwhelmed me, and I can go no further...



*: I envy you intensely! To exchange words with the undisputed grand master of the performing arts is my greatest ambition!


*: Sylv's probably in his dressing room getting ready. If you want a chat, now's your chance.



*: They call him the Wandering Wonder. He's performed all over the world, you see. No wonder he's got this kind of...aura about him.



*: No one knows where he's from, but I'd say it must be somewhere pretty posh. It's the way he holds himself...


It's a pile of hay for horses to rest on. Sit down for a little while?<yesno>


*: You fancy seein' wot life as an 'orse'd be like an' all, do ya? It's alright, eh?



*: Yeah, reckon you've got a bit more affinity wiv our equine pals than you realise, mate! Heh heh!


*: (snort) Ah-phew... Ah-phew... (whinny)


*: ......



Despite the disturbance, <pc>'s rest leaves him feeling completely rejuvenated!


*: Listen, please. You believe Prince Faris will win this year's Sand National, yes?<yesno>


*: Of course you do! It is a racing certainty! He will win by a desert mile!


*: Ha! Then you know nothing of racing—or of Prince Faris! He will win by a desert mile!


*: Everyone wishes for Prince Faris to win, and I understand why. Indeed, he is a fine horseman, by all accounts.



*: But I have studied the form, and I cannot see Faiz being beaten. Especially as he is riding Sharukh.


*: It is a tradition for the princes of Gallopolis to make their racing debut the year they turn sixteen. This time, it is Prince Faris's turn.



*: They claim he is the finest horseman the royal line has ever produced. I cannot wait to see him in the saddle!



*: You are visitors here, yes? Perhaps you have heard talk of the Slayer of the Sands on your travels?<yesno>


*: Then perhaps you know that the beast always makes an appearance around this time of year. Please, be especially vigilant when travelling outside the city walls.


*: Then you are blessed, for it is better to know nothing of the foul beast. Should you wish to continue living in blissful ignorance, I would advise that you avoid the Celestial Sands.


*: The excitement at the coming Sand National is a joy to behold. Truly, we are blessed to live in such times.



*: And yet, I remain concerned. For it is around this time of year that the Slayer of the Sands is most active...


*: I have cared for many a knight who has suffered at the hands of the Slayer. It is a vicious and merciless beast.



*: Which makes the timing of its appearances all the more unfortunate. I do so hope that this year's race passes without incident...


*: My racing tips are the best in all Gallopolis—thousands of satisfied customers would agree!



*: My approach has been perfected over a number of years, and is almost infallible. So come and see me if you want a recommendation for the Sand National—I will not let you down!



*: Hm? You would like a tip for the Sand National, yes? Very well. According to my study of the various competitors' form...



*: It will be Faiz by a nose! Prince Faris is a fine horseman, and is sure to push him close, but Faiz will triumph at the last, mark my words!



*: It is a bold prediction, but I assure you that it will come to pass. And when it does, all the world will be willing to pay handsomely for my secrets! Heh heh...


*: You are visitors here in Gallopolis? You have come to see the horses?<yesno>


*: Then you must head for the stables! That is where they are kept when they are not racing.



*: Beyond the stables is the racetrack itself! It floats on top of a desert oasis, you know!


*: Oh. That is a shame. Well, if you change your mind, remember to ask me. I know everything!


*: Have you ever seen a horse race?<yesno>


*: You have? Well, my father is a horseman! He is racing in this year's Sand National, and he will beat everyone! Even Prince Faris! Even Faiz!


*: Oh, then you must watch one while you are in Gallopolis! Our races are the best in the world!



*: My father is racing in this year's Sand National, and he will beat everyone! Even Prince Faris! Even Faiz!


*: The Sand National is nearly upon us, but my horse has taken against me, and is refusing to run.



*: If we do not...resolve our differences before the big race, we will have no chance of beating Faiz and Prince Faris.



*: I am looking for a treat that will persuade my horse to give his all in the Sand National.



*: We are competing against both Faiz, who has won time and again, and Prince Faris, who some say is the most naturally talented horseman Gallopolis has ever produced.



*: And my daughter is coming to watch me race. If I cannot persuade my horse to run his fastest, I face total humiliation...



It's a racehorse. It doesn't seem to be in a very good mood.


It's a racehorse. It looks a little bit sleepy.


*: We ensure that the war horses are always in top condition, ready for our brave knights to mount at a moment's notice.



*: Though it does all seem rather unnecessary in these times of peace, I must say...


*: ...Wossat? You wanna know wot I'm doin'? Well, ain't it obvious?



*: I mean, where's the best place to get racin' tips, eh? That's right—from the 'orse's mouth! Heh heh!



*: You should give it a go sometime—especially if you've 'ad enough o' bein' diddled by 'umans 'oo don't know the first fing about 'orses!


He's fast asleep and snoring softly.


*: This is the entrance to the spectator stands. As there is no race taking place at the moment, I cannot permit you to enter.



*: Sharukh is in the lead by a desert mile! He will break his own record here today!



*: But here come the chasing pack, led by...Sharukh Two! Oh, such wonderful speed! Like lightning! Sharukh Two is closing in!




*: ...Hmm? What are we doing? We are playing the Sand National game, of course!



*: But both my friends want to be Sharukh! The same horse cannot race against itself!




*: Hmm? I have not seen you before... You seem...suspicious... Are you...? Yes, you must be! The Darkspawn!



*: Ah ha ha! I am only joking! No trouble to report here!


*: All is well on the streets of Gallopolis! No trouble to report!


*: Crazed admirers of Prince Faris gather here every evening. It is my duty to move them on.



*: I have asked them already several times to clear off. Truly, they have become the bane of my life...


*: Visitors are not permitted to enter the palace after dark. I must ask that you leave immediately.


*: Prince Faris will win this year's Sand National! I feel it in my bones!



*: Nothing in life is certain, of course, but I have been a fan of horse racing for a long time now. I think it will be so.



*: Everyone has heard of the Great Sylvando, and yet no one knows the first thing about him. Not even where he was born.



*: That sort of mystery is no doubt part of his appeal.



*: You have heard of the Great Sylvando, yes?<yesno>


*: You have not!? By the sands! Then allow me to enlighten you—Sylvando is one of the most talented and popular circus performers in the world.


*: Well, of course you have. He is one of the most talented and popular circus performers in the world, after all.



*: You would not believe the lengths to which I had to go to find tickets for his show. I cannot wait for it to get underway!



*: This is my special VIP seat! Once the circus begins, I will hear every ‘ooh’ and ‘ahh’ from here!


*: The Palace of Gallopolis lies ahead. It is the residence of the Sultan and his family, and the training facility of the desert knights.



*: Visitors are free to enter, but you are requested to be respectful of your surroundings at all times.


*: Entry to the palace is prohibited at night. Step away from the gate immediately, please.


*: Hm? Are you lost? These gates lead back into the city. Shall I open them for you?<yesno>


*: Very well. Please wait a moment...


*: There. Try not to become lost again, please.



*: If you wish to enter the palace, proceed to the walkway above, then make your way around the perimeter.


*: Very well. But let me know if you should ever wish me to.


*: If you wish to enter the palace, proceed to the walkway above, then make your way around the perimeter.



*: Many visitors find themselves lost on the streets of Gallopolis. I would advise you to keep your wits about you from now on.


*: Wait! You cannot enter the racetrack at night! All the horses are sleeping—there are no races now! Come back in the morning, please!


*: Hmm? You wish to participate in a race? A thousand pardons, but as you can see this gate is closed, and none may pass.



*: Riders are requested to enter via the stables to the west.


*: This is the paddock, where horsemen and their mounts assemble before a race to present themselves to the crowd.



*: It becomes very crowded—and very boisterous! Truly, it is one of my most beloved spectacles!


*: I had hoped to be able to buy a circus ticket...


*: Greetings. I am Faiz, the winner of last year's Sand National. However, I expect a far closer race this time. Prince Faris promises to be a worthy opponent.



Indeed, I must confess to feeling some trepidation. While I doubt that I will enjoy the experience, I hope at least that the crowd are treated to the spectacle they deserve.


*: The racetrack is just beyond here. Horsemen ride this way when making their way to the starting line.


*: Did you know that when there are no racing events taking place, knights use the racetrack for training?


*: There are no races held at night. Even horses must sleep, you know!


‘The Knight's Pledge’



‘A knight's word is his bond, his kingdom his master.



‘He serves the weak untiringly, challenges the strong unflinchingly and never retreats in the face of adversity.’


‘Knights and civilians rejoice! This year's Sand National sees the debut of our beloved Prince Faris! Can he best the champion Faiz in his first outing?’


‘The circus returns! And this year, with a special guest performance from the Great Sylvando!



‘You really won't want to miss it, so RACE down and buy your tickets before they sell out!

The Ringmaster’


*: A great many visitors come from all over the world to watch the Sand National. It is our busiest time of year by far.



*: The Sand National is held but once a year. And praise the sands for that—so many guests come to visit, I barely have time to sleep!



*: Deposit your money with us, and you may rest assured that it will be safe no matter what may come to pass! You cannot put a price on peace of mind!



*: Zzz... Soon... Soon, evil will arrive at last... Keh heh heh... Zzz...


*: The end times are coming! The Great Evil will soon be reawoken! I feel it! I feel it in my bones!



*: The days of peace and happiness are at an end! Soon, this world will be plunged into endless despair! Remember my words! Remember them well!


*: I am the official sword supplier to the knights of Gallopolis! Would you care to take a weapon home with you as a souvenir, perhaps?


*: Though I do not venture into battle, I am still proud to serve my kingdom.



*: Ah, visitors! May I ask from where you have travelled? Ah, Hotto! I know it well. Would that I could bathe in those delightful springs every day...



*: Did you know that some creatures, should they live for long enough, transform into other creatures with different names and different appearances?



*: Such creatures are very rare, of course. Rare, and no doubt valuable. I fervently wish to encounter one some day...


*: I love big, strong men! That's why I came all the way to Gallopolis to watch Prince Faris in action! I've been hearing great things about him!



*: They say he's tall, muscular and terribly handsome. And apparently he's good at riding horses too, or something...


*: Welcome to the Aloe Beera. I hope you enjoy swapping racing tips—my customers do little else...



*: Indeed, I have come to learn rather a lot about people's betting habits by working behind this bar. You would do well to bear that in mind...


*: Good day to you, handsome young man! Would you care to hear my tip for the next race?<yesno>


*: Of course you would! Now, are you ready? Let us consider the runners and riders...



*: First of all, Prince Faris! The only son of our exalted Sultan, and the pride of all Gallopolis!



*: Rumours have been circulating concerning his prodigious talent for years, and now at last he is about to show the world what he is capable of! An early favourite!



*: However! If he is to win, he will have to beat Faiz, who won last year's event by a huge distance! Surely he will be keen to defend his title!



*: There are some others taking part as well, but the race is sure to be a duel between these two. Come and see me should you wish to hear my tips again.


*: Really? That is a shame. I really do know my racing, I promise. Come and talk to me again if you change your mind.


*: I'm a dancer at the circus. The ringmaster sent me over here to drum up trade.



*: Not that it's hard. The Great Sylvando's performing tonight, and he's just amazing! You should definitely come along!


*: Our world may be full of horse races and circuses and joyous celebration now, but it was not so long ago that Erdrea was a dangerous, dismal place plagued by monsters.



*: Praise be to the powers above that those dark days are behind us.


*: Do you know, I believe I caught a glimpse of Sylvando, the man everyone has been talking about. He is very tall, and very handsome indeed.



*: He would certainly be my type, if only I were a little younger...


*: It may be difficult to imagine, but our exalted Sultan was once very different.



*: Oh yes, when he was younger, he was a true hero. Swordsmanship, horsemanship—not to mention the intellectual arts—he excelled in them all.


*: Do-do-dooo!

Picking up horse poo,

Is what I do-do-dooo!



*: Taking care of horses gives meaning to my life. Seeing my beloved friends run free on the racetrack never fails to bring a tear to my eye...



*: Clop, clop, clop...

Zzz... And then you hear a plop, plop, plop...



*: This is the Royal Dressing Room, where members of our glorious royal family prepare to take part in the races.



*: ...Hm? You wish to take part in the Sand National yourself? A thousand pardons, but rider registration has already ended.



*: Unless someone is injured or withdraws, I am afraid it will be impossible for you to participate in the race. But please, you must stay and enjoy the spectacle.


*: Have you seen Sharukh, Faiz's horse?<yesno>


*: He is a wonderful beast, is he not? His coat is as smooth as silk, while his muscles are as hard as steel.



*: Truly, he is one of the greats. I dream of riding such a steed myself one day...


*: Then you must go and see him immediately! He will be in the paddock with Faiz. You will not regret it, I promise!


*: Interested in the circus, eh? Well, I'm the ringmaster. We're just getting ready for our biggest show of the year. The annual Sand National special.



*: It's always popular, but this time we've managed to sign up the Great Sylvando, one of the world's top performers, and ticket sales have gone through the roof!



*: I honestly can't believe we got him. I was sure he'd refuse, you see. He's renowned for wanting to do his own thing...


*: Oh, hey honey. How sweet of you to come back here to see me. Are you a fan?<yesno>


*: Hey, there's no need to be shy. I don't bite!


*: Hee hee! I knew it! Well, it's an honour to have such a fine young fellow cheering me on!



*: If you're here for the show, you won't have to wait long. Ohh, it's going to be fabulous, darling! My best yet!


*: Usually, all that one requires in order to enter a horse race is a horse. And a knowledge of how to ride it, of course.



*: But not the Sand National. Oh no. Only those who have been ‘specially selected’ are allowed to race against the Prince. Tsk...


*: This is the racetrack of Gallopolis, where horsemen from all over the world come to chase their dreams!



*: If you wish to take part in a race yourself, please enquire at the reception desk within.



The Darkspawn walks the land! King Carnelian of Heliodor offers a generous reward for the capture of this fiend!’


*: Welcome, traveller, and a good Gallopolitan day to you! You must be drained after your journey across the desert. Please relax and enjoy our fair city!


*: Welcome to Gallopolis! If it is the Sultan you seek, you will find him in the throne room atop the great staircase.


*: Everyone is quick to paint Prince Faris as a hero, but the race is not yet run, let alone won...



*: Forgive me. Such matters are of no interest to you, I am sure.



*: Ach, the youth of today! They are no good at all! They can barely remember the Knight's Pledge, let alone recite it with pride!



*: Do you think Sir Hendrik of Heliodor would tolerate such woeful laxity!? Of course not! Now recite it again! With feeling!


*: The Pledge says that a knight never retreats in the face of adversity.



*: That is why I have come here, and why I remain here. A, A knight's word is his bond...



*: I do not know why the Captain insists on comparing us to Sir Hendrik's men. They are simply a class apart!



*: And this back-breaking training is more likely to kill us than to turn us into knights! (groan)



*: I worry so about the Sultan. He was once the very image of chivalry, and now...




*: Oh! Once again I have spoken out of turn! Forget everything I have said, please!


*: I am afraid that Prince Faris is out training at the moment. Yes. Training hard...


*: This is the Sultan's bedchamber. Visitors are free to enter, but please remember to be respectful.


*: Gallopolis grew up around the oasis at its centre. It brought those seeking water from miles around.



*: Of course, it is barely recognisable nowadays. The Sultan chose it as the site of the racetrack, and it was entirely transformed.



*: Even as we enjoy the races, however, we must not forget the brave ancestors who built this city. Indeed, we owe them everything.


*: The palace is home to a great many cats. Alas, the knights are not in the least bit interested, and so it is us maids who must take care of them.


*: Oh, forgive me! I am looking for a cat! It is a very adorable little cat, with soft, fluffy hair. Oh, dear Princess Furris...



*: ...Hm? What did you say? There are too many cats here, and they all look alike!? Oh, but Princess Furris is easy to identify! She is the fluffiest and most adorable of them all!


*: Have you heard the rumours? They say that a wicked man called the Darkspawn has escaped from Heliodor, and is terrorising all Erdrea! What a frightening world this is...



*: But I need not fear—the knights of Gallopolis will keep us safe, I am sure of it!


*: I could spend all day trawling through these stalls! There's rarities and bargains galore!



*: But there's more to Gallopolis than just shopping, you know! There's horse racing, and even a circus! This is going to be the best trip ever!

Sultan of Gallopolis


Ahem... Fellow Gallopolitans! Once again, the sun has risen upon the Sand National, and upon Faris, my son and heir, as he—


Sultan of Gallopolis


Hmm... No, that will not do at all. It requires more...emotion!


Sultan of Gallopolis


...Hm? Oh. You are still here. I told you, I have no time for audiences with strangers today. You must leave.


*: Good day to you. Tell me, what did you think of Faris? He is a fine prince, is he not?<yesno>



*: Ah, indeed! It will not do to label him merely a prince—he is a sultan-in-waiting, of course! How kind of you to remind me!



*: I am so glad that you agree. After all, he is our only child—the apple of both our eyes!



*: Truly, there is not one minute that he does not spend improving himself in training. He will make a fine ruler one day, I am sure of it.



*: A thousand pardons, but His Excellency, the Most Exalted Sultan, is rather preoccupied with preparations for the Sand National at the moment.




*: ...Hm? Prince Faris's chambers? Simply turn left at the foot of the great staircase. But please, you must not disturb him at this important time.


*: Perhaps it is not my place to say so, but only the very finest Gallopolitan knights are entrusted with the Sultan's personal safety.



*: As long as we watch over His Majesty, he has nothing to fear—not even from this Darkspawn character who has escaped from Heliodor...


*: You heard Prince Faris deliver the Pledge, yes? Its words are seared into the soul of every knight.



*: It is with these words that we mark ourselves out as practitioners of the art of chivalry. It gladdens me to hear our future sultan speak them.


*: I have heard that an evil creature known as the Darkspawn has escaped from Heliodor, and remains at large.



*: We must remain vigilant, lest the foul being attempt to make its way into Gallopolis...



*: Tra la la! Booold Prince Faris,

Fol de ree! He will embarrass,

Any who stand in his waaay!




*: I am endeavouring to write a song in praise of the Prince. Alas, very little rhymes with ‘Faris’...


*: Our exalted Sultan is a fanatical lover of horse racing. He has spoken of nothing but the Sand National for weeks...


*: People seem to believe that Gallopolis has nothing to offer beyond knights and horses. But surely it is our cats that are our greatest attraction!


*: This is the balcony from which the Sultan and Sultana watch the races. Their seats command a perfect view of the racetrack and the oasis on which it floats.


*: Welcome to Gallopolis! If it is the Sultan you seek, you will find him in the throne room atop the great staircase.


*: You met with the Sultan and Sultana? I suppose they sang to you the praises of their beloved Prince Faris? Truly, they have spoilt that—




*: Ahem! But I must not speak of such things, of course. Please, ignore my ramblings...


*: Hm? Prince Faris has summoned you to his chambers? Oh dear...



*: His Highness is within. Please, go ahead.

Prince Faris


Yes, I am sure that my father could be persuaded to part with the Rainbough if the request came from his beloved son. I have but one small favour to ask in return...


Prince Faris

Ah, but the palace walls have so many unwelcome ears. The noise of the circus will...protect our privacy. Join me there, please.


Prince Faris

I will meet you at the entrance to that ridiculous tent this evening. Do not be late.


*: You are accompanying Prince Faris to the circus? Then perhaps I will at last have an evening of peace and—



*: Ahem! Ignore me. Please, enjoy the performance. I have heard that a famous wandering harlequin is performing tonight.



*: ...What!? You have met Prince Faris!? No! No, I do not believe you!



*: Ach, fine! I believe you! So, tell me all about him! I want to know everything! What did he say about his admirers?



*: Next time you meet Prince Faris, be sure to ask him about us!


*: Not only is this place full of bargains, they've got a circus and horse racing too! This is turning out to be the best trip ever!



*: Hey, I heard there's someone called the Great Sylvando performing tonight. Everyone's raving about him. I hope there are tickets left...


*: Just my luck! We come all this way to see the circus, and this idiot goes and steps in a pile of horse poo! I won't sit next to him! I just won't!



*: I've half a mind to forget all about the smelly fool and see if I can trade him in for someone handsome and brave, like that Prince Faris...


*: Looks like I've upset her again. I thought tickets to the circus would smooth everything over, but she's not having any of it.



*: I don't know what to do now. It wasn't easy getting hold of these...


*: You can't come through here right now—the show's about to start! The box office is right next door if you need tickets.

Prince Faris

You came. Excellent. The noise of the circus will allow us to speak without being overheard. Shall we go inside?<yesno>

Prince Faris

Very well. Go and do what you must do, then come and talk to me when you are ready. But hurry—the show will not last all night.

Prince Faris

Good. The circus has already started. We should enter without further delay.


*: Oh, I'm sorry. The tent's not open during the daytime. Come back this evening if you want to see the circus!


*: Good evening, and welcome to the circus! We're just about to get started. Could I see your tickets, please?



*: ...Hm? You don't have tickets? Well, then I'm afraid I can't let you in.


*: The show is just about to start, so I can't let you through, I'm afraid. Come back again later.


*: The show is just about to start, so I can't let you through, I'm afraid. The box office is right next door if you want tickets.


*: The Sand National is nearly upon us! Even the most sober and diligent of knights struggle to contain their excitement at this time of year!


*: I cannot wait for the Sand National to begin! I feel certain that Faiz will win. There is no one who can ride a horse like he can.


*: It is nearly time for Prince Faris to make his racing debut. He is brimming with confidence...but I cannot help but wonder how he will manage...



*: Ah, but you surely have no interest in such matters. Please, ignore me.


*: Prince Faris is in the Royal Dressing Room at the stables preparing to mount his horse. For the first time ever...



*: Ah ha ha! That was nothing but a small joke of mine! Ignore me. Of course, the Prince is a natural-born horseman!


*: The Sand National is nearly here! Ahh, there is nothing quite like a horse race to help one forget the stresses of life!

Sultan of Gallopolis


Ahem... Fellow Gallopolitans! Today, the sun smiles upon us, bright and warm as Faris, my son and heir— No. No, no, no...!


Sultan of Gallopolis


...Hm? Ah, it is you. Listen, whatever it is, it will have to wait. The race is about to begin.


*: It is nearly time. Time for my Faris to show the world what a fine man he has become, and storm to victory in his first Sand National!


*: A thousand pardons, but His Excellency the Sultan is rather preoccupied with preparations for the Sand National at the moment.



*: ...Hm? Prince Faris? Why, His Highness will be in the stables preparing for the big race, of course!


*: I cannot wait to see Sharukh run in the Sand National. Every knight in Gallopolis wishes that magnificent steed were his own.



*: Tra la la! Booold Prince Faris,

Fol de ree! He will embarrass,

Any who stand in his waaay!




*: The Sand National is almost upon us, and yet my ode to the Prince's glory is still not complete!


*: Good morning! I hear that you spent the evening at the circus. Was it not the most wonderful spectacle?



*: And today is the day of the Sand National! So much to enjoy! The streets outside are already full of life!



*: ...Pardon? You wish to find the Royal Dressing Room? Why, it is the grandest room in the stables, of course! They are to the west of the paddock. Enjoy the race!


*: The Sand National will be starting soon. The streets are already alive with excitement!


*: Yesterday's circus performance was the perfect precursor to the Sand National. I was truly amazed! The Great Sylvando—the Wandering Wonder...



*: But now the race is upon us at last, and I am rushed off my feet! This is our busiest time of year by far.


*: The Sand National is held but once a year. And praise the sands for that—so many guests come to visit, I barely have time to sleep!


*: It is time! It is time for the Sand National at last! Ahh, how long I have waited! You will be watching the race also, yes?<yesno>


*: But of course! This year's race is truly a historical event! Prince Faris will make his debut! Everyone must watch!


*: ...Hm? You are not watching? ...Does this mean that you are taking part!?



*: Ha ha ha! Of course not! I have memorised the names of all the runners and riders—and you are not one of them!


*: It is time! It is time for the Sand National at last! Ahh, how long I have waited! It is little wonder that I cannot sleep!



*: ...What!? You went with Prince Faris to the circus!? N-No! I do not believe you! You are lying!



*: But...let us imagine for a moment that you DID go... How was he? Did he have anything to say about his admirers?



*: Next time you meet Prince Faris, be sure to ask him about us!


*: It is nearly time, my beloved Prince... Time for you to take to your mighty steed, and show the world the man you have become...


*: I love this city! Last night they had the Great Sylvando at the circus, and today it's the Sand National!



*: Speaking of which, I saw some horsemen heading west towards the stables just now. They must be getting ready to begin the race...


*: My husband will be taking part in this year's Sand National.



*: Our daughter is very excited about it, and he is determined to make her proud, but truly, he does not have a hope of defeating Prince Faris and Faiz.


*: It's pathetic, honestly! Going on about Prince Faris like some besotted schoolgirl! Doesn't he have any self-respect!?



*: I'd like to go and watch the Prince race, but not if I have to stand next to this wet lettuce!


*: My girlfriend's a big fan of Prince Faris, so I got tickets for the Sand National to make up for upsetting her yesterday.



*: But it only seems to have made her angrier. I just don't get it. I mean, we might as well watch the race, since we're here...


*: La Sand Nacional is starting soon, sí? As a caballero, I will be interested to see how the local prince fares in the race...


*: The special Sand National circus show is done for another year—but what a show it was! Sylv brought the house down!



*: I just hope the race itself isn't a let-down now!


‘Great Sylvando Brings House Down with Stunning Pre-Race Extravaganza! Crowds Go Bonkers for Wandering Wonder!’


*: It's nearly time for the Sand National! Let's see if we can get the crowds fired up... Here...we...GOOO!!!


*: I saw him! I saw the Great Sylvando perform! He threw knives and breathed fire and... It was truly wonderful!



*: I have decided—I will become a performer just like Sylvando when I am grown!


*: When I heard that circus tickets had sold out, I thought I would have to break my poor boy's heart. Thank goodness his grandmother had thought to buy some!



*: I am ever so glad he was able to watch the show. Although now he talks of nothing but becoming a performer...



*: Well, it sounds like Sylv went down a treat. He seems to think so too.



*: ...Hm? Where is he now? He should be in his dressing room round the back. If you want to talk to him, now's your chance.


*: Did you catch Sylv's performance? I've never seen anything like it! I don't think I'll ever be able to get that good.



*: I'd like to know where he learned his tricks, but no one seems to know the first thing about him...


*: This circus isn't just about Sylvando, you know. All our performers are amazing in their own right.


*: Tell me, please—did you witness Sylvando's performance?<yesno>


*: Ah, you did! It was wonderful, was it not? I would say it was one of his all-time top three!



*: You did not? Such a shame! You missed an incredible spectacle! No one else in all Erdrea could have put on such a show!



*: I saw the horsemen making their way west toward the stables. This must mean that the Sand National will begin shortly!



*: They say that Faris is the most gifted prince Gallopolis has ever produced. I cannot wait to see him race!


*: All this excitement reminds me of when His Excellency the Sultan made his own debut in the Sand National. It seems so long now since he came of age...



*: He rode with such courage and pride. I knew then and there that he would be a great leader.



*: I dearly wish that I could enjoy the race, but I am too concerned about the Slayer of the Sands to be able to relax...


*: Oh! Are you a knight? Are you taking part in the Sand National?<yesno>


*: You are! Oh! Then you will race against my father!



*: You should hurry and join him and all the other horsemen at the stables! Prince Faris is there too!


*: You are not? Oh, but I should have known. All the horsemen taking part have already made their way to the stables, after all.


*: The Sand National is about to start, and I should be waiting in the stables...but my accursed mount refuses to move!



*: Perhaps it was a mistake to allow her to eat and drink whatever she wanted before the big race. She has lost all motivation!



*: ...Wossat? You wanna know wot I'm up to? Innit obvious? I'm tryin' to talk to this 'orse, ain't I!



*: If anyone's gonna 'ave an 'ot tip for the Sand National, it's gonna be one of the nags racin' in it! Stands to reason!



*: You should give it a go sometime—especially if you've 'ad enough o' bein' diddled by 'umans 'oo don't know the first fing about 'orses!


*: I always like to 'ave a butcher's at the runners and riders before the race, me. An 'orse an' jockey wot've got good communication usually do well.



*: Can't see Faiz and Sharukh anywhere, though. I 'ope nuffink 'orrible's 'appened...



*: My husband is obsessed with horses at the best of times, but the approach of the Sand National each year takes things to a whole new level...



*: ...Hm? You wish for me to move? Never! I have gone to great trouble to secure this spot! I would not move for the Sultan himself!



*: Sylvando's performance was truly exceptional! I believe I could watch it every single day and never grow tired!



*: I am still abuzz from Sylvando's show, and now it is time for the Sand National! Gallopolis certainly knows how to spoil a lady!



*: The Great Sylvando was incredible! He is no ordinary man! ...Hmm? How did I get a ticket?



*: Hee hee! Oh, I did not enter the tent to see the show. But I could hear the cheers from here, and they were twice as loud for him!


*: My mother was somehow able to secure tickets for the circus. My boy was truly delighted. It was a great relief.



*: But now he is adamant that he wishes to become a performer! I had hoped that he would follow in my footsteps and become a knight.


*: It is a great shame that the circus tickets were sold out. It sounds as though this Sylvando put on quite a performance...



*: I'm a dancer at the circus—did you see us? That was one of the best performances we've ever done! Sylv was just incredible.



*: Everyone keeps talking about how fit and strong he is too—he's in better condition than most knights, apparently. I wonder what his story is?


*: Please, do not disturb me now. I am praying that Prince Faris completes the race safely.



*: ...Hm? Why do I not pray for his victory? One must never hope for too much, my dear. As long as he finishes the Sand National unharmed, I will be satisfied.


Ahh, what a show, darling, what a show! The performance of a lifetime, if I say so myself!



And now the excitement continues, eh? I'll be keeping a close eye on Prince Faris in the race—after all, the prince of a nation of knights must be quite the rider, no?


*: Did you see him? Did you see the Great Sylvando? Wasn't he brilliant? Wasn't he just the best?



*: After the show, I practically got down on my knees to beg him to join the troupe full-time.



*: But he wasn't having any of it! He said he didn't want to be stuck here in Gallopolis—he wants to be free to go where he pleases, apparently. These artistic types, eh?


*: Have you heard the terrible news!? Faiz has suffered an injury, and cannot race! Everyone is in great shock.


*: Why the long face, you ask? Because poor Sharukh is devastated! Faiz's injury has come as a terrible blow to him! He was so looking forward to the race!


*: Th-This is terrible! Faiz has been injured, and must retire from the race! And we had so wished to see him put the Prince through his paces!



*: What are we going to do? The crowd will be so terribly disappointed... Someone will have to take his place...but who else is a skilful enough rider to handle such a steed?


*: Faiz has been waiting an eternity for the opportunity to race against Prince Faris, and now he has fallen to an injury.



*: His Highness's victory is all but assured. Unless...could this be my moment? With all of Gallopolis watching...?


Ugh... I feel so foolish... I pushed myself too hard in training, and now... Hngh... Now I cannot race...



It is a tragedy... A tragedy... The Sand National is my life! I... Ouch! I live for it!


*: ...Prince Faris? Yes, His Highness is through here, in the Royal Dressing Room. You may enter, but remember to be respectful, please.

Prince Faris

Thank the stars! I was beginning to worry that I might actually have to try and ride a horse!


Prince Faris

Now come, the race will begin shortly. And fear not, I remember my promise—if you do as we agreed, I will ask my father about the branch.


Prince Faris

Well? Are you ready?<yesno>

Prince Faris

What!? You have not yet made your preparations? Then please, you must hurry! Come back when you are ready.

Prince Faris


Good. Now, hurry—you must don the royal Gallopolitan armour and helm.


Prince Faris

Fear not. They will fit you perfectly, I am sure...



<pc> takes the Prince's armour and helm and puts them on.

Prince Faris


It is as if they were made for you! No one will suspect for a moment that you are not in fact the Prince of Gallopolis!


Prince Faris


Now, the race is about to begin.


Prince Faris

My—sorry, your—steed awaits outside. Once you are safely mounted, make your way through to the paddock. The racetrack lies beyond.


Prince Faris

Meet me afterward in the passageway that leads to the racetrack. You will give me the helm, and no one will be any the wiser.


Prince Faris

Now go. And remember—you are the Prince of Gallopolis, and your public expect great things of you. Do not make a fool of me!

Prince Faris

The Sand National will begin shortly. Fear not, I remember my promise. If you do as we agreed, I will ask my father about the Rainbough.


Prince Faris

Are you ready to ride to glory?<yesno>

Prince Faris

What!? You have not yet made your preparations? Then please, you must hurry! Come back when you are ready.

Prince Faris

Hm? Oh! It is you. I did not expect to see you here at this time of night.


Prince Faris

You wish to discuss our arrangement? You need not worry—if you do as we agreed, I will ask my father about the branch.


Prince Faris

Now, go to your bed and return here in the morning. Rest well, for you must make me look a true prince...or suffer the consequences!


*: Wh-Where are you going, Your Highness!? Please, you must mount your steed and make your way to the racetrack! The start of the Sand National is imminent!


*: Th-That is not your horse, Your Highness!

Prince Faris

The resemblance is truly uncanny. No one will doubt that the man they see before them is the Prince of Gallopolis!


Prince Faris

My—sorry, your—steed awaits outside. Once you are safely mounted, make your way through to the paddock. The racetrack lies beyond.


Prince Faris

Now go. And remember—you are the Prince of Gallopolis, and your public expect great things of you. Do not make a fool of me!

Prince Faris

My—sorry, your—steed awaits outside. Once you are safely mounted, make your way through to the paddock. The racetrack lies beyond.


Prince Faris

Now go. And remember—you are the Prince of Gallopolis, and your public expect great things of you. Do not make a fool of me!


*: Are your preparations complete, Your Highness? The race is about to begin...



*: Your steed for today is the finest horse in all Gallopolis. Once you are safely mounted, please proceed to the paddock.


*: Magnificent, Your Highness! Truly, you are a natural horseman! Now please, proceed to the paddock.


*: Your Highness! The time has come for the Sand National to begin! Please, mount your steed and proceed to the racetrack!


*: Ah, Prince Faris! I trust that you are fully prepared for the race?



*: The finest steed in all the realm awaits you. Please, take the saddle and proceed to the track. Your adoring public awaits!


*: Your Highness, you are a picture of regal splendour! Every inch a hero from an ancient portrait!



*: Now, you must not keep your public waiting any longer. Please, proceed to the paddock.


P-Prince Faris!? Is it truly you, Your Highness? This is an unexpected honour.



I had hoped we might face one another on the track, but alas...I have been laid low by an injury. It is a great shame. A great shame indeed...



But the chance will present itself one day, I am sure. And when it does, I shall give you no quarter! Ach, my... Ngh! (wince)


I had hoped we might face one another on the track, but alas...I have been laid low by an injury. It is a great shame. A great shame indeed...



But the chance will present itself one day, I am sure. And when it does, I shall give you no quarter! Ach, my... Ngh! (wince)


*: O-Oh! Oh, bless the sands! Prince Faris, you deign to speak to a commoner such as I!? This is a sure sign of your great benevolence!


*: Your public awaits, Prince Faris! Your loyal subjects have been eagerly awaiting your entrance!



*: Please, proceed to the paddock and out onto the track.


*: The exit on the other side leads to the racetrack, Your Highness!



*: Y-Your Highness! You cannot take to the track without mounting your steed!


*: This is the entrance to the track, Your Highness. Are your preparations complete?<yesno>


*: Very good, Your Highness. I am sure the people will not mind waiting a little longer. Return here when you are ready.


*: Very good, Your Highness! May you have a successful race!


*: Your Highness, the track is the other way! I wish you all the best in the race!


*: Be warned, Prince Faris, I always race to win—even when I race against royalty!



*: P-Prince Faris! I-It is an honour to converse with you. I hope you do not mind my saying that I hope to win today. It would make my daughter so very proud...



It's a racehorse. It seems quite excited.



*: The Sand National will begin shortly...and the world will learn the terrible truth about Prince Faris...




*: Y-Your Highness! I... It... Th-The Sand National is upon us at last!



*: B-But, Your Highness... You seem...very steady in your bearing today. Th-Thank the sands for that...



*: Truly, Your Highness, you have the bearing of a knight all of a sudden. I hope for all our sakes that you give a magnificent performance today!



*: Y-Your Highness! A thousand pardons—I do not know how these children got in here. I will see that they are removed immediately.


*: The Sand National will begin shortly! If your preparations are complete, Your Highness, please proceed to the track!


*: The racetrack is this way, Your Highness! I will be cheering for you!


*: Hm? You have been in there this whole time...?



*: Well, no matter. The Prince rode beautifully! The Sultan must have been impressed—he summoned his beloved son to the throne room immediately after the race!



*: It is a shame that you missed it, but you must not concern yourself unduly—another exciting event will begin soon enough!


*: Do-do-dooo!

Picking up horse poo,

Is what I do-do-dooo!



*: You watched the race, yes? Then you saw my darlings running like the wind! I was so proud of them!


*: After Faiz withdrew at the last minute, we were all in a panic about what to do. Thank the sands that Sylvando agreed to step in and take his place!



*: I must admit that I did not expect him to be such a proficient rider. I am certain he could become a knight if he so desired...



*: My Sand National was something of a failure. I was simply no match for Sylvando.



*: He rides as well as the best of desert knights—if not better. I must train harder if I am to compete with the likes of him...


All eyes were on Prince Faris—though it would seem that it is Sylvando who has everyone talking now...



Such a cruel twist of fate! Not only was I unable to compete in my beloved Sand National, but my replacement rode off with all my glory too!


*: Well, did you see it? Did you see the Sand National?<yesno>


*: You did not!? Then truly, you missed a great spectacle! I doubt we will see a race like it ever again!


*: Oh, it was wonderful, was it not? My heart was in my mouth during that final dash! And the atmosphere in the stands—incredible!



*: Honestly, I do not think we will ever see the like again. Truly, it was a race that will go down in history!


*: Did you see him? Did you see Prince Faris out on the track? Ohhh, I cannot get that vision of perfection out of my mind...



*: ...What? You claim that it was not Prince Faris? That in fact it was...you!?<yesno>


*: Ha! Such a truly ridiculous thing to say! The very thought that I would fail to recognise my beloved Prince!


*: Then I must have misheard you. My apologies. Ha! The very thought that I would fail to recognise my beloved Prince!


*: There is no doubt about it! Prince Faris looked right at me! Me! When he rode out into the paddock, he gazed at me with...longing! Ohhh, My Prince...


*: Prince Faris pulled quite a performance out of the bag there, didn't he? I won't be forgetting that in a hurry. Makes me glad I traipsed all the way out here, actually.


*: It's sweltering here. I can't handle this desert heat. It was much better back in Gondolia. At least I could sleep there...


*: My husband rode in the Sand National this year. Of course, he did not win.



*: But now he is more determined than ever to do better next time. He has begun training again already. I think it would be better for him to rest a little...



*: This fool managed to miss the Sand National, even though he had a ticket! He says the stands were too crowded and he couldn't see anything!



*: Honestly, why do I bother with idiots like this when there are men like Prince Faris out there in the world!?



*: The Sand National was so crowded! I got caught up in the crush, and I missed the race...



*: And now I'm catching pelters for it. Honestly, nothing's gone right for me since coming here. It never rains but it pours, eh? Especially in the desert...


*: Sí, I am a caballero, from far Puerto Valor—but I come to Gallopolis every year to watch la Sand Nacional.



*: That Sylvando, he rides like the wind, no? There is no one in Puerto Valor who can ride quite like that. But perhaps, if I train hard...


*: This year's Sand National was really something special! I bet they'll be talking about it for generations to come!



*: We'd better raise our game at the circus if we're to have a hope of competing with it next year!


*: I was certain that Faiz would emerge victorious this year, but no! He did not even take part! Curse my luck...


*: The Sand National was a bit of a surprise for us all—we knew that Sylv was an amazing performer, but we had no idea he could ride like that!


*: I saw him! I saw the Great Sylvando perform! He threw knives and breathed fire and... It was truly wonderful!



*: Then, he even rode in the Sand National! And he was incredible!


*: What a surprise! When we saw Sylvando perform at the circus, I had no idea he was going to ride in the Sand National—let alone ride so well!



*: Unfortunately, this means that my boy is even more determined than ever to emulate him. That man is all he ever talks about...



*: I saw Sylv go sauntering out of the tent, but I had no idea he was going off to take part in the Sand National!



*: There's no one else in the world who could get away with a stunt like that. He really does just do whatever he wants, that one!


*: So Sylv's not just an incredible circus artist, he's also an amazing horseman? It just goes to show, these big stars aren't like the rest of us...


*: Did you see it? Did you see the Sand National? Or should I say, the Sylvand National! He was incredible! He rode like the wind!



*: Unfortunately, by the time I found out he was racing, all the best seats had been taken, and I could barely see a thing. Just my luck!



*: Sylv just up and left a little while ago. Said there was something he needed to do. I wonder what it was...


*: Prince Faris's victory in the Sand National is proof that I am a racing expert! Vindication at last! Bah ha!



*: I knew I would be rewarded for having faith in my future sultan! That is what a knight must do, after all!


*: I staked my entire reputation on Prince Faris coming in first, only for him to be pipped at the post by some last-minute substitute from the circus!



*: Bah ha ha! I doubt I could have been more wrong if I had tried! I can only laugh at my foolishness!


*: Faiz's late withdrawal threw this year's Sand National into chaos...and lost me a great deal of money.



*: However, I must confess that Sylvando seemed every inch the knight to me. Is he really just a circus performer?


*: This year's Sand National was something truly special! I doubt if Gallopolis has ever seen anything to compare!



*: And the best part is that we now know for certain that our exalted Sultan has a worthy heir! Prince Faris was wonderful out there! Simply wonderful!


*: There is something unique about the way Prince Faris rode. Of course, he has an air of royalty, but there was also something in his style that was...not of this kingdom...



*: I mean that in the best possible way, of course! I now feel more certain than ever that our future is safe in his hands!



*: The Sand National was wonderful, was it not? I could not believe the way Sylvando rode! And without even any time to prepare!


*: Nothing makes the people of Gallopolis happier than a successful Sand National. Truly, we are blessed to live in such times!



*: It is true that the Slayer of the Sands does cast rather a dark shadow over the event most years...but perhaps this year will be an exception...?


*: I have cared for many a knight who has suffered at the hands of the Slayer. It is a vicious and merciless beast.



*: Now that the Sand National has passed without incident, I pray that the monster has finally decided to leave us in peace.


*: Wait! Stop! This is a plot! A conspiracy! You seek to besmirch my name, but I have done nothing wrong!



*: Faiz WAS destined to win the race—that is a fact! And now people who are frightened of my predictive powers are trying to silence me!


*: Listen to this, please! I gave this man ten thousand gold coins because he said he knew who would win the Sand National! He said he had a system!



*: But not only did his ‘system’ fail to predict the winner, it failed even to select a horseman who was taking part!



*: It is unforgivable! If he does not return our money, we are going to take him to the middle of the Celestial Sands and...leave him there!


*: Everyone likes Sylvando because he is so handsome and fast.



*: But even though he could not win the race, I still like my father the best!



*: What is more, I am certain that he will perform far better in the forthcoming Silver Cup. That trophy will be gracing our home before long, there is no doubt about it!


*: ...Hm? You wish to know what I am doing?



*: Is it not obvious? My horse is too tired to run at the moment, but that is no reason for me to neglect my training.



*: The Sand National was a complete disaster. I must give my all in training, or I will never approach Sylvando's level.


*: The Sand National was a complete disaster. Sylvando beat me easily, and he is no more than a wandering fool! I must train harder.



*: I will not lose again! I will not allow my beloved daughter to relive the pain of seeing her father humiliated!



*: The race is heating up... It is neck and neck... But wait! Who is this!? The mysterious Sylvando charges through from the rear!



*: Such speed! He breezes past Sharukh... Wonderful! He is like the desert wind!




*: ...Hm? What are we doing? Is it not obvious!? We are holding our very own Sand National, of course!



*: And it is a very exciting race indeed! The Great Sylvando has just stormed into the lead!



*: Faiz must be bitter indeed. Not only was he unable to enter the Sand National, his replacement dazzled everyone with his performance.


*: Gah, you ain't come to give me stick as well, 'ave ya? Look, I know me tip for the big race was way off. I'm as gutted as anyone.



*: I'm tryin' to calm down a bit by pretendin' I'm an 'orse. It's a little technique o' mine. Works a treat, you know. You should give it a go.


*: This is the way to the spectator stands. Should you wish to enter a race, proceed to the reception desk to the north of the paddock.



*: Hm? Did I not see you at the racetrack at the time of the Sand National...?



*: Wait...did you take part in the race...?



*: Ah ha ha! No, of course not. All the riders are known to us. Ignore me.


*: The Sand National is over, and Gallopolis is peaceful once more. No trouble to report!


*: Cor, did you see that Sylvando in the Sand National? 'E was quick as anyfink, that one!



*: 'Course, it's 'is 'orse deserves most o' the credit. Wot a beauty! Prince Faris's was pretty nifty, but Sylvando's was a rocket on legs!



*: I cannot fathom it! The Sand National is over, and yet still he speaks of nothing but horses!



*: I am more interested in the horsemen—especially Prince Faris. Even with his helmet on, he was twice as handsome as some men I could mention...



*: Did you see it!? Did you see Prince Faris race!? That was truly the stuff of legend!



*: And I should know—I have never missed a single Sand National. My equine knowledge is unsurpassed!



*: Prince Faris's performance has been roundly praised—and rightly so. It was one truly worthy of a future sultan of Gallopolis.



*: The Sand National was truly enjoyable this year! If only every year's race could be as exciting!



*: Everyone is talking about the Sand National, and the two names on their lips are those of Prince Faris and the mysterious Sylvando!




*: The passion of the crowd at the Sand National was truly inspiring. We Gallopolitans certainly love our racing!


*: My mother was somehow able to secure tickets for the circus. My boy was truly delighted. It was a great relief.



*: But now he is adamant that he wishes to become a performer.



*: Once, the idea would have appalled me, but when I saw Sylvando race, I saw that perhaps the circus instils more knightly skills than I had realised...


*: I wonder if we might have another glimpse of Sylvando's talent at the forthcoming Silver Cup? That would be quite something...



*: Of course, he will have to emerge victorious in the Bronze Cup first. That goes for all potential entrants—yourself included!


*: The racetrack is this way. Everyone is still talking about the Sand National, of course, but ordinary races are still being held.



*: The event taking place at the moment is the Silver Cup, the next stage for all the riders who have proven their worth in the Bronze Cup. You should try and catch a glimpse of the action if you are interested.


‘Gallopolitan Racing Times Exclusive! Prince Faris: Royal, Rider, All-Round Epitome of the Gallopolitan Ideal!



‘Also Inside: Who Is Sylvando? Read All About the Dark Horse Who Came from Nowhere to Wow the Crowds!’


‘Gallopolitan Racing Times Exclusive! Who Is Sylvando? Read All About the Dark Horse Who Came from Nowhere to Wow the Crowds!



‘Also Inside: Prince Faris: Royal, Rider, All-Round Epitome of the Gallopolitan Ideal!’


*: The result of the Sand National surprised everybody—no one thought that a last-minute substitute would perform so well.



*: The Sand National may be over, but the circus is still attracting visitors from all over the world. There is no rest for a Gallopolitan hotelier!






*: The Sand National was simply wonderful, and Prince Faris performed magnificently. Our kingdom will be safe in his hands, I am sure!


*: Prince Faris really is just as amazing as everyone says. It was well worth coming all this way to see him in action.



*: He was wearing a helmet during the race, of course, but I saw his face in the paddock afterwards. He's...beautiful!


*: All anyone can talk about is the Sand National. Prince Faris's performance seems to have made quite the impression.


*: This year's Sand National was truly incredible—and full of surprises! No one thought the man from the circus would be such a capable horseman!



*: But Prince Faris was just as wonderful as expected! Better, even! No doubt he will be a fixture on the winner's podium for years to come!


*: I was wondering where Sylv had got to, and then I heard he was riding in the Sand National! What a shock that was!



*: I always knew he was a pretty decent horseman, but to do that in one of the world's biggest races? He's incredible!


*: My grandson was so very happy when he saw Sylvando racing in the Sand National.



*: Most of us were surprised to see him take the track, but not my little darling. Ever since he saw the man perform at the circus, he has been convinced he is capable of anything!


*: I thought it was important not to expect too much of Prince Faris. Completing the race without mishap, that was the most important thing.



*: Imagine my surprise when he performed as he did! It would seem that our beloved little prince has become quite a man!


*: Prince Faris performed wonderfully, did he not? Of course, I always knew that he would. There is something...special about him. An aura of greatness...



*: Speaking of auras, yours seems rather familiar. Did you take part in the race as well, perhaps?


*: Did you see Sylv race? He was like the wind! Like lightning! He was unstoppable!



*: ...Hm? Where is he now? I haven't the foggiest! He comes and goes whenever he pleases, that one!


*: The dust has barely settled from the Sand National, and the next events are already underway. We Gallopolitans do love our racing, it is true.


*: Welcome to the racetrack of Gallopolis, where fortunes are made, and dreams come true!



*: The Sand National is over now, but there are always other races taking place. They may not have quite the same glamour and intensity, but they are exhilarating nonetheless.


*: Prince Faris's performance at the Sand National appears to have pleased the Sultan greatly!


*: ...Prince Faris? He is in the throne room, I believe. Proceed directly up the stairs.


*: It cannot be... Prince Faris is simply incapable of riding a horse so skilfully...



*: Is some devilry afoot...? Could something terrible be about to happen...?


*: His Excellency, the Most Exalted Sultan, appears to have been most pleased by Prince Faris's performance.



*: I, however, cannot help feeling somewhat uneasy. He did not appear to be...himself out there on the track...


*: Prince Faris gave us a display of great courage and skill, men! He should be an inspiration to you in your training!


*: The Sand National was a most wonderful race—and most surprising. We had no idea Prince Faris could ride like he did.



*: Watching him only made me more determined to enter the Sand National myself one day—which is why I am now training harder than ever.


*: The Captain tells us to take inspiration from Prince Faris's performance in the Sand National, but horse racing and spear-wielding are entirely different.


*: Prince Faris has truly come of age! His performance in the Sand National proved his royal credentials to the world!



*: He is now the toast of all Gallopolis, and the people have been assured that the future of their kingdom is secure!


*: Prince Faris is speaking with the Sultan, I believe.



*: I must confess, this does all feel rather like a dream. Prince Faris cannot ride a horse...


*: I should be relieved that the Sand National concluded without incident. And yet...



*: Something feels...wrong about it all...


*: I have never seen our exalted Sultan happier! He must be so proud of his son!



*: And as for Prince Faris, no doubt he will now become more popular than ever!


*: What am I going to do!? I cannot find Princess Furris anywhere! Where can she have gone!?



*: I do hope nothing bad will happen to her... Oh, Princess Furris! Princess Furris...?


*: The Prince Faris I saw in the Sand National was not the Prince Faris I see in the palace every day. His determination to win must have turned him into a different person entirely!


*: We have received reports that the Slayer has been sighted in the Celestial Sands.



*: I cannot imagine what the checkpoint guards over there must be feeling. Thank the heavens that we have no such concerns here...



*: Oh, but I am forgetting my duties! Only those with permission from His Excellency, the Most Exalted Sultan of Gallopolis, may pass through this checkpoint! Please, you must leave immediately!



*: The Slayer has been sighted in the Celestial Sands, just beyond this checkpoint.



*: I cannot in good conscience allow you to pass at a time of such danger. Please, return to the city immediately.



*: Terrible news! The Slayer of the Sands has been sighted!



*: The accursed creature attacked one of my fellow guards while he was out on patrol.



*: His life is not in danger, thank the heavens, but he has been taken back to the palace for treatment. To think that it could just as easily have been me... (shudder)


*: That which I feared most has finally occurred. The Slayer has returned.



*: I faced it once before...and fled. Can I truly face it again?


*: I hear that an injured soldier has been taken to the palace. I wonder what happened to him...


*: I have nursed the wounds of soldiers who have been injured while battling the Slayer of the Sands before.



*: And now they say the beast has returned. I can only hope that it does not wreak too much havoc this time...


*: The Slayer of the Sands has appeared. At times such as these, it is more important than ever that we soldiers remain vigilant.




*: We are receiving reports that the Slayer of the Sands has been sighted. We desert knights must remain resolute and stoic, lest the people start to panic.


*: I have decided not to tell my wife and son that the Slayer of the Sands has been sighted. There is no need to worry them unduly...


*: It is terrifying... The Slayer of the Sands has appeared again, as it always does at this time of year...



*: They say that its claws can cut through the thickest armour as if it were parchment. Please, you must not enter the Celestial Sands while the creature is at large!

Sultan of Gallopolis

Faris displayed such courage and skill during the Sand National that I am entirely confident he will capture the Slayer of the Sands with ease! The future of Gallopolis is safe with him!


*: First Faris displays his great talent on the racetrack, and now he volunteers to capture the Slayer of the Sands! Truly, my little boy has become a man!




*: I can picture him now, returning to the Palace a hero—the saviour of Gallopolis!


*: ...Prince Faris? I believe His Highness has returned to his chambers to prepare for his expedition into the Sands.



*: Should you wish to speak with him, his chambers are located at the foot of the great staircase. But please, do not disrupt his preparations...


*: I would gladly volunteer for Prince Faris's expedition, but I cannot leave my post here in the throne room.


*: I have long desired an opportunity to do battle with the Slayer, but as one of the Sultan's personal guards, I cannot leave his side.



*: Fortunately, Prince Faris has volunteered for the task. His Highness will make light work of capturing the beast, I am sure.



*: Tra la la! Our future sultan,

Folderol! Great, big, tough man!

Out into the Sands, chain and sword in haaand!




*: I feel it is my duty to compose a song of support for Prince Faris. Alas, the words do not appear to be falling into place as yet...


*: Why must the Slayer always ruin the excitement of the Sand National? ...But it will not do to lose heart. We must keep our spirits up.


*: I believe Prince Faris has retreated to his chambers to prepare for his confrontation with the Slayer of the Sands.


*: Can the Prince truly succeed where so many of our most experienced knights have failed...? I am concerned, I must confess...


*: Prince Faris has volunteered to go and capture the Slayer of the Sands!



*: Such courage! Such gallantry! Only a true knight would undertake such a mission in the name of his kingdom!


*: Is it true? Is Prince Faris really going to venture into the Celestial Sands and capture the Slayer!?



*: He is an inspiration to us all! We apprentice knights are too inexperienced to accompany him, of course, but he will certainly have our full support!


*: I am the same age as Prince Faris, and yet I could not imagine volunteering to venture into the Celestial Sands in search of the Slayer... (shudder)


*: Our patrol was attacked by the Slayer... Hngh! To our...great shame, we turned tail and fled without even landing a—Nnngh...—blow on the beast...



*: His claws... They tear through Gallopolitan steel as if it were not there... Hnghhh... I... I worry for Prince Faris... Hnghhh...



*: This poor man was attacked by the Slayer of the Sands. His life is not in danger, but he is in terrible pain...



*: My comrade here was attacked by the Slayer of the Sands.



*: What a brutal creature, to inflict such injuries on one of the finest knights of Gallopolis... It must be captured, post-haste!


*: My unit have been ordered to escort Prince Faris into the Celestial Sands.



*: It is a great honour, of course, but to do battle with the Slayer while also ensuring His Highness's safety? This will be a task indeed...


*: At last, an opportunity to put all our training to the test!



*: We shall venture into the Sands, capture the Slayer and return to Gallopolis as heroes!


*: Our orders have been received. We are to head out into the Celestial Sands and capture the Slayer. Of course, we may never return...but that is the lot of a knight.



*: Though I must confess, I would rather die in the winner's enclosure of the Sand National than out in the desert under the scorching sun...


*: The Celestial Sands, where Prince Faris will seek to capture the Slayer, are home to a formation of mysterious stone pillars.



*: They appear to be extremely ancient, though beyond that, little is known about them. Indeed, they are shrouded in mystery...


*: Prince Faris has retired to his chambers. He looked somewhat...ashen.


*: The thought of Prince Faris attempting to capture the Slayer of the Sands is... It is sheer insanity!



*: He may have muddled his way through the Sand National, but this... This is too much...


*: The Sultan was no doubt impressed by Prince Faris's performance in the Sand National.



*: But I must confess, I feel he is making a grave error in allowing him to face the Slayer of the Sands. Not even our greatest knights have been able to subdue the creature...


*: The palace has been in a state of panic ever since the Slayer of the Sands appeared. But surely we will be safe here? Surely...



*: The great scorpion that terrorises the Celestial Sands is a terrifying creature indeed... I pray that no one else is hurt...


*: Prince Faris fairly skipped out, full of excitement, and announced that he would set off for the Sands immediately! What spell did you cast on him, please?


*: They mean to capture the Slayer of the Sands? Such heroism!


*: Prince Faris has already set off on his quest to capture the Slayer of the Sands.



*: He appeared to be full of confidence, despite his quarry's fearsome reputation...


*: His Highness has already departed for the Sands—and in very high spirits too. He has become a true knight, I must say.


*: It would seem that Prince Faris is departing for the Celestial Sands in order to capture the Slayer.



*: All that we can do is pray for his safe return...


*: Some of our most hardened warriors have attempted to capture the Slayer of the Sands—and failed.



*: I pray that Prince Faris returns unharmed from his expedition...


*: Prince Faris, capturing the Slayer of the Sands?



*: Until recently, I would have said that such a thing was impossible. But he has seemed a different man since the Sand National.



The Slayer of the Sands has been sighted. Prince Faris has volunteered to capture the beast. Citizens are to remain on high alert at all times.’


*: Have you seen this? Prince Faris will attempt to capture the Slayer of the Sands! Many before him have tried and failed... But after his performance at the Sand National, I... Yes! I believe in him!



*: It has happened! Just as I feared it would! The Slayer of the Sands has appeared again!



*: That brutal creature killed my best friend many years ago. I can only pray that no one else falls victim to the same fate...


*: Prince Faris is our great hope! This kingdom's shining light! I shall pray fervently for his safe return from the Celestial Sands!


*: Isn't this Prince Faris fellow incredible? First he rides up a storm at the Sand National, then he announces that he's off to capture some enormous monster!



*: And you know what else? I think I'm one of the first to know! I can't wait for him to bring back that beast for us all to have a look at!


*: Monsters like the Slayer of the Sands cannot be allowed to simply do as they please! Someone must apprehend the creature, immediately!


*: The Slayer of the Sands has appeared. At times such as these, it is more important than ever that we soldiers remain vigilant.



*: Hm? ...Prince Faris? He appeared to be heading out of the city. In fact, there seemed to be quite some commotion.


*: Did you hear? The Slayer has been sighted in the Celestial Sands. I must admit, the news terrifies me...



*: But now I hear that Prince Faris will venture forth to capture the beast. Truly, he is our hero!



*: By the time the horrible thing makes it to Gallopolis, it will be bound claw-to-tail in chains! Ha ha! No trouble to report!


*: Prince Faris's admirers have all gone to see him off at the city gates, I believe.



*: It makes my night easier, not having to shoo them away all the while. Though it does also make things rather lonely...


*: Did you hear? Prince Faris is going to go into the desert to catch a big monster called the Slayer of the Sands!



*: But people say that even the strongest knights in Gallopolis cannot defeat it! Is the Prince really going to be alright?


*: The Slayer of the Sands has proved too much for even our finest warriors thus far.



*: So it is understandable that everyone is concerned about Prince Faris. But after witnessing his performance in the Sand National, I am certain that he will prevail!



*: First, the news from Heliodor of the escape of this Darkspawn creature...



*: And now we hear that the Slayer of the Sands has been sighted out in the desert. Erdrea is beset by ever more troubling developments...



*: Prince Faris is to venture into the Celestial Sands to capture the Slayer!



*: If he shows the same courage he displayed during the Sand National, the creature will not stand a chance! I cannot wait to witness his triumphant return!



*: 'Ere, 'ave you 'eard the news? Prince Faris is gonna follow up 'is stormin' run in the Sand National wiv a bash at capturin' the Slayer of the Sands!



*: I'll tell ya wot, 'e's got guts, that one. The Slayer's made mincemeat out o' some o' the 'ardest knights Gallopolis ever 'ad.



*: My husband cannot stop worrying about Prince Faris. I have no such concerns!



*: A knight as brave and gallant as he will surely make light work of this desert pest!


Prince Faris

Ah! There you are.


Prince Faris

I have instructed my men to wait outside the city gates. Come and join us as soon as you are ready!


*: Prince Faris is going to capture the Slayer of the Sands! He truly is the greatest hero in the history of Gallopolis!




*: (swoon) Just look at him! Venturing forth to fight our oppressor! He is a true hero!




*: If you are going to help Prince Faris deal with the monster, you must not cause him any trouble, do you understand!?


*: If you are going to help Prince Faris deal with the monster, you must not cause him any trouble, do you understand!?


*: Prince Faris is going to capture the Slayer of the Sands!



*: How brave he is, taking on a beast that has killed so many of our finest knights!


*: Prince Faris showed us all what he could do at the Sand National. I have no doubt that he will capture the Slayer of the Sands! None at all!


*: Prince Faris does appear to be rather...cheerful, considering what lies ahead...


*: Welcome to Gallopolis! If you seek Prince Faris and his brave band, they have already departed for the Celestial Sands.



*: ...Hm? How does one get there? Simply venture west, and you will see two checkpoints. The Sands are accessed via the more northerly of the two.



*: But I must warn you that they are not to be visited lightly. If you truly mean to journey there, you must go well prepared.


*: Prince Faris showed us all what he could do at the Sand National. I have no doubt that he will capture the Slayer of the Sands! None at all!


*: Have you heard? Prince Faris has ventured into the Celestial Sands in order to capture the vicious Slayer!



*: ...What did you say? You are to accompany him?



*: Hmm... I have no idea why he would allow one such as you to join him... Just make sure you do not get in his way, yes?


*: Prince Faris has gone to capture the Slayer of the Sands!



*: How brave he is, taking on a beast that has killed so many of our finest knights!



*: M-Mister Sylvando! I, I saw you in the circus! You were magnificent! I loved it!



You came to see me!? Oh, thank you, darling! I'm glad you enjoyed it. Let's hope we can make a success of this little adventure too, eh?


*: You will, Mister Sylvando, I am sure of it! You can do anything! I am going to be just like you one day!



*: M-Mister Sylvando! My boy is a great admirer of yours. A few words from you would mean a great deal to him...




*: Sylv? Where have you been!? You just disappeared! We were worried about you!



Sorry, honey! There's just a few bits and pieces I have to straighten out, you know. I'll be gone for a while longer, okay? Don't miss me too much!


*: I... I see. Well, promise you'll be careful, alright? A star like you wouldn't be easy to replace!



*: S-S-Sylvando...? I-Is it really you!?




*: The great Sylvando, in the flesh... Close enough to touch... Th-This is a dream come true!



*: Sylv! Are you...leaving us...?



Awww, don't be so dramatic, honey! I'm just heading out to the Celestial Sands to check on something, that's all. I'll be back before you know it!


*: The Celestial Sands!? Oh, Sylv... Only you would go somewhere so dangerous out of choice!



*: Mister Sylvando! I saw you in the Sand National! You were the best horseman by far! Please, you must say hello to my father!



*: Well, well... The Wandering Wonder himself, yes? Know this, clown—next time we race, I will not be defeated!



*: Know this, Sylvando—next time we race, I will not be defeated!



*: Hiya, Sylv! Should you really be wandering around town like this? I mean, you're a real celebrity now...



It's all good publicity, darling! Just doing my bit to advertise the circus!


*: Heh. Whatever you say. Listen, I don't know where you're off to now, but just be careful, alright?



*: Well Sylv, what do you say? Are you going to sign up with the troupe for the long haul?



The long haul!? Honey, I'm the Wandering Wonder! I'm just not ready for that kind of commitment.



*: Oh, Sylv... I don't know why I even bother. All you ever do is reject me...




*: Still, that doesn't mean I want you getting killed. I hear this monster out in the desert is not to be messed with. If you're going out there, be careful, alright?


*: Halt! The Slayer of the Sands is on the loose! I cannot allow you to—




*: Ah. You are the ones who will be accompanying Prince Faris, yes?



*: A thousand pardons. His Highness has asked that you be instructed to go right on through.


*: Halt! The Slayer of the Sands is on the loose! I cannot allow you to—




*: Ah. You are the ones who will be accompanying Prince Faris, yes?



*: A thousand pardons. His Highness has asked that you be instructed to go right on through.


*: Prince Faris has already entered the Sands. I believe he is proceeding directly to the Pernicious Peninsula, where the Slayer was last sighted.



*: Please, you must proceed with great care. The Slayer has already claimed the lives of countless brave knights...



*: Prince Faris and his men have already entered the Celestial Sands.



*: To willingly face the Slayer at such a young age... His Highness has courage beyond imagining...


*: I am a researcher, here from Sniflheim. The Sultan of Gallopolis is giving me special permission to investigate these ancient ruins, yes?



*: The stars can be seen so, so clearly from here in the desert. That is why I am thinking that these stones were used for some sort of star-related ceremony.


Morning, campers! I hope you slept well—we've got ourselves a Slayer to catch!



Our little Princey-poo and his friends set off at first light. We'd better hurry if we want to catch up with them!


*: I have seen a wagon carrying a giant scorpion creature toward the palace.



*: It seems the Prince of Gallopolis is the one who captured the beast. The local people must be so, so proud of him!


*: Prince Faris and his men brought the Slayer through here. But did His Highness truly capture the beast...?


*: I do not believe it! Prince Faris has captured the Slayer of the Sands! But he is still only a boy!


*: Did you hear the news? Prince Faris has captured the Slayer of the Sands!



*: We Gallopolitans can breathe easy once more! Thank the heavens for our future sultan!

Prince Faris

Fear not! I will not forget what Sylvando told me! From now on, I shall live my life according to the Pledge!


Prince Faris


Ah, did you like the crossbow I gave you? I hope you will make good use of it!


Prince Faris

Incidentally, I have heard rumours of a hooded man here in the city who is something of an expert on crossbows. Perhaps you should speak with him...

Sultan of Gallopolis

We Gallopolitans owe you a great debt, friends! You have shown both Faris and I the error of our ways.


Sultan of Gallopolis

It is a shame that I could not reward you with the Rainbough, but now that you have my permission, you should be able to follow the merchant west to Gondolia.


Sultan of Gallopolis

Oh, and should you happen to meet our performing friend again on your travels, you must give him our warmest regards.


Sultan of Gallopolis

He has the soul of a knight. Indeed, witnessing him in action reminded me of one or two things I had forgotten myself...


*: Poor, poor Faris... We smothered him with so much love, we could not see who he truly was. We must have caused him such pain and suffering...



*: But at long last, we have seen the error of our ways—and it is you and Sylvando whom we must thank for that.


*: In hiding his true nature, Prince Faris fooled us all...



*: But now that all has been revealed, perhaps at last he can become a worthy prince of Gallopolis.


*: A thousand thank yous for your assistance out on the Celestial Sands, friend. None of us would have returned alive were it not for you...


*: When I was ordered to accompany Prince Faris to the Celestial Sands, I prepared myself for the worst. It is only thanks to you that I was able to return alive and well.


*: I hear that you were the one who took the Prince's place in the Sand National. Our kingdom owes you a great debt indeed...



*: Tra la la! Our handsome Prince,

Fol de ree! All but invince-





*: It is our duty as Gallopolitans to rally around the Prince at this difficult time. That is why I have written him this song of support. Of course, it still requires a little work...


*: I am certain that the Prince's dissolute days are behind him now. And all is thanks to you. We are in your debt.


*: If it were not for your actions out on the Sands, I would never have been reunited with my beloved pet! Thank you!


*: You do not appear strong, and yet I hear that you captured the Slayer of the Sands. Clearly, I misjudged you.



*: Indeed, you would seem to be ideal knight material. Is this something you might consider, perhaps?<yesno>


*: Ha ha! Somehow, I knew you would refuse! You have the look of one on some kind of quest. Well, I wish you luck.


*: Ha ha! Perhaps later, hm? It is plain that you are on some kind of quest. I wish you luck in your endeavours.


*: I have been hearing all about your exploits! First you race in the Sand National, next you capture the Slayer of the Sands!



*: We Gallopolitans owe you a great deal! There will always be a welcome for you here in the desert!


*: Prince Faris has been changed a great deal by recent...events. It is not my place to say, perhaps, but it seems he has become a knight at last.



*: We Gallopolitans have you to thank for this most welcome turnaround. We will not forget what you have done for us!


*: Sands be praised! I no longer have to lie about Prince Faris's achievements! The truth is out at last!


*: My nurse and I became close during my recovery, after I was attacked by the Slayer of the Sands.



*: We discovered a shared fondness for a cat named Princess Furris...and the rest is history! Ha ha ha!



*: At last, I have found a truly good man. Despite his own suffering, he was far more concerned with Prince Faris's safety.



*: Putting others before oneself—that is the mark of a true knight!



*: Meow...



*: Prince Faris faced countless obstacles, and yet he never wavered, and never hid! Let His Highness be your inspiration!


*: What Prince Faris did required great courage. We must demonstrate that same courage. Each hardship is an opportunity to grow!


*: I am more determined than ever to become a knight after seeing Prince Faris face the Slayer!



*: Though I must confess, I was even more impressed by Sylvando. I have never seen such grace, such precision. I doubt I will ever reach such heights...


*: Prince Faris and the Sultan appear to have resolved their misunderstandings. This bodes well for the future of our realm!


*: The royal records indicate that the Rainbough originally came from Dundrasil, but that it has been kept here in Gallopolis for many generations.



*: I had hoped to learn something of how the branch came to be, and of how the King of Dundrasil came to possess it, but alas, no such records remain...


*: I feel...liberated! No longer must I lie to the Sultan about Prince Faris's neglect of his knightly training!



*: Thank you, truly, for all you have done!


*: I still find it difficult to believe. Prince Faris appeared so diligent, and yet he was nothing but a lazy, deceptive oaf...



*: Still, at least now he has seen the error of his ways. Perhaps there is hope for Gallopolis after all!


*: This may sound a little foolish...but I am certain that even the palace cats feel enthused by Prince Faris's transformation!


*: Gallopolis has suffered a tumultuous time of late. But now things have calmed down a little at last, and I can concentrate on my work.


*: I'm winning the next Sand National, mark my words! You can bet your house on it!


*: Welcome to the racetrack of Gallopolis, where fortunes are made, and dreams come true!



*: Please report to the booth by the track if you would like to take part in a race.


*: It is you! The one who aided Prince Faris in his capture of the Slayer! I would be honoured to have you spend the night!




*: The end is nigh... The Dark One will soon be reborn... The feeling grows stronger day by day...



*: ...Hm? The Slayer of the Sands is no more, you say? Ha! The Slayer of the Sands is a pathetic irrelevance!



*: Soon you will know a terror far greater than any you ever imagined possible! You will see!




*: Soon you will face a terror that will make the Slayer of the Sands seem an utter triviality! You will see!



*: My faith in His Highness wavered for a while there, I must confess. But now that I have witnessed his courage, I feel the future is bright for Gallopolis!


*: You will travel to Gondolia? How magnificent! It is a most beautiful place. I would love to take a trip along its beautiful canals one day...



*: You can imagine how lively the conversation among my patrons has been, what with all the recent occurrences here in Gallopolis.



*: Of course, we Gallopolitans are accustomed to having plenty to talk about. I hope you have not found our kingdom too overwhelming!


*: Are you the one? The one who rode in the Sand National instead of Prince Faris?<yesno>


*: Oh, I do apologise. I had wanted to ask him if he would ride in another race, that is all. I would so love to watch him again...


*: I knew it! I knew it was you! Listen, there will be more races held soon. You should consider taking part!



*: I was so impressed by your performance at the Sand National—I would love to see you ride again!


*: Prince Faris is unharmed, praise the sands! What courage he displayed in the face of that terrible creature!



*: Though I must say, Sylvando showed some truly wonderful swordsmanship too. Where might he have learned such skills, I wonder...?


*: You are the one who rode in place of Prince Faris, are you not? The resemblance is rather striking, it is true.



*: Of course, I was rather shocked that His Highness would go to such lengths, but he must have been under terrible pressure.



*: Still, he has now shown us all how courageous he can be. We must respond in kind by offering all our support.



*: I was rather shocked that His Highness would go to such lengths to avoid participating in the race, but he must have been under terrible pressure.



*: Still, he has now shown us all how courageous he can be. We must respond in kind by offering all our support.


*: Do-do-dooo!

Picking up horse poo,

Is what I do-do-dooo!



*: The Sand National may be over, but there are lots of other races to be won. The horses of Gallopolis are busy all year round!


*: A lot has happened, but the races have begun again nonetheless. Soon the racetrack will be alive with excitement once more!


*: Faiz has now fully recovered from his injury. And his regret at missing out on the Sand National is causing him to train harder than ever.



*: He will no doubt be riding in some of the higher-ranked races. I shall have to do my best to make life difficult for him out there!


*: Sylv's gone and left us. I'm really going to miss having him around. He was a real ray of sunshine...



*: Still, there's no point moping. The show must go on! In fact, we're performing tonight! Why don't you come along?


*: What are you doing up here? Planning a little performance, are you? What a show-off! Hee hee!


*: I've got to get ready for the show tonight. Every night is different, so I have to be prepared for anything.



*: If only I'd asked Sylv for a few tips before he went off on his journey...


*: Well? What do you think? I'm not bad at this, eh?



*: I mean, I'm nowhere near Sylv's level, but still...


*: I guess I shouldn't be surprised that Sylv's gone and left us. We always knew he was the wandering type. Still, I am going to miss him.



*: Well, wherever he ends up, I hope things go wonderfully for him.


*: So Prince Faris wasn't the one who rode in the Sand National, and he wasn't the one who captured the Slayer of the Sands?



*: I can't make head nor tail of this. And what's worse, it's almost as though I'm getting the blame! I tried apologising, but that just made it worse...


*: At last, I finally feel like I'm on holiday! And would you believe it? We got these seats for free!


*: I still think Prince Faris is handsome, but he's also a sneaky cheat. Fancy lying about taking part in the Sand National like that!



*: Things like that make me glad I'm with this one. Even if I do wish he'd stop apologising all the time...


*: After he had that accident with the horse poo, the royal family gave us these seats for free! Look how good the view is from here!



*: I finally feel like I'm on holiday! Plus, I suppose I'm starting to appreciate this one a little more as well...



*: Here we are! It is the final furlong, and Prince Faris is starting to make his move!



*: Yes! Yes, Prince Faris has taken the lead! This is a huge surprise! And the finishing line is in sight...




*: ...Hm? What are we doing? We are holding our own Sand National, of course!



*: Perhaps one of us will be picked to be Prince Faris's body double next year!



*: How do they do it!? Do you think I could learn to do things like that?


*: Prince Faris's deception led my predictions astray, but from now on they will be faultless! And that is a promise!



*: My approach has been perfected over a number of years, and is almost infallible. So come and see me if you want a recommendation for the next race—I will not let you down!


*: This man's predictions for the Sand National were completely wrong, and yet he still claims his approach is infallible!



*: ...Surely he would not have this much faith in himself if he doubted his methods. Fine! I will give him one more chance.


*: The instant the Slayer of the Sands was defeated, my husband went back to his horse obsession as though nothing had happened.



*: Still, I cannot complain about things being peaceful again. I will let him have his little hobby. Perhaps I will even attempt to take an interest...



*: I have left my husband with his beloved horses and come to the circus by myself.



*: I feel rather foolish for expecting so much of Prince Faris, but we had heard so many wonderful things about him.



*: Still, he did stand his ground when the Slayer of the Sands attacked. Perhaps there is hope for him yet.


*: So Prince Faris deceived us all. I did think there was something different about him during the Sand National...



*: But he is still young. I am sure that he will learn from this experience and grow into a fine Sultan.



*: Stop wandering around and concentrate on the circus! You are spoiling everyone's fun!



*: I am greatly relieved that the Slayer of the Sands is no longer a threat. But we must not forget the sacrifices made by those who fought the awful creature.



*: We pray that those who have fallen in battle are returned to the sands, where they may rest in peace for eternity... Amen.


*: Oh! I have heard about you! You are the one who helped capture the Slayer of the Sands!



*: Now the souls of those it slew can rest in peace at last. A thousand thank yous, traveller!


*: It is so good to see everyone here enjoying the circus. Peace has returned to Gallopolis! And for that, we have you to thank!


*: So all that talk about this strong and heroic prince of theirs was a load of rubbish? I can't say I'm not disappointed.



*: He did stand up to the Slayer of the Sands, though. And he looked good doing it too.



*: Yes, the rumours about him being handsome were true at least. Well, that's good enough for me! I'm glad I came all this way to see him!


‘World Exclusive! Prince in Slayer of Sands Scam Scandal! Owns Up to Employing Outside Aid!



‘Wins Back Hearts of His Public by Walloping Stonking Great Scorpion in City Square!’


‘Gallopolitan Racing Times Exclusive! Races to Resume After Turbulent Times Finally Finish!



‘All eyes will be on Faiz's comeback—will it be a return to form or a fall from grace? Can anyone hope to challenge him? Watch this space, racing fans!’



*: I cannot believe that Prince Faris lied to us! And who is this mysterious foreigner the report mentions?




*: ...Hm? It is you!? By the sands... This is a great honour!




*: To meet one who has raced in the Sand National...not to mention your having captured the Slayer of the Sands... Truly, it is a great honour!



*: I came from Puerto Valor to see the Sand Nacional. Sí, I should have returned already...



*: But I am glad I did not! To witness Sylvando's mastery of the sword... ¡Caramba! He is no ordinary circus performer, eh?


*: I am only a visitor here in Gallopolis, and I should have returned to Puerto Valor long ago, but the food... Mmm, ¡muy bien!



*: And in fact, it is good that I stayed. I was lucky enough to witness Sylvando's mastery of the sword. There is something very special about him, no?


*: Make your dreams come true at the circus! We've got an all-new show lined up for you! Get your tickets now for tonight's performance!


*: The Slayer of the Sands is finally defeated! This is the most auspicious news I have heard in a very long time!



*: ...Perhaps it is a sign! Yes! Perhaps this will be the day that I finally have my big win! I must go to the racetrack immediately!


‘Great Sylvando Leaves Gallopolis! Hordes Of Adoring Fans Faithfully Await His Fabulous Return!’


*: Sylv's gone, but that doesn't mean we can't still put on one heck of a show! You won't want to miss the new one, I promise you!


*: Mister Sylvando is the best! He can ride a horse so, so fast, and he can even fight monsters!



*: I will be a Wandering Wonder just like him when I am older!



*: I am...the Great Sylvando...! Zzz...


*: My son insists that he wishes to become a travelling performer like Sylvando when he is grown.



*: I am happy for him to follow his dream, but his father insists on him becoming a knight...



*: Everyone's been feeling a bit lonely since Sylv left.



*: ...What's that? You want to buy a ticket for the circus? I'm sorry, but you'll have to come back in the evening. It'll be worth it, though!


*: ...Circus tickets? Oh, I'm sorry, they're all sold out. Better luck next time, eh?



*: Wait, wait! I'm only joking! Everyone gets to go in for free tonight—it's to celebrate Sylv's heroism in the whole thing with that monster.



*: The troupe's cooked up a really top-notch show. Go in and take a look—you won't get an offer like this again any time soon!


*: Everyone gets to go in for free tonight! It's to celebrate Sylv's heroism in the whole thing with that monster. In you go!


*: Did you see Sylv with that sword? There's nothing he can't do! He's a real star, that one!


*: You must have seen it too, yes? The manner in which Sylvando handled that sword? Oh, it was glorious! Truly, it gave me goosebumps all over!



*: It also made me realise something. I should not seek to follow Sylvando around—I should seek to become just like him!



*: The first step will be to observe these circus performers and memorise their movements. Wish me luck, friend! Next time we meet, I may well be on that stage!




*: I should not seek to follow Sylvando around—I should seek to become just like him. The first step will be to observe these performers closely...



*: Wish me luck, friend! Next time we meet, I may well be on that stage!



*: It would seem that Sylvando has already left Gallopolis. I wish I could have seen him perform...



*: Despite what happened this year, Prince Faris is certain to win the next Sand National, do you not think?<yesno>


*: I am so glad you agree! While he may have used a body double in this year's race, we all saw his courage in the face of the Slayer of the Sands.



*: He has all the makings of a brave and fearless champion, I am sure of it!


*: How can you say such a thing!? Did you not witness the way he stood firm before the Slayer of the Sands!?



*: He displayed all the skill and courage of a true champion! There is no question that he will triumph over the likes of Faiz!


*: This fool believes that Prince Faris will win next year's Sand National!



*: Of course, I do not deny that he has shown himself to be brave. But courage will not be enough to defeat Faiz!


*: Prince Faris's courageous stand made me realise something of great importance.



*: It is he who will lead us into the future. And if his performance was anything to go by, the future is bright indeed!


*: Will you be entering the next race?<yesno>


*: Then you will be racing against my father—and he will be very, very fast indeed!


*: Then you should watch it instead! My father will be racing, and he will be very, very fast indeed!


*: I know a secret! My father's horse likes to train while we sleep! That is why she is always so tired!



*: She must have been so disappointed at losing to Prince Faris and Mister Sylvando. She's just like Papa!


*: My horse is so tired she can barely stand, let alone run. Still, I must not remain idle. I had better do some training without her.



*: After all, the races will be recommencing soon. I cannot embarrass myself in front of my beloved daughter again.


*: I have just now finished training for the day. With Faiz set to return soon from his injury, I must work hard if I am to have any hope of winning.



*: I am so hungry, I could eat a horse! Not mine, of course! Ha ha!


It's a rather sleepy-looking horse.


*: When I heard that the Slayer of the Sands had appeared, I thought my beloved darlings here would be required to ride into action.



*: Thank the sands that this did not come to pass!


*: This is the way to the racetrack's spectator stands. If you wish to enter a race, report to the booth beyond the paddock, please.



*: Ah! You are Prince Faris's friend!



*: Then it is thanks to you that Gallopolis is at peace once more! No more trouble to report!



*: It is thanks to you that Gallopolis is at peace once more! No more trouble to report!


*: Prince Faris confessed that he is a fraud, and yet his admirers seem to have more affection for him than ever.



*: Not that I am complaining, of course. My night shifts would be so much duller without them to keep me busy!



*: Perhaps if I talk to these young ladies every night, I will be able to persuade them of my own charms...




*: The Slayer of the Sands tormented and terrified us for years, and yet Sylvando made short work of the fiend. He is quite the hero.



*: And although the minstrel did most of the hard work, Prince Faris also showed a courage that some of us had feared he lacked. Perhaps he has turned a corner.


*: The Slayer of the Sands tormented and terrified us for years, and yet Sylvando made short work of the fiend. He is quite the hero.



*: After his circus show and his performance at the Sand National, this latest exploit will only make my boy even more obsessed with him.



*: Indeed, all he talks about is how he wishes to become a wandering minstrel. I had hoped he would become a knight, in truth...


I heard you rode in the Sand National in place of the Prince. I must confess, I was impressed.



But do you think you have the speed to match me? Perhaps we should put it to the test, yes? See you on the track!


*: Oh, it is you—Prince Faris's friend! You were most impressive in the Sand National! Many people wish to see you ride again!



*: If you wish to enter a race, proceed straight down this way and report to the booth by the track!


*: The track is this way. Now that the Slayer of the Sands has been dealt with, we can return our attention to the racing calendar. Praise the sands!



*: The event taking place at the moment is the Silver Cup, the next stage for all the riders who have proven their worth in the Bronze Cup. You should try and catch a glimpse of the action if you are interested.


*: The Sultan's Palace lies just ahead. His Majesty would welcome a visit from you, I am sure.


*: There will always be a welcome for you in the Sultan's Palace, but I am afraid that His Majesty is currently asleep. Return in the morning, please.


*: Hey! Have you heard? The circus are putting on a special free performance to celebrate Mister Sylvando defeating the Slayer of the Sands!



*: I want to go, but then I would have to come down from my beloved roof... Hmm...


*: I hear that Sylvando has left Gallopolis.



*: Well, whoever he chooses to visit next will be lucky to have him. If he does even half of what he did for us, he will be certain to make a splash!



*: You witnessed the incident with the Slayer of the Sands, yes?



*: What a moment for our kingdom! Not only did Prince Faris show great courage, Sylvando delivered a dazzling show of swordsmanship to defeat the beast! Incredible!



*: I know my racing, young man, and I can assure you that whoever it was who rode in Prince Faris's place is a true talent.



*: I have been watching the races since I was a little girl, and I have never seen anyone who looked like such a natural champion.



*: Cor! Now that's wot I call a set of 'ooves!



*: ...Hm? You're heading to Gondolia, are you? Well, lucky you! It's a beautiful place!



*: It's probably Erdrea's most prosperous port, and the canals are just wonderful. Be sure to take a boat ride while you're there.



He's fast asleep.


*: Sylvando and Prince Faris's exploits have inspired my husband to train harder than ever.



*: I am making sure to cook him nice, healthy meals to provide him with the energy he requires.



*: I heard that it was you who rode in place of Prince Faris in the Sand National.



*: Hmm... Perhaps there is a certain resemblance... Yes... There is something...princely about you...




*: But nothing to compare with Faris himself, of course! Oh no! He is in a different realm of wondrousness to any other!




*: Prince Faris is far more handsome than you! He has my undying loyalty!



*: I know that waiting here for the Prince is likely only to cause him annoyance, but it has become something of a habit...


*: We all saw the Prince Faris we wanted to see. We knew nothing of his true character.



*: But when I saw the way he stood up to the Slayer of the Sands, I realised that he is a far greater man than I had dared to imagine!



*: Gathering here at night has become our custom. It serves no purpose, but we continue to do it nonetheless.




*: And I suppose there is always a chance—just a slim one—that Prince Faris will appear. And see me. And... Ohhh...!




*: Oh! It is you! You are the one who rode in the Sand National in place of Prince Faris, yes?<yesno>


*: ...You are not? Oh. Then I am mistaken. What a terrible shame.


*: You are? What an honour! Your performance was truly magnificent!



*: Perhaps you have heard that races are being held at the racetrack again. If you were to enter, I would certainly cheer for you!


*: The Sand National may be over, but the racing action never stops here in Gallopolis! Indeed, the Silver Cup is about to get underway. You should head to the racetrack if you are interested.


*: Welcome to Gallopolis! His Excellency, the Most Exalted Sultan, will always be glad to grant you an audience, I am sure!



*: The Sand National may be over, but the racing action never stops here in Gallopolis! Indeed, the Silver Cup is about to get underway. You should head to the racetrack if you are interested.


*: Hmm? Oh! It is you! Welcome to Gallopolis.



*: If you are not too tired from your travels, there is life on the streets of Gallopolis at all hours of the day!



*: The Sand National may be over, but the racing action never stops here in Gallopolis! Indeed, the Silver Cup is about to get underway. You should head to the racetrack if you are interested.


*: Gondolia is well known for its canals. Take a boat ride if you get the chance—you won't be disappointed.


He's fast asleep.

Prince Faris


Ha ha! The circus never fails to put me in a fine mood—and it is even more enjoyable after a few hours of heavy training!


Prince Faris


...Hm? Do not disturb me now, please! I am watching the circus! Perhaps later, we can—


Prince Faris


Oh! It is you! Please, you must not sneak up on me like that!


Prince Faris


And do not look at me like that either! You may think I have gone back to my dissolute ways, but this is just a treat to myself after a hard day of training! Honestly!


Prince Faris

You should take some time to relax once in a while yourself. There will always be a warm welcome for you here in Gallopolis should you wish to take a break from your adventures.

Prince Faris


You may think I have gone back to my dissolute ways, but this is just a treat to myself after a hard day of training. Honestly!


Prince Faris

You should take some time to relax once in a while yourself. There will always be a warm welcome for you here in Gallopolis should you wish to take a break from your adventures.


*: I can barely believe it, but it is true! Prince Faris is training properly at last! It seems a leopard can change his spots, after all!


*: The Sultan has personally instructed me not to treat Prince Faris with any leniency or deference.



*: Come on, you miserable worms! Focus, or you will never stand a chance of serving beside Sir Hendrik of Heliodor!


*: It is such an honour to be training alongside Prince Faris himself! My family are proud of me at last!



*: Having Prince Faris here training alongside us, it is...strange.



*: It gladdens me to see Prince Faris devoting himself to his training at last—though I still find his transformation hard to believe.



*: His swordsmanship requires some work, but it is not at all terrible. We will make a knight of him yet!


*: Ah! You are <pc>, yes? If it is Prince Faris you seek, he is currently hard at work at the training ground.



*: He would be delighted to see you, I am sure.

Prince Faris


Ah, <pc>! How goes it, old friend? As you can see, I have changed my ways! I am training hard to become a worthy prince of Gallopolis!


Prince Faris

I have a long way to go, of course, but one day I intend to become capable of smiting beasts such as the Slayer without assistance!

Prince Faris


I am training hard to become a worthy prince of Gallopolis!


Prince Faris

I have a long way to go, of course, but one day I intend to become capable of smiting beasts such as the Slayer without assistance!

Sultan of Gallopolis

My dear friends! I must thank you again for all you have done.


Sultan of Gallopolis

It is a shame that I could not reward you with the Rainbough, but now that you have my permission, you should be able to follow the merchant west to Gondolia.


Sultan of Gallopolis

Now, since you are here, would you be so kind as to visit Faris at the training facility and offer him a few words of encouragement? He would be delighted to see you.

Sultan of Gallopolis

My dear friends! It is always a pleasure. And you have acquired the Rainbough too, I see. It gladdens me to see that your quest is going so well!


Sultan of Gallopolis

The branch was once one of Gallopolis's greatest treasures, of course, but it is yours now. Use it as you see fit.


Sultan of Gallopolis

And remember that there is always a welcome for you here in Gallopolis. The circus and racetrack are just the thing after a tiring journey!

Sultan of Gallopolis


The Rainbough was once one of Gallopolis's greatest treasures, of course, but it is yours now. Use it as you see fit.


Sultan of Gallopolis

And remember that there is always a welcome for you here in Gallopolis. The circus and racetrack are just the ticket after a tiring journey!


*: Dearest <pc>! We Gallopolitans are forever in your debt!



*: The Sultan and I have done a great deal of soul-searching, and have concluded that we smothered dear Faris unconscionably.



*: Thanks to you, however, we have seen the error of our ways—as has Faris himself. He is a changed man!



*: Dear Faris has undergone a total transformation!



*: However, he is not allowing his training to occupy him entirely. I know that he sneaks out to watch the circus of an evening...




*: But that is for the best, I am sure. He is working so hard, the poor boy deserves a treat from time to time!


*: Prince Faris has undergone a great transformation since his deception was revealed. He is devoting himself to knightly training with a rare zeal!



*: Truly, it gives me faith that he may be a worthy heir to the throne of Gallopolis after all. Such a relief...


*: Ah! It is you! We Gallopolitans owe you everything! Please, proceed with the blessings of our kingdom!



*: Oh! You are the ones who defeated the Slayer of the Sands, no? Word of your incredible exploits made it even this far.



*: And now, as a result of your heroism, we guards can go about our work without fear of being assailed by the Slayer. Thank you—truly.


*: It would appear that the rumours of Prince Faris's greatness were false. He was a coward who deceived us all.



*: And yet, keeping a secret of that magnitude for so many years cannot have been easy... It is almost...admirable...


*: Hmm... The location of these ruins must hold some significance, but I cannot establish what that might be...



*: Why would our ancestors construct something like this? The more I discover, the less I seem to understand...


*: Beyond this checkpoint lies the Laguna di Gondolia. Only those with express permission from His Excellency, the Most Exalted Sultan, may pass.



*: Do you possess evidence that he has granted you such permission?<yesno>


*: Then I am afraid I cannot allow you to pass. You must seek an audience with His Excellency and request that he grant you free passage.



<pc> shows the guard the Sultan's letter.



*: Well now, let's see... Yes. This is His Excellency's seal. Then you may pass.



*: Once you have left the checkpoint and passed through the cave, you will arrive in the Laguna di Gondolia. It is a lush and bountiful region.



*: Continue along the road, and eventually you will come to Gondolia itself—the world's greatest trading port. I wish you a safe journey!


*: Beyond this checkpoint lies the Laguna di Gondolia. Only those with express permission from His Excellency, the Most Exalted Sultan, may pass.



*: Do you possess evidence that he has granted you such permission?<yesno>


*: Then I am afraid I cannot allow you to pass. You must seek an audience with His Excellency and request that he grant you free passage.



<pc> shows the guard the Sultan's letter.



*: Well now, let's see... Yes. This is His Excellency's seal. Then you may pass.



*: Once you have left the checkpoint and passed through the cave, you will arrive in the Laguna di Gondolia. It is a lush and bountiful region.



*: Continue along the road, and eventually you will come to Gondolia itself—the world's greatest trading port. I wish you a safe journey!


*: Once you have passed through the cave, you will arrive in the Laguna di Gondolia. The road will then lead you to Gondolia itself—the world's greatest trading port!



*: The Laguna di Gondolia boasts lush vegetation—and lots of rain. You must remain vigilant, for the wet weather brings out strange and dangerous beasts...



*: Oh! You're going to Gondolia? Lucky you!



*: The Laguna di Gondolia is totally different to the desert. Everything's green and leafy, and it rains all the time. You're in for a pleasant surprise!



*: ...What's that? Did I see a merchant come this way with some kind of colourful branch? As a matter of fact I did. He was heading for Gondolia, no doubt about it.



*: The merchant with the colourful branch passed through here a while ago. He was heading for Gondolia, no doubt about it.


Now listen, honey, Gondolia's a long, long way away. You'd better take this, otherwise you'll be trudging through the desert for days!



<pc> receives a horse hailer!


Just give that a tinkle, and a horse will come a-galloping, no matter where you happen to be! Well, unless you're inside a town or a dungeon... Still, it's going to save you a LOT of time, I promise!



The Ringmaster gave it to me to make sure I never missed a show, but your need is greater than mine right now, so it's all yours!



Alright! Now that's settled, let's make our way to Gondolia, shall we? Our vessel awaits!


1.08 Gondolia


The fountain is full of crystal-clear water.



*: Prego, prego! You want the pretty cat suit, sì? Is very cheap!



*: Ah! You are interested? Bene. One cat suit, ten thousand gold coins. We have the deal, sì?<yesno>


*: Eh!? You are no interested!? Then you no waste my time! Arrivederci! But you regret this, I promise...



*: Uffa! Is a joke, sì!? You no have enough money! Arrivederci!



*: Bene, bene! Here is your cat suit. You no regret this, signore!



<pc> receives the cat suit!



*: Allora! Is great style for you. But you look even more bellissimo if you also buy the cat hat from the armour shop! Prego, prego!



*: Bene, bene! Here is your cat su— Uffa! Signore, what you are thinking!? You are on the Draconian Quest! You can no buy the items!



*: ...This mean I must give to you for free! I rather do that than make everyone think I fail as a merchant!



*: Prego, prego! You want the pretty cat suit, sì? Is very cheap!




*: ...Eh!? My brother, he offer you the cat suit for 9800 gold coins!? Ahimè, he is too generous... Troppo generoso!


*: Allora, then I make the special deal for you. One cat suit, only 9000 gold coins! You want, sì?<yesno>



*: Aha ha! I am the much better salesman than my brother, no? One cat suit for you. Prego, prego!


*: Che spavento! Is a big shock! My brother, he sell the cat suit for only 8000 gold coins!? Uffa... Who he think he is, eh!?


*: Allora! I make you the very special deal. I sell to you for half price. 4000 gold coins. You must accept this offer, sì?<yesno>



*: Santo cielo! Goodness gracious! He sell for two thousand gold coins!? Then I sell for...one thousand! One thousand gold coins, only for you!



*: I no go lower than this, signore! You take this incredible offer, sì?<yesno>



*: Prego, prego! My shop is an house of many bargains! Much cheaper than the shop of my brother!


*: Benvenuti a Gondolia! Welcome to our town! Here you can buy the famous products from all over the whole world!



*: ...Hm? You want to visit the dock? Is in the west part of the city. Maybe is better to check a map, no?


*: I am a seller of weapons from all over the whole world! Allora...


*: You take the sea journey? Ahimè, the ocean, is a dangerous place. You must buy the armour from my shop, sì? Allora...


*: I'm glad I managed to get away from Heliodor for a bit. That whole Darkspawn escaping thing has sent the place into a right old panic.



*: Which is great for weapon sales, of course. I'm going to snap up a few bargains here and take them back home. Should be able to turn a tidy profit.


*: Ah! You are the visitatore, no? A guest in our town? You take the ride in the gondola yet? Is our most popular tourist attraction!<yesno>


*: No!? Then you must! You can board under the stairs. Once you are in the boat, you can use the canal to go to anywhere in the city!



*: The streets of Gondolia, they are molto complicato. Very complicated indeed. The canal, is the fastest and easiest way for travelling around!


*: You have? Bene, bene! Ahh, to glide upon the peaceful waters... Is bellissimo, no?


The door won't budge. It must be locked from the inside.


*: My friend, he is the best merchant in Gondolia. Always he buy the treasures of Gallopolis and sell them here for an huge profit!



*: ...Hm? Where is he now? Scusa, I no have any idea.


*: Is almost time for la competizione! The great Signor Universo competition! Is why there are the many muscoloso men here in Gondolia now.



*: You see the stage in the north of the city, sì? Is where the contest happens. Is a spectacle molto splendido!


*: You've come to Gondolia at the right time—the Signor Universo contest will be starting soon. Be sure to check out all the stalls on the main street. They're a real treat!



*: Ahh, il mare... The sea... So many mysteries. For example, what are the columns of light we sometimes see on its surface, hm?



*: Le leggende—the legends—they say is the power of the god of the sea, bursting from below the waves... Could this be true...? Hmm... (mutter)



*: Scusa, scusa. My shop, is no ready for business yet.



*: When Signor Universo starts, I make the grand opening. Come back at that time, sì?



*: Povero me... I am so pitiful... The work of the sailor, is much harder than they tell me...



*: I take this work so I can send money to mia madre—my mother—back in the village. Ahh, but is such an hard job...


*: Ahh, the cold drink after an hard day of work is the best! Bellissimo! This pleasure, is worth all the pain!



*: Presto, presto! If you no work faster, we no finish before the night-time!




*: ...Hm? You talk to me? Scusa, I have no work for you. Already I have enough people.


*: Fresh fish and fine wine after an hard day of work—is the best! La dolce vita!



*: My ship, always she bring the barrels of wine into Gondolia. You must taste—is delizioso!


*: I worry for Placido, the son of Doge Rotondo. He look like he is sick. I must make him the food that is molto nutriente...



*: Each year, I think I must make the stall for la competizione, Signor Universo.



*: But is already so, so many stalls. Without the very special idea, the competizione is too much...


*: Allora! You see the rope between the roofs, sì? One year, little Benigno, he walk the whole way along! Is incredibile, no!?



*: Ah, but Benigno, he no do things like that any more. Maybe he become the adulto at last...



*: No... Do not come near... You will destroy me! You will destroy us all! Begone with you!


*: The sound of the waves reminds me... A story I heard when I was a boy...



*: An underwater kingdom, ruled by sea creatures... Deep beneath the waves... One day... One day I shall venture there...



*: That man, they say he come from Zwaardsrust. But that city, is totally destroyed now. He no have an home to return to.



*: ...Hm? The location of Zwaardsrust? Is north-east of here, across the ocean. But is only the pile of rubble now, I heard.



*: The story of Zwaardsrust is molto tragico. In the past, is a wealthy and prosperous kingdom. Then is attacked by monsters, and...poof! Finito.



*: The rumours, they say is the work of the Darkspawn. But is very old story now. No one remember this time...


*: Prego, prego! You want a beautiful cat suit, sì? I have the most beautiful cat suits in all of Gondolia!


*: Allora, I sell you one for 12000 gold coins. Is the bargain! You buy one, sì?<yesno>


*: Ahimè, is a shame. But maybe you come back again, eh?



*: Grazie mille! Here you— Un minuto, signore! You are on the Draconian Quest, sì? Then you can no buy any items!



*: ...But if you leave with the empty hands, everyone think I am the terrible merchant. Allora, I must give to you for free! Take it, per favore! Prego, prego!


*: Peccato... Is a pity, but you no have enough money! Come back after you go to the banca, sì?



*: Grazie mille! Here you are, signore!



<pc> receives the cat suit!



*: Allora! Is great style for you. But you look even more bellissimo if you also buy the cat hat from the armour shop! Prego, prego!



*: Prego, prego! You want a beautiful cat suit, sì? I have the most beautiful cat suits in all of Gondolia!



*: Allora, I sell you one for 12000 gold coins. Is the bargain! You buy one, sì?




*: ...Eh!? My brother, he offer the same cat suit for 10000 gold coins!? Uffa... Always he do this to me!



*: But he no beat me this time! Bene! I sell to you for 9800 gold coins! Is too good to refuse, sì?<yesno>



*: Grazie mille! Here you are, signore!


*: Prego, prego! You want the beautiful cat suit, sì? I have the most beautiful cat suits in all of Gondolia!




*: Che spavento! Such a shock! My brother, he offer you the same cat suit for 9000 gold coins!? Is ridicolo!



*: Allora, then I give you the special price...8000 gold coins! What you say? You buy, sì?<yesno>



*: My brother, he offer you for 4000 gold coins!? Santo cielo...



*: Bene! He no beat me this time! I sell you the cat suit for 2000 gold coins! You take it, sì?<yesno>



*: Mamma mia! He offer you for 1000 gold coins!? Per carità...



*: Scusa, I can go no lower than 2000. But perhaps...you buy from me anyway?<yesno>



*: One day, signore. One day, I beat my brother! Is a promise!


*: I make the shoes here in Gondolia for many, many years. And is all thanks to Doge Rotondo.



*: He understand the world of business. Is the reason why he become so wealthy.



*: Because of him, Gondolia is the best place in the world to be the merchant. Always I think, ‘Grazie Mille, Doge Rotondo’!



*: Benvenuto! Come, try the best cakes of Gondolia, all freshly baked!



*: The sponge is so light, the cream is so creamy... Is simply delizioso! You must try!



*: You are here to buy the cakes? Scusa, but is closed now. Come back tomorrow, per favore!



*: You're travellers too, are you? And you don't have a ship of your own? That can't be easy... Then again, speed isn't everything, I suppose.



*: I'm always on the move on account of my husband's job. It'd be nice to take things a little more slowly from time to time.



*: I should never have promised my daughter a ride on the gondola. Now she refuses to go to sleep...



*: I tried to speak to a local boy on the bridge earlier, but he didn't say a single word in return. He must be ever so shy...



*: I really, REALLY, want to ride the gondola again! The way they move, it's like swimming—without being in the water! Hee hee!


*: Is strange. The boat from Heliodor, she should be here now. But we have no sign of her.



*: If is too late, we cannot load the cargo in time. Allora, I consult with Doge Rotondo. Always he know what to do.


*: The boat from Heliodor, she no come today. I hope she is no attacked by the monsters...



*: Now we no have time to load the cargo. Allora, I consult with Doge Rotondo. Always he know what to do.



*: .........



*: What you look at!? If you no want something, go away!



*: A little while ago, I see a merchant, he is carrying a stick with all the colours of the rainbow. Molto colorato!



*: ...Hm? Where he go? Ah, scusa. I did not see. But I hear that he take the ship, so I think he go somewhere far away, no?



*: My mamma and papà, they are killed by the monsters when I am just a little bambino. People say is fault of the Darkspawn.



*: So if I see the Darkspawn here in Gondolia, I capture him and I make him say to me the truth! Always I am vigilante for him!


*: My name is Hercules! I am the greatest! My muscles, they feel is time for the Signor Universo! I win this year also! Is garantita!



Liu Za, he is the only one who come close to me—close, but no sigaro! I wish I have more rivals. Is making la competizione more fun!



*: Buongiorno! Salute! My name is Sartori, and I am the organiser of Signor Universo. In this moment, I make the final adjustments to the schedule.


Signor Sartori

This year's competizione, is biggest ever. Molto grande! Is all because of the hard work of Doge Rotondo. He is an hero of Gondolia!



*: Santo cielo! Is already time for Signor Universo!? I feel is only yesterday when Hercules win last year's competizione!



*: ...Hm? Which one is Hercules? He is the one who look like the sailor, with the big muscles and a scarf on his head.


*: My son, Benigno, he do nothing to help prepare for la competizione. Is important event here in Gondolia.



*: Per carità! For heaven's sakes! He play with the boy Placido again, is certain!


*: I try to teach him how to be a man of the sea, but always he run away. He never listen...


*: Ahh, Luciano. He sing so beautifully. His song soothe my heart. Is like riding the gentle waves...



*: But Luciano, he is no the only contestant who steal my heart. Hercules is so big and strong—molto fortissimo! I cannot decide who to cheer for!



*: Ah! But I think you know nothing of the Signor Universo. I am correct, sì?<yesno>


*: Signor Universo is a competizione where men from the whole wide world come together to see who is the best one! Is so much fun! You really enjoy, I promise!



*: Then you are here to take part, perhaps? Mmm... Sì! I think maybe you have a chance! If you enter, I support!




*: I think you know nothing of the Signor Universo. I am correct, sì?<yesno>


*: Signor Universo is a competizione where men from the whole wide world come together to see who is the best one! Is so much fun! You really enjoy, I promise!



*: Then you are here to take part, perhaps? Mmm... Sì! I think maybe you have a chance! If you enter, I support!



*: (cough cough) Uffa... Salute. I am Luciano. I am the singer, but my throat, is no so good today.



But I hear about this birdsong nectar. They say is the best for soothing the sore throat.


*: I loshe my job, shì? And you know who ish to blame? Ish the Darkshpawn! Piccolo Diavolo! Devil!



*: If he no eshcape from Heliodor, the monstersh no come, and I no loshe my job! Hic!


*: The secret of the fishing? Is all about pazienza. Always pazienza. You need only to wait.



*: Everybody, they are always in an hurry, but me, I wait for my big catch. Is coming, I know is coming...


*: Come out now! I cannot find you! Is my turn to hide!



*: Come out now... (snore) Is my turn... Zzz...



*: Shhh! Silenzio, per favore!



*: If you make the noise, my sister, she find me! So you no talk to me, capisce?



*: You no find me... (snort) Never you find me...



*: Povero me... I am so pitiful... My Benigno, never he do anything to help me! I wish he is like Placido, the son of Doge Rotondo...



*: ...Oh! I no see you there. Scusa, you must ignore me.


*: Benvenuto! This is the first time for you here in Gondolia, sì?<yesno>


*: No? Scusa, Maybe I forget your face... Allora, stay for the drink, eh?


*: Allora, then I give you an history of the city. Now Gondolia is the biggest trading port in the whole world, but in the past, is just a little fishing village.



*: Doge Rotondo is the reason things have changed so much. He make the trading agreements with all the different kingdoms, and Gondolia, she go ‘boom’!



*: If there is no Doge Rotondo, I cannot make the living with my bar. I owe him everything!


*: Grazie mille for choosing my shop! I get bored if I have no customers. Allora...


*: Ah! You are an holidaymaker, sì? Bene! I have the cakes for all tastes! Local favourites and treats from all over the whole world!



*: Is okay to look at the cakes for as long as you like, but you no eat, capisce? No unless you pay first!


*: Ah! You are an holidaymaker, sì? Scusa, but my shop is closed now. Come back tomorrow morning, eh?



*: Prego! Here is the home of the best cakes in all of Gondolia! Molto delizioso! No one can resist!



*: Ah, maybe you look for the item shop instead? Allora, is downstairs.



*: Sometimes, I hear people talk about something called ‘birdsong nectar’. They say is best thing for the sore throat. Maybe I can use as an ingrediente, no?



*: Mm? You want the item shop? Is downstairs.



*: Interested in a pair of wandering wizards for hire? Look no further! We've just completed our last assignment—guard duty for a local merchant.



*: We had been meaning to move on to the next place, actually, but the cakes and drinks here are so tasty, we've decided to stick around for a while.


*: Interested in a pair of wandering wizards for hire? Look no further! We've just completed our last assignment—guard duty for a local merchant.



*: We had been meaning to move on to the next place, actually, but the cakes and drinks here are so tasty, we've decided to stick around for a while.


*: Say, you've heard of the Darkspawn, haven't you?<yesno>


*: Really? Everybody's talking about him, you know. I suppose I'd better fill you in. It all started when a kingdom called Dundrasil was destroyed. It was the Darkspawn who did it, you see.


*: I'm not surprised—everybody's been talking about him. About how he turned up in Heliodor, but then managed to escape...



*: Apparently, the King of Heliodor's sent both Sir Hendrik and Sir Jasper after him. They're his top knights—that must mean this Darkspawn's a pretty fearsome character...


*: You hear about the tentacular who cause so much havoc around the harbour, sì?<yesno>


*: No? Ahimè, is terrible! My husband, he tell me all about him. Is a giant monster who attack our ships!



*: And my husband, he say is becoming more and more vicious—molto vizioso! If you go out onto the ocean, be careful, sì?


*: Sì? Ah, naturalmente. You are the traveller. Of course you know of the dangerous creatures of the sea. And recently, they become more dangerous, no? Molto pericoloso...


*: My husband, he is a sailor. He travel all over Erdrea, so he often tell me about what happen in the faraway kingdoms.



*: Yesterday, he tell me about a prisoner who escape from Heliodor. He say Sir Hendrik is looking for him. This prisoner, he must be very dangerous—molto pericoloso!



*: Look, it's only right that an artist of your stature is surrounded by the very finest finery. It's good for your image.



*: Now, why don't you have a look at this incredible crystal? It was found in some ruins near Phnom Nonh. Isn't she a beauty?


*: I didn't have much luck with my sales today. Still, I am supposed to be on holiday. I'll give it another go tomorrow. No rush.



*: You flatter, but is far too expensive for me. I am the poor artist!



*: Also, I no like crystals and jewellery. I like the plants, animals...living things, capisce?


*: Ey! Why you come in here in the night! Is my private workshop!



*: ...Ah, but is okay. I no mind. I have the painter's block. Maybe you can be my ispirazione, eh?


*: The paintings of my master—once, they sell like the hot cakes. But now...niente. Nothing. Perhaps his career is finito...



*: The paintings of my master—once, they sell like the hot cakes. But now...niente. Nothing. Perhaps his career is finito...



*: Placido is the very good boy—kind and polite. Doge Rotondo, he must be very proud.



*: He follow his father and become the successful merchant one day, I am sure.


*: Molto grande, molto magnifico... There is an huge ship in the dock, and they say is the property of ‘the Great Sylvando’, the circus performer.



*: And I believe them. The big, shiny superstar, he need the big, shiny ship, no?



*: ...Hm? You ask where is the dock? Is the big building over there.



*: The enormous ship in the dock is the property of Sylvando, the one they call the Wandering Wonder.



*: Is no many people in Erdrea can buy this kind of ship. For me, is impossible. Povero me, I feel the envy...


*: Scusa. The dock is closed. Signor Universo will begin soon.



*: Maybe Doge Rotondo, he can open the dock for you. You speak to him, sì?



*: He have an house—a big house—to the east of the main street. Check a map if you no find, eh?



*: You look for your friends? They are upstairs. Is first time for them in the big city, no? Aha ha. Sì, they shop like the tourists...


*: Perhaps you think Signor Universo is silly contest for the men with muscles for brains? No, no, no! Is actually the molto importante part of the history of Gondolia!



*: Allora, Gondolia is the busy port, sì? Is gathering place for the young men for centuries.



*: And Signor Universo is an humble attempt to keep this tradition alive.



*: Friend—you see this tall man? This one standing over there? He is the Great Sylvando, sì?<yesno>


*: No!? Then I make the mistake. But he have the aura of the grande talento!



*: Sì! Naturalmente! He is the only one who have the glamour to be the owner of that ship!



*: Benvenuti a Gondolia! Welcome to our town! Here you can buy the famous products from all over the whole world!



*: ...Hm? The house of the Doge? Is the grande palazzo in the east of the city. Maybe is better to check a map, no?


*: In this moment, I try to think of the food to make little Placido feel better. Doge Rotondo, he worry so much about his boy, but never he tells me what food he likes. Hmm...



*: ...Hm? Where is the house of the Doge? Is easy to find—is direct in front of you after you cross over the bridge.




It's so frustrating! I tried to buy some new shoes, but all the ones I liked were far too big for me!



And all the children's ones are ridiculous! What's wrong with these stupid people?



Look, <pc>! Don't those cakes look delicious! We don't have anything like that back home!




They look just like little clouds...but I wonder how they taste... They'd probably be too sweet for me, wouldn't they? Yes, I'll leave it for now.



*: Today, I have this little girl in the shop, but she only try the adult shoes! Poor little thing... All children, they want to be grown up, sì?




*: Benvenuto! Come and try the best cakes in Gondolia!



*: Eh, signora! I give you the free sample, sì? Is molto delizioso, I promise!




And you say anyone can enter? Oh, honey, tell me more...




<pc>, darling—perfect timing! Have I got some juicy news for you!



It turns out that anyone can enter this Signor Universo contest, as long as they love the sea! Can you believe it? Where do I sign up?




It turns out that anyone can enter this Signor Universo contest, as long as they love the sea! Can you believe it? Where do I sign up?



*: He say he have the interest in Signor Universo. Bene! I hope is true. He make the good rival for me!


Signor Sartori

...Doge Rotondo? He is at home, I am sure. Is on the side of the canal. Just cross the bridge, and is in front of you. Molto facile—easy-peasy!


Signor Sartori

The Doge, he is molto gentile. Very kind. He give you the warm welcome, is certain.



...! ......!


He seems to be trying to say something, but no words are coming out...



I steal your staff. Scusa, is bad, I know... But Placido, he is like my brother! I have to help him! I have to get his voice back!



The cave I hear about, is west of the city. They say there is the special, pure water, and you can use this water to make the birdsong nectar.



This nectar, is the only hope for Placido! Per favore, you must bring some for him!



*: Perhaps Doge Rotondo, he can open the dock for you. You speak to him, sì? He have an house—a big house—to the east of the main street.



*: ...Eh!? Doge Rotondo, he refuse to help you!?



*: Incredibile... No, you make the mistake. The Doge is molto gentile. Very kind indeed. I think perhaps he is just very busy because of la competizione...




*: The Doge, he is very busy because of la competizione, I think. Perhaps you wait until is finished, then he help you, sì?



*: ...Hm? What you say? Clean water? Cave?



*: West of the city, eh? Hmm... I live in Gondolia since I was the bambino, but never I hear about such a cave...


*: Benigno, he run away from the little bambina in the red clothes. He make the mischief again, I think.



*: It remind me of the time he walk across the rope on the roof. Uffa, my heart, it almost explode!



*: I see a little girl chase a little boy. They go to the lighthouse. Is nice to see the children play, no? Always I smile when I see it.



*: Sì, when I was the age of them, I play the same way! Aha ha!


*: Benvenuti a Gondolia! Welcome to our town! Here you can buy the famous products from all over the whole world!



*: Ah, but per favore, be careful if you travel to the west. This merchant, he nearly die in a cave over there...



*: Uffa! You must listen! I am lucky to be alive! Allora, I go to the Grotta della Fonte, a cave to the west, to find the clean water...



*: But the Grotta is full with monsters! I am the merchant, no the warrior, so I turn and run back to the city! Mamma mia...



*: ...Hm? You need the special water to make the birdsong nectar?



*: Scusa, I no hear about special water. But if you need the special signora, is me!


*: Doge Rotondo, he refuse to allow the visitatori into his house. I cannot understand why.



*: I think they say something rude to him. Is the only explanation. The Doge, he is molto gentile! He never refuse to help!



*: Eh, you know, you look familiar. I think I hear about someone, he look like you... Uffa, I cannot remember where...




*: Eh, you know, you look familiar. I think I hear about someone, he look like you... Uffa, I cannot remember where...



*: The little girl, first she look at the adult shoes in my shop, and now she chase the little boy around. Is some kind of game, no?



*: Is so nice to see the children live an happy life.



*: Benvenuto! Come and try the best cake in all Gondolia! Is popular with the tourists from all over the whole world!



*: The sponge is so light, the cream is so creamy... Is simply delizioso! You must try!



*: Where's that quiet boy gone? I really wanted to play with him...



*: Your friend with the stripy costume, he ask me about Signor Universo. He have the real aura around him, no? Much more than most men. But not more than me, naturalmente. Not more than Hercules!



La competizione will prove this—I am the most manly of them all!


Signor Sartori

Ah! You meet with Doge Rotondo, sì? He is such an humble, helpful man!


Signor Sartori

...What!? He refuse to help you, and he tell you to leave!?


Signor Sartori

Ahimè... I never hear such things about the Doge before... Maybe you say something rude to him?


Signor Sartori


Doge Rotondo, he is kind and tolerant. Molto gentile. I no believe he refuse to help you...



*: Wait! The gondolas, they all are booked up for the entirety of la competizione! Scusa, scusa!


*: Benvenuti a Gondolia! Welcome to our town! Here you can buy the famous products from all over the whole world!



*: And in this moment, the city, it is even more lively than usual. Is time for Signor Universo at last!


*: ...Eh!? You return from the Grotta della Fonte? And you are unharmed? You are tougher than you look, sì? Aha ha!


*: Is simple: if you wish to win la competizione, you must buy your weapons from me!


*: If you seek the armour, you are in the right place! Everybody know, this is the best armour shop in Gondolia!


*: This contest thing does sound like a lot of fun—and it's a good time to be away from Heliodor too, what with the Darkspawn on the loose and all...


*: Ah! You wish for the ride in the gondola?<yesno>


*: Bene. Is no possibile in this moment, anyway. You must wait for la competizione to finish.


*: Scusa, is no possible in this moment. You must wait for la competizione to finish.


*: Contests and tournaments please me... They bring back memories... Memories of childhood...



*: You wish to pass? Scusa, but is impossibile. They prepare for la competizione now. Maybe you find the different path?



*: Ahimè... All the people, they gather on the main street! Is no one around here! How I can attract more customers, eh?


*: Is time for the ship from Heliodor to arrive, but no! Is no sign! And now is time for la competizione...


*: ...Hm? Why I choose this place for my stall? Is obvious, no? I draw the short straw when we pick the locations!



*: Is too quiet around here. Uffa, I wish I had the stall on the main street...




I'm sure Placido was around here when we left him. Where has he run off to?



Well, I'd better go and look for him. It can't be easy, not being able to speak. I'm so looking forward to hearing the sound of his little voice!




You find us a nice spot for the contest, <pc>. We'll catch up with you later and we can all watch it together!


*: Scusa. The dock, it is closed. Signor Universo will begin soon.



*: Usually Doge Rotondo, he open the dock for you, but he is very busy in this moment preparing for la competizione.



*: Why you no sit and enjoy the show while you wait? Is good, I promise! Molto interessante!



*: ...Hm? You look for the two young boys? Allora, the young girl with the blonde hairs is over there, but I no see any boys. Scusa.



*: But you should stop looking for the children and enjoy la competizione instead! Everybody, already they gather in the piazza!


*: Most times, this area is full of the people, but today everybody is in the piazza. They wait for the start of la competizione.



*: Eh, is okay. Sometimes is nice to have no customers. Maybe I sleep a little...




Placidooo! Honey, where did you go? It's okay, there's nothing to be scared of—it's me, Sylv!




Don't worry, darling. We'll find Placido and give him a gulp or two of birdsong nectar.



You and Erik head over to the piazza and get us a good spot for the show!




Don't worry, darling. We'll find Placido and give him a gulp or two of birdsong nectar.



You and Erik head over to the piazza and get us a good spot for the show!



*: The men, each year they come from all over the whole world to enter Signor Universo.



*: This year, is a lot of talk about Liu Za, from Octagonia. He sounds molto interessante, no?


*: The whole of Gondolia, they help to prepare for Signor Universo—even me!



*: Today is the day we forget about the Darkspawn, no? He no show himself here in front of so many people, surely?


*: Santo cielo! Is nearly time for Signor Universo, and I cannot find Benigno anywhere! I say to him I want an helping hand, but then he disappear!



*: Ahem... Scusa. You no need to listen to my complaints...


*: You are the new face for me. Is your first Signor Universo contest, sì?<yesno>


*: No? Scusa, scusa... Well, I hope we have another good one this year, eh?


*: Aha ha! Then you have the grande curiosità about what happen, no? Ahimè, is difficult for me to explain. Is better if you watch it and find out for yourself!


*: Is my first Signor Universo contest. I no enter, but still I feel molto nervoso. Is why I hide away inside here.



*: But the more I hide away, the more nervoso I become. Maybe I cannot even bring myself to go to the piazza...


*: Shignor Universho ish the besht contesht in the whole world! Hic!



*: You know why? Hic! Ish becaushe everybody in Gondolia have an holiday! Aha ha! Hic!


*: Gondolia is filled with the people because of la competizione, but no people come in my shop. Povero me—poor me. Allora...


*: Our cakes, they are popular with visitatori from all over the whole world. Always we are very busy during Signor Universo!



*: Is why I cannot take part in la competizione. I must make cakes the whole day!


*: Today we have the customer with the very, very long tongue. He buy every cake in the shop! Who he is, I wonder...?



*: We weren't planning on staying around here for so long—we are supposed to be wandering wizards, after all.



*: But when we heard about this Signor Universo thing, we thought we'd stick around for a while to see what it's all about.


*: Eh! What you want, hm!? Now I am thinking of the new ideas for paintings. You no disturb me in this moment!



*: I wish to be out in the piazza with the other people, but my maid, she no allow it...


*: Scusa, my master, he no receive any the guests until he make a new painting! Already he spend all his family fortune.



*: If he no sell the new paintings, I no receive my salary. Is why I must force him to work!


*: All the commozioni outside... Is time for Signor Universo again, no? I wonder how many years we have held la competizione now...



*: Sì, I remember the day when Doge Rotondo, he propose la competizione for the first time. It feels like only yesterday!


Haven't you got us a spot for the contest yet? Well, you'd better get moving, otherwise all the good ones will be gone!



...What? You don't know where the contest is being held? Well, I'd say the big stage in the middle of the city square would be a pretty safe bet, wouldn't you?



I'd say it's a safe bet that the contest is being held on the big stage in the square to the north of here.




I can't say I've got any idea where Placido's got to, though...



I do hope we find him soon. Imagine how awful it would be, not being able to speak!


*: Is a mystery... Un grande mistero... Why so many people are here? Why so many stalls?



*: ...Eh? You say is because of Signor Universo? Is first time I hear of this event. Is rare for the scholar like me. Usually, I know of everything.




*: But still, un grande mistero remains—Signor Universo, why he bring so many people and stalls here, hm?



*: Scusa, scusa! I need just a little more time to prepare my shop! I will open before la competizione begins, I promise it!



*: Benvenuto! Is my first time to have the stall, so I prepare many, many bargains to beat the competition!



*: And the numero uno bargain...is me! Sì, I sell myself! Is unique item, no? You buy?<yesno>


*: No? You are sure? I give you a good price for this healthy and handsome specimen! Ah ha ha!



*: Ah ha ha! Scusa, scusa. Is only the joke! The famous Gondolian humour, sì?



*: Is always many, many stalls here during Signor Universo. Always.



*: But this year, I think is even more than usually! Perhaps is because la competizione become more and more famous around the whole world!


*: So many people everywhere... Is big surprise for you, no?



*: Sì, the first time visitors, always they have the shock when they see the crowds for la competizione. Allora, I hope you have fun!


*: I cannot decide who to support. The champion of last year, Hercules, or Luciano with the beautiful voice.



*: Prego, prego! I have the special Signor Universo products! You like this wooden box, sì? Is limited edition!



*: Put it on your ship, and you are safe from every storm! Is guaranteed!


*: This street is my walking route! Now is full of stalls, I cannot go through!



*: Shlurrrp! Thish plashe ish full of tashty food! (slobber) I want to eat everything!



*: The contest's starting any moment, but this guy can't stop thinking about food. Why did I even bring him along?



*: Bah, guess it doesn't make much difference—these locals don't look like much. One of us is gonna win this easy.



*: I'm a huge fan of the Signor Universo contest. I live miles away, but I chartered a boat to bring me here specially.



*: Hey, I don't suppose you're taking part, are you? You certainly look like you have what it takes! I'll be rooting for you if you are!



*: You are Signor Universo!?<yesno>


*: Uffa... Is shame. Now is many men from all over the whole world here in Gondolia—and one of them is Signor Universo! I wish to meet him!


*: Sì!? Mamma mia! Then you must go onto the stage! Presto! I cheer for you!


*: Is nearly the time for la competizione! So many big, strong men on the stage! I cannot wait!


*: Ah ha ha! My muscles, they grow every time I hear the crowd shout the name ‘Hercules’! I cannot wait to climb onto the stage!



In this moment, you have the special preview of the winner of this year's contest, up close and personal! You are lucky!


*: Is almost the time for Signor Universo to begin! Is so exciting, I want to do an happy dance! Hee hee!



*: Ahimè, but I cannot decide who to support. I love the voice of Luciano, but also I love the muscles of Hercules...



Is time for la competizione to begin. I no know if I have the chance to win, but I try my best.


The door is locked from the inside.



A voice can be heard coming from within. Whoever's in there sounds frightened, and seems to be hiding from the Darkspawn...


*: W-Wait! You cannot pass! Is my duty to defend Gondolia!


Jump down?<yesno>


<pc> jumps down from the bridge!


Uh-uh-uhhh, I don't think sooo! Everyone loves a hero, darling, but if we charge in head first this time, we're finished.



Let's take a gondola round to the north-west, then we can sneak up to the stage from behind.


*: Y-You are the D-D-Darkspawn! Santo cielo... Always I know you are no normal!



*: Per amor del cielo—in the name of all that is good in this world—do no kill me! P-P-Per favore...!



*: Per amor del cielo—in the name of all that is good in this world—do no kill me! P-P-Per favore...!


*: D-Darkspawn! You kill my mamma and papà, but you kill no more!



*: Is my duty to defend this city! I no let you pass!



*: Signor Darkspawn! Sì, sì, I s-s-sell you the weapons! Per favore, do no kill me! Allora...


*: Benvenuti a Gondolia. Is bad time for us here now. The Darkspawn, he appear just before Signor Universo begin.



*: Probably he still hide somewhere in the city. You must leave, presto!



*: Sir Jasper, he give us the description of the Darkspawn. Is no so different from you, you know...



*: But if you are the Darkspawn, then you no stroll around the city in this free and easy manner, sì? Of course not! Aha ha!



*: I sell you everything! Il tutto! Per favore, do no hurt me...


*: You no fool me with the innocent face, Darkspawn! Never I let you ride my gondola! Never!



*: In this moment, I focus on my study, but still I notice the atmosphere is strange...



*: Even I see someone use an high rope to escape from the building... What is happening, hm?


*: I no understand... Why everybody run away? Why they no close up their stall first?



*: Naturalmente, I will not go anywhere. Is always better to keep the calm and carry on, no?



*: Open the door! Is me! Is no the Darkspawn! Per favore, let me in!



*: Hm hm hm... Of course! The gondola! If the Darkspawn attack me, I escape on the canal!




*: AIEEE! D-D-D-Darkspawn! P-Per favore, do no kill me!


*: You take the gondola? Sì, per favore! I-Is yours!


*: You sure is okay for you to be here, friend? Sir Jasper, he search for the Darkspawn near the stage in the piazza. Is the very tense atmosphere.



*: ...Hm? Why I no run away? Allora, I never run. Always is better to wait. Is the lesson of fishing and of life!



*: Naturalmente, you must also be vigilant. Just because I wait, this does not mean I sleep.


*: Hnghhh... Darkshpawn... (snort) Hm? Hic! Who are you...?




*: Aieee! D-D-Darkshpawn! I, I no let you passh! No, no, no!



*: I no let you passh, Darkshpawn! No, no, no!


*: Scusa... I no have the problem with you, but...the customers, is scary for them. Please, you must leave...



*: Help! HELP! Salvami! I no want to die!


*: P-Per favore, I let you go. I no say nothing. Just...do no hurt me...


*: You may be the Darkspawn, but we are all equal in the eyes of the heavens. If you wish to pray, prego...


*: Eek! Th-The Darkspawn! Well now I've completely lost my appetite...



*: The eyes of heaven have witnessed your foul deeds, Darkspawn! You must be punished! Turn yourself in!




*: The eyes of heaven have witnessed your foul deeds, Darkspawn! You must be punished! Turn yourself in!



*: Everybody, they run around, desperate to find somewhere to hide...and still no one come in my shop! Is ridicolo!



*: I no care if you are the Darkspawn, you are the only customer I have today. Any business is good business! Allora...


*: You wish to sleep here? Now? ...Bene. Is important to help people who are in need, no? Always they teach me this when I was a little bambina...


*: You come here to steal from me, sì, Darkspawn? Bene! I no care! Take the money! Take all the money! Is no mine anyway!



*: Eh? You wish to use the bank? A-As the customer? Uh, sì... Allora...


There's no reply. She seems to be too frightened to speak.


*: Hey, what's a ‘Darkspawn’? And why's everybody afraid of it?



*: Actually, don't tell me. It's probably boring. I'll tell you what isn't—I found a secret way out of this place! It's up on the third floor!



*: Mummy won't let me use it, though. She says it's too dangerous.


*: Benvenuti a Gondolia! Welcome to our town! Here you can buy the famous products from all over the whole world!



*: Is good you come at this time. A little before, the Darkspawn, he appear in the city. We had to cancel our Signor Universo competizione! Such a tragedy!


*: Doge Rotondo, he tell everybody about you. You have the sense of justice and the pure heart, sì? Is the pleasure to serve you!


*: Hmm... Is no the first time we see each other, sì? I feel we meet somewhere before... Bah, probably is my imagination. Bene...



*: Hey! I remember you!



*: Don't worry, though. Doge Rotondo's been going round explaining what happened. Everyone knows there's nothing evil about you.



*: There are still lots of Heliodorian soldiers on the prowl, though. I'd get out of the city as soon as I could, if I were you...


*: Sir Jasper told me to stay here and keep an eye out for the Darkspawn in case he comes back.



*: Speaking of which, your hair...



*: It's so smooth and shiny! I wish mine was like that!



*: Sir Jasper told me to stay here and keep an eye out for the Darkspawn in case he comes back.



*: I don't see him sauntering into town when it's still crawling with soldiers, though. If you ask me, we'd be better off going home to Heliodor.


*: Sir Jasper was furious. I bet he can't believe he let the Darkspawn get away like that...



*: Still, I wouldn't like to be in the Darkspawn's shoes. He's made enemies of both Sir Jasper and Sir Hendrik—and they're the finest soldiers in all of Heliodor!



*: My friend, the one who buy the treasures of Gallopolis, he have the dream—he want to build an house in Puerto Valor.



*: Is no so strange a wish, of course—Puerto Valor is the sunny seaside town. Everybody, they want to have an house there!


*: My client, he say he want the magic key, the one which can open the very special sealed doors.



*: The rumours say that this key, it is kept in a village somewhere with many old ruins. And they say too that is no easy to go there...



*: Uffa... So annoying! First he say he want the special water, now he say he want the magic key! Always, he change his mind!


*: Sir Jasper, he was here! Here in Gondolia! Ahh, he is such an handsome man! I thought this is just rumour, but no! Is true!



*: After Signor Universo is cancelled and I no see any beautiful boys there, this is wonderful compensazione for me!


*: I hope you are no come to see the Signor Universo contest. Scusa, but is cancelled.



*: Is because of an horrible creature with the name of the Darkspawn! First he come here, then Sir Jasper follow. Is total chaos!



*: The tentacular, he make an appearance, sì? Mmm... He is causing the trouble here for many, many years, but never he enter the shallow water before...



*: It must be a special reason why he comes so close to land... Maybe something happen out in the sea? Mmm... Is strange... Molto curioso...



*: The Darkspawn, he appear before I can open my shop! So I sell nothing! Niente!



*: Allora, at least I have a year now to prepare for the next competizione. Perhaps I begin now...



*: Ugh... I really, really can't stand boats... But Sir Jasper told me to guard the waterways, so I don't have much choice.



*: I thought I'd get used to it, but nope—I just feel seasick all the time. It's the...swaying... (retch) Ugh...



*: Alright! That's the stuff!


*: I don't know what Sir Jasper's worried about. There's no way the Darkspawn's going to come back here after all that kerfuffle.



*: Still, at least I get to knock off when the sun goes down. I can't wait to get a drink or two down me!


*: Now this is what I call a tavern! They've got tipples from every corner of Erdrea! I suppose that's the beauty of being a trading port.



*: I really don't know why Sir Jasper's kept us here, though. There's no way the Darkspawn's going to come back after all that kerfuffle.


*: Before, Benigno is nothing but trouble, but now I hear he help his father. Ahh, the little bambini, they change so fast, no?


*: I'm not having much luck selling my wares around here.



*: I suppose there's just no market for this stuff in Gondolia. I've decided to move on to Puerto Valor. Maybe I can sell to some of the local knights there.



*: They're probably quite a serious lot, but at least I'll be able to negotiate with them properly. That's what my sales sense is telling me, anyway...


*: My husband has decided that we're going to Puerto Valor—he thinks he can sell more of his wares there—and now he's trying to rush us into leaving.



*: But I don't want to go yet! We haven't even tried any of the local food!



*: My husband's job means we're always travelling around from town to town. It's hard for my poor daughter to make any friends her own age.



*: You know, I did hear someone somewhere mention a boarding school for little girls her age.



*: Maybe it would be good for her to go somewhere like that. She'd meet some other children, at least...



*: Oh, I know you! You're the one they were calling the Darkspawn! The one they were shouting about out in the square!



*: But then they started saying you were some kind of hero! Is that true? Are you really, really amazing?<yesno>


*: Oh, don't be boring! If you're a hero, you must be amazing!



*: I knew it! I mean, you look so big and strong, you must be a real hero!




She's fast asleep.


*: Sir Jasper, he is no happy after Doge Rotondo help the Darkspawn to escape from that horrible monster.



*: Is making trade more difficult for us, but is okay. You help little Placido, so we help you.


*: ‘If the Darkspawn returns, apprehend the worm immediately, and do not allow him to wriggle free again!’ Those were my orders from Sir Jasper.



*: He's not coming back though, is he? Why would he after giving Sir Jasper the slip the first time? Nope, I won't see any action here.



*: Eh? Are you...?



*: I see you somewhere before, no? You are the famous person?<yesno>


*: No? Ah, scusa. But you have this...special air about you. If you are no famous now, you are sure to be some day!



*: Ah, sì! Naturalmente! I knew it! You have the special air about you!



*: Ah, is you. Doge Rotondo, he tell me everything.



*: But you must be careful, sì? Sir Jasper, he have guards on the patrol everywhere here still...



*: The soldiers, they think you are the Darkspawn, sì? But Doge Rotondo, he tell us who you really are. Is okay, we no tell them about you.



*: But how this misunderstanding happen in the first place, hm? This I would like to know.



*: Is him! Is the— Ahem! Scusa... I, er, I talk to myself...



*: Ahimè, the truth is...Sir Jasper, he order me very sternly to tell him if I see the Darkspawn. But I cannot take the pressure—now I think everybody is the Darkspawn!



*: But he no come back here. Is obvious—molto evidente! Why would he make such a risk? Is no need for me to check everybody!



*: I can't believe how peaceful it is around here already—it only seems like five minutes since that commotion with the Darkspawn.



*: Still, I'm not complaining. Makes my life nice and easy!



You escape? Bravo! I worry about you! Eh, you hear this, sì? My voice, is better than ever!



Some days ago, I play outside the town, and I observe Sir Jasper talking to the monster.



Is scary, so I make a little scream. He hear me, and curse my voice so I cannot speak about what I see! It was orribile!



I know he is the important knight from Heliodor but me, I hate him! He is the bad man! Certamente!



You are the very good person...but now Sir Jasper, he chase you again, sì?



Allora, I pray every day that he no catch you! And I hope you come back here sometime, when is safe for you. Buona fortuna! Good luck!


Is incredibile! You escape from Sir Jasper and all his soldiers! Molto stupendo!



I no understand the situazione, but I know you helped Placido, so for sure you are no bad people.



I pretend I no see you today. And I hope you continue your journey without the trouble! I cheer for you always!


*: My Benigno, he help his friend—is very happy thing for me. And now he even say he want to help me with my work!



*: You help my boy also. You make him brave. Grazie mille!


*: Ahh, Luciano. He sing so beautifully. His song soothe my heart. Is like riding the gentle waves...



*: He speak sometimes of the wonderful and mysterious voice people hear out in the sea, but for me, it is him who have the best voice in the world.



*: My mamma and papà, they are killed by the monsters. Monsters who are controlled by the Darkspawn. Is always what I believe, since I was the little bambino.



*: But now, Doge Rotondo, he tell me the Darkspawn is an hero. So I am wrong? My whole life?



*: Allora, if is no the Darkspawn who control the monsters, then who? Another evil creature?



*: The Signor Universo contest is cancelled, sì? Well, two contestants, they decide to make the show anyway.



*: Is molto incredibile! They simply light up the stage, no? Allora, is magnifico! Ah ha ha!


Signor Sartori


Santo cielo! Is you! The one Sir Jasper is chasing! You must no stand here in the piazza! Everybody, they can see you!


Signor Sartori

I no want them to catch you. Doge Rotondo, he explain to me a little. I no understand everything, but I know you are no this evil one they say.


Signor Sartori


Doge Rotondo, he explain to me a little. I no understand everything, but I know you are no this evil one they say. I no want them to catch you.


Signor Sartori

...Mm? The contest is cancelled, sì. Is a shame after we make so many preparations.


Signor Sartori

But allora, is okay! Hercules and Luciano, they put on the show anyway! You watch, okay?



*: La competizione is cancelled. Is because of the Darkspawn and Sir Jasper and...everything. So the name ‘Hercules’ will not appear on the trophy until the next year.



But is okay! Is chance for me to prepare even more! Next time, I have the even more beautiful muscles! Grandi muscoli!




*: Liu Za and the Abominable Showman, I hear they go back to Octagonia. There, they enter the fighting tournament.



*: I have the muscoli, but I cannot fight. If I can fight, I go to Octagonia also for sure. Certamente!



Signor Universo is cancelled. Is shame. It would be the perfect chance for all the people to hear my beautiful voice.



Speaking of a beautiful voice, the sailors, they talk about a voice they hear out in the sea. They tell me is simply bellissimo.



But the people who hear it, they fall asleep. And while they sleep, an horrible monster attack their ship, and drag her down into the water.



Is scary, no? But if I am honest, I still wish to hear it. Is no possible it can be more beautiful than mine!



*: Doge Rotondo, now he shay the Darkshpawn ish no sho bad... Hic! But alwaysh, I know he ish good!



*: Ish evidente! Ish all the plan of the molto, molto powerful evil! Shertamente! Hic!



*: Shhh! You no talk to me! I hide here, sì? You talk to me, he find me!



*: You no talk to me! I hide here, sì? You talk to me, he find me!



*: Zzz... He no find me...here...! Zzz...


*: Mia sorella—my sister—you have seen her? She has become too good at the hiding. I cannot find her!



*: Ah-phew... Where...you are...? Ah-phew...


*: I no know why, but Benigno, suddenly he want to help me. Is no much, but is a start, no?



*: Ah, scusa! You no need to hear my news. Allora...


*: The soldiers of Heliodor, they look for you, sì? But you choose to come here to Gondolia regardless?



*: I no want you to go, of course, but probably is wise to leave, no? Otherwise the soldiers, they catch you.


*: Ahimè, now we have no Signor Universo, I have even fewer customers! I cannot live like this!



*: I no care if you are the Darkspawn, you are the only customer I have today. Any business is good business! Allora...


*: Our cakes, they are popular with visitatori from all over the whole world. Always we are very busy during Signor Universo!



*: Baking the cakes is the easy way for one man to make many, many people happy!


*: You see the man with the long tongue? Is the contestant in Signor Universo. He buy so many cakes from us!



*: He say he come from Octagonia. I hear is a town with no sunlight. I cannot imagine...



*: We're supposed to be wandering wizards, but we really like it here, so we've decided not to go anywhere for a while.



*: What about you? Will you be moving on soon? If you're into fighting, Octagonia's supposed to be really fun.



*: I've heard they've got this massive arena where they hold martial arts tournaments. It's got to be worth checking out, right?


*: I came face-to-face with the Darkspawn. Yes, right here. But it traumatised me so badly, I've completely forgotten what he looked like.



*: I'll tell you what though, he was lucky to give Sir Jasper the slip. I wonder where he's scurried off to...


*: Signor Universo is cancelled, but the stall of my husband and me is an huge success!



*: Now we have enough money to take an holiday in Puerto Valor! Magnifico!


*: Doge Rotondo, he tell me the one they call Darkspawn is no a bad person after all.



*: But still I no understand—if he is no bad, why the soldiers of Heliodor chase him?


*: Hm? What you want? You no disturb me now! I have the idea for the new painting! The special painting! Stupendo! Fantastico! The image of Signor Jasper, on an hunt for the Darkspawn!



*: Now, you leave. Presto! I must work!



*: Hm? Still you are here? Ah, but wait... You look like someone, no? Who I think of...?



*: Uffa, no! Is only my immaginazione. Now, get out! Andare!


*: Finalmente! At long last! My master, he have the idea! He is working for the first time in so many years!



*: Maybe he pay me all the money he owe me now. Is good news! Happy news!


*: Always I think the Darkspawn is evil, but now I see is an huge mistake. Doge Rotondo, he explain everything.



*: But why I believe in the first place, eh? Who fill my head with such things? You know, I cannot remember...

Doge Rotondo

Salute, mio amico! You return to Gondolia! Already, I tell everybody what you do for my Placido.


Doge Rotondo

We all believe the rumour—the Luminary is the Darkspawn, he bring the destruction... But is a big, big mistake.


Doge Rotondo

We first hear this rumour many years ago. Is when the mighty kingdom of Dundrasil is destroyed.


Doge Rotondo

So if they say you are the Darkspawn, then you have the connection to Dundrasil, no? Sì, certamente...


*: Oh! Is you who help my boy, Placido, sì? He tell me so much about you! We are all very grateful to you! Grazie mille!



*: When Placido stop talking, my husband, he say is because of the Darkspawn. He say the Darkspawn always bring the tragedy and destruction.



*: But I no believe him. Placido is merely being a little rebel. A rascal. Is so fortunate you came here to help him! Grazie, grazie!



*: Placido, he have his voice back—and I think is better than before! Molto sereno, molto puro!



*: Maybe he become the singer in the future... Per carità! Goodness, listen to me! I must no put the pressure on him!


*: Sir Jasper is an handsome man, and a famous knight, so he have many admirers. But me, I never like him. Always he look nasty to me!



*: And allora—I am correct, no? He steal the voice of little Placido! He is the evil man for sure!


*: Letting those prisoners escape from the dungeon was a bit embarrassing for us guards. That's why we're all determined to catch them now.



*: But never mind all that. Your hair looks ever so familiar... Have we come across each other before?<yesno>


*: No? Fair enough. Do you know, now that I mention it, this Darkspawn we're looking for has the same kind of hair...



*: In fact, that's probably why I thought I recognised you. We're so desperate to get our hands on him, we're seeing him everywhere we look!



*: Hmm? I've bumped into you on my rounds, have I? Yes, I suppose that must be it. I have to confess, for one mad moment I thought you might actually be the Darkspawn! You know, what with that hair and all...



*: But let's face it, he isn't going to be coming back here. He's supposed to be some evil demigod, not that kind of blithering idiot who returns to the scene of the crime!




Blimey Charlie! Erik, me old mucker, it's you! And yer new pal an' all!



Listen, though... It's not that I ain't glad to see ya, but you really shouldn't 'ang about 'round 'ere. These streets are crawlin' wiv soldiers on the lookout for ya!



If I was you, I'd wait for the 'eat to die down a bit an' then come back. In the meantime, why not 'ave a bit of a travel around an' see what the rest of old Erdrea's got to offer, eh?




Listen, mate, it ain't that I ain't glad to see ya, but you really shouldn't 'ang about 'round 'ere. These streets are crawlin' wiv soldiers on the lookout for ya!



If I was you, I'd wait for the 'eat to die down a bit an' then come back. In the meantime, why not 'ave a bit of a travel around an' see what the rest of old Erdrea's got to offer, eh?



*: Welcome to downtown 'Eliodor, the grimy little secret the posh folks over the wall don't want you to know about! Heh!



*: 'Ang about... You've been 'ere before ain'tcha? Then why the 'eck 'ave you come back!? This ain't no place for sightseers! Clear off!


*: Word is that the tea leaf 'oo broke out o' the dungeons went an' pinched some posh jewel or somefink that belonged to the King. No wonder the guards are all over downtown like a rash.



*: If you ask me, yer better off findin' some other place to be for a bit...


The sea gates are closed. You can't proceed any further.


1.09 Zwaardsrust


*: Greetings. You must be tired after your long journey. Fear not. There is an inn but a short distance along the road where you can rest your weary bones.


*: Zwaardsrust used to be known as the Kingdom of Flowers. It was such a beautiful place. But then the monsters came and destroyed it all.



*: Yes, there may be nothing left of it now, but a city as grand as Heliodor once stood right here.


*: Tired after your journey, traveller? Then you have come to the right place!


*: I suppose you're wondering why we named this place the Warrior's Rest?<yesno>


*: Well, it's named in honour of Drustan, the Warrior King. He was a great man who fought alongside the Luminary back in the Age of Heroes.



*: He was actually the one who founded the kingdom of Zwaardsrust, which used to stand just to the north of here. It's all in ruins now, though.


*: Zwaardsrust was founded by Drustan, the Warrior King. It's also where Sir Hendrik was born.



*: That's quite a pedigree, eh? Which makes it even sadder that those monsters came and destroyed it...


*: My husband and I came away on holiday together, but the minute we get here, he goes off on his own! Makes me wonder why he married me in the first place...



*: I knew I should have put my foot down and insisted we go to Octagonia to see the Masked Martial Arts tournament.



*: I was half hoping I'd get to put a mask on and give him a beating myself!



*: I'm going to Octagonia! My daddy's fighting in the tournament, and I'm going to cheer him on!



*: Hm? Where's Octagonia? Umm... I think Daddy said it was to the north...



*: O fair land of Zwaardsrust,

From whose earth tulips thrust,

Home of the brave, the just!



*: The Purple Orb's protection,

Spreads peace in all directions,

Come, worship its perfection!




*: That's an old song from Zwaardsrust. They say that the purple orb it mentions is still around somewhere...


*: Welcome to the Warrior's Rest, where wanderers from all over Erdrea stop to share a tale or two while they take a break from their travels!



*: And it's a well-earned break for most. After all, the old kingdom of Zwaardsrust is enormous.


*: I'm studying the history of Zwaardsrust, so I'm keen to take a look at the ruins north-west of here. The problem is, I can't get in. There's a red door with a strange symbol on it in the way.



*: According to this book, it's opened with something called the magic key.



*: ...What's that? Where can you find this key? Ha! How should I know? Sorry, you'll have to go and look for it yourself.


*: I'm studying the history of Zwaardsrust, so I'm keen to take a look at the ruins north-west of here. The problem is, I can't get in. There's a red door with a strange symbol on it in the way.



*: According to this book, it's opened with something called the magic key.



*: ...What's that? You've got the magic key? Ha! Of course you have. And I suppose you're going to pop up there and open the door for me too, are you?


*: The closest town is many miles away. I suggest you rest at the inn here and say a few prayers before continuing your journey...


*: I thought since I happened across this place on my travels, I might as well help my fellow guests by selling them a few essentials. Why don't you take a look...


A mysterious force seems to be keeping the door tightly shut.


*: Tsk! What a total waste of time! I came to Zwaardsrust because I heard there was some kind of legendary treasure hidden in the ruins.



*: But I've turned over every piece of rubble in the place and there's nothing here! Not a sausage!



*: That's why I've decided to call it quits and head over to Octagonia for the Masked Martial Arts tournament. The prizes this year are meant to be incredible.


*: Hold on—don't tell me you've found the treasure? Ach, I don't believe it!


*: I don't suppose you'd sell it to me, would you? I'll give you 10000 gold coins for it. What do you say?<yesno>


*: ...Fair enough. Legendary treasures don't come cheap, I suppose.


*: What!? Really!? Oh, I— I, umm... I haven't got that kind of money, I'm afraid. I suppose you'll be holding onto it for now, then...


1.10 Octagonia


*: You want a Golden Boy autograph too? Well, you're just going to have to join the queue, I'm afraid. I really should be getting ready for the fight, though... But I can't help being popular, can I?



*: I just need the right partner, that's all. Everyone keeps saying once I find someone who really understands me, I'll finally be able to win this thing.


*: Welcome to Octagonia, y'all! This is where the world's best fighters come to duke it out!



*: Aw, shucks! I've already given you my spiel, ain't I, honey? So, you gonna join in the fightin' fun?



*: If you are, you better mosey on over to the registration counter and get your name down. It's right over there, under the statue of Sir Hendrik!



*: I'll betcha there's a real nice view of Sir Hendrik's statue from up there. I'm gonna try climbing up one day...



*: Ah-phew... Zzz...



*: The whole of Octagonia's gearing up for the MMA tournament, so why do I gotta work, huh?



*: Man, I wish I could just kick back with a cold one and watch the fighting. Maybe I'll just quit this job and get another one when the tournament's done...


*: You wanna know a shecret? Hic! I knocked off work early today and went drinking in the bar upshtairs.



*: I only had a couple, but my old lady got mad, and now she won't let me in the houshe... Hic! Oh, man...


*: You wanna know who's gonna win the tournament? That's easy—Vince Vanquish all the way!



*: He won last year, so the whole of Octagonia'll be rooting for him. With that to spur him on, he's got it in the bag for sure!


*: MMA stands for Masked Martial Arts, did ya know that? Yup. Fighters put masks on, form up into pairs and beat the bejesus outta each other!



*: It's kind of a tradition here in Octagonia. It's a big part of our culture.


*: You know about Vince, right? The champ? He's, like, the most famous guy in Octagonia!



*: They say he was born and raised in the orphanage. Guess that's why he spends so much time looking after the kids there.



*: Ain't seen you around here before. In town to take part in the MMA tournament?<yesno>


*: Well alright, but if you didn't register yet, I'd head over to the desk right now. There sure are a lotta folks taking part this year.




*: Best seats in the house, okay? Guaranteed. And at this price? Pal, I'm practically givin' 'em away—




*: Hey! What's the big idea!? This is a private conversation! Scoot!



*: This here inn of ours is favoured by some of the world's finest fighters! It's the best place to get a taste for the real Octagonia—and you'll want to come back!


*: Oh man, I didn't sleep at all last night! I was too pumped about the tournament! Still, gotta try and stay focused on my work till it's time...


*: Golly, hello there! I suppose you're on holiday here too, hm? Jolly hard to find one's way around, what? Well, these stairs lead down to a residential area. The bars are all upstairs.



*: Oh, and if it's the fighter's registration desk you're looking for, it's under the statue of Sir Hendrik!


*: Dash it all... I promised my beloved son and heir that I'd bring him a little souvenir of Octagonia, but it's nigh on impossible to decide what to get! There's far too much bally choice! Far too much!



*: I suppose the only thing for it is to buy the whole lot. The little rascal can't be disappointed then!




*: Golly! The biceps on the statue of Sir Hendrik—they're frighteningly...realistic, aren't they?



*: Not that the rest of his assets aren't equally handsomely sculpted, of course. As in the clay, so in the flesh, what? Aha ha!


*: Aloha! I just came to town to catch the tournament, but I've got to say, there's some really nice folks around here!



*: ...Like this dude! He's gonna get me a ticket for the best seat in the arena! And my tutu back on the island—my grandma—she gave me just enough money to pay for it too! Sweet!


*: One! Two! Three! Four!

Who's the one we all adore?

Golden Boy! Goooooo Golden Boy!



*: Hey, you! Golden Boy's got a fight to be getting ready for! Quit getting in his way, will you? He's sensitive to that kinda stuff, you know.



*: I heard about the fighting tournament so I thought I'd come and take a look, but I didn't expect this many people! Am I even going to be able to get a seat?


*: I've heard that the prize for this year's tournament is the best ever! They say the Mayor broke the bank to buy it from some travelling merchant.



*: I was hoping to take a look at it myself, but I don't stand a chance with all these people around.



*: Hey, you wanna know what I like about the MMA tournament? It's the luck of the draw, man. Your chances of winning all hang on which partner gets picked for you.



*: Even the best fighter can't do much if he winds up paired with a chump. That's what makes the system so cool.


*: I'm what you might call an expert on female fighters. I know everything there is to know about all of 'em. I'll bet I know some of 'em better than they know themselves! Heh!



The door is locked tight.


*: Uncle Vince said I'd make a good priest, so I'm practising hard. Alright, let's see if I can remember how this goes...


*: Hey! You're a stranger! Uncle Vince said we ain't supposed to talk to strangers!


*: Hi, mister. Are you here to see Uncle Vince?



*: He's gone to work—that means the arena!


*: I'm a little older than the other orphans, so I take care of 'em when Uncle Vince ain't around.



*: They're all super naughty when it's just me, but it's a different story when Vince gets home. They worship that guy.


*: Hey! Quit running around like that! You're gonna fall flat on your face!




*: I told these kids a thousand times it ain't good to sleep out in the cold, but they don't listen to a word I say...



*: Zzz... Zzz...


*: Think I ran around a little too much today... My head's kinda spinny...


*: Uncle Vince is stronger and kinder than anyone in any book! He's a real hero!



*: Ah-phew... Ah-phew...



*: Everybody thinks he's just the mild-mannered guy from the orphanage, but when he steps into the arena, he's a real champ!



*: He'll keep fighting for the little guy for as long as it takes! His name is...Vince Vanquish!



*: Zzz... His heart is the size of his fist...! (snort) Biff! Pow! Zzz...



*: Hey, no fair! You always get to be Uncle Vince! It's my turn now! I wanna be the champ!



*: Ah-phew... He's down... It's all over... Ah-phew...


*: Haven't seen you around here before, mister... You don't look like a thief, though. No, you seem kinda nice...


*: Well hello, friend, and welcome to Octagonia! I'm the mayor of this beautiful town.



*: I'm guessing you're here to take part in the MMA tournament? Heh. Why am I even asking—I can tell just by looking at you!



*: Yep, when you've been doing this as long as me, you get a feeling for these things. Well, good luck—and don't get hurt!


*: I always get a little misty-eyed when the tournament comes around. See, you might not think it to look at me now, but I used to be a pretty well-known fighter myself.



*: Yep, I knocked plenty of chumps on their rear ends in my time, let me tell you. Matter of fact, that's how I met my husband! Heh heh!


*: My husband gets a little carried away when it comes to these big events. He already headed out to ‘prepare’ for the MMA tournament. Guess I won't be seein' him for a while...


*: My husband still ain't home! If he likes these tournaments so much, he should think about signin' up and makin' us a little money!


*: So it's MMA time again, huh? That means a bunch more tourists—and a bunch more troublemakers.



*: Say, you look like you're from outta town. Don't you go causing any trouble now, you hear?




*: Ah-phoo... Ah-phoo...


*: There's been an almighty racket coming from upstairs these past few days. I hope it ain't no rat...



*: Stop it...! Zzz... Dirty rats...! No! (snort) Get outta my...house...! Zzz...


*: Oh, sweetie! Don't tell me you're a fan of mine too? Awww... Aren't you just the cutest?



*: You'll be rooting for me in the tournament, I hope? I'll be sure to give you a wave!


*: Hey there. My name's Whambelina. Sorry if I look flustered. I just arrived here in Octagonia to fight in the MMA tournament... It's really not easy finding your way around, huh?



Thank goodness I'm friends with Sinderella. Without her, I wouldn't even be able to find my way to the arena! Tee hee!



*: Shlurrrp... Thish food ish delishoush! I'm going to shcoff ash much ash I can before the tournament shtartsh...


*: I'm shtill hungry! And everything looksh sho delishoush! Shlurrrp!



*: Wot're you sayin'!? Vince's merch is nearly sold out, but no one wants any o' my stuff!?



*: Well, yer displayin' it all wrong, ain'tcha!? Don't you know nuffink about salesmanship?


*: 'Ere, you can't beat a front row seat, can ya? That's why I make sure they reserve this one specially for me, see. Bah ha ha ha!



*: Would you mind not disturbing me? I'm trying to focus before the fighting starts...



*: Zzz... Hm!? Uh, ommm...


*: Sorry, folks. The bleachers are right this way, but they're not open to the public unless there's an event on.



*: There's a bar and a bunch of concessions on this floor. The tourists who come for the fighting seem to like it up here.



*: Sometimes we even get famous fighters stopping by. They get all kinds of fired up before a fight. You gotta be careful what you say to those guys...



*: I ain't ashamed to tell you, my profits double during MMA season, what with all the thirsty tourists and fighters.



*: Now, if you wanna drink what the stars are drinking, you gotta try the Fighting Juice. Don't ask what's in it, though—it's a trade secret!


*: Hey there, handsome. You'll be stickin' around till the evenin', won't you? I'll be dancin' right there on that stage. The name's Janice, by the way.


*: Whoa there, handsome! I know I've probably got you all excited, but you can't come up on stage when Janice is dancin'!



*: Hey! Lemme tell ya 'bout a real tough guy!

The Hero of Heliodor, the Lord of the Fly!

He beat the monsters, gave 'em one in the eye!



*: They call him Siiir, Siiir Hendrik! Ooh! Alright!

Siiir, Siiir Hendrik!

He's the maaan, the man with the big statue! Ooh! Alright!




*: We're singin' 'bout the guy they made that big statue of downstairs. Sir Hendrik. The Mayor had 'em make it 'cause of some cool thing he did or somethin'.



*: Think it was somethin' to do with Dundrasil, back when the monsters trashed the place... Hey, don't ask me. I'm just a rock singer, man.



*: Hey, babe. Wanna split a pitcher of Fighting Juice? I can show you how we Octagonians get down...



*: Come on, man! It ain't a big deal! Quit making a scene, you're scaring my customers away!



*: Hey! Will you quit licking everything! That stuff's not even edible! Jeez... All the freaks come out for the MMA, huh?


*: You saw 'em too, huh? That pair o' real mean-looking cats eyeballing my merch?



*: Man, I just know they got my number. They've figured out this stuff is all junk. They're gonna run me outta town, I can feel it... (gulp)


*: What a day! Talk about bringing in the big bucks! If I can do the same tomorrow, I'm gonna be rich, rich, rich! Here's to that! (glug)



*: Wait... Those two girls at the bar... Is that...? It is! Sinderella and Whambelina, AKA the Beaty Queens!



*: Whoa... You don't think they're fighting in the tournament, do you? They gotta be! Man, I wanna ask 'em, but I'm way too nervous...



*: Would you look at this guy? It's pathetic! He's just staring at Sinderella and Whambelina like some kinda love-struck fool!



*: Hey! You! Quit staring at my girls, will you? Leave 'em alone!


*: You see that man over there making trouble? That's the Underdigger. He's a fighter—a real tough customer.



*: And I don't just mean in the ring. I'd steer clear if I were you...



*: Do you see that man meditating over there? That's Liu Za. He's a famous fighter.



*: He's been there for hours, and he hasn't moved a muscle. That's focus for you.




*: I, I don't believe it! It's the Abominable Showman! Now there's a character with hidden depths.




*: I bet you think he's just some slobbering idiot, don't you? Well, you're dead wrong—underestimate the Showman, and he'll crush you!



*: I mean, look at him! Can't you feel his aura from here? He's a real fighter. A true warrior.



*: This Janice girl, she's just the best! Woo yeah!



*: I have no need of material possessions. And yet it is interesting to imagine how I might feel were I to acquire such trinkets...



*: It is merely an exercise in visualisation, of course. I will not be buying anything. Oh no. ...Ahem.



*: Mmm. The martial artists of the big city are...intriguing. Perhaps it would be...spiritually interesting to spend some time in their company...



*: I must focus... I must control my emotions... My urges... I must follow my master's shining example...



*: Once again, I am full of admiration for my master. How can he retain his ascetic focus in the company of such...diverting people?


*: What's the big idea, huh!? Callin' me a poser! What I do with my muscles is my business, okay!



*: You and me...w-we undershtand each other, man. Hic! C'mon, let'sh get another round!


*: Can you believe this guy? Who the heck does he think he is, callin' me puny!?



*: Heh heh! Hic! Shure, why not? You know...you ain't sho bad! Heh heh... (burp)


*: Is that branch really all the winners're getting this year? I mean, it's pretty, I guess...



*: And I'm sure the Mayor knows what he's doing. I mean, he must have bought it from that merchant for a reason, right?


*: Uncle Vince has gone to the arena. The tournament will be starting soon.



*: Are you a fighter too? Then you should enter! I think you do it at the registration desk...


It's the Rainbough, which will be the first prize in the MMA tournament. It's giving off a mysterious glow.


It's the golden sphere that will be the second prize in the MMA tournament. It's giving off a lovely warm glow.


*: Hey there! Welcome to Octagonia! If you want to throw your hat into the ring and take part in the MMA tournament, you've come to the right place—this is the registration desk!



*: The rules are simple: each fight is between two pairs of fighters, and everybody has to wear a mask. Fighters are paired off at random.



*: And that's what makes it fun—the luck of the draw! It's what keeps folks coming back every year!



*: This time around, we've got some very special prizes indeed—and the best one of all is the Rainbough! You won't believe the lengths the Mayor went to to get hold of that thing.



*: Now, you look to me like you've got some fight in you. So—how about it? You wanna give the MMA tournament a try?<yesno>


*: That's what I like to hear! Alrighty then, here's your mask and your number for the partner draw! Good luck!



<pc> receives a mask and a draw number. It's number eleven! He's now ready to enter the MMA tournament!


*: The partner draw will be starting soon, so head up to the arena on the third level as soon as you're ready!



*: The elevator behind me will take you right there. Good luck with the draw—and happy fighting!



*: Oh... Well that sure is a shame. Come back any time if you change your mind. We'd love to see you in the ring!



*: The partner draw will be starting soon, so head up to the arena on the third level as soon as you're ready!



*: The elevator behind me will take you right there. Good luck with the draw—and happy fighting!




*: Sorry pal, but I can't let you ride the elevator if you don't got a mask. Only fighters are allowed up there.



*: If you wanna join in the fun, head down to the registration desk and get yourself one.




*: You got a mask? ...Yep, okay. You can head up. You ready to go right now?<yesno>



*: Alright then. Goin' up!


*: Oh. Well, lemme know when you're good to go, okay?



*: Are you fighting in the tournament too? You got your mask and draw number already?<yesno>


*: Then you're all set, huh? Just don't get hurt out there. And remember—there's no shame in quitting if you're taking a whipping!



*: Then you'd better get moving! Ask at the registration desk over there. They'll fix you up with what you need.



*: So that's the Rainbough, huh? This year's first prize... I just don't get what's so special about it. Been staring at it for hours, and it just looks like a fancy branch to me...



*: But that second prize...hoo boy! You could make a pretty penny selling that Yellow Orb, you betcha!



*: You're entering the tournament too? Let me give you a word of warning.



*: Some weird stuff's been happening to fighters lately. Everybody keeps talking about it. I don't know the details, but I'd be careful if I were you...


It's a bed for the MMA fighters to use. Rest for a while?<yesno>



*: You wanna ride the elevator back down to the lobby?<yesno>



*: Sure thing. One moment... Going down!


*: Okay. Well, just say the word if you ever need to, you hear?



*: ...Huh? The partner draw? That's happening in the arena. Just head right up these stairs.



*: I'm g-g-getting kinda nervous about this... Maybe I'll g-g-give my sword a few more swings before the draw... Always gets my confidence up...



*: We're gettin' ready for the first fights right now. Sorry, pal—the arena and the dressing rooms are off limits.



*: The fightin's all set to start just as soon as we're done preparing. It'll take a while, though. You better go take a load off at the inn while you wait.



*: If you struggle in the opening bouts, you really don't stand a chance of winning this thing. Some of these fighters are world-class.



*: And you know what else? If the crowd think you're just coasting because you lucked out with a good partner, they'll really get on your back. You don't want that to happen...



*: Hey! You can't go up there! They're getting the arena ready for the opening fights!



*: It'll all be getting started soon enough. Why don'tcha rest up till then? You're gonna need all the pep you can muster!




*: So, how did the draw go? By the look on your face, I'd say you got yourself a pretty good partner, huh?



*: It'll be a little while before we're ready for the opening fights. Why don'tcha head over to the inn and rest up while you wait?



*: It won't cost you a dime—fighters stay for free at the Octagonia Inn! I'd make the most of that if I were you!



*: ...Hm? Oh, right, the elevator. You're ready to head down to the lobby?<yesno>



*: Sure thing. One moment... Going down!


*: Sure. Well, holler when you wanna head down, okay?



*: Now that the draw's over, it's finally time for the fighting to begin! We're not quite ready yet though, so the arena's still off limits.



*: Why don'tcha go rest up? We'll be ready to roll in the morning.



*: You're a lucky guy, man, getting paired with the champ like that. I just hope we don't come up against you is all...


*: Registration's done, and the draw has been made! We're all set to start the fighting tomorrow morning!



*: Now go get some rest. You'll need to bring your A game if you're going to stand a chance out there!



*: Did I hear people arguing outside? Gah, this happens every year! We try to hold a nice, peaceful fighting festival and some out-of-towner has to spoil it all!


*: There's been one almighty shouting match going on outside. Wonder what the heck it's all about...


*: Well, if it isn't Vince's new partner! He was here just a minute ago, matter of fact. Said he'd come wake you up tomorrow morning in time for your first fight.



*: Maybe you heard already, but fighters stay for free here at the Octagonia Inn. You ready to turn in?<yesno>


*: Alrighty then. I'll show you to your room. You rest up good for tomorrow, now!



*: Okay, you just lemme know when you're ready. There's no charge, remember, so don't you worry yourself about that.



*: I don't care what happens in the rest of the tournament—I've already won. Did you see who I've been paired with?



*: Isn't he amazing! And he really, really gets me. We're going to do great things together, I just know it!


*: Welcome to Octagonia, y'all! This is where the world's best fighters come to duke it out!



*: ...But you must already know that, 'cause it looks like you're takin' part! Well, I surely hope you have yourself a great tournament.


*: Hey! You're Vince Vanquish's partner! I tell you, this is shaping up to be one of the best MMA tournaments ever! We even had ourselves a little drama during the draw there!



*: I never saw anyone get their partner changed before. How did that old guy fix it so he could be with that chick, huh? He must be real important.


*: The way I heard it, Octagonia used to be full of hot-headed kids, just fighting each other all the time.



*: So some bright spark came up with the idea of holding a tournament. That way, they'd have someplace to use up all that excess energy. Pretty smart, huh?



*: So it seems that eight teams make it through from this first round of fights, and the losing teams get knocked out.



*: It sounds pretty exciting! I mean, if you can't afford to lose even one match, everyone's going to be trying their best from the start!


*: The tension around town goes up a couple notches when the fighting's about to start. It's fun to talk to the locals and watch 'em get all worked up.



*: Hey, but you're gonna be fighting tomorrow, right? You should get some rest, man.



*: You know the Octagonia Inn lets fighters stay for free? You should totally take advantage of that.


*: Well, there'll always be a place in my heart for Sinderella... And Whambelina's just as sweet as pie too...



*: But I'll tell you who's really turned my head this time around—the girl with the long black hair! She's got a whole lotta mystery about her, and I like that!



Hey, partner! I'm lookin' forward to tomorrow, man! You and me, we're gonna smash this!



Go check in at the inn, and I'll come get you in the morning, okay? Don't stay out all night or nothin'! Heh heh!



*: Oh! It's Uncle Vince's partner! Are you staying here tonight?


*: Hey, <pc>! You here looking for Uncle Vince?



*: He's downstairs in the garden. Guess he's done working for the day.


*: We're all big fans of Uncle Vince here at the orphanage.



*: And 'cause you're his partner now, we'll be rooting for you too! Give it your best shot, mister!


*: Sinderella and Whambelina ride again! Talk about the luck of the draw! Now we're in the mix together, I just know we can win this thing!



Not that I'm saying it's a done deal. I mean, you got paired with last year's champ—you've gotta be in with a shot.


*: So you're the one who got paired with the champ, huh? Well, that just gives us more reason to beat you down! You're in for some battles, kid.



Wot are you sayin'!? The Vince merch is almost sold out, but no one's buyin' any of the Underdigger stuff!?




'Ang about... Oh, it's you—that little pipsqueak's pal. Feelin' all cocky now you've been paired wiv the champ, are ya?



Well, that won't last long if you end up steppin' in the ring wiv me! You'll be feelin' bleedin' awful when I'm done wiv ya! Heh!




*: Sinderella and Whambelina on the same team? Man, this is too much... I can't hardly take it!



*: I wanna go tell 'em I'll be rooting for them both...but I can't do it! I'm just too shy!


*: Hey, I saw you at the draw! So you decided to try your luck in the tournament, huh?



*: Oh, quit it with the strong, silent act! You guys are all the same—the minute you sign up, you start acting all serious. Would it kill you to lighten up a little?



*: So some of the fighters have started disappearing again. Always happens right around the time of the draw.



*: My guess is they get paired with the wrong person, realise they're in for a whooping, and run off home to mommy. Can't say I blame 'em. Heh heh...


*: I worry about Vince down there in the orphanage. It's kinda out of the way. Someone could sneak up on him real easy.



*: ...Huh? You didn't hear about what's been happening? It's awful! Fighters have been disappearing left and right!



*: And well, what with Vince being the champ and all, he's gotta be a target, right? I hope I'm wrong, but I've sure got a bad feeling about this...



*: We've been hearing rumours that somebody's been kidnapping fighters.



*: But don't get yourself all bent outta shape about it—the tournament committee's keeping a close eye on all the competitors. You'll be fine. Just fine.



*: Hey there, <pc>! It's almost time for the fighting to begin! Head on up to the dressing rooms when you're ready!



*: This elevator behind me will take you there. Good luck!




*: You wanna take the elevator to the dressing rooms, pal?<yesno>



*: Sure thing. Just don't get in anybody's way up there, huh? The other fighters gotta get ready, just like you do.


*: Okay. Just lemme know when you're ready to go up.



Hey, partner! It's time to get to it! You all set?<yesno>



Nice! Let's go smash some heads!


Heh! You're one of them guys who's gotta have everything just so, huh? Hey, no sweat. Take your time, man.



Hey man, you feelin' alright? Listen, I got some good news—after you got knocked out, I managed to hold out for a tie. That means we got a rematch on our hands!



But let's make sure we win this time, huh? Do what you gotta do, and let me know when you're ready.



*: You got a fight coming up, right? Well, if you need to get some rest beforehand, we got a bed you can use.



*: Hey, you need to say a pre-fight prayer? I'm actually an ordained priest. I know I don't look it, but hey. Ahem...



*: So I'll use my magic, like, ZAP! WHOOSH! Then you come in and whack 'em—BIFF! POW! Okay? You got it?



*: Zap, whoosh, biff pow... Got it!


*: Hey, did you hear about all the fighters going missing? I heard they all got kidnapped.



*: What kinda punk would pick on us like that, huh? Well, if the creep tries any of that stuff on me, he'll soon regret it!


*: Congratulations! You made it through the first fight in one piece! I hope you're looking forward to the next one.



*: But you must be exhausted. Why don't you call it a night, huh?




*: We're gettin' ready for the next fights right now. Sorry, pal—the arena and the dressing rooms are off limits.



*: Things'll get started just as soon as we're done preparing. I'd get myself patched up if I was you...



*: Hey! I saw you out there against the Underdigger and the Abominable Showman! Boy, you gave them a real whooping!



*: Not that I was surprised, though. Nah, I always knew you had something special. I'll be rooting for you in the next fight too!



*: Hey! You did real good out there! You're the talk of the town!



*: Before the fight, everybody was asking how Vince would cope with a rookie partner. Now they're saying you two can go all the way!


*: I guess you did good, winning your first fight.



*: But that ain't nothing compared to what's coming. You're gonna be up against an even tougher team in the next round. Let's see how you deal with that...


You should probably go and have a word with Vince.


*: I underestimated you. You've got more potential than I thought.



*: I hope you go far, but if you get drawn against us, it's all over. Me and my partner, we just...get each other. No one can compete with that.



*: Welcome to Octagonia, y'all! This is where the world's best fighters come to duke it out!



*: Ah, but you already know that, right? I mean, you won your first fight, and without hardly a hair outta place. Good luck in the next one!


*: No way! You're Vince Vanquish's partner! Can I have your autograph?



*: Zzz... Go, <pc>...! Zzz... Woo...! Sock it to 'em...!


*: The Underdigger's real tough, but he came up short again. Still, I guess he'll be back next year.



*: You know what? I ain't seen him or the Abominable Showman since their fight finished. Maybe they just lit out for home after getting beat...



*: Hey! You're that kid who got paired with the champ! Everybody's talking about you! They can't wait for your next fight!



*: ...Huh? You're looking for Vince right now? He's probably headed home to the orphanage. You should go look for him there.


*: You and the champ worked pretty good together—especially considering this is your debut. You might even have a shot at winning this thing.




*: Here ya go, pal—one ticket for the best seat in the house! Ya wanna buy this lucky charm too? These things work wonders with the Octagonian girls, trust me.




*: Hey! Quit stickin' your nose in where it ain't wanted! This is a private conversation!



*: Hm? You'd like a room? Oh, I'm sorry. We're not open at the moment. We're still getting all the rooms ready.



*: You'll have to come back again later. Make sure you do—you won't regret it!


*: You've become rather famous all of a sudden, what? Well done you! I doubt there's a soul in Octagonia who doesn't know who you are!



*: I've half a mind to put you on my staff as a bodyguard, but the good lady will go positively doolally if I spend another penny.


*: Man, people here are sooo friendly! This dude just sold me a super cheap ticket, and now he's offering me a lucky charm too!



*: I'm so glad I took my old ma's advice and tried to trust everybody I meet. It works out on the island, and it works here in the city too!


*: You're fighting in the tournament? Well, I hope you know you got no chance of winning. Uh-uh! Golden Boy's gonna beat all of you!


*: Whoa, it's you! Is this really your first time!? You should hear the things people are saying about you! You're a big hit!


I was awfully shocked to hear about all the fighters who've been disappearing. I do hope Vince will be alright.



You must be tired after your fight, but I think you should pay a visit to the orphanage, just to make sure that nothing untoward has happened to him.



You'll need to go down the stairs to the east, then head west. You be careful as well, <pc>.


We'll ask around a bit, see if we can find out any more about these disappearances.



Actually, Vince might well be a target too. Maybe he's seen someone suspicious around the place...



I think you'd better check in on him, <pc>. He should be in the orphanage—go down the stairs, then head west.


*: Ho ho! This year's tournament's set to be a real doozy! It's sure got the best line-up of fighters we've had in a while!



*: In fact, I'd say it's shaping up to be the best since the tenth anniversary blow-out we had, and that's saying something—Sir Hendrik himself took part that year!



*: Man, he was something else! He was up against some real tough customers, but he just breezed through 'em like they were nothing!


*: You know, you kinda look like my husband did when he was your age. Back when he still had a little spark in him. Ahh, those were the days...


*: I'm not usually much of a fan of MMA. Always seems to me like a bunch of meatheads wailing on each other to no purpose. But your fight was different. I kinda enjoyed it!



*: I'll certainly be cheering you on in the next round. I mean, you're partners with Vince Vanquish—you've gotta have a pretty good chance, right?



*: The tournament's a real doozy this year, huh? It's enough to make me forget about all the strange noises coming from upstairs...


*: I thought you were just a kid, but you're a heck of a fighter. Not that that'll matter if we ever tangle in the ring—you'll be crying for your mommy soon enough!


*: I thought you were the quiet, retiring type. Seems you're more like the strong, silent type. I like that. Here's hoping we get the chance to go up against each other one of these days!


*: Hey there, kid! Nice work in that last bout! Everybody's talkin' about you! Pretty impressive for a first-timer!



*: You're not the only first-timer who made an impression, though... That martial artist girl and the old guy—they're quite something! Yep, this year's tournament is gonna go down as a classic!


*: Hey, man. If you, like, win this thing, you'll totally be as famous as Sir Hendrik. Maybe then we'll write a song about you too.


*: ...Disappearing fighters? Yeah, I guess I do have a couple of regulars who suddenly stopped showing up.



*: The Underdigger, I think one of 'em was called. Man, you don't think he's been kidnapped or something, do ya? I can't imagine him going quietly...



*: Everything I sell is exclusive! You can't get this stuff anywhere outside Octagonia—and that is a fact!



*: ...Huh!? Hey, it's you! The champ's new partner! Hey, you got something you can give me? A sock or something? It's worth big bucks if it's got your sweat on it!


*: You were incredible out there! I hope you do just as well in your next fight!


*: Liu Za used to meditate over there, but there's no sign of him now.



*: Mind you, I don't think I'd show my face if I'd been beaten like that either. And to think he looked so cool before the fight...


*: You haven't seen the Abominable Showman have you? I want to get his autograph, but there's no sign of him anywhere...


*: Your performance was impressive. You possess great power. Great focus.



*: You must visit us in Angri-La. Training in the ascetic arts will allow you to access yet greater strength within.



*: You look weak, and yet you are strong. This is something I can aspire to!




*: How many times do I need to tell you? The new guy's good, but he's just a kid. The champ's much stronger, man!



*: Zip it, punk! You just don't get it! Anyone who knows anythin' about fightin' knows that the kid's the real deal!


Hey <pc>, have you noticed? A lot of the guys from the first round, they're not around any more.



You don't think they could have been kidnapped, do you? Nah, they're all tough guys. They wouldn't go without a fight. Maybe they just went home...




Loving those moves, honey! You're not just a fighter, you're a dancer too! Go get 'em, tiger!




Oh! Did I get a bit carried away there? Sorry, darling. I know we have more important things to worry about.



Speaking of which, don't you think it's weird that it's only fighters that are going missing? And tough, tournament-ready fighters at that? It's a real head-scratcher...



*: Hey! Where are you going, Mister <pc>? What about Uncle Vince?



*: We're all kinda worried about him. Will you go check on him for us? Pleeease?


*: These are scary times. But that's when people need priests the most, right? I gotta keep it together. Ahem...



*: WAAAH! I, I'm scared! (sob) WAAAH! I'm scared of the scary burglar! WAAAH!


*: Hey! Where are you going, Mister <pc>? What about Uncle Vince?



*: We're all kinda worried about him. Will you go check on him for us? Pleeease?




*: Come on now, don't cry. Uncle Vince'll catch that burglar, you know he will.



*: I wish people wouldn't keep talking about fighters going missing... It makes me think Uncle Vince might be next...


*: What if the burglar wasn't alone? What if there was a whole bunch of 'em, and they came for Uncle Vince!?



*: Please, Mister <pc>, you gotta go to Uncle Vince's room and check on him!


*: I ain't scared! There ain't nothing to be scared of! S-Seriously...! C'mon, quit crying!


*: Everything's gonna be okay. Uncle Vince is a hero! That burglar's gonna regret messing with him!



*: Hmm...? What's going on...? Why's everybody making so much...noizzz... Ah-phew...


*: Uncle Vince looked real fired up when he ran to his room. Something real bad musta happened...


*: I, I really need to go pee, but I'm too scared to go outside... What am I gonna do...!?


*: There was a burglar in here!? But this is an orphanage! We don't got nothin' worth stealin'!



Golden Boy

My tournament is over, but what an experience it's been! Meeting Sylvando has changed my life!


Golden Boy

I feel like fighting with him has shown me who I really am, you know? I wouldn't change a moment!


Golden Boy

Thanks to him, I now know my true self...and the next time we meet, I'm going to show him how much I've learned!



*: It's nearly time for your next fight, right? Good luck out there, kid!


*: Hey, it's you! How's the tournament going? Just don't get nervous, you hear me? Nerves are a fighter's worst enemy!




*: Poor Golden Boy! He must have taken a hit to the head! All he can talk about is Sterling Sylva, when he was clearly the star of the show!



*: Mister <pc>! What are you doing here? Ain't your next fight about to start?



*: Uncle Vince has already headed up to the arena. Don't leave him hanging!


*: You got a fight soon, right? I hope you win!


*: We never caught that thief. But that's not important right now—Uncle Vince has got a fight to think about!



*: And so have you! I'll say a few prayers for the both of you.


*: What does a burglar want from an orphanage? We ain't got nothing worth stealing.



*: Maybe it was one of the other fighters trying to steal Uncle Vince's fighting secrets...


*: What are you doin', mister!? Uncle Vince is waitin' for you at the arena!




Well, look who it is! The Little Fighter that Could! I still can't believe you beat me!



But don't get cocky—that was just a one-off. Next time we fight, I'm wiping the floor with you!




You were like lightning out there! I'm still in shock! I hope I get paired with you next time.





*: I really wanna go tell Sinderella and Whambelina how sorry I am they got beat... But I can't do it, man! I'm too nervous! Aww, and they look so cute when they're all sad and stuff...


*: Hey, good luck in your next fight! Octagonia will be cheering for you!



*: I just don't get it. Why's everybody saying all this great stuff about you? Why's nobody got a good word to say about me?


Hey there, partner! It's fightin' time! You all set?<yesno>



Now that's what I like to hear! Let's do this, man!


Heh! You're one of them guys who's gotta have everything just so, huh? Hey, no sweat. Take your time, man.



Nearly there, partner! The semi-final's up next! Let's do this!



No rest for the wicked, though. We gotta get right back out there and do it all again! You ready?<yesno>



Now that's what I like to hear! Let's do this, man!


Heh! You're one of them guys who's gotta have everything just so, huh? Hey, no sweat. Take your time, man.








Hey, man... Sorry about that... Guess I must be tired or somethin'. It ain't easy, fightin' all these bouts in a row...



Anyway, never mind that now. This is it, partner! The final round! You ready to give it everythin' you got?<yesno>



Now that's what I like to hear! Let's do this, man!


Need to get yourself amped up before you head out there, huh? Hey, I get it. Take all the time you need. I'll be here when you're ready, okay?



Hey man, you feelin' alright? Listen, I got some good news—after you got knocked out, I managed to hold out for a tie. That means we got a rematch on our hands!



But let's make sure we win this time, huh? Do what you gotta do, and let me know when you're ready.



This is it, partner! The final round! You ready to give it everythin' you got?<yesno>



Now that's what I like to hear! Let's do this, man!


Need to get yourself amped up before you head out there, huh? Hey, I get it. Take all the time you need. I'll be here when you're ready, okay?






*: Just because you lost, that don't mean the tournament's over. You gotta get out into the crowd and cheer for your fellow fighters, man!



*: I'll whistle, you clap, okay? Like this: PEEP, PEEP! CLAP, CLAP! PEEP, PEEP! CLAP, CLAP! Think you can do that?





...Pretty good, right?


*: I'm telling you, kid, I've got the best partner in the business right here! She really believes in me!


*: Oh, hey there. I heard about Vince. We're all kinda in shock...



*: Listen, the tournament committee put up some cash to pay for you to stay tonight on account of what happened. You ready to turn in?<yesno>


*: Alright, I'll show you to your room. Be sure to rest up good, now. I don't want something like that happening to you too.



*: Oh, okay. Well, do what you gotta do and let me know when you wanna call it a day.





*: Welcome to Octagonia, y'all! This is where the world's best fighters come to duke it out!



*: Oh! It's you! I heard you did real good out there! Better than good, in fact! I heard you won the whole shebang!


*: Mom won't let me go outside. She says it's too dangerous. Man, she's such a drag...



*: And besides, it ain't kids that's going missing, it's fighters!


*: I wasn't surprised when Vince collapsed before the award ceremony. The guy's been pushing himself too hard for a long time now.



*: From what I hear, he's been drinking that stuff before every fight for at least a couple years now. And whatever it is, it ain't juice...



*: First the fighters start disappearing again, then Vince collapses in the arena...



*: This year's tournament's sure been...different. And now it's all done, and we still don't know exactly what happened...


*: Listen, I don't wanna spread this around too much, but the fact is, this ain't the first time Vince has collapsed like that.



*: Nah, he ain't been right ever since he became the champ. I just hope he gets better soon, that's all.


*: I know why Vince didn't tell anyone he was sick and decided to fight anyway. It was for the kids, right? He loves those kids.



*: He's a real hero. You know, I've half a mind to run down to that orphanage right now and mop his brow and feed him soup and, you know, take care of him. Think he'd like that?



*: Well, you did it. Congratulations, kid. It was a pleasure watching you out there.



*: ...It's kinda sad what happened to Vince though, huh? I hope he gets better soon.




*: I'm tellin' you, these things are what makes <pc> so tough! You buy one, and you're gonna be just like him. I'll—




*: H-H-Hey! <pc>! Good to see ya, pal! Don't worry about me. I ain't doin' nothin' shady, I promise! Ahem...



*: Oh, man! The tournament might be over, but I still can't sleep! That's how pumped I am! But never mind that now...


*: I hope Vince is alright. If he spends too long in bed, he'll lose all his muscle tone. And that really would be humanity's loss...



*: Really!? It's gonna make me just like <pc>!? Hoo boy! I gotta have it! How much do you want?




*: Well, congratulations! I guess the Rainbough's all yours now!



*: And you know what? I don't think the team you beat in the final will be too disappointed with the Yellow Orb, either. Good prizes all round, I'd say!


*: Oh. It's you. The so-called champion.



*: Why did ya have to go beat up on my Jade like that, huh? How could ya do that to the poor kid!?



*: Shhh! Mister <pc>, you gotta be quiet! Uncle Vince is sleeping!


*: M-Mister <pc>...is Uncle Vince gonna be okay? He's not gonna...die, is he?


*: Uncle Vince'll probably be feeling pretty down after what happened. But he won't let it show in front of us kids.



*: We'll do our best to help him get back on his feet, though. Starting with this delicious, nutritious meal I'm cooking!


*: Uncle Vince must've been so stressed. All the fighting, and looking after us kids and then the burglar in his room... I'm not surprised he collapsed.



*: Maybe we shouldn't all rely on him so much...


*: Uncle Vince is gonna be fine! He's our hero, and heroes never die!


*: He'll keep fighting for the little guy for as long as it takes! His name is...Vince Vanquish!



*: Ach, it's no good. I'm trying to have fun, but I'm too worried about Uncle Vince. I really hope he gets better soon...


*: Is Uncle Vince gonna be okay...?



*: I sure hope Uncle Vince is gonna be okay... We'd be totally lost without him...


*: I'm more than a little worried about Vince...but I'm sure he'll be back on his feet soon, and you can have the award ceremony you deserve.


*: You came to see me, dear? How thoughtful of you. Not many champion fighters would spare the time for an old woman like me.



*: You know, I always thought you had a little something about you. Why, if I was only forty years younger...


*: The tournament's over, and my husband's still not home! He's off frittering his dang fool life away somewhere, I just know it!


*: That no-good husband of mine's still not home! I tell you, it's a good thing he likes fighting, because he's in for one heck of a set-to when he finally shows his face!


*: I always thought these MMA types were all thugs and goons, but you're different.



*: I gotta say, watching you out there...it was kinda emotional. Thank you, dear. You've restored a little of my faith in this world.



*: Something's still making an almighty ruckus up there, but whatever it is, it don't sound like its heart's much in it no more...






*: Hey there, <pc>! Seems like the whole of Octagonia wants to shake your hand. Sure hope you're ready to be a celebrity!




*: One, two, three, alright!

One, two, three, let's fight!




*: Oh, hey man! I was just writin' a song about you. It's a real rockin' jam too—way better than the one about Sir Hendrik!





*: You won! And in your first-ever tournament! Amazing! I can't wait for the award ceremony!


*: Hey, congratulations! That was some incredible stuff out there! Shame about what happened to Vince, though.



*: Still, they're saying he won't be out of action for too long. Guess all the years of fighting finally caught up with him...



*: Anyway, they're postponing the award ceremony till he's better. Looks like you'll be sticking around a little longer, champ!



*: The tournament committee's arranged some free accommodation for you at the inn. Why not go rest up awhile?



*: They're postponing the award ceremony till he's feeling better. Looks like you'll be sticking around a little longer, champ!



*: The tournament committee's arranged some free accommodation for you at the inn. Why not go rest up awhile?




*: The elevator's out of action right now—the award ceremony's been postponed till Vince is feeling better, see.



*: We should have known Vince was overdoing it. He must have had so much on his mind...



*: I'm real happy that you won the tournament and all...but I can't help thinking about those missing fighters.



*: I don't wanna rain on your parade, but I just don't think I can celebrate until they've been found...


*: Everybody's talking about you. It ain't fair, but I ain't gonna whine. Guess I better just accept that you're...good.



*: And, uh, hey... While you're here, could you sign this for me? It's for, uh...a friend of mine...


*: I turn my back for just one second, and Golden Boy is nowhere to be seen. Where could he have gone?



*: You know, he didn't really look himself when he was fighting either. It's all kinda worrying, don'tcha think?


*: No Sinderella, no Whambelina and no Jade! They're all gone! Who am I supposed to try and impress now, huh!?



It's one of the beds used by the orphans. Rest for a while?<yesno>


*: Something's happening down in the courtyard. I think it's something bad...



*: Oh, hey, I meant to say earlier—if you're ever feeling tired, you're welcome to use one of the beds here. They're super comfy, I promise!


*: This is bad, Mister <pc>! This is real bad! Uncle Vince ain't here! He's meant to be sleeping, but he's gone!



*: And something super weird's happened in the garden downstairs too...


*: I get it, you know. I know we're the reason Uncle Vince pushes himself so hard.



*: He must have so much to deal with, but he never lets it show. He never has anything but smiles for us kids.



*: And now he's disappeared, and there's nothing we can do about it. I... I feel so helpless...


*: Mister <pc>, you gotta listen! When we realised Uncle Vince was missing, we searched the orphanage high and low.



*: But all we found was this—it's a staircase leading underground! None of us have seen it before.



*: D'you think he mighta gone down there? Where do you think it leads?




*: U-Uncle Vince... Wh-Where... Zzz... Are you...?


*: I, I'm scared...(sniff)


*: Uncle Vince got tired of us and left, didn't he?



*: Hey... Zzz... Give Uncle Vince...back to us...! Zzz...


*: (sniff) Uncle Vince! (sniff) Come back... Waaaaaah!



*: Ah-phew... Ah-phew...


*: I don't feel like chatting right now. Go talk to somebody else.


*: Hnhmmm... Zzz...


*: U-Uncle Vince is gone! He was supposed to be in bed, but he ain't there!



*: What if he ain't never comin' back!? What'll happen to us then!?


*: That racket from upstairs has finally stopped. Gotta say...I kinda miss it...


*: I can't sleep a wink now that noise from upstairs has stopped. It's just too darned quiet...



*: ...Wh-What!? Sinderella and Whambelina have disappeared!? Say it ain't so!



*: I... I gotta rescue 'em! Yeah! They're probably waiting for me to come save 'em right now! ...But how am I gonna do that?



*: The young ladies are no longer present, I see. That is...unfortunate.


*: My master had promised to teach the young warrior women of the ways of enlightenment, and yet, they have disappeared. Do they not know what great gifts they have forsaken?


*: We decided to postpone the award ceremony for a couple days till Vince is feeling better. Sorry to keep you waiting, but I'm sure it'll be worth it!


Golden Boy

After the monster took me... When I was unconscious...I heard a voice... A soft, melodious voice... Sylvando's voice...


Golden Boy

He was only saying my name...but it sounded...like the most beautiful melody in the world... I always knew that he and I had a special connection!



*: Welcome to Octagonia, y'all! This is where the world's best fighters come to duke it out!



*: Oh, hey there, handsome! Well, the big day's finally here—it's award ceremony time! And you've done your hair all special, I see!


*: Woo yeah! It's finally time for the award ceremony! ...Uh, what's an award ceremony?


*: It's time for your big moment at last, kid—hope you got a speech prepared. I'll be all ears!



*: I'm just glad we got all the missing fighters back before the ceremony. Now we can actually enjoy the show!


*: This was the best tournament we ever had! All the fighters were great—but you were the greatest of all!



*: You see how excited everybody is? That's all because of you! You're a star now!


*: Looks like Vince is okay now. I'm so happy. I just hope he takes it easy for a while. I don't know what I'd do if he...wasn't around...



*: Every year I wind up thinking the same thing—these fighters are so cool... Maybe it's time I started training myself.



*: Only trouble is, I'm no good with pain. Heck, sometimes I stub my toe and I wind up thinking my leg's about to fall off!



*: Man, I must be gettin' soft in my old age! I was all set to squeeze this easy mark here for every penny he had, but he's just so damned...nice! My conscience can't take it!



*: He's kind and appreciative, and... Ugh! If I don't snap out of it, I'll wind up givin' him his dough back! What's gotten into me!?



*: I'd heard the rumours, of course, but I had no idea that Octagonia was quite this much fun! I may have spent all our money, but golly, did I have fun spending it!


*: Well, that's the tournament done for another year. I miss the sound of fist on jaw already...


*: I was kinda worried about coming to the big city all by myself. It's so different from the island. But I didn't need to worry at all! Folks around here are super nice!



*: I spent all the money my old ma gave me, but she won't mind when she sees the cool stuff I bought with it. I sure was lucky to run into this guy!



*: Golden Boy? More like Golden Bore! He ain't the man I thought he was! My days of rooting for that loser are ooo-ver!




*: Now I'm team <pc> all the way! You're the best! And if anyone wants to say different, they can say it to me!



*: The first prize is the Rainbough, isn't it? Just the one? But there are two people in your team.



*: How are you going to share that? Are you going to have to snap it in two? I'm quite intrigued...


*: Hey, what are you doing here? Did you oversleep or something?



*: Well, you'd better head up to the arena right away! The award ceremony's starting! Talk to the person at the desk under Sir Hendrik's statue—he'll show you the way.



*: You know what I like about <pc>? He's, like, the strong silent type. He doesn't say much, but he's tough. A guy like me can admire that.




*: H-Huh!? <pc>!? It's really you!? I, I'm a huge fan! Please, l-lemme shake your hand!



*: Looks like Sinderella and Whambelina are back—and in one piece too. That sure is a relief.



*: Can you imagine what their fans would have done if they hadn't made it home? My guess is they would have locked themselves in their bedrooms and cried for a month. Ahem...



*: Hey, Mister <pc>! Aren't you going to the award ceremony?



*: Uncle Vince headed up to the arena already. You can't leave him hanging!


*: Uncle Vince came back! Is it true that you're the one who saved him, Mister <pc>?



*: It is? Oh wow, thank you! We owe you big time!


*: I've gotta make something super tasty today—we're celebrating! Woop!


*: Uncle Vince told me everything that happened. How he made a deal with a monster so he could win at the tournament and all...



*: Now that he's back, we've gotta do what we can to help him. We're a family here, and that's what families do!



*: It's kinda hard to know how to feel... I mean, I know Uncle Vince did a real bad thing...



*: But he did it for us! ...Yeah! He's still our hero, no matter what!


*: People have been talking about those fighters that went missing, and saying that Vince was somehow a part of it all.



*: But I don't believe it for one second. Vince Vanquish would never get involved in something like that!


*: They're back! Whoever was making those noises upstairs, they've started again! I gotta say, I kinda missed it...


That big spider was all set to wring the life outta me and leave me looking like a big old prune.



Thank goodness you came along! I don't know how to repay you... I guess you're not into puff-puffs, huh...?


I can't believe I let that...thing get its creepy little hands on me. I need to train harder...starting next week!

Abominable Showman

Shlurrrp... That monshter shucked shomething out of me... I've been eating and eating, but I can't sheem to replashe it...



It don't make no sense! Why would <pc>'s merch sell like 'otcakes an' no one buy mine? What's that little runt got that I ain't—




Oh! Champ! I, err, didn't see ya there... I bet everyone's well 'appy wiv you coz you ‘rescued’ me, eh?



Well, just so ya know, I was about to give that Arachtagon a wallopin' and grab all that magic potion for meself! So fanks for nuffing!




*: Please... Don't disturb my meditation. I've gotta learn to focus, or I'm gonna get kidnapped again...



*: No... NOOO...! The s-s-spider...! It's coming for me...! Zzz...


*: This year's tournament smashed all records. My profits went up by five hundred percent! I guess that's mostly down to you, huh? Thanks, kid!



*: He came from nowhere with a thirst for fightin'!

He beat up Jade and Rab, ooh, so excitin'!

The rookie, the rookie! Rookie, rookie, rookie, yeah!



*: His style's original, his hair's amazin'!

His smile's enough to set your heart a-blazin'!

The rookie, the rookie! Rookie, rookie, rookie, yeah!



*: They're back! Sinderella and Whambelina came back, and life is beautiful again! It's like the whole world smells of roses!



*: Ladies, I ain't never letting you outta my sight again! I'm your number one fan, and I'm gonna take care of you!


*: Liu Za strolled back in here like he'd just popped out to the shops, and now he's started meditating again.



*: I don't think he's moved a muscle since he's sat down. That's some pretty impressive concentration...



*: Mister Abominable Showman, I'm... I'm your number one fan!



*: If you need someone to practise your moves on, just ask me! I'll gladly be your punchbag!


*: Hey, <pc>! It's time for the ceremony! Vince is back on his feet and raring to go! He's in the arena already!



*: Everybody's waiting for you. I'd better take you up there right away. If you'll follow me...



*: Hey, <pc>. How's it goin'? Don't head up to the arena just yet—I'm gonna need you to speak to the guy at the registration desk first.



*: Guess they wanna make sure you're all set for the award ceremony. You know where the desk is, right? Just behind the elevator there.



*: This is it, <pc>! You'd better go ahead and report to the registration desk. Everyone's waiting for you up in the arena!




*: The Rainbough sure is pretty, but does it seem kinda...useless to you? Guess you could use it to prop a door open...




*: Hmm? Oh! Hey, <pc>! Looking forward to getting your hands on that Rainbough, huh? Man, I sure am jealous... Ahem.



The Rainbough starts to glow ever so gently!


Woohoo! Honey, we did it! We got the Purple Orb! And it's still in one piece, too!



If we carry on like this, we'll have the whole set before we know it!


*: Welcome to Octagonia, y'all! This is where the world's best fighters come to duke it out!



*: And speaking of the world's best fighters...it's our new champion! Good to see you again!


*: I know you! You're the champion! And I know what ‘champion’ means! It means the best, right?



*: But you're not the best. My mommy is the best! My mommy's the champion!


*: Hey! It's the champ! Aww... Why do I gotta work on the day the champ comes to town?



*: All I wanna do is head over to the tavern with you, grab a couple of cold ones and talk about fighting. Could just jack my job in, I guess...



*: Used to be there was a kingdom called Dundrasil not too far from here. That is until monsters came and smashed it to the ground...



*: But that's where the old guy said he took the Rainbough, right? Why would he want you to meet him there?


*: I never believed the rumours about Vince only being champ because of that stuff he drinks...but I guess they were true...



*: I gotta say though, I ain't mad. He always puts on a good show, and I respect that.


*: So that's it, huh? Vince Vanquish has quit the fight game. It's kinda sad, knowing I won't get to see him in the ring ever again.



*: But I support his decision one hundred percent. He gave us everything he had. He'll always be my champion... (sniff)



*: Rab and Jade... Those were their names, weren't they? That pair of thieves who ran off with the Rainbough?



*: It's odd, but I'm sure I've heard those names somewhere before. Can't for the life of me think where...


*: So Vince was cheating the whole time? That's a bit disappointing, isn't it?



*: Still, I suppose fans like me must take some of the blame. It can't be easy coping with all the pressure we put these fighters under.


*: So the Rainbough's been stolen? That's a bit of a disaster, isn't it? And they say the Yellow Orb's gone missing as well.



*: It's obvious who the culprits are, though. It's that pair you beat in the final. The funny old man and the girl with the kicky legs.


*: The tournament's over, but the stories keep on coming. Vince retiring, the prize being stolen...



*: There's only one story that really matters though, and that's yours! All hail the new champ!



*: Rab and Jade are just one big mystery, huh? Nobody knows where they came from, and now they've up and disappeared.



*: But I'll tell you what I do know—and I say this as someone who's seen a whole bunch of fighters over the years.



*: Jade is something special. Just so...elegant, man. The old guy, not so much.



Hey, partner. I guess maybe you heard—I decided to quit fightin' and come clean about what I've been doin' to win all these years.



And you know what happened when I did? People forgave me, man! Octagonians might get on your back if you lose, but deep down, they're good people.



That's why I'm gonna spend the rest of my days givin' somethin' back. After all, I owe these guys everythin' I have.



*: Uncle Vince said he's not gonna fight any more! He's gonna stay here with us the whole time!


*: Hey, Mister <pc>! You looking for Uncle Vince? He's in the garden downstairs. And he looks pretty happy too!



*: Uncle Vince told me he's gonna quit fighting and dedicate himself to the orphanage. He said he was a ‘changed man’.



*: I hope that means he'll let me cook all his favourite food for him now! No more pre-tournament crash diets for us!


*: Uncle Vince ain't the champ no more...but he'll always be our hero!


*: All the kids here at the orphanage are real grateful to Uncle Vince.



*: We'll never forget everything he did for us! Not even when we're all grown-up!


*: I knew there was something special about you the moment I set eyes on you, kid. You're different to all the other fighters.



*: I'd love for you to stay and become a real Octagonian legend, but you wanna know the truth? This town ain't big enough for you.



*: Nah, you need to get out there and change the world. There ain't no limit to what you can do! Just come back and say hi once in a while, okay?


*: Well, if it isn't the champ, come to see little old me. You're too kind to an old lady dear, really you are.


*: It's a tragedy what happened to Dundrasil back in the day. I mean, the King and Queen had just had a kid, and they were having a big party to celebrate.



*: And the monsters choose then to attack? That's just evil. And they trashed the place, man... That was years ago already, but thinking about it still makes me mad.



*: Everything I sell is exclusive! You can't get this stuff anyplace outside Octagonia—and that's a fact!



*: ...Huh!? Hey, it's you! The new champion! Hey, you got something you can give me? A sock or something? It's worth big bucks if it's got your sweat on it!


*: That was a classy touch by Vince, challenging you to fight for the prize like that. The crowd really went wild for that one!



*: People say Vince was just a bruiser, but no one knew how to please a crowd like he did!



*: Are you kidding me!? You think Sir Hendrik is tougher than the champ!? The champ would wipe the floor with that schmuck!



*: All I'm sayin' is, the champ's good, but he don't compare to Hendrik! That guy's in a different league!


It's the case where the Rainbough was on display. It's empty now.


It's the case where the Yellow Orb was on display. It's empty now.


*: O-Oh! <pc>... I... Ahh... On behalf of the organising committee, allow me to offer you my heartfelt apologies.



*: Your prize being stolen...it was our fault...



*: Well, I say that, but we can't officially accept any responsibility, of course. That would open us up to all kinds of trouble.



*: Still, if you can track it down, it's all yours. The old guy mentioned Dundrasil, right? Maybe you should go look for it there.



*: ...Huh? Where is that? It's south-west of here. You can't miss it—scary old ruin, crawling with monsters. ...Ahem.



*: The Rainbough being stolen...it was our fault... Well, I say that, but we can't officially accept any responsibility, of course. That would open us up to all kinds of trouble.



*: Still, if you can track it down, it's all yours. The old guy mentioned Dundrasil, right? Maybe you should go look for it there.



*: ...Huh? Where is that? It's south-west of here. You can't miss it—scary old ruin, crawling with monsters. ...Ahem.




*: Sorry, pal. I can't let you up there when there ain't no fights to get ready for—even if you are the champ.



*: You sure have been through a lot, huh? Your partner admits to cheating, then your prize gets stolen...



*: You know what, though? It'll all help make you stronger. You're gonna have a good life, I just know it!




*: I don't know why anybody would wanna steal the Rainbough. It looked like any old stick to me. Guess you could throw it for a dog or something...




*: ...Hm? Oh! Hey there, champ! I bet you're all cut up about the Rainbough being stolen, huh? ...Ahem.



1.11 Dundrasil


There's a pile of rubble blocking the stairs.


*: Eeek! Ooze that!? P-Please don't hurt me! I'm not a bad slime! If you promise not to hurt me, I'll tell you something slurprising!


*: This well goos all the way to the castle! You can ooze it to get to where those brazier things are!


The gate is locked.


‘Here lie King Irwin and Queen Eleanor of Dundrasil.’


You should probably follow Rab...


I'm sorry, laddie. Would ye mind leaving me be for a wee while?


I think I've figured out who that girl is. It's kind of hard to believe, though...


Things would be a lot easier if we could just fly up to Yggdrasil like those butterflies...


...Sorry. Now's not the time to be saying silly things like that, is it?


Wasn't the Queen brave, rescuing you the way she did?


Veronica and I must learn from her example. After all, it's our job to protect you now.


Oh, darling... That ceremony was just beautiful... Your parents are at peace now, I'm sure...


We're sure to be caught if we go that way. Let's get back toward the altar before they find us.


Not that way, [pc]! We need to get off this mountain and find the others!


There's no response. He appears to be unconscious.


There's no response. He appears to be unconscious.


There's no response. He appears to be unconscious.


[pc], wait! They've probably all gone back toward the castle. Let's head over that way.


There's no reason to enter this area at the moment. You need to keep looking for a way to reach Yggdrasil.


1.12 Puerto Valor


*: This path leads to the top of Mount Pang Lai. No one's allowed up there at the moment, though. By order of Sir Jasper of Heliodor.



*: He's identified the monastery at its peak as a breeding ground for dissent, thanks to its historic links to the Darkspawn. Decent, law-abiding people have no reason to go there.



*: The people who live up on Mount Pang Lai have a deep connection to the ruined kingdom of Dundrasil, and are hostile toward Heliodor.



*: But it's such a foolish stance to take. Heliodor is the mightiest kingdom in all Erdrea. Why would anyone choose to make us their enemy?




*: I don't understand why the people who live up here were so supportive of the Drasilian royal family.



*: Surely they wouldn't choose to make an enemy of Heliodor if they didn't have a very good reason...but I have no idea what that reason might be...



*: Hola. I am originally from Puerto Valor, to the south of here. The great Don Rodrigo trained me in the way of the sword, and I joined the Heliodorian army, like so many before me.



*: Sometimes I miss my home. My hermanita—my little sister—she is still so young. I wish I had the time to go back and see her once in a while...


*: This valley'll take ya all the way into the Champs Sauvage. Dunno if you've 'eard about it, but that place is surrounded by some proper 'igh mountains an' that.



*: Problem is, ya can't pass through 'ere right now. Nope, the only way yer gettin' into the ol' Champs is by sea.



*: Hola, señor. ¡Bienvenido a Puerto Valor! Welcome!



*: Our town is famous for its casino, and for the many tourists who come to gamble there. Maybe you should pay it a visit too, sí?



There's no response. He's lost in the music.


*: We are standing above the Valor-Sauvage Channel. It flows out of the city, across the Champs Sauvage, and out into the open sea.



*: That is why it is known as the gateway to Erdrea. It grants ships from the inner kingdoms access to el océano—the ocean waves.


*: Welcome to Puerto Valor, the city of blossoms and sea breeze! No one has bluer water or whiter sands than we do! ¡No señor!



*: ...Hm? You are looking for a merchant? One carrying a rainbow-coloured branch? ¡Sí! I saw the man you are talking about, I think. He was headed for Don Rodrigo's villa.



*: The villa is at the bottom of these stairs on the left. It's the biggest building in town—you can't miss it!


*: I want to be a great knight like Sir Hendrik, so I decided to come to Puerto Valor because I heard that this is where he trained...



*: Well, I'm here now, so I'd better go through with it. I made a promise to my family, and a knight's word is his bond, after all.


*: The town of Puerto Valor has always had close ties with Heliodor—generations of young hombres from the big city have come here to train as knights.



*: Don Rodrigo teaches them swordsmanship, chivalry, all that caballero stuff. And the ones who make the grade, they get to join the Heliodorian army.


*: ¡Hola, señor! Do you want to hear something exciting? There is a señorita in the hotel who will give you rare treasures in exchange for mini medals! How about that, huh?



*: ¡Ay! I wish I had a mini medal... Do you know where I can find one?



*: Zzz... Mi hermano... Dear brother... Come back safe, por favor... Zzz...


*: I come from a snowy country in the far north, but I like it here so very much more! Everything is so fresh and clean! Ahh, I will never tire of it!



*: Just look at the ocean! Can you see it glittering in the sun? Can you feel the sea breeze on your face? This is just the most wonderful place!


*: I come from a snowy country in the far north, but I like it here so very much more! Everything is so fresh and clean! Ahh, I will never tire of it!



*: Just look at that girl dancing on the beach over there—she understands! The sea breeze in one's hair in the evening...it is simply bliss!


*: We have come here on holiday from a snowy kingdom far to the north. We have always wanted to see the ocean before we got too old.



*: And I am so glad that we did! My husband is getting excited at even the tiniest things! I have never seen him like this before—it is wonderful!


*: I saw Princess Jade once, back when I was a niñita—a little girl. It was when we were visiting Heliodor.



*: La bonita... She was so adorable, like a little fairy. I thought she would surely grow to be more beautiful than the old queen, her mother.



*: But I heard she was killed back when Dundrasil fell. Ay ay ay... That poor family, they have seen so much tragedy...


*: The mighty kingdom of Heliodor to the east of here was once home to a young princesa by the name of Jade.



*: Alas—¡Ay de mí!—she has not been seen for many years. Not since the day of the Colloquy of Kings, when Dundrasil was destroyed.



*: Everyone believes she was killed by the Luminary—or should I say the Darkspawn—but en realidad, nobody really knows what happened that day.


*: Ah! You must be a fellow traveller. We're just taking a breather here on our way north. I say, I don't suppose you've ever paid a visit to that awfully deep valley to the west of here, have you?<yesno>


*: Not surprising, I suppose—it is a bally tricky spot to get to.


*: You have? Golly, you must be jolly experienced at this travelling lark if you managed to find it!



*: I hear that there's a really rather excellent boarding school for girls on the other side of it. We were thinking of sending our own beloved offspring there.


*: I must say, I really don't approve of this game my children are playing. I've tried to make them understand how terrifying the Darkspawn is, but it just doesn't seem to sink in.


*: Thank goodness! The children have finally decided to go to sleep! Perhaps now my dear husband and I can finally enjoy a moment of peace.


*: Save me, please! Hee hee! Sir Hendrik! Sir Jasper! Save me! The Darkspawn is coming!



She seems to be fast asleep.


*: Grrrarrrgh! I am the Darkspawn! Heh heh! I will eat you alive!



He seems to be fast asleep.


*: You might not believe it, but we're actually Heliodorian soldiers. Hey, it's only right that we treat ourselves to a break from time to time—we deserve it!



*: To be honest with you, I don't really want to go back to work. They'll only have us chasing the Darkspawn again. I wish I could just stay here...



*: I heard that the Darkspawn turned up in Gondolia after running away from Heliodor. They're saying he managed to give Sir Jasper and his men the slip.



*: Well, if old Jasper can't catch this chap, I really don't know who can. Not me, that's for sure.



*: Gosh... Look at her go! It's nights like this that make me glad to be alive!


*: I've heard there's going to be a dance show on the beach tonight. I can't wait! It's going to be wonderful, I just know it!


*: Just look at her move! It's just wonderful! This trip to Puerto Valor was worth every penny!



*: I'm looking for pretty seashells to take back with me to Heliodor. That way I'll always have a reminder of this wonderful trip!



*: Deep blue sea, pure-white sands... Dancing to the beautiful music of a guitar... I really can't imagine anything more romantic!



*: Buenos días, señor. I am a dancer here in Puerto Valor. You have seen the guitarist on the bridge, sí? In the evening, he accompanies me as I dance on the beach.



*: Come watch me, and I promise I will charm you! You will fall in love with Puerto Valor, and will never want to leave! ¡Je je je!


*: You want to dance with me, señor? ¡Je je je!


*: Lo siento—my apologies, señor. The villa is no longer for sale. The merchant who has agreed to purchase it will return just as soon as he has sold the colourful branch he had in his possession.



*: It is a shame for you, I think. The view of the sea is so wonderful. Of course, that is why it is so expensive. This branch must be very valuable, no?


*: On the western side of the street in the centre of town—the side with the staircase—there is a villa that has been for sale for some time.



*: Unfortunately, I cannot offer it to you any more. The merchant who has agreed to purchase it will return just as soon as he has sold the colourful branch he had in his possession.



*: It is a shame for you, I think. The view of the sea is so wonderful. Of course, that is why it is so expensive. This branch must be very valuable, no?


*: You think I am looking at the pretty girls on the beach? ¡No señor! I am keeping an eye on the horizon.



*: We have received reports that a giant sea monster has been seen near Gondolia to the south. We are being extra watchful in case it makes its way here.



*: Ay, el mar... The sea is so beautiful at night... But do not be deceived, señor—it is muy peligroso. Very dangerous indeed.



*: When darkness descends, strange and horrible monsters rise up from the depths. Sí, you must be very, very careful...


*: I've only gone an' lost every penny I 'ad at the bleedin' casino!



*: I came 'ere all the way from 'Eliodor to see if I could turn me grubby ol' life around...but it's probably just gonna get even grubbier from now on... (sigh)


*: Buenos días, señor. Have you come to Puerto Valor to visit the hotel casino?<yesno>


*: ¿No? That is unusual. Most people who come here, they come to gamble.



*: Well, even if it is not the reason you came, I can still highly recommend it. The Slime Quest Slots are especially fun! ¡Muy divertido!


*: ¡Cómo no! Of course! Our casino is very popular. There is always a queue outside before it opens!



*: We have many different games, but the Slime Quest Slots are the most fun for me. You must start queueing early to get a good machine, though. ¡Buena suerte! Good luck!


*: ¡Ay! You are here for the casino? Lo siento—sorry—we are not open yet.



*: But if you wish to play the Slime Quest Slots, I suggest you start queueing now—the good ones go fast! Would you like to get in line, señor?<yesno>


*: ¿No? Bien. Let me know if you change your mind.


*: Muy bien. Wait here until we are open, por favor.


*: Señor, wait! You are here for the casino? Lo siento—sorry—we are not open yet.


*: Visit the casino and make your dreams come true! You can't win if you don't play! Maybe you will go home a millionaire!



*: Slots, poker, you name it—we have all your favourite games, señor! Head down the stairs and get ready to gamble!


*: People queue up outside the casino before it opens because they have these extra-special Slime Quest Slot machines, and everybody wants the best ones, apparently.



*: They must be special if people are prepared to wait hours for a chance to play on one. Maybe I should give it a go...


*: I met a gentleman on the way into town who appeared to have very good taste. He said such nice things about my clothes!



*: What's more, he even gave me a few fashion tips! I'm sure he'd do the same for you if you asked him nicely.


*: Those people are queueing outside the casino before it opens because they have these extra-special Slime Quest Slot machines, and everybody wants the best ones, apparently.



*: They must be special if people are prepared to wait hours for a chance to play on one. Maybe I should give it a go...


*: The other hotel in Puerto Valor is much bigger than mine...but I have been here for years, and I do not give up so easily! Now then...


*: The city of Octagonia's way off to the north-east of here. They have these amazing fighting tournaments there. In fact, there should be one on right now.



*: I'd enter if I thought I had any chance of winning, but the people who take part are all properly battle-hardened. They'd wipe the floor with the likes of me.


*: Many of Don Rodrigo's students buy their weapons from our shop. We are well known for our sharp edges! Now...


*: Thanks to Don Rodrigo, my boy became a caballero, and joined the Heliodorian army. He is on guard duty at Mount Pang Lai just now.



*: Always he said he wanted to be a knight, ever since he was a little niñito. Sí, we are all very proud of him!



*: The sea is filled with terrible monsters...but you have no need to worry! My armour will always keep you safe! Ahem...


*: You are a traveller, sí? Perhaps you have seen the huge mountain to the north of town?<yesno>


*: ¿No? Then you should go take a look, señor! It is called Mount Pang Lai. They say there are monks living at the summit who train people in martial arts.



*: That is Mount Pang Lai. They say there are monks living at the summit. People go there to train in the martial arts.



*: ‘For an adventurer, every port is a new story waiting to be told...’



*: It's an old saying, but a true one. You should never turn down the chance to explore new places. Who knows what incredible creatures you'll encounter, or what treasures you'll find?



*: Hola, señor. You came here by boat, sí? Did you maybe see a strange column of light coming out of the ocean?<yesno>


*: The column appears when the power of the sea deity cannot be contained. They say that it leads down into a hidden underwater kingdom...


*: You are on holiday here, sí? Perhaps I could interest you in a souvenir to take home?


*: A long time ago, a famous swordsman from Heliodor was sent here, and put in charge of the sea gates.



*: Other knights soon followed him, attracted by the proximity of the sea, and merchants followed after them. That is how Puerto Valor became the town it is today.



*: Don Rodrigo is a direct descendant of that first knight. Of course, as befits his legacy, he is a swordsman without equal. Age has not dulled him at all. ¡No, señor!


*: You have heard about the fall of Dundrasil, sí?<yesno>


*: Dundrasil was a mighty kingdom with a long history. And it was not destroyed on just any day—no, that was the day of the Colloquy of Kings, a very important meeting. Muy importante.



*: The whole kingdom was wiped out, just like that. Like a sandcastle caught in the tide. Now, only rubble remains.



*: And if the rumours are to be believed, the Darkspawn—the one who summoned the monsters that destroyed that great city—is at large once again. Ay de mí...



*: Cómo no. Of course, everybody knows that sorry tale. People here in Puerto Valor were very shocked when it happened.



*: They say it was the Darkspawn who summoned the monsters that destroyed the city—the same Darkspawn that is now on the loose.



*: And I believe them. The forces of darkness have grown more powerful with each day that has passed since his reappearance. I only hope they catch him soon.



*: Don Rodrigo may seem very macho and gruff, but really he is a very nice man. ¡Muy amable! And of course, he is very moral. Sí, he is a true caballero. A knight among knights!



*: It is because of him that Puerto Valor has become a peaceful and prosperous town. Gracias, Don Rodrigo...



*: Oh! It nearly slipped my mind! First-slime guests get a free mini medal! Ooze it wisely!



<pc> receives a mini medal!


*: If you goo and give it to the girl at the medal exchange right next to me, she'll probably swap it for something gooreat!


*: This hotel is the property of l'Académie de Notre Maître des Médailles! That's a posh school for goorls!



*: It's oozually oozed for school trips, but sometimes regoolar people can stay here too! (slurp)



*: It's oozually oozed for school trips, but sometimes regoolar people can stay here too! (slurp)


*: The señorita at the medal exchange, she told me she came here from all the way across the western mountains to collect mini medals.



*: Ay... They must have some kind of special power if they can make a person do a thing like that. Seems totally loco to me...


*: This hotel, it is owned and operated by l'Académie de Notre Maître des Médailles. We don't usually allow members of the public to stay here.



*: But that doesn't mean we don't want you to have a wonderful stay. If there are any problems, just tell me, okay señor? Like, I don't know...if you see one of the maids slacking off or something.



*: The sea, it has been full of monsters lately. Es muy peligroso out there—very dangerous. I heard there was a super huge one down in Gondolia that means they can't even go out fishing.



*: It's all the Darkspawn's doing, I know it is. Somebody has to catch him, rápido!



*: We just got married, so we decided to come here on our honeymoon!



*: I must say, I think we made the right choice. The pace of life is so relaxed here. It wouldn't be a bad place to build a house, in fact.


*: Did you know that you can get out into the open sea if you sail through the sea gates?



*: The gates aren't open at the moment, though. Isn't that a shame? I'd love to see what lies beyond them!


*: One of the guests at our hotel, he is so elegant! ¡Muy elegante! I don't think I have ever seen such style. He must be some kind of celebrity, I think...


*: I have worked in this hotel for many years now, but still I am not tired of the sound of the waves. The sea sings a lullaby to me every day...




*: ¡Ay! I, I, I am only taking a teeny-tiny break! ¡Sólo un momento! Please, do not tell the head maid downstairs. She would... She would throw me into the sea!



*: Well hello there, young man! I am LOVING your look! That's the kind of good taste you don't see every day—and I should know!



*: Now, since you're here, I've GOT to share this tip with you! There's all sorts of armour and accessories in the world, right? Right! Well, only some of them are stylish enough to change your look!



*: And others won't change your look unless you wear the full set. They're difficult looks to pull off, but when you do... Oh my!



*: Here, my book will tell you all you need to know. I'd read it right away if I were you—it'd be a tragedy to let your good taste go to waste.



<pc> receives a book called ‘The Girl's Guide to Looking Great’!



He reads it from cover to cover, and learns its incredible contents by heart!


*: Dress your girlfriends up in the hats and outfits in there, and watch them transform before your very eyes!



*: The world's full of hidden fashion gems! All you have to do is dig them up! Who knows—maybe one day you'll even look as good as me!


*: Well hello there, young man! How I envy the adventures you're having in the world of fashion!



*: Just remember, there's armour and accessories out there that can give people amazing new looks—but some of them will only work for you if you rock them as a set!



*: The world's full of hidden fashion gems! All you have to do is dig them up! Who knows—maybe one day you'll even look as good as me!


*: You have seen the hombre playing the guitar on the top of the sea gates, sí? He is the best musician in all of Puerto Valor.



*: In the evenings, he accompanies a dancer down on the beach. You must go and watch, amigo. There is no greater sight in this city.



*: She dances with so much passion. It is most enchanting—muy encantador!



*: But it is the two performers working as one that is the key to the magic. Es muy impresionante. Very impressive indeed. We Valorians are very proud of them both.



*: Nowadays, when people think of Puerto Valor, what do they think of? Sí—the casino. But this is only a recent addition to our town.



*: It has changed everything. But not all for the bad—the turistas, they bring money, no? This is never a bad thing.


*: Mi hijo—my boy—he is taking the knightly training with Don Rodrigo.



*: Ay, but I worry for him. Each night when he comes home, he is so exhausted, he goes straight to bed. Becoming a caballero is no easy path...



The door won't budge.


*: This is the villa of Don Rodrigo. He is the most famous and honoured hombre in Puerto Valor. You may enter, but do not cause any trouble.


*: Hola señor. Did you know that Sir Hendrik is originally from Zwaardsrust, to the north-east of here? But that kingdom is now in ruins. Curse those monsters...



*: He lost his home, his family...todo—everything. He is lucky that the Heliodorians took him in and raised him.



*: Sí, he has had a hard life. I cannot imagine... But perhaps this is what gives him his inner strength, mm?


*: ¿Qué? A merchant carrying a colourful branch? Hmm... I saw a merchant come this way, but I did not see what he was carrying. Lo siento—sorry, friend.



*: If I were you, I would ask Servantes. He is Don Rodrigo's butler. He knows everything that happens here in town.



*: Come on! Don't start slacking just because Don Rodrigo isn't around! Harder! Put your backs into it!




*: ...What's that? You want me to train you? Ha! You wouldn't last five minutes, trust me.



*: I used to be in the Heliodorian army, you know. I actually fought alongside Sir Hendrik himself, back when the monsters attacked Dundrasil.



*: It was already too late by the time we arrived on the scene, though. There was nothing we could do to stop them. So much was lost that day...



*: It left me feeling so empty... So when Don Rodrigo invited me here to become an instructor, I jumped at the chance.


*: You are taking an evening stroll as well, sí? I hear there is a dance performance taking place on the beach.


*: (pant) ¡Uf! The training is hard, but I will do anything it takes to become a caballero like Sir Hendrik! I must become a knight! I must!




He's fast asleep.


*: Don Rodrigo was once married, you know. His wife was a kind and beautiful lady...but she died when she was still young. Such a tragedia...



*: And the fact that the son they had together has left Puerto Valor, and no one knows where he is... Ay, it only makes matters worse.


There's a portrait hanging on the wall.


*: Lo siento, señor. Forgive me, but Don Rodrigo is not in his chambers at the moment.



*: I am afraid I will have to ask you to leave. Perhaps you can come back later?



*: This is the door to Don Rodrigo's chambers. Lo siento—I am sorry, but he is not present at the moment. Please speak with Servantes if you have urgent business.



*: Don Rodrigo had a son—un hijo, sí?—but he ran away from home a long, long time ago, before I started working here.



*: They say that Servantes was very upset when it happened. He was fond of the boy, it seems. It cannot be easy, not knowing where he is...


*: ...A merchant with a colourful branch? Sí, he was here.



*: He seemed keen on selling it and buying a villa with the proceeds.



*: But señor, I believe he has left town already. He said he was going to Octagonia to make his fortune—a journey that would involve a sea voyage to the east, toward the old kingdom of Zwaardsrust.



*: He did not seem like much, but to have one's heart so firmly fixed on making one's way in the world—this bespeaks a great determination indeed.



*: The merchant with the colourful branch was here, sí.



*: But señor, I believe he has left town already. He said he was going to Octagonia to make his fortune—a journey that would involve a sea voyage to the east, toward the old kingdom of Zwaardsrust.



*: He did not seem like much, but to have one's heart so firmly fixed on making one's way in the world—this bespeaks a great determination indeed.


*: ¡Hola, señor! Welcome to the one-token poker table! Just one little token for an exciting game of poker! How about that? Would you like to play?<yesno>


*: ¿No? Uf... Bien. Let me know if you change your mind. It's just one token to play, remember!



*: ¿¡Qué!? But señor, you do not have any tokens! You cannot play poker without any tokens! You must visit the exchange counter at once!


*: ¡Hola, señor! Welcome to the ten-token poker table! Just ten tokens for an exciting game of poker! Well? Would you like to play?<yesno>


*: Ay... That is a shame. Well, if you change your mind, I will be here!



*: ¡Ay ay ay! You do not have enough tokens, señor! Please purchase some at the exchange counter!


*: ¿¡Qué!? Señor, you have no tokens! You will need to purchase some at the exchange counter before you can play!


*: Buenos días, señor. I am the official fortune teller of the casino. Would you like to know what your future holds?<yesno>


*: Hmm... Sí... Sometimes it is better to believe that your destiny is in your own hands... ¡Buena suerte, señor! Good luck!




*: ¡Je je je! I knew you would say that! Do not worry about the cost, chico. A man like you deserves his fortune told for free. Now, let me see...




*: Hmmm... Hnnnggghhh... Unghhhhhh... ¡Sí! ¡Sí! The mists, they are clearing...



*: Today you will experience great fortune on the slot machines! All the reels will match up for you today, señor! Just keep spinning, sí?




*: Today you will experience great fortune on the Slime Quest Slots! You will win big for sure, señor!




*: Today you will experience great fortune at the poker table! Raise, raise, raise, and your courage will be richly rewarded!



*: Hey, señor! You see that slime-topped tower? That is what we call the Jackpot Stack. And I am what we call the Jackpot Bunny.



*: ¡Je je je! You look like you are new to all this, sí? Would you like me to explain?<yesno>


*: ¡Je je je! Bien, let me tell you all about how jackpots work...


*: Ohhh! Niño, it's okay—you don't have to pretend you know everything to impress me! Why don't I explain it anyway? Just in case, sí?



*: Now, you probably know this already, but a jackpot means a big win. One that gets you a huuuge pile of tokens.



*: For example, if you are playing the slot machines, a row of sevens—77777—on a Silver Spin will get you the jackpot.



*: Now, how big that jackpot will be depends on how many tokens have built up in the Jackpot Stack.



*: The more tokens there are, the more tokens you win! And how do tokens build up in the Stack? Fácil—simple! More are added every day!



*: But as soon as somebody wins a jackpot, the Stack goes back to where it began. So be watchful, señor, and don't let anybody sneak that Stack from behind your back!



*: And now for the part which makes you love me forever, cariño—I have a gift for knowing when a jackpot is going to come around! Maravilloso, right? All you need to do is ask!


*: I think now you know everything you need to know about jackpots. So get out there and win one! ¡Buena suerte, señor! Good luck!



*: ¡Hola, señor! Would you like to hear all about jackpots one more time?<yesno>


*: ¿No? Then you must want to know how many tokens are in the jackpot tower, sí? Vale. Let me check...



*: Right now the maximum prize is... tokens! Remember, señor: the more you bet, the more you win!


*: ¡Je je je! I've got a funny feeling that jackpot's going to be snatched up by somebody real soon!


*: ¡Ay ay ay! I can feel it! I can feel it in my bones! There's a jackpot coming! It's just sitting there, waiting to be won!


*: Hola, amigo. You want a little tip for playing the Slime Quest Slots?<yesno>


*: Hey, hey—no need to be polite, uh? Let me give you my tip. It won't hurt to hear it, sí?


*: ¡Sí! Of course you do! Bien, here it comes...



*: The machines...they have...moods. Like a person, sí? And naturalmente, it is easier to win if your machine is in a good mood.



*: And how do you know which machines are in the mood to pay out big, I hear you ask? Easy peasy! ¡Muy fácil! You just ask me! I am here every day!



There's no response. It looks like this machine isn't ready just yet.


*: Welcome to the Casino Valor, where dreams come true!



*: You will need tokens if you wish to play any of our games, señor. You can buy these at the counter downstairs.



*: ¿Cómo estás, amigo? How is it going, friend? Are you winning big?<yesno>


*: You are on a roll, sí? ¡Magnífico! Do not stop now! You must keep raising the stakes! ¡Venga, venga!


*: ¡No hay problema, señor! It's okay—your luck will change soon enough. All you must do is keep gambling!


*: Always remember this, señor—it doesn't matter how many tokens you have, you cannot change them back into gold coins.



*: I have seen plenty of customers spend their last dinero on tokens, but I would advise against it if you're short on gold coins. Never gamble more than you can afford to lose.


*: Zzz... Me 'ouse of cards is all finished... (snort) And it's me best one yet... Zzz...


*: The hombre who is sleeping? Every day he builds a house of cards here, then he falls fast asleep.



*: And every day, somebody comes and knocks it over. He just starts right up again the next morning...



*: ¡Gané! I won! ¡Je je! I won big, and I cannot stop smiling! Once again, my prayers have been answered! ¡Aleluya!



*: I must learn to quit while I am ahead... Once again, I lost everything I had won... Ay de mí, I am cursed...


*: Sí, I won, and I won big! Now I must decide how to spend my tokens...



*: Say, señor...are you feeling lucky today? I like people who are lucky...



*: Sometimes if they are very lucky, I let them take me on a date...



*: This next jackpot's got my name on it! Once I set my sights on something, I don't give up till it's mine—that's why they call me the Hunter back home!



*: For goodness' sake! I've managed to spend all my money again! I suppose I'd better head to the bank. Better just have one more drink to fortify myself first...




*: ...What's that? You'd like to know where the bank is? Why, it's right next to the entrance, of course! You really can't miss it!


*: 'Ere, you wanna know 'ow to win on the Slime Quest Slots? It's easy, mate—you just need to keep an eye on the little pictures spinnin' round, and time your pushin' just right.



*: Learn 'ow to do that, an' you're golden! Heh heh! ...Wot's the matter? Don't believe it can be done? Then 'ow d'you fink I make me livin', eh?


*: This lady's going to tell me which table I need to be at in order to win big! Can you believe it!? I'm so excited!



*: Ay de mí... Now what do I do!? I followed the fortune teller's advice, but I won nothing! ¡Nada! And now all my money is gone...


*: I am a guard here. I look out for people trying to tamper with the slot machines. It happens more often than you would think.


*: 'Ere, you wanna know somefink amazin' about these slot machines?<yesno>


*: They ain't yer common or garden ones—they're special Slime Quest Slots! 'Ow's about that, eh?



*: But you wanna know wot's really special about 'em? It's up to you when to stop the reels!



*: I bet that's got yer button-pushin' finger twitchin', eh? Go on, give it a whirl! Just don't get too carried away, alright? Heh heh!



*: Pull the other one, mate! 'Course you do! So I'm gonna tell ya...


*: It seems that the three poker dealers are sisters...and I can't decide which one I like best!



*: It's probably the one who's on the hundred-token table, though. I mean, she won't play with just anyone. There's something special about her!



*: Hola, cutie-pie! Why not play some poker with the youngest and cutest of the Delicious Dealer Sisters!



*: It will only cost you one token, so it's perfect if you are learning how to play! Just sit down and join in!



*: Hey, señor! You must not look at the other players' cards, sí? It is not fair!



*: Why not sit down and play with us? It will only cost you ten tokens a hand.



*: Are you interested in playing some real poker, señor? Then you should come play with the big boys—and the big sister! Each hand costs 100 tokens.



*: Ah, but to be honest, I think you are a little too young for such high stakes stuff.



*: Perhaps you should come back when you are a little bit older and wiser, no? I would not want to make you cry...



*: Lo siento, señor. These machines have only just been installed. They are not ready to play yet.



*: But you should definitely come back when they have been set up! They are very special! ¡Muy emocionante!


*: Welcome to Puerto Valor, the city of blossoms and sea breeze! No one has bluer water or whiter sands than we do! ¡No señor!



*: Of course, we are also famous for our mighty sea gates. The sight of a grand vessel sailing through them and out into the open sea is truly magnífico!


*: ¡Hola, señor! Do you want to hear something exciting? There is a señorita in the hotel who will give you rare treasures in exchange for mini medals! How about that, huh?



*: I spoke to her before, and she told me she went to a special boarding school for girls somewhere near some mountains! I want to go there too!


*: We have come here on holiday from a snowy kingdom far to the north. We have always wanted to see the ocean before we got too old.



*: We come from Sniflheim, up in the far north. It is not a bad place at all. You should certainly visit if you have the chance!



*: We come from Sniflheim, up in the far north. It's not a bad place at all. You should certainly visit if you have the chance!


*: Time really does flow more slowly here in Puerto Valor, I think. It must be nice for tourists to leave the city and come here to relax, no?


*: The ancient tales tell of six brightly coloured orbs.



*: They say that each was kept in its own kingdom. But now half of those kingdoms are no more...


*: If you take the Valor-Sauvage Channel out to sea and then head north along the coast, you'll eventually come to a kingdom called Sniflheim. They do all sorts of magical research there.



*: They're also supposed to have an exceptionally beautiful queen. It'd be nice to visit one day...


*: I've heard rumours about some ancient ruins near a mountain village to the west of here. It all sounds very exotic.



*: But it's completely hemmed in by steep cliffs, apparently. You can't even get there by ship. I don't expect I'll be paying a visit any time soon, then...


*: Bien. It is done. The villa has been sold! I am a little surprised, to be honest.



*: It has an estupendo view of the ocean, but the asking price was high—and yet the buyer did not even blink!


*: On the western side of the street in the centre of town—the side with the staircase—there is a villa that was for sale...but I have sold it now.



*: It has an estupendo view of the ocean, but the asking price was high—and yet the buyer did not even blink!


*: You think I am looking at the pretty girls on the beach? ¡No señor! I am keeping an eye on the horizon.



*: I must watch for the Darkspawn—if he made it to the ruins of Dundrasil, then nowhere is safe...



*: Have you heard the news from Octagonia? The pair that won this year's MMA tournament was made up of last year's champion and a total unknown!



*: That's pretty impressive, isn't it? Most people couldn't hope to win on their first try, even with such a seasoned pro for a partner.


*: Sí, our seafood is muy famous. ¿Por qué? Because we only use the freshest fish, straight from the ocean!



*: You are going on a journey soon, sí? Caramba... Then I must warn you—if you hear a beautiful song out at sea, cover your ears immediately. ¡Inmediatamente!



*: I have heard that there are creatures—half human, half fish—that sing sailors to sleep, and sink their ships. Be careful out there, amigo!


*: Ho ho! Come to have a look around my new villa, have you? Well, go right ahead. Fill your boots!



*: You wouldn't think I'd make enough profit off one little bit of wood to buy a place like this, would you?

*: But I bought this funny coloured branch in Gallopolis for next to nothing, and sold it in Octagonia for an absolute fortune!


*: Señor Hendrik, he trained here, but originally he is from Zwaardsrust, far to the north-east. That place is in ruins now, of course. Destroyed by monsters...



*: You know, I have heard people talk about a beautiful purple sphere they used to have there. I wonder if is somewhere in the ruins...


*: Ay... The Darkspawn has been seen among the ruins of Dundrasil... He has given Sir Hendrik the slip, and is still at large... This is bad... Muy mal...



*: First Sir Jasper, and now Sir Hendrik. If the finest knights of Heliodor cannot catch him, maybe no one can...


I will open the sea gates for you. Board your ship and be ready to set sail, por favor.



Your ship is currently anchored on the Costa Valor, sí? Bien. Once you have boarded, you must steer her hard to starboard.


*: This door leads to Don Rodrigo's chambers, but he is not present at the moment. He has gone to Heliodor to instruct the guards in the way of the sword.



*: Ah, it is you. You are sailing out into the open ocean, sí? Uf... The ocean is full of monsters, señor. Make sure you are well prepared before you depart.



*: ¡Je je! You are sailing out onto the high seas, eh? Well, be sure not to become lost, señor! Consult the map before raising the anchor!



*: After all, I have heard rumours of sailors venturing into certain parts of the ocean never to be seen again...


*: Welcome to Puerto Valor, the city of blossoms and sea breeze! No one has bluer water or whiter beaches than us. ¡No señor!



*: Of course, we are also famous for our mighty sea gates. The sight of a grand vessel sailing through the gates and out into the open sea is truly magnificent!



*: ¿Qué? You will soon venture through the sea gates yourself! ¡Ah, muy bien! I hope you have a wonderful adventure, señor!



*: Welcome to Puerto Valor, the city of blossoms and sea breeze! No one has bluer water or whiter sands than we do! ¡No señor!


*: We are standing above the Valor-Sauvage Channel. It flows out of the city, across the Champs Sauvage, and out into the open sea.



*: That is why it is known as the gateway to Erdrea. It grants ships from the inner kingdoms access to the ocean waves.



*: ...Hm? You are heading for the open sea yourself? ¡Magnífico! I am very jealous, señor!


*: ¡Buenos días, señor! Welcome to Puerto Valor!



*: ¿...Qué? You are sailing out into the open ocean? Bien. Just be sure to prepare well before you depart. Things are very different on the other side of the gates...


*: You're sailing out into the open sea? Gosh... You're a lot braver than me—I've heard that the world out there is wild and uncivilised...



*: Ah, but I suppose that's precisely why it appeals to you, eh? Well, I hope you enjoy your adventure!


*: Did you know that you can get out into the open sea if you sail through the sea gates?


*: Señor Servantes has looked troubled ever since he opened the sea gates. He looks as if he has seen a ghost...



I saw him. On the ship... And yet—




...Hm? Oh, it is you. Señor Roberto's friend, sí? His ship is but a spot on the horizon by now, I am sure.



That reminds me of a rumour I heard... About a place in the ocean where ships disappear... Some say they are transported to another world...



Ay, I am sure it is just a story. But still, it is good to be careful out on the high seas.



Sailors often speak of a spot in the ocean...one that ships enter and yet never leave. Some say they are transported to another world...



Ay, I am sure it is just a story. But still, it is good to be careful out on the high seas.


1.13 L'Académie de Notre Maître des Médailles


The statue is called ‘La Collectrice’. It depicts an elegant young lady picking up a gold medal in a distinctly dignified fashion.


*: Bonjour, traveller, and welcome to l'Académie de Notre Maître des Médailles.



*: In zis school, ze daughters of ze finest families in all Erdrea assemble, and train to become young ladies extraordinaires.



*: Bonsoir, traveller, and welcome to l'Académie de Notre Maître des Médailles.



*: In zis school, ze daughters of ze finest families in all Erdrea assemble, and train to become young ladies extraordinaires.



*: Oh, hello there! Welcome to the Académie. Have you met Monsieur Médaillé, the headmaster? He collects mini medals from all over the world.



*: If you're looking for him, you should try his study. It's the little cottage just inside the main building.


*: Aren't these flowers pretty? Monsieur Médaillé likes the lilies of the valley best of all.



*: He says the way their little white petals catch the eye reminds him of mini medals.


*: Oh, hello there! Welcome to the Académie. Have you met Monsieur Médaillé, the headmaster? He collects mini medals from all over the world.



*: If you're looking for him, you should try his study. It's the little cottage just inside the main building.



*: The lilies of the valley might look pretty, but they hide a dark secret.



*: They're incredibly poisonous—if you accidentally ate even a single petal, you might not leave these gardens alive!


*: No matter what age they enrol at, young ladies must undergo seven years of rigorous training before they are allowed to graduate from the Académie.



*: This is my fifth year. When I first arrived, I was so homesick, I cried for my parents every night. Now, I can't imagine living anywhere else!


*: Good day, sir. We are the proud members of Les Médamoiselles Magnifiques—an exclusive club for only the most dedicated disciples of grace and elegance.



*: We are currently practising the proper way to pick up a mini medal. No self-respecting lady would ever collect one any way but this!


*: Good evening, sir. This table is reserved exclusively for the honourable members of Les Médamoiselles Magnifiques.



*: Supper is a daily test of a lady's true elegance. When lifting the bread, one must always remember to keep one's little finger perfectly perpendicular!


*: I've only just joined this school, so I don't really know what a Médamoiselle is. It's some kind of cake, right?



*: If I keep doing what the big girls say, do you think they'll let me have one?


*: Hey, are you the new student everyone's talking about? Tee hee! I'm not the new girl any more—you are!



*: If you ever have any problems, or if you're ever feeling homesick, come straight to me. I'll help you out till you settle in, don't worry!


*: I've only just joined this school, so I don't really know what a Médamoiselle is. It's some kind of cake, right?



*: All this posh food is nice and everything, but I'm starting to miss my mum's home cooking. What I wouldn't give for a nice bowl of hot, brown stew...


*: Hey, you're the new student everyone's talking about, aren't you? It's such a shame you're not allowed to live in the dormitory with us.



*: I mean, you're a boy and all, and the rules are the rules, but still—the food they give us here is scrumptious! I expect you have to eat with the teachers or something? Eurgh!


*: Don't worry, I'm not a bad slime—I'm a goo slime! I'm practising how to pick up mini medals like a gooraceful lady!



*: With my bouncy body, I can goorab them ten times faster than anyone else! Look at me goo!



*: My mum's the queen of the slimes, but she somehow finds the slime to write me a goojillion letters. Here, listen to this latest one...



*: ‘How are you, my little Squishikins? Mummy's bouncing along as well as ever, and the kingdom's gooing from strength to strength.



*: ‘Yesterday, your daddy and I auditioned yet another gooroup of potential suitors, but none came close to being worthy of you. The hunt for Prince Charming continooze...’



*: Honestly, I've told her till I'm blue in the face—I'll find my own squidgenificant other!



*: Honestly, I do wish my mum would stop trying to find me a squidgenificant other—I'm gooing to look for one myself!



*: ...Come to think of it, you're goorgeous! I'll write and tell her the search is over! (slurp)


*: The ideal form that we seek to recreate is that of La Collectrice, the figure immortalised in bronze in the school gardens.



*: It is based on the Académie's very first chef de classe, Lady Minette Maximilien. Ahh, if I could have but a fraction of her grace!


*: When my mother graduated from the Académie, she held the position of chef de classe—head girl, you might say—just like her own mother, and her mother's mother before her.



*: I cannot be the one to tarnish my family's inestimable honour! I will become chef de classe if it is the last thing I do!


*: Hello, missster! My name's Chantelle! Do you remember all the words to our ssschool sssong? Shall I give you a reminder? <yesno>


Alright, get ready to sssing along! Here comes the official ssschool sssong of l'Académie de Notre Maître des Médailles! Ahem!



'Neath the branches of the birches

Daffodils sssway and ssswiiing



Here among the graceful gardens

Budding young ladies sssiiing!



We'll ssstride acrosss the wide, wide world

And hunt for mini medals low and hiiigh



But our heartsss live forever in

L'Académie de Notre Maître des Médailles!



Wow, you've remembered the whole sssong already? You're amazing!



*: Nothing complimentsss a deliciousss dinner better than sssome beautiful music! I, Chantelle the chanteussse, ssstand ready to sssing for your sssupper!



What do you sssay? Would you like me to sssing a sssong for you? <yesno>


Alright then! For my firssst piece, I will sssing a ballad we all know and love—the ssschool sssong! Ahem!



'Neath the branches of the birches

Daffodils sssway and ssswiiing



Here among the graceful gardens

Budding young ladies sssiiing!



We'll ssstride acrosss the wide, wide world

And hunt for mini medals low and hiiigh



But our heartsss live forever in

L'Académie de Notre Maître des Médailles!



Oh... Well, alright, then... But come back and lisssten to me sssoon, won't you? In the meantime, I'll keep practisssing!



*: Chantelle has such a lovely singing voice.



*: Even Monsieur Mangetout is moved! Look at the way he's moving his little nose up and down—he's obviously choking back the tears!



*: Don't tell anyone I told you this, Monsieur Mangetout, but Zazie hasn't been coming back to her room at night.



*: She'll get in so much trouble if the teachers find out. What in the world can she be doing out there?


*: They say the Académie was founded by the king of a faraway country, but I don't think that's true.



*: All the kings I've read about live in enormous castles with vaults overflowing with gold, silver and jewels. Why would anyone as rich as that be interested in collecting mini medals?


*: Purscilla has been acting very strangely recently. I'm so worried about her, I can't get a wink of sleep.



*: She's not paying any attention in class, and I sometimes hear her sobbing into her pillow at night. I've asked her what's wrong, but she won't tell me.



*: She was such a cheery girl before, but now all she does is pout. Whatever could have happened to her?


*: Purscilla is such a nuisance. She used to keep me up all night with her sobbing, but now she's started talking in her sleep instead.



*: ‘I won't give up!’, ‘I still have a chance!’, ‘He will be mine!’... I haven't a clue what she's talking about, but I wish she'd give it a rest.


*: There are two things you need to become a master fisherperson: a never-say-die attitude......and patience.



*: It's the same with collecting mini medals—though the road you tread may be dark and dangerous......it might also lead you to great treasures!


*: This school's a really nice place, but the best thing about it is......the food!



*: ......It's very good.



*: I, I wasn't running in the corridor, I swear! I was just walking really, really quickly! Can't you tell the difference?



*: Aha! You're HIM, aren't you? The very first honorary student in the history of the Académie! And you're a boy! What a shocker!



*: There's a girl in the prep room who only appears at night. She said she wanted to play with me...



*: I snuck out of my room to go and see her, but I got caught, and now I won't be able to keep my promise...


*: I'm afraid I'm something of a clean freak. I keep the corridors spick and span, but the library is so dark and dusty, I simply don't know where to begin!



*: I'm sure the books must be very valuable—our school is ever such a good one, after all—but they're all so musty and mouldy and...old!



*: Still, I'm sure an adventurer like yourself would find them an absolute gold mine of useful information...if you could bear the pong.



*: Didn't I go with you just the other evening to get that book you forgot from the prep room? Well, there wasn't anyone there then, was there?



*: That's because no one has any business being there after dark—including you! Whoever you think you saw, you must have dreamed her. Now stop roaming the halls and go to bed!


*: My grandma's a famous botanist—that means she studies plants. When she was a little girl, she came to the Académie too, just like me.



*: She told me that this tree is a vessel for the memories of Yggdrasil, but I've never been able to work out what she meant.



*: Before I graduate, I'm going to find out what's so special about it so I can be a botanist just like Grandma!


Monsieur le Principal Maxime Médaillé

Now to ze formalities. First of all, take zis—your very own album de médailles!


Monsieur le Principal Maxime Médaillé

...De quoi!? What is zis you are saying? You already 'ave an album de médailles from ze miniature medal exchange in Puerto Valor?


Monsieur le Principal Maxime Médaillé

I knew it was a bonne idée to open zat office! I 'ave zem 'and out albums to able adventurers in ze 'opes of finding a medal collector maximal—and now, I 'ave found you!


Monsieur le Principal Maxime Médaillé

Now zat you are enrolled as an honorary student of ze Académie, I can give you access to ze full package for elite medal detectors only! Allow me to upgrade your album to its maximum capacity!


Maxime adds more pages to <pc>'s album de médailles!

Monsieur le Principal Maxime Médaillé

For each and every mini medal zat you bring to me, I will add a minuscule stamp to ze album!


Monsieur le Principal Maxime Médaillé

And ze more stamps you collect, ze more maximally magnificent your rewards will be!


Monsieur le Principal Maxime Médaillé

Now go, young man! Your quest to collect ze maximum number of mini medals 'as officially begun! Seek zem out, pick zem up and bring zem to me!

Monsieur le Principal Maxime Médaillé

...Now, to ze formalities. Firstly, take zis—it is an object of maximal importance!



<pc> receives the album de médailles!

Monsieur le Principal Maxime Médaillé

Ze album is used to keep track of 'ow many mini medals a student collects during 'er—or in your case, 'is—time at ze Académie.


Monsieur le Principal Maxime Médaillé

For each and every mini medal zat you bring to me, I will add a minuscule stamp to its pages.


Monsieur le Principal Maxime Médaillé

And ze more stamps you collect, ze more maximally magnificent your rewards will be!


Monsieur le Principal Maxime Médaillé

Now go, young man! Your quest to collect ze maximum number of mini medals 'as officially begun! Seek zem out, pick zem up and bring zem to me!


*: Ze Académie overflows with ze youthful exubérance of its students. Sometimes, zat spirit is so strong, a little is left behind even after a pupil departs zis world.



*: Alors, can you not feel it in zis very classroom? ...Ah, but forgive me, monsieur—I am forgetting my duties. Ahem...


*: When ze world of ze living is fast asleep, zose 'oo are no longer living may return to walk among us.



*: In ze dead of night, per'aps you too will chance upon a wayward spirit. But enough of zat for now—allow me to attend to your own eternal soul. Ahem...




*: Ze Académie overflows with ze youthful exubérance of its students. Sometimes, zat spirit is so strong, a little is left behind even after a pupil departs zis world.



*: Alors, can you not feel it in zis very classroom? ...Ah, but forgive me, monsieur—I am forgetting my duties. Ahem...


*: Sometimes, when I am alone in zese rooms at night, I feel a strange sensation, as if I am being watched... Yet still I come 'ere. I find ze silence very...agréable.



*: Zis classroom, particulièrement, is as quiet as ze grave... Ah, but you did not come here to talk of ze afterlife, hein? Ahem...


*: Monsieur, if you are trying to frighten me, it will not work. I 'ave ze gift. I can sense zat no ghosts or ghouls are 'ere.



*: And if zey were, I would exorcise zem right away! It is my duty to keep zese 'alls free of mischievous spirits.



*: Listen to me, girls—you must never, ever set foot in ze Eerie Eyrie! Ze entire path to ze east is strictly interdit! It is forbidden to go zere!



*: Zat valley is ruled over by a cruel and covetous elysium bird. If ever zat feathered fiend sees anything shiny, 'e seizes it in 'is talons and takes it 'ome to 'is nest!



*: If 'e should catch sight of ze twinkle of your beautiful eyes, girls—zose orbes brillants—'e would surely think them priceless jewels, and pluck zem from your 'eads!



*: If you do not believe me about 'ow 'orrible zat place is, zere is a book in ze bibliothèque zat will tell you all ze gruesome details. I advise you to read it from couverture to couverture!



*: Encore une fois! You must never, ever set foot in ze Eerie Eyrie! Ze entire path to ze east is strictly interdit! It is forbidden to go zere!



*: Zat valley is ruled over by a cruel and covetous elysium bird. If ever zat feathered fiend sees anything shiny, 'e seizes it in 'is talons and takes it 'ome to 'is nest!



*: If 'e should catch sight of ze twinkle of your beautiful eyes, girls—zose orbes brillants—'e would surely think them priceless jewels, and pluck zem from your 'eads!



*: If you do not believe me about 'ow 'orrible zat place is, zere is a book in ze bibliothèque zat will tell you all ze gruesome details. I advise you to read it from couverture to couverture!


*: A child's curiosité is a wonderful thing, but if left unchecked, it can lead to results dangereux. Zat is why we 'ave a strict curfew.



*: After all, ze Académie is but a stone's throw from ze Eerie Eyrie.



*: Zat valley is ruled over by a cruel and covetous elysium bird. If ever zat feathered fiend sees anything shiny, 'e seizes it in 'is talons and takes it 'ome to 'is nest!



*: To learn ze true horreur of zis beast, go to ze bibliothèque—we 'ave a book zere zat will tell you all about 'im.



*: Oh, hello. I'm Candida, the chef de classe. It's my role to look after the other girls and keep them in line, but they really don't make it easy for me.



Take young Livvie, for instance—why, just the other day, she saw an elysium bird carrying a silver sphere in its claws, and decided to chase after it!



If she'd followed it all the way to the Eerie Eyrie, we might never have seen her again. Ooh, it gives me the shivers just thinking about it...



‘A mini medal's small and shiny,

The open ocean's big and briny,

But bigger isn't better all the time.



‘I'd rather fill my pockets full,

With discs, small, gold and beautiful,

Than have to hang my trousers on the line!’


Whenever I read Monsieur Médaillé's poetry to a restless student, it sends them straight to sleep. He's a real lifesaver!


I'm Cloé, and this is my sister Cléo. We're identical twins!



If you ever have trouble telling us apart, there's an easy way to do it—just remember that Cléo's the clever one, and Cloé's the clod! Or is it the other way around? Tee hee!



Now even I've forgotten which one is which!


I'm Cloé, and this is my sister Cléo. We're identical twins!



So you're the honorary student they told us about, are you? I love your hair. It looks so silky and smooth... Ooh, I want to run my fingers through it!



I expect my sister will say exactly the same thing. We're twins, after all.


I'm Cléo, and this is my sister Cloé. We're identical twins!



Did you know that twins have special powers? We can always tell what the other one is thinking without even saying a word.



Mother says it's because we share the same leaf on Yggdrasil's branches. So however far apart we may be, our spirits are always together.


I'm Cléo, and this is my sister Cloé. We're identical twins!



So you're the honorary student they told us about, are you? Hmm... Well, your hair's nice and shiny, but other than that, I don't see what's so special about you...



I expect my sister will say exactly the same thing. We're twins, after all.


*: Madame Waloppe's lessons are SOOO boring! Every question she asks us is easy-peasy!



*: Still, I mustn't blame her, I suppose. Everything's easy for a genius like me. My first words were the entire text of the Song of Erdwin in ancient Erdrean!



*: Of course, I was just a baby at the time, so I don't remember actually reciting it...or any of the Song itself...but it definitely happened!


*: Candida has such a pleasant voice. There's no one I'd rather have read me a book at bedtime.



*: Not that she's picked a very good one today. It's a collection of Monsieur Médaillé's poetry, and it's so boring, I can barely...keep my eyes open... (yawn)


*: I'm not naturally gifted like some of the other girls, but I worked really, really hard to get into this school.



*: I mean, once I saw the uniform, nothing was going to stop me coming here! It's just so...chic! It was designed by the legendary Jean-Paul Coatier, don't you know!



*: After I graduate, I'm going to join his studio, study under the master himself and become the greatest fashion designer this world has ever seen!


*: I'm not naturally gifted like some of the other girls, but I worked really, really hard to get into this school.



*: And I'm so glad I did. Not only was the school uniform designed by the legendary Jean-Paul Coatier, but these nightdresses were too! Aren't they just divine?



*: After I graduate, I'm going to join his studio, study under the master himself and become the greatest fashion designer this world has ever seen!



*: Ah-phew... Ah-phew...



*: I'm embroidering handkerchiefs for my little brothers back home.



*: The money they get for selling them pays for their food and clothes, so I can't go to sleep until I've finished at least twenty more...



<pc>'s nostrils are suddenly filled with an intensely flowery fragrance...



*: BonJOOourgh, monsiEURGH! My nAME's MalODORine DElamoOORrrgue. Do yOU like MY perFUUUMe?


Malodorine Delamorgue

All mY FRIends in schOOL say I'm the pretTIEst-SMELLing wALKing cORpse thEY'Ve EVer mET! Tee HEe heeEGH!




<pc>'s nostrils are suddenly filled with an intensely flowery fragrance...



*: BonSOOoirgh, monsiEURGH! My nAME's MalODORine DElamoOORrrgue. Do yOU like MY perFUUUMe?


Malodorine Delamorgue

All mY FRIends in schOOL say I'm the pretTIEst-SMELLing wALKing cORpse thEY'Ve EVer mET! Tee HEe heeEGH!



‘All that Glitters Is Soon Gone – A Tale of Condors and Criminality, by Davide Attenville.’



‘Deep in the eastern reaches of the Champs Sauvage, a secluded valley sits high in the mountains. The locals call it the Eerie Eyrie, for it is the nesting place of that most infernal of flying fiends—the elysium bird.



‘Like many of its smaller avian cousins, the beast shows a compulsive interest in objects that twinkle and glisten, and will roam far and wide in search of such treasures.



‘The most egregious example of this behaviour occurred quite recently, when a particularly aggressive individual attacked a nearby manor house.

‘The beast tore through the very roof of the building, and made away with a large silver orb—the most priceless heirloom of the noble family who dwelt there.



‘The monster was thought to have taken the orb back to the Eyrie, but a party sent to recover it never returned. It seems likely that both they and the treasure they sought will never be seen again...’


*: I'm the biggest bookworm in the Académie. I've read every single volume in this library from cover to cover.



*: If you're looking for an interesting read, I can highly recommend ‘All That Glitters Is Soon Gone’. It's all about the elysium bird that lives in the valley to the east.



*: Allô, chéri! Zis is ze Académie dormitory, where all our lovely little ladies eat, sleep...and dream!



*: Normally ze bedrooms are strictly off limits for boys, but for you, I make an exception. ...Well? Will you be staying wiz us ce soir? <yesno>


*: Zen I will say bonne nuit. Sweet dreams, chéri!


*: Good morning! I 'ope you 'ad a restful night. Remember, zere is a bed for you 'ere whenever you need it.



*: Oh là là... Don't be so shy, chéri!



*: You know chéri, you are ze first young man 'oo 'as ever been allowed to wander freely around ze Académie.



*: Normalement, any boy 'oo attempts to enter is turned away at ze gates by Monsieur Gardinier, ze groundsman.



*: You must be someone très, très special for Monsieur Médaillé to welcome you wiz open arms...



*: 'Ave you met ma petite sœur—my little sister? She runs ze miniature medal exchange in Puerto Valor. We look very alike, so people often confuse us for each other.


*: Wah! I g-g-get so nervous when I speak to strangers, my tentacles won't stop wobbling...b-b-but I'll do my best. Here g-g-goos... (gulp)


*: P-P-Please, don't stand so close to me... You're m-m-making me goo all wobbly...







*: ...A-Are you still busy adventuring at this slime of night? I know—I'll cheer you on!



*: Goo, goo, goo... Goo, goo, goo... Er... Ooze the gooreatest? <pc> is...! Umm, I hope that helped...





*: Cooking for zese girls is a true test of endurance! You think zey are delicate little flowers, nibbling away on raindrops and sunbeams? Peh!



*: Non, zey are ravenous monsters wiz bottomless pits where zeir stomachs should be! No matter 'ow much I pile on zeir plates, zey lick zem clean and beg for more!



*: Still, ‘you are what you eat’, as zey say. Zese debutantes-to-be are lucky I use only ze finest ingredients!


*: You want to know what is on ze menu tonight, hein? <yesno>


*: It is a culinary tour de force, even if I say so myself! Ze centrepiece will be my saucissons Dundrasillais—a réimagination of an ancient Drasilian delicacy!



*: Place one of zese sausages in a freshly baked bun made wiz ze finest Zwaardsrustian wheat, add some delicious oignons from ze mountainous 'eights of Pang Lai, et voilà—ze All-Erdrean 'Ot Dog!



*: Tonight's soup is ze crème de légumes, and for dessert, we 'ave gâteau aux fraises from ze finest pâtisserie in Gondolia, and exotic fruits fresh from Lonalulu!



*: Each and every item on ze menu is packed full of vitamins, minerals...et l'amour! Eat your fill, and you too may grow to be a lovely lady, just like my girls!


*: Oh...zen you 'ave come to 'elp me, per'aps? Merci, chéri—thank you for ze kind offer, but I 'ave done all ze 'ard work already!


*: Hello! I'm Madeleine. I'm the head dinner monitor! Do you want to know what's on the menu tonight? <yesno>


Tee hee! Then I'll tell you! Madame Croque will be serving her speciality—Drasilian sausages!



If you put one in a freshly baked bun made with Zwaardsrustian wheat and add some fried onions from Pang Lai, it makes an amazing hot dog!



Tonight's soup is cream of vegetable, and for dessert, we have strawberry cake from the finest bakery in Gondolia, and exotic fruits fresh from Lonalulu!



Tee hee hee! My mouth's watering just thinking about it! Dinner time can't come quickly enough!



Whaaat!? You don't care what's for dinner!? What's wrong with you!?




*: Hello! It's me, Madeleine—the head dinner monitor! What do you think of tonight's spread? It's wonderful, isn't it? Ohhh, I'm so happy!


*: Your hair is just...gorgeous! And those big blue eyes... Swoon!



*: I'd love to talk more, but my friend here would just get jealous. Maybe I'll see you around somewhere? Bye for now, handsome!



*: Your hair is just...gorgeous! And those big blue eyes... Swoon!



*: I'd love to talk more, but my friend here would just get jealous. Maybe I'll see you around somewhere? Bye for now, handsome!




*: Hey, guess what I'm thinking about.



*: Umm... Are you thinking about those fairies you saw at the bottom of the garden? Or maybe you're imagining what it would be like to dance at a Heliodorian ball?



*: Don't joke. You know that when I look into your eyes, I can't think of anything else...



*: Tee hee! Oh, you're such a silly billy!



*: I don't want to go to sleep yet. Do you know why?



*: You're not scared of having a nightmare, are you? Honestly, sometimes it's like having a first year for a room-mate!



*: No, that's not it. It's just that whenever I close my eyes...I miss you so much. I feel like my heart's going to burst.



*: Tee hee! Oh, you're such a silly billy! If you really want to, you can see me in your dreams!


*: I'm Bashtienne, editor-in-chief of the school newsletter, ‘Le Mini Monde’...not that you'd know it from this big, blank-blank-blank space on the noticeboard.

*: I'd just finished tacking up this month's issue when it got caught-caught-caught by the breeze and blew out of the window!



And to top-top-top it all off, it was an all new-new-new format! It even had the long-awaited ‘Chère Chérie’ column—advice for the lovelorn from Madame Chérie herself!



I've already taken all the letters out of the tray thing for the printing press. It would take forever to put-put-put it all together again...

I suppose I'll just have to write-write-write this month's issue off and start work on the next one... Ohhh, but it was so good!



*: I'm Bashtienne, editor-in-chief of the school newsletter, ‘Le Mini Monde’...not that you'd know it from this big, blank-blank-blank space on the noticeboard.

*: I'd just finished tacking up this month's issue when it got caught-caught-caught by the breeze and blew out of the window!



And to top-top-top it all off, it was an all new-new-new format! It even had the long-awaited ‘Chère Chérie’ column—advice for the lovelorn from Madame Chérie herself!



Were you hoping to get-get-get some advice yourself? I'm sorry, but it would take me far too long to reprint it. I've decided to write-write-write this issue off and start work on the next one instead.



If you're absolutely desperate to read the Madame Chérie column, you'll just have to hunt-hunt-hunt down the one and only copy. It looked like it blew-blew-blew off somewhere to the north.



*: Hola, darling! I'm training to be just like my idol—an absolutely fabulous masked martial artist who goes by the name of Sterling Sylva!



*: I can do a decent impression of the cool way he talks and all those dramatic gestures he does, but the one thing I haven't been able to replicate is his amazing physique—not yet, anyway!



*: I don't want to go to bed! Every second I spend lying down is time I could be spending training to be like my idol, the fabulous Sterling Sylva!



*: I can do a decent impression of the cool way he talks and all those dramatic gestures he does, but the one thing I haven't been able to replicate is his amazing physique—not yet, anyway!



*: Hmph! You're a bold one, sneaking into the girls' dormitory after hours! I'm sure Monsieur Médaillé would like to know just how honourable his new honorary student really is!



*: Still, one can't help but admire your gumption. If the dashing, daring Sterling Sylva were in your place, I expect he'd do the exact same thing! Tee hee!


*: Pssst! Do you want to hear something that's gooing to blow your mind? This hut is actually the holiday home of a mini medal loving monarch!



*: He comes to stay here whenever he wants to get in touch with how a mini medal feels, hidden away in the shadooze!



*: Rich people have such silly ideas all the slime!


The Rainbough starts to glow. One of the Orbs must be nearby!


*: Caw! What are you doing here, humans? If you're thinking of feathering your nest with MY treasure, you've got another thing coming! CAAAW!


Yesss! We've finally got our hands on the Silver Orb! Whoever would have thought we'd find it all the way up here?



But don't rest on your laurels just yet, <pc>—we can't stop searching till we've found all six!


The Rainbough starts to glow brighter than ever before!



*: Écoutez-moi! Zis world may seem like a wonderful place to you—full of joy, laughter and pains au chocolat—but zat is just one of its many faces.



*: Where zere is light, zere must also be shadow—and where zere is 'appiness and beauty, zere must also be la mélancholie et la répugnance!



*: If you are to make your way in zis world as ladies par excellence, you must look beneath ze mask, and see zat everything is not always 'ow it seems!


*: As a professeur of ze Académie, ze safety and sécurité of my pupils is my number one priorité! No one leaves zis building after dark!



*: Aren't these flowers pretty? Monsieur Médaillé likes the lilies of the valley best of all.



*: He says the way their little white petals catch the eye reminds him of mini medals.


*: Whatever's in that tub that Jarmima carries around with her, it's absolutely amazing! As soon as she sprinkles it on a wilting flower, it springs right back to life!



*: Thanks to her mystery mixture, the lilies of the valley are even more full of life than they were before. Monsieur Médaillé will be ever so pleased!


Thanks for telling me about this place! If I'd spent any longer on my own in the Eerie Eyrie, I would have gone potty!



I've made a lot of friends already, and the teachers are all really nice—when they're not shouting at me for breaking the chairs, that is. I feel like I've hit the jackpot!



Here, this is for you—you've more than urned it! Jeeble jarble joo!





Jeeble jarble joo! It wasn't just pot luck that you found me—it was all thanks to my mummy's happy-making spell!



It's really powerful magic—whenever you're feeling sad, just say ‘jeeble jarble joo’, and you'll soon be happier than a tot in the tub!



Jeeble jarble joo! It wasn't just pot luck that you found me—it was all thanks to my mummy's happy-making spell!



It's really powerful magic—whenever you're feeling sad, just say ‘jeeble jarble joo’, and you'll soon be happier than a tot in the tub!



*: It used to be just me out here training to be tough, but since the World Tree fell, everyone's been at it!



*: I know it's a bit selfish, but I'm glad I'm not doing it on my own any more. It makes it so much more fun!



*: Now I can have some company on my quest to outdo the one and only Sterling Sylva!


*: We Médamoiselles Magnifiques have enlisted some help in training to be all that we can be!



*: In this ruined world, it is no longer enough to be simply beautiful and vivacious, and to have a keen knowledge of which cutlery to use when—one must also be tough!



*: So come along, ladies! We must train until we are trim and toned enough to take on even the toughest monster!


*: I've only just joined this school, so I don't really know what a Médamoiselle is.



*: I know what a marathon is, though. Ever since the World Tree fell, they've been making me run one every day. (sniff) I don't like this place any more... I want to go home...




*: Don't worry, I'm not a bad slime—I'm a goo slime! Really, really goo! At running! Well, bouncing...



*: I'm not quite as fast as my slooper-shiny metal cousins, though. Whenever anything spooks them, they scarper in record slime!


*: Don't worry, I'm not a bad slime—I'm a goo slime! My mummy, on the other hand... Well, just listen to this letter she sent me...



*: ‘Dear Squishikins,

For too long have we slimes been trodden down by man! Our brothers and sisters squished beneath the gooman jackboot!



*: ‘But no longer—I'm gooing off to fight with the Lord of Shadows! I'm so excited, I can't stop wobbling!

*: ‘Hope to see you on the battlefield soon! And remember, my little Squishikins—you have nothing to looze but your chains!

Hugs and squishes, Mummy X O X O’



*: She always oozed to tell me that goomans and slimes should be friends... I wonder ooze been putting these silly ideas into her head...



*: There's a rumour gooing around that ever since Yggdrasil fell, a lot of nice monsters like me have gone bad.



*: I was hoping my mummy hadn't been affected, but sludging from that letter she wrote me...



*: No matter what manner of obstacle stands in her way, a true lady must overcome it with poise, polish and perseverance!



*: Even in these awful times, we must strive to replicate the eternal elegance of La Collectrice, who stands immortalised in bronze in the school gardens!



*: The statue is based on the Académie's very first chef de classe, Lady Minette Maximilien. Ahh, if I could have but a fraction of her grace!


*: This little river is absolutely teeming with......nothing. Ever since Yggdrasil fell, it's been too dangerous to go outside......so I'm stuck here.



*: It's still fun and all, but there's one big problem......something's really starting to stink. I hope whoever made the World Tree fall out of the sky hasn't poisoned this river too......



*: This little river is absolutely teeming with......nothing. Ever since Yggdrasil fell, it's been too dangerous to go outside......so I'm stuck here.



*: But now that Malodorine's joined in......things have stopped stinking, at least. She smells......lovely. It's like being out in the flower garden again......



*: You know, I think you're the first boy who's ever been given permission to wander around the Académie willy-nilly like this. Were you friends with Monsieur Médaillé before you enrolled or something? <yesno>


*: I see... I've only ever had girls as friends before, but now that you're here, you can be my very first boyf... Oh, err...friendboy! Here's to a long and fruitful relationship!


*: Ever since the World Tree fell, the little ones haven't been their usual happy selves. They never used to cry in the night before, but now it happens all the time.



*: They must be picking up on the fear and anxiety of their elders. It's up to us seniors to keep a stiff upper lip!



*: Many people died when Yggdrasil fell... Now, zeir spirits roam ze land, incapable of returning to ze Tree of Life. Ze air is 'eavy with zeir mélancolie and regret...



*: Alors, can you not feel it in zis very classroom? ...Ah, but forgive me, monsieur—I am forgetting my duties. Ahem...






*: Ever since the World Tree fell, the teachers have been telling us we can't go outside unless we have a bad case of emergency.



*: I'm not sure how you catch one of those, but I think I'd rather stay indoors than find out!


*: I've been a bit down in the dumpsss lately... Chantelle the chanteuse? More like Chantelle the shiftlesss... Do you want me to sssing you a sssong? It probably won't be very good... <yesno>


(sigh) Okay... If you're sure, I'll sssing you the ssschool sssong...



'Neath the branches of the birches...

Daffodils sssway and ssswiiing...



Here among the graceful gardens...

Budding young ladiesss siiing...



We'll ssstride acrosss the wide, wide world...

And hunt for mini medalsss low and (sigh)...



But our heartsss live forever in...

L'Académie de Notre Maître...des Médailles...



I'm sssorry. That was terrible. I'll try to do better next time...if there is a next time...




I don't know where it'sss come from, but I've got a really ssspooky sssong ssstuck in my head... Do you want to hear it?



Child of darknesss, child of night,

Child of shadows, child of blight,

Wake and shake the shackles from your heeeart!



Your dark commander has arisen,

To free you from thisss mortal prison,

It'sss time to tear thisss hated world apaaart!



It'sss really ssscary, but I can't get it out of my head. And I find it ssstrangely...exciting... Makesss me feel like...gnashing my teeth at sssomeone...



*: You should take everything Dasha says with a pinch of salt. She's a proper little mischief-maker.



*: She's always making up silly stories to try and frighten people. I've given up trying to change her ways—now I just smile and nod, smile and nod...




*: I'm telling you, I saw her with my own eyes! There was a girl standing right next to this window in the middle of the night!



*: I said hello to her, and she smiled back, and said she wanted to play with me!



*: I miss my mummy... (sniff) I miss my daddy... (sob) I want to go home... (gulp)


*: Ze fall of ze World Tree turned all Erdrea upside down. Many people lost zeir lives, yet some can still be saved. ...And zat is where you come in!



*: I 'ave a petit requête for you—if, on your travels, you should meet wiz any young girls 'oo 'ave been left alone—sans parents—I want you to tell zem about zis place.



*: Ze Académie 'as been spared ze worst of ze destruction, and we 'ave warm beds and 'ot food to spare. Our doors are always open to any jeune fille 'oo needs our 'elp in zese troubled times.



*: Ze entire faculté stands ready to welcome zem into our 'umble établissement, and aid zem in any way we can!



*: Bonjour, monsieur! Les jeunes filles zat you sent to us are already making zemselves at 'ome. It is so nice to see ze young ladies safe and well.



*: Though ze scars on zeir 'earts may never fully 'eal, zose girls are brave beyond zeir years. Already, zey are putting ze past behind zem and focusing on ze future.



*: In time, zey will recover, and—wiz ze 'elp of all of us 'ere at l'Académie de Notre Maître des Médailles—zey will flourish!



*: I 'ave a petit requête for you—if, on your travels, you should meet wiz any young girls 'oo 'ave been left alone—sans parents—I want you to tell zem about zis place.



*: Ze Académie 'as been spared ze worst of ze destruction, and we 'ave warm beds and 'ot food to spare. Our doors are always open to any jeune fille 'oo needs our 'elp in zese troubled times.





*: Oh, hello. I'm Candida, the chef de classe. It's my role to look after the other girls and keep them in line, but they really don't make it easy for me.



Recently, it's Malodorine Delamorgue who's been giving me the biggest headache. She usually smells lovely, but ever since the Fall, she's really started to pong.



None of the other girls really mind—she is a walking corpse, after all—but Malodorine's so upset about it, she's started bunking off lessons to avoid bothering anyone.


*: Oh, hello. I'm Candida, the chef de classe. It's my role to look after the other girls and keep them in line, but they really don't make it easy for me.



At least I don't have to worry about Malodorine any more. I'm not sure what happened, but she seems to be back to her old sweet-smelling self—thank goodness.



Some kindly soul must have...helped her with her little situation. After all the headaches she gave me, I can't thank them enough!



‘She opens wide her shining eyes and searches for her shiny prize!

The wide-eyed wanderer espies a medal of a tiny size!



‘Take it, dear girl, come, realise the wonder that before you lies!

And on your way home, visualise your classmates' laudatory cries!’


Whenever I read Monsieur Médaillé's poetry to a restless student, it sends them straight to sleep. He's a real lifesaver!


This poor girl must have seen some terrible things. She always seems so cheery in class, but as soon as she's alone, she starts sobbing...



It must be a real struggle for her to hold back the tears, but she stays strong to avoid upsetting the other girls... Such a thoughtful child...



I'm Cloé, and this is my sister Cléo. We're identical twins!



When Yggdrasil fell to earth and rocks started raining from the sky, we thought our time was up. That's when my sister made me promise her something.



She made me swear that if she didn't make it but I did, I would change my name to Cléo so she'd never be forgotten. But then what happens to my name?


I'm Cléo, and this is my sister Cloé. We're identical twins!



When Yggdrasil fell to earth and rocks started raining from the sky, we thought our time was up. That's when my sister made me promise her something.



She made me swear that if she didn't make it but I did, I would change my name to Cloé so she'd never be forgotten. But then what happens to my name?



*: I'm embroidering handkerchiefs for my little brothers back home.



*: I send them home so my brothers can sell them for food and clothes. But I haven't heard anything from them since the Fall, and all my letters come back marked ‘Return to Sender’.



*: It seems like all the roads in and out of Sniflheim have been completely cut off. I hope they're alright...


*: Oh, hello! It's lovely to see you again. Thank you so much for telling me about this place.



*: I'm so happy to be living here with all the other girls. I don't feel like crying any more.



*: This is for you... For saving me...




*: When I grow up, I want to be a teacher just like Madame Waloppe.



*: And whenever my students are feeling sad, I'll give them a great big hug to cheer them up, just like the one she gave me!


*: When I grow up, I want to be a teacher just like Madame Waloppe.



*: And whenever my students are feeling sad, I'll give them a great big hug to cheer them up, just like the one she gave me!


*: Wiz all ze troubles in ze world, it 'as been very 'ard to get 'old of good ingredients lately. I've 'ad to work 'arder zan ever to make ze most of what I've got.



*: But no matter 'ow difficile it might be, ze meals I make must be nutritious and delicieux! Zese growing girls must eat!



*: You want to know what is on ze menu tonight, hein? <yesno>


*: We 'ave ze 'olewheat bread from 'Eliodor—a little stale per'aps, but dip it in ze soupe de légumes and it soaks up ze flavour like an éponge!



*: Our centrepiece will be ze smoky bacon fresh from Gondolia. Best not to ask what animal it comes from, but ze taste? Magnifique!



*: It 'as been très difficile to get 'old of good ingredients lately—but I make ze best of what I 'ave.



*: Oh...zen you 'ave come to 'elp me, per'aps? Merci, chéri—thank you for ze kind offer, but I 'ave done all ze 'ard work already!



*: Jarmima is a culinary génie! A petit pinch of whatever she keeps in zat pot makes any meal I make taste fantastique!



*: If only she would reveal to me 'er secret recipe!



*: Oh, hello. It's me, Madeleine—the head dinner monitor. Madame Croque's meals haven't been very tasty lately...



It's just stale bread and funny-tasting bacon every single day! What happened to all the delicious food she used to make? The stuff that made my taste buds sing!




La la la la laaa! Yaaay! Madame Croque's back to her best! My taste buds are singing again!


*: Make sure you watch your manners around Madame Labouche—she's the deportment mistress, which means she's very fussy about appearance and behaviour.



*: She's bad enough with us girls, so I can't even imagine how strict she'd be with a boy. You're not even supposed to be here! I'd be very, very careful around her if I were you.


*: Make sure you watch your manners around Madame Labouche—she's the deportment mistress, which means she's very fussy about appearance and behaviour.



*: She's bad enough with us girls, so I can't even imagine how strict she'd be with a boy. You're not even supposed to be here! I'd be very, very careful around her if I were you.


*: Bonsoir, fellow student! Isn't it a bit late for you to still be running around?



*: If you ever get tired of all that adventuring, just talk to Madame Chérie downstairs. I'm sure she'll let you stay the night in the dormitory.


*: Ever so sorry handsome, but I'm kind of in the middle of something right now. I'll speak to you later, okay?



*: I'm reading about the Académie's very first headmaster—a man who became known as the Académique de l'Amour.

*: He said that love is like a mini medal—not something that you force on other people, but something that you search for, and often find in the strangest places.



*: The one you love may seem far away, but as long as you have that love in your heart, you're sure to find them eventually.



*: I've been thinking—is it really alright for us to live here in peace and happiness when so many others are suffering?



*: Honestly, you're such a silly billy! We're still children! Even if you did want to help them, what in the world could you do?



*: I don't know... I don't know anything... Oh, I'm such a fool... I don't deserve to be happy...



*: Listen to me, darling—we'll be grown-ups soon enough. We don't need to rush anything. Just stay with me, and everything will be alright.


*: Ever since Yggdrasil came crashing down, I've been feeling so low. Talking to people has felt like such a strain...



*: I've hardly even spoken to my best friend recently—I'm not sure she even likes me any more... Oh, it's all gone wrong... I don't know what to do...


*: Hello, I'm Jarmima. Do you want to know what ‘jeeble jarble joo’ means? It's a magic spell that makes you happy. My mummy taught it to me...before she passed away...



When that big tree fell out of the sky, all of my old friends suddenly went potty and chased me out of my home... It was really jarring...



I can't go back home any more... I'm all alone in the world... Everything's gone to pot...



*: Hello, I'm Jarmima. Do you want to know what ‘jeeble jarble joo’ means? It's a magic spell that makes you happy. My mummy taught it to me...before she passed away...



When that big tree fell out of the sky, all of my old friends suddenly went potty and chased me out of my home... It was really jarring...



I can't go back home any more... I'm all alone in the world... Everything's gone to pot...


Jarmima is all on her own, and doesn't have anywhere to go. Tell her about l'Académie de Notre Maître des Médailles? <yesno>


...Jeeble jarble joo! If I go to that school, I won't be all alone any more! Thank you so much for telling me about it!



I'm going to go there right now! I'll pick up some nice, shiny apples for my new teachers on the way—and I'll get something for you too! You've urned it!


When you feel sad and lonely, just say ‘jeeble jarble joo’, and it'll put a smile on your face...eventually...



1.14 Phnom Nonh


‘Now we are buying more stock.

We will reopen soon.

Please come back later!’


*: Ah! You have come from far, far away, yes? Welcome to Phnom Nonh, home of the beautiful lady in the mural! You have come to see the Nhou Wat ruins, I think so?



*: Yes, the mural in the ruins is very, very popular with tourists—she brings them good luck!



*: If you want to go there, you must climb the staircase in the centre of the village, and then down the other side of the hill. Do not go home without taking a look!



*: Phnom Nonh is the home of the beautiful lady in the mural! She is famous for blessing people who go and see her, so she is very, very popular with tourists!



*: If you want to go there, you must climb the staircase in the centre of the village, and then go down the other side of the hill. Do not go home without taking a look!



*: I came here 'cause they said the mural would bring me a bit o' good luck, but I reckon I might grab meself a few souvenirs too while I'm about it. There's some bonzer stuff on these stalls.



*: I mean, look at this—says it's a lucky charm that'll make the fellas swoon. Strewth, could I ever do with somethin' like that!


*: Hello, sir! We have the cheapest souvenirs in the village right here!



*: ...Did that sound believable? I am an apprentice merchant, and I am practising my sales technique.



*: When I grow up, I will be the best merchant in Phnom Nonh, so I can be very, very rich!



*: When I grow up I will be the best merchant in Phnom Nonh, and I will buy for my mother the best food from all over Erdrea!



*: I am practising every day. But it is hard work and it makes me very, very hungry...


*: Because of the famous mural, many, many people come to Phnom Nonh, and they bring lots of money with them!



*: You are here to see the mural too, I think so? Then you must buy a souvenir before you go!



*: Don't worry, Grandpa... Zzz... I will work hard... I will make money for us... Zzz... You rest, Grandpa...


*: Heh. Here to get a bit of a boost off the mural too, are ya? Yeah, ya look like the type, mate.



*: Well, fair dinkum, but ya better get there quick, 'cause I'm hopin' to get me a ripper of a dose. She's gonna make me strong, and then I'm gonna teach every flamin' galah who ever doubted me a lesson!


*: Beds, a bar—we have everything you need right here, I think so! Ah, but we are not open yet. We are still preparing ingredients and so on!



*: Why not come back after you visit the ruins? By then, we will be ready to serve you the best food and drink Phnom Nonh has to offer! Hee hee!



The others have gone to the ruins already. If we're going after them, we'll need to climb the stairs in the centre of the village to the other side of the hill.



To be honest with you, I'm looking forward to getting out of here. I hate people trying to sell me things...


*: This drongo won't leave me alone! I'm on me way to the ruins, but he keeps pullin' on me arm tryin' to sell me stuff!



*: I need to rattle me dags—some other bloke'll get all the luck outta that mural otherwise!




*: Why so much hurrying? The mural will not go anywhere, I think so. Why not look at Mony's selection of souvenirs first? They are the best in Phnom Nonh!




Ah! Hello, sir! You are a visitor here too, yes? Then please come to me for anything you need! Hotels, restaurants, souvenirs—I can arrange it all!



*: I'm a traveller, just like you. Roaming the world, searching for some meaning in life. I've been all over the place, and now I've ended up here.



*: All I keep hearing about is this mural that makes wishes come true. I can't say I believe in such things, but I suppose it's worth a look...



*: Since they found the mural, people only talk about making money all the time. It is very, very boring.


*: Mummy... (snort) I feel so lonely without you... Zzz...


*: Whatever you need, you have come to the right place! Nowhere in the village has more choice—or better prices!



*: I am helping my mother in the shop. A girl has to work if she wants to eat, I think so!



*: If you want to buy something, please talk to my mother. She is behind the counter. I hope you buy a lot!


*: Welcome, sir! We have everything you need here in our shop, from mural souvenirs to travel essentials!


*: Phnom Nonh has become a very, very lively place since they found that mural in the ruins. It is all thanks to the blessings of the mural lady!



*: The profit margin on this stuff must be bonkers! Reckon I could learn a thing or two about business from this lot.



*: Look, sir! I have a lucky charm for all occasions! All of them are packed full with the mural's powers! Guaranteed!



*: Heh heh... Thanks to our famous mural, people will buy any old rubbish if you say it will bring them good luck...



*: Oh! Did I say that out loud? Please, do not listen to me, sir! Why not take a look at my selection of lucky charms instead?



*: Good fortune is very, very nice, but you also need good weapons to keep you alive in battle, I think so! So, sir...


*: I am in charge of this shop! My daddy said so! Please take a look at our special armours!


*: You have come all the way to Phnom Nonh sir, so you must make the most of it!



*: Worry about the future when your holiday is over! For now, spend and play and enjoy the mural's gifts to all of us!




*: (pant) How...many...more...steps...? (pant) I'm...bushed... These ruins can't be much further...can they...?




*: Mustn't...give up... Phew! Nope, gotta pull meself together, get to that mural and get me a double helpin' o' the old good fortune!


*: One has only come here in order to pray for one's beloved daughter's good fortune in her school entrance exam, you know.



*: The journey here was quite frightful. Still, if it helps one's little princess get the mark she deserves, it will all have been worth it!



*: Have you heard of l'Académie de Notre Maître des Médailles? It's a simply wonderful school where they turn little girls into exquisite young ladies! It's off to the north of here somewhere.



*: One has always dreamed of going there. In fact, one has never wanted anything more! Which is why one was desperate to stay home and revise, but Papa insisted that we come here instead!


This isnae the easiest place to get around if yer legs aren't what they used to be.



Erik and the others have already gone ahead to the ruins. I'm just taking a wee rest here, then I'll catch up. You go on ahead.


*: Everyone needs something to believe in, my friend. Something to cling to. I have my faith, of course. Now...


*: To tell the truth, we do not have many visitors here at our church. Most people are too excited by the ruins and the mural, I think so. It is a little bit sad...


*: Good day, sir! It is always a pleasure to meet a visitor to our village! Tourists are so much more than sources of income to us—we like to think that you are people too!



*: Now, you must pay a visit to the ruins of Nhou Wat before you leave! The lady in the mural is sure to bring good fortune to you!


*: You have come to see the lady in the mural too, I think so? I do not understand why she is so popular with the city people.



*: But now they are coming here in big, big groups. The Mayor seems very, very happy about this, at least.


*: Every day I am grateful that they found the mural in the ruins. She has changed our lives! She has made our village rich and prosperous!



*: The lady in the mural is the reason I could buy this house for my family. Yes, she has certainly brought good fortune for me, I think so.



*: Yes... Good... My secret cache of money is becoming bigger and bigger! I—




*: Hm!? Oh! Y-You gave me a fright, sir!



*: You probably wonder why I keep my money hidden like this, I think so. Well, it is an old habit. Before they found the mural, we were all very, very poor, you see.



*: Of course, now we all have plenty of money. But I cannot change my ways. I still feel that I might lose it all at any moment...



*: Tourists seem to love dishes that are made with local produce, so I am trying to create something that will be to their taste.



*: After all, it is because of the tourists that we all live in such comfort now. We should treat them with respect, I think so.


*: Ahh... It smells good, yes? It is a real pleasure to be able to eat a hearty meal every day!



*: We must give thanks to the lady in the mural and the tourists who come here to visit her!


*: This village used to be nothing. Nothing at all. The way it is now, with all the tourists and shops, this is a recent thing.



*: A few years ago, someone discovered the mural inside the ruins of Nhou Wat, and that changed everything. Almost overnight, the village became full with people.



*: So you see, everything before you is because of that mural. I give thanks to her every day. Every single day.



*: Zzz... Lady in the mural... Zzz... Thank you...


*: ...Mm? You have come to see the mural too, yes? Well, to tell the truth, I do not know much about it.



*: Of course, the village has changed a lot since it was discovered. But the old, quiet village was nicer, I think so.


*: Zzz... Yes... Nice and quiet... Zzz...


*: I have been making souvenirs here in Phnom Nonh for many, many years.



*: Always I could only just scrape by from selling my work, but after they found the mural, everything changed. My sales went through the roof!



*: Now I have enough money to live comfortably, and even to buy gifts for my grandaughter. And I owe it all to the lady of the mural.



*: Maybe you're sceptical about the mural's powers, but I'm telling you, she's the real deal! She's certainly brought me good fortune! Moving here was the best thing I ever did!



*: Honestly, if you want to live a happy life, just give up on all your adventures and settle down here—you won't regret it!


*: I'm so glad I moved here. Now I dream of the mural every...single...night... Zzz... (snort)


*: My husband and I came to Phnom Nonh on our honeymoon. Once we'd seen the lady in the mural though, we just knew we had to stay.



*: I can honestly say that we've been happy ever since. I know some people don't believe in the mural's blessings, but she's definitely brought us plenty of good fortune.


*: I look out on this village every evening, and I'm always struck by how beautiful it is. But I do wonder sometimes...



*: Did we really do the right thing, moving here just because of a mural we saw on our honeymoon?



*: Oh, what am I saying—of course we did! The lady in the mural has brought us nothing but joy and good fortune! Every day is a blessing!



*: Urgh... I know that I drink too much... Hic! But since my wife died, I feel so...sad... (sniff)



*: ...Hm? You are a tourist, I think so. There is nothing for you in this house. You probably want the mural, yes? It is in the ruins, up the stairs and over the hill.


Well, I can see the whole of Phnom Nonh from up here, but I can't see anybody who looks like they might be Dora's parents...



Will you go take a look in the ruins for me, honey? They're just over that hill near where Dora and I were speaking earlier.



I'll take one more look over the village, and then I'll catch up with you. Don't worry—you won't be without my scintillating company for long!



Mother and Father said the mural could make them rich. Then they went somewhere, and didn't come back...



Please help me! I want them back so badly!


*: Can you feel it? I certainly can! Yes... A mysterious force, emanating from the ruins... You develop an awareness of these things when you've seen as much of the world as I have.



*: Oh by the way, did you know that the person who discovered the mural in the ruins disappeared in mysterious circumstances? Heh. I thought that would get your attention.



*: ...Huh? You're not interested in that? You want to help a little girl who's lost her parents? Pff. Ask someone else. I've got bigger fish to fry.



*: Well, well—a fellow scholar! Don't ask me how I know, it's just a gift I have. You're here to investigate these ruins as well, aren't you?



*: But of course you are! Who could resist the chance to poke around among the mysteries of Nhou Wat? It's the last remaining relic of a long-lost kingdom, you know.



*: And just how does something like that happen, I hear you ask? How does an entire kingdom fall into ruins? Well, that's what I'm here to find out!



The door is locked from the inside.



Unearthly groans can be heard coming from within. It must be the people who've come to see the mural...


Honey, I've lost little Dora! First her parents and now her...what's going on in this crazy village...?



Okay, new plan—we need to team up and look for her together. The village square is full of people. If she went that way, someone will have seen her.



Gah, I can't see her anywhere...



Maybe we should go ask that guy's wife at the inn he told us about. He said she knows about all the comings and goings in the village, no?



I thought this girl might be the one who'd lost her parents, but I was, err, wrong...



Anyway, Serena and the others have headed back toward the village square. You should probably go and help them look down there.



*: ‘Dora’!? What a vulgar name! One is most certainly not Dora! And one knows exactly where one's parents are, thank you very much!



Being separated from your parents at that age is hard. And lonely.



I should know...



Let's try and find her mother and father as quickly as we can, shall we?


Hey, <pc>. I was asking around about your little friend Dora, and then this girl came and tried to get me to go to the tavern. Now she won't leave me alone...



Anyway, still no sign, huh? Hmm... That's kind of worrying. I hope nothing's happened to her...



*: You must be tired after sightseeing, I think so! You should come to the tavern as soon as it is open! We have the best food in Phnom Nonh!



*: Look! It is the one you can see over there! Hee hee! Do not forget to come—I will give you a big discount!



I'm ever so sorry, <pc>. We haven't been able to find your friend Dora or her parents anywhere.



I thought these children might know her, but they say they've never even heard of her...



*: How can I help you, sir?



*: ...A girl called ‘Dora’? I am sorry, sir. I have never heard that name before. Have a nice day!



*: I like speaking with this lady! She is so warm and kind—not like the other tourists!



*: ...Hm? You are looking for a little lost girl? Sorry. I have been here all day, but I have seen no little lost girls, I think so.



I asked a few of the stallholders about our missing girl, but no one's seen anything.



Where could she have got to, eh? I'm starting to get a wee bit worried about her...



My wife's inn is right behind me! The reception is upstairs. You can stay any time you like!



*: Welcome to our inn! My husband has told me all about you. You will be staying tonight, I think so?



*: ...Hm? A little girl who is lost? Err... Why are you asking me, please?




*: ...My husband said what? That I know everything about everyone? Ha, he will say anything to attract customers, that one!



*: Well, I am sorry to disappoint you, but I do not know anything about your missing girl.



*: Please, do not be angry! I will let you stay one night for free! Then everything will be alright, I think so?



*: In fact, I have a room that is ready for you right now! Would you like to use it?<yesno>


*: Okay! Thank you very, very much! Right this way, please...


*: No? Well, the offer still stands. Maybe you will come back another time? I will be here waiting for you!



*: Do not worry, sir—I have not forgotten my promise. I will still let you stay one night for free. Would you like to go to your room now?<yesno>


*: Okay! Thank you very, very much! Right this way, please...


*: No? Well, the offer still stands. Maybe you will come back another time? I will be here waiting for you!


*: If you are tired after your trip to see the mural, you should sit down and enjoy a freshly cooked meal!


*: Thank you for choosing our inn, sir! The building is split into two levels. We have the tavern down here, and the rooms upstairs!



*: It is the perfect place to base yourself when visiting the Phnom Nonh area, I think so!


*: I hope you are enjoying yourself, sir! Everybody here in Phnom Nonh wants you to have a night to remember!



*: ...But if you are tired, it is okay too—we have rooms right upstairs!


*: I've seen more mysterious ruins than you've had hot dinners, and this place is the real deal, I'm telling you.



*: You know, I think I can even feel some vibes coming off these souvenirs... Yeah... Just feel that... Wow...



*: Hello, sir! We have the cheapest souvenirs in the village, right here! Please take a look. ...Please?



*: Hmm... There is something wrong all of a sudden... There are fewer tourists than usual, I think so...



*: Because of the famous mural, many, many people come to Phnom Nonh, and they bring lots of money with them!



*: ...But not right now. Something is different, suddenly. There are not so many tourists as usual.



*: Would you credit it!? The young people of this village have no interest in the incredible history that's right there on their doorstep—all they want to do is sell souvenirs!



*: How can anyone resist the allure of Nhou Wat? The heady pull of that perfectly preserved relic of a long-lost kingdom? It's baffling. And, more to the point, a little sad.



*: You enjoyed your stay at our inn, I think so? Please come back again any time!



*: I mean it, you know! Some of our guests seem to get so lost in their sightseeing that they fail to return, even to fetch their belongings...


You had a comfortable night in our inn, I think so? You are always welcome to stay with us again!



...Hm? The little girl who is lost?



Ah, yes, of course. I am sorry, but I do not know anything. I am sure my wife can help you!



Also, there is no need to worry—people become lost in Phnom Nonh every day.



Usually they can be found in the last place you saw them. People are strange like that, I think so.



Please stay at our inn again! And do not worry about the lost girl! You will find her very, very soon, I am sure!



Usually people who become lost can be found in the last place you saw them. People are strange like that, I think so.




*: Ah-phew...


*: Please, you must be ever so quiet. One's little princess needs her rest—she has an awfully important school entrance exam coming up.



*: For l'Académie de Notre Maître des Médailles, no less. It is a quite fabulous institution. Off to the north of here, don't you know. One does so hope the mural helps her chances...


*: Good morning, sir! You slept well last night, I think so? Please, have a good day!



*: Oh, by the way—do you know a man named Bazza? He is also a guest here, but he did not return last night.



*: He was...very keen indeed to see the mural. I hope he did not injure himself in his haste to get there. You too must be careful, please.


You had a comfortable night in our inn, I think so? You are always welcome to stay with us again!



...Hm? Oh. You are still looking for the little girl?



Well...perhaps if she is so difficult to find, you should ask the mural for help?



The lady of the painting will lead you straight to your missing friend, I think so! Ha ha!


You are still looking for the little girl? Then you should ask the mural for help!



She will lead you straight to your missing friend, I think so! Ha ha!


The mural is glowing invitingly...



Cross over to the Other Side?<yesno>


There's something written on the stone. It seems to be a message from the person who discovered the mural...


‘I have found a great fresco in the ruins near Phnom Nonh. It seems to be several centuries old.



‘It has a strange power. At first I thought it was a power for good... That this was how people had been drawn here... How the town had grown great...



‘But now I see that it is evil. That it lures the greedy with promises of riches so that it might feast on their souls.



‘And those too pure of heart to tempt with greed, it lures through pity. Beware the little lost girl...she will lead you to your doom.’


...That seems to be the end of the message.


The thorny tentacles are back that way. It's probably best to stay away.


Don't even think it, <pc>! We've spent quite enough time in that horrible place for one day!


We must hurry back to the village and tell everybody the truth about the mural!


The crack looks like it leads back to the outside world. Jump in?<yesno>


An eerie voice echoes from afar...


Hya ha ha haaa! Ah, there you are! Such pretty little splashes of colour!



And so kind of you to visit me in my world! Now that the canvas has been prepared, let the brutal artistry of battle commence!


Hm hm hm! Hya ha ha haaa!


The crack looks like it leads back to the outside world. Jump in?<yesno>


Where are ye going, laddie? We need to get out of here and head back to the village.



Did ye see that great crack back near where Dora was? Something tells me that might be our way out of here...


The mural is glowing invitingly...



Cross over to the Other Side?<yesno>


*: Welcome! You have come to see the lair of the infamous cursed mural monster, yes? You will have a thrilling experience, I think so!



We have found a way to turn our terrible fortune to our advantage! My handcrafted replica murals are selling like the hot cakes! You should buy one or two, I think so!



I cannot take all the credit for this success story, however—I got the idea for them from a little girl I met here in the village.



Her name was Dora...but I have not seen her for a while now. It is a shame. I wanted to thank her for giving me such good advice...


You can buy one of the replicas I made of the cursed mural at the item shop. It would be a nice reminder of your time here, I think so.



You know, I sold one just now, but then the customer disappeared very, very suddenly. I hope nothing...unfortunate has happened...


*: You enjoyed your stay at our inn, I think so. Please come back again any time—heroes like you are always welcome!


It's bonzer havin' a bit o' cash in yer pocket, but it ain't worth riskin' yer flamin' life for. That mural nearly did for me! No more mystical mumbo jumbo. From now on, it's just good, hard yakker for Bazza.



Oh by the way, here's a little tip for you to say thanks for savin' me bacon. That new magic key o' yours? I hear one o' the doors that thing opens is right here in the village.


*: You and yer mates got us out of that mural, didn't ya? Ta. You must've trained like billy-o to get that tough, eh?



*: I feel like a right drongo, gettin' sucked in like that... Well, it's me own fault for believin' I could cheat me way to bein' a hero...


*: You should take a look at the new souvenirs they are selling in the item shop, sir. Quickly, before the other tourists snap them up!



*: Have you heard? They are selling replicas of the cursed mural in the item shop!



*: These nippers were just tellin' me they're selling replicas of the mural over in the item shop now.



*: Can you believe that? Talk about true-blue troopers! Somethin' like that happens to 'em, and they turn it into a business oppo! These Phnom-Nonners are an inspiration!



*: I heard that you were the ones who rescued those people from inside the mural.



*: That's pretty inspirational stuff. In fact, it's helped me decide what I want to do with my life—I want to be like you!



*: The lady in the mural was a liar and a bad person, yes?




*: Well, I am not surprised she decided to come here. The people of this village are so easy to tempt. All they care about is money...


*: I came here 'cause I heard the mural would bring me luck and buckets o' dosh. Instead, the flamin' thing nearly killed me!



*: Still, I did meet you, you great big spunk, you! Guess I did get lucky after all!


*: We have everything you need here at the item shop—including all-new replicas of the cursed mural!



*: And for a very, very reasonable price too! You should buy them for all your friends!


*: Welcome, sir! We have everything you need here in our shop, from local souvenirs to travel essentials! And we even have replicas of the mural now too!


*: Some people have taken to calling the mural ‘cursed’, but we must not forget that it is what made Phnom Nonh the phenomenon it is today!


*: Yes, sir! I have something for everyone! Lucky charms, cursed relics...whatever takes your fancy!



*: I must change my line-up to suit the times, yes? And since the business with the mural, cursed items are all the rage!



*: I do not mind tricking tourists...but what the lady in the mural did was possibly a little too much, I think so...



*: ...Hm? Oh, hello sir! Please, ignore me—I do not mean anything I say!


*: I cannot believe the lady in the mural just...disappeared. But I suppose that there are some things in this world we are not meant to understand...



*: And besides, I cannot waste time thinking about women in paintings—I need to make a living!



*: One only came here in order to pray to the mural for one's beloved daughter's good fortune in her school entrance exam, you know.



*: But it seems the mural was no more than a trap to lure in unsuspecting seekers of fortune! Really, one is lucky to be alive!


*: Please, you must be ever so quiet. One's little princess needs her rest—she has an awfully important school entrance exam coming up.



*: For l'Académie de Notre Maître des Médailles, no less. It is a quite fabulous institution. Off to the north of here, don't you know. Very exclusive, of course, but she'll have no problem getting in, I'm sure.


*: You know, lookin' down from up here, it makes a bloke realise how small it all is...all me problems...they're diddly-squat in the scheme o' things...



*: They may've pulled a swiftie with that whole mural thing, but that don't mean it wasn't worth comin'. Nah... She'll be right...



*: So the mural's gone...? I don't know how I feel about that, to be honest.



*: I mean, the vibes in that crazy world they're saying it led to must have been insane... Well, who knows—maybe I'll get my chance one day.



*: I heard you were the one who dealt with the cursed mural and freed all the people trapped inside. Gosh, what a hero! Now it's my turn to do something epic and start researching them!



*: After all, when we understand the past, we know the present—and can predict the future. Ha! That heroic enough for you?



Cross over to the Other Side?<yesno>


*: We owe you very, very much, I think so! You saved Phnom Nonh from the curse of the mural!



*: ‘Phnom Nonh, home of the ancient ruins of Nhou Wat, and the terrifying, shiver-inducing tale of the cursed mural!’



*: It is good, yes? And very successful—now we have more tourists than ever, thanks to you!


*: I heard of what you did, sir. Thank you very, very much. To tell the truth, thinking about those people trapped inside the mural still frightens me.



*: But at least it has given the Mayor some new business ideas.


*: Yes, the mural is gone, but people will still visit Phnom Nonh, I think so. Everyone likes to hear stories about curses and terrifying spirits, yes?



*: We must continue to give thanks to the lady of the mural—because she continues to make our village rich!



*: Yes... Good... My secret cache of money is becoming bigger and bigger! I—




*: Hm!? Oh! Y-You gave me a fright, sir!



*: The truth is, I come here to count my money every night. I find it comforting to know that it is always here, even if all else changes...



*: I remember when the mural was found inside the ruins of Nhou Wat. It was many, many years ago now. The village became a tourist destination overnight.



*: Of course, no one imagined that the painting was cursed. That it would trap unsuspecting souls inside it... (shudder)


*: Zzz... The mural... She...She tricked us... Zzz...


*: I have been making souvenirs here in Phnom Nonh for many, many years.



*: Always I could only just scrape by from selling my work, but after they found the mural, everything changed. My sales went through the roof!



*: So even if she was cursed, I will always be grateful for it.


*: Can you believe it? We moved to this village just so we could be closer to the mural and its powers.



*: And it's gone and disappeared! What are we supposed to do now!?


*: Please, lady of the mural... Please take us with you... Please don't leave us here...


*: My husband and I first saw the mural on our honeymoon. It made such an impression on us, we decided to move here. And now they tell us that it was cursed...



*: My husband's struggling to deal with the fact that it's gone, but I'm actually quite glad. If it was evil, we're better off without it, surely?


*: Phnom Nonh is still a beautiful place. And that's a beauty that isn't going anywhere fast.


1.15 The Strand


Sorry honey, but I haven't a clue where we are. This island doesn't appear on any of my maps.



I want to wave bye-bye to this forsaken place as soon as possible, but so long as the Stallion's stuck on that sandbank, we're staying right here.


Something's not right about this place. No wind, no waves—it almost feels like time's stopped altogether...


What a pretty little island this is. It looks just like the one in the picture book I always used to read when I was little.



I always said to Veronica that I'd like to go there...and to meet the handsome prince who lived there too! Tee hee!



There's absolutely nothing here. Let's not waste any more time than we have to. As soon as the wind picks up, we're getting back on the hunt for the Orbs!


Fascinating... Judging by the shape of the prow and the state of the planks, I wouldnae be surprised if this boat was built long before even I was born...



I cannae help wondering if we've strayed into the Valorian Triangle, ye know. It's a bit of the sea where they say ships just up and disappear, never to be seen again...



Sorry dollface, but the ship's stuck on a sandbar. We ain't goin' nowhere for the minute.



Me an' Sylv're gonna see if we can't push the old girl free. You lot just sit tight—everyfink'll be sorted in no time.


*: Aloha, travellers! Don't stop here—these waters are dangerous! Sail on, sail on!


I 'ad a word wiv that Michelle—lovely girl—an' you ain't gonna believe this: she's only gone and used 'er mermaid powers to get the Stallion movin' again! We can leave whenever yer ready!


My darling lives far, far away, it's quite a lengthy trip—south and east of Hotto, you can only get there by ship.



To make sure that you don't get lost, I've marked it on your map. Please go to Lonalulu, friends—and bring me back my chap!



There's one more thing I'd like to ask before you disappear—please don't tell anyone but Kai I'm waiting for him here.



I'm not sure why, but lots of sailors seem to hate my kind. If you could keep our secret, it'd really ease my mind.


1.16 Lonalulu


The sound of a cannon firing from the clifftop announces the rising of the sun.


The sound of a cannon firing from the clifftop announces the setting of the sun.


*: Welcome to Lonalulu, the seaside paradise of crystal waters and perfect pearls! We hope you enjoy your stay!


*: If you're looking to trade for pearls, I'm afraid you've come at a bad time.



*: A nasty tentacular's been stirring up trouble in the seas south of here, and the men haven't been able to catch a thing. I'm sorry, but we're all sold out.



*: While the men are away fighting the tentacular, it's up to we women to roll up our sleeves and keep the village running without them.



*: But if they think we're gonna hang around here forever while they do it, they've got another thing coming! They need to hurry it up!


*: I came all the way to this far-flung backwater to buy some of their famous pearls, but it seems a certain giant squid has other ideas.

*: It's making a nuisance of itself off the coast and stopping the fishermen doing their job. Now they're completely out of stock!



*: Did you come here looking for pearls too? I'm afraid it looks like all we can do is pray that the locals finish off the horrible thing quickly so they can get back to work.



*: Oh, speaking of praying, there's a little church behind the village elder's house at the top of these stairs if you ever need one.


*: Hello there. I've come to Lonalulu to get my hands on some of the finest pearls in all Erdrea. Is that what brings you here too? <yesno>


*: Well, I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but I'm afraid you're out of luck. A demon squid's been making a nuisance of itself out at sea and stopping the fisherman from bringing any back.



*: Those pearls are the only reason I came to this forsaken backwater, and now I can't get my hands on any...


*: ...What's that? You're looking for a man named Kai? Sorry, but I'm a visitor here myself. I don't know him.


*: ...Huh? You're looking for Kai? I didn't know that boy had any friends.



*: You should go see his ma—you'll usually find her up at the church.



*: During the day, anyhow. As soon as the sun sets, she runs on home and refuses to come out till it's light again. They're kind of a weird family...


*: If you're looking for Kai, you should go see his ma—you'll usually find her up at the church.



*: During the day, anyhow. As soon as the sun sets, she runs on home and refuses to come out till it's light again. They're kind of a weird family...


*: ...Huh? You're looking for Kai? I didn't know that boy had any friends.



*: You should go see his ma—you'll usually find her up at the church.



*: During the day, anyhow. As soon as the sun sets, she runs on home and refuses to come out till it's light again. They're kind of a weird family...


*: There are these scary monsters called mermaids in the sea. They sing pretty songs to put people to sleep, then they eat 'em all up!


*: I can't sleep... Whenever I hear the waves crashing on the beach, I get scared...



*: It makes me think of my pa, out there fighting the tentacular... (sigh) I hope he's okay...


*: Some days ago, an enormous tentacular appeared in the sea nearby. We haven't been able to catch any fish or gather any pearls since.



*: All the able-bodied men have sailed out to drive the monster from our waters and protect our livelihoods.



*: As Kahuna of this village, I wish I could have sailed with them, but I'm too old and frail. I would only have gotten in their way.


*: There's a crazy woman who lives in our village—she's totally pupule! Every morning she goes up to the top of the cliff and fires a cannon!



*: And it's like—kani kanono! Boom, the day has begun! I don't know why she does it—guess she must have something against sleepyheads.



*: I only got married last month, and now my honey has gone away to fight the tentacular. I'm praying that he makes it back in one piece.



*: Please, I beg of you... Keep my husband safe... (whisper)



*: Please, I beg of you... Keep my husband safe... (whisper)


*: My husband sailed off to fight the tentacular and left me to run the store all by myself. He better come home soon, or there'll be trouble!



*: Would you look at this kid? He says he'll help me with the store, then all he does is sleep! ...Heh heh. He's a waste of space, but I love him!



*: Kai's a really hard working guy. He's the envy of all the other fishermen, but he always seems so sad. It just breaks my heart to see it!



*: My mama's moe ma'i—she's not feeling too good. I'm looking after the inn for her. She told me exactly what to say. Here goes... Ahem...


*: I'm so lucky to have such good kids. Even when their mama's sick, I can rely on them to keep the business going.



*: I don't know what I did to deserve them. I'm so thankful I could cry... (sniff)


*: I can't sleep... I'm too worried my husband's never gonna come back from fighting that tentacular...



*: How am I gonna raise two kids all on my own? I... I just want him home...


*: I'm looking after the bank until my papa gets back. I wanna be a banker when I grow up, so I've been practising what to say. Ahem...


*: It's been fifty long years since I started running this place, and now this... Maybe it's time to hang up my hat... Oh, sorry—didn't see you there, friend.


*: I hate to complain, but it's just we got orders for pearls waiting from princesses and rich ladies and all kinds, but we got no pearls to send them.



*: If we keep 'em waiting too long, they'll lose faith in Lonalulu and take their business someplace else...



*: Kai and me? We don't really get along. Why's he always gotta try and be so serious? That guy needs to loosen up and let his hair down once in a while.


*: The fishermen of Lonalulu are the life and soul of this village—and the lifeblood of this bar! I've known every one of them since they were little keikis.



*: ...You're asking if I know Kai? Sure, I know him. Quiet kid...



*: To tell the truth, I never liked the idea of him sailing with the other men. If you ask me, that boy's trouble...



*: There's nothing I love more than the sound of cannon fire! As far as I'm concerned, every day should start and end with a bang!



*: My late husband, rest his soul, made all the cannons you'll see dotted around the village. And he made 'em just for me! They're louder than anything!



*: I'll fire this one again when the sun sinks beneath the horizon, so keep your ears open! Ho ho ho!



*: There's nothing I love more than the sound of cannon fire! As far as I'm concerned, every day should start and end with a bang!



*: My late husband, rest his soul, made all the cannons you'll see dotted around the village. And he made 'em just for me! They're louder than anything!



*: I'll be firing the one on the clifftop again when the sun peeks up over the horizon, so keep your ears open! Ho ho ho!


*: Once upon a time, a master fisherman lived in Lonalulu. He caught more fish and gathered more pearls than any of the other men in the village.



*: The Mayor of Lonalulu, the Big Kahuna, was very fond of this fisherman, and offered him the hand of his beloved daughter.



*: Pretty good, eh? I've been learning Auntie's story by heart!


*: You know the lady who tells the stories? My ma told me that Uncle Kai is her boy...but he's not a boy—he's a grown-up!


*: While my pa's away, my ma's taking care of his job down by the docks. She doesn't finish until pretty late, so I have to cook for myself.



*: I always follow the recipes just like she shows me, but when I eat on my own, it never tastes so good. I can't figure out why...




She appears to be fast asleep.



She appears to be fast asleep.


*: Ma said I could go play with my friends if I didn't goof off, but now she says I gotta work in the store again!



*: It's all that stupid squid's fault! That suckered sucker sucks!




He appears to be fast asleep.


*: When dark clouds spread across the sea, so too do they fill the hearts of the people. These are not my words, but those of my predecessor's predecessor.



*: You are a seafarer, are you not? Beware the storm clouds—both above and within. Now, how can I help you?


Is Kai okay? You saw him, right? Just tell me, quickly, please! (gasp) ...He's gone to fight a giant squid that's stirring up the seas!?



It must be a tentacular—a truly mighty foe! Don't let that monster hurt my Kai! Please hurry! Quickly—go!


Tentaculars are fearsome beasts—to them, a man's a snack! Don't let that monster hurt my Kai! You've got to bring him back!



But still, it's strange the squid's gone mad—it really makes no sense. Normally, they only ever fight in self-defence...


*: Aloha! How can I help you? ...Huh? You want to know about the mermaid's curse?



*: Listen, friend—let me give you some advice: you're better off not knowing. This village has a lot of history with those...things. If you're wise, you won't mention them again.


*: ...Huh? You're going to help the fishermen fight the tentacular? That's real kind of you!



*: Hey, why don't you go up to the cliff and ask the cannon lady if she'll lend you something to help you out?



*: Tentaculars are real tough, you know—you better borrow a cannon, rest up at the inn and make sure you're ready for anything before you go and fight that thing.


*: ...Huh? You're going to help the fishermen fight the tentacular? That's real kind of you!



*: Hey, you should ask the cannon lady if she'll lend you something to help you out. She lives in the house under the cliff over on the east side—the one with all the guns in the yard.



*: Tentaculars are real tough, you know—you better borrow a cannon, rest up at the inn and make sure you're ready for anything before you go and fight that thing.


*: I don't wanna go out on the boats any more. It's too scary. When I grow up, I'm not gonna be a fisherman... I'm gonna be a pirate!



*: Wait... Pirates still have to ride on boats, huh? Maaan, I'm finished either way!


*: I can't sleep. Every time I close my eyes, I see mermaids. I'm gonna have nightmares, I just know it!



*: If a human and a mermaid had a kid, would it have legs or a tail? Would it be able to run as fast as I can, or...(gulp)...faster...?


*: ...What's that you say? You're going to help my men fight the demon squid? Mahalo, traveller! Thanks very much! You're a brave one, I'll give you that!



*: Hey, I heard from somebody that tentaculars hate loud noises. Why don't you take one of our cannons with you?



*: Go ask the cannon lady—she's usually at the top of the cliff over to the east there. Tell her the Kahuna sent you—she'll help you out.


*: ...What's that you say? You're going to help my men fight the demon squid? Mahalo, traveller! Thanks very much! You're a brave one, I'll give you that!



*: Hey, I heard from somebody that tentaculars hate loud noises. Why don't you take one of our cannons with you?



*: Go ask the cannon lady—she lives under the cliff over to the east there. Tell her the Kahuna sent you—she'll help you out.


*: ...Huh? Did I hear about the time a mermaid rescued a human? Who told you that!?



*: You shouldn't listen to old stories. Most of them are just that—stories.



*: ...Hm? You wanna talk about that little picture show? Sorry friend, but I don't.



*: Whenever a tragedy happens at sea, you can bet there's a mermaid behind it. I've been told that ever since I was a little girl.

*: Ach, but I shouldn't be thinking such things while our brave boys are out there fighting to save the town...



*: I've told you friend, I don't want to talk about mermaids. Just hearing the word sends shivers down my spine.



*: All that stuff about the mermaid is baloney. It's just something grown-ups made up to scare us out of going too far out to sea alone.


*: Mermaids don't scare me, I... I just don't wanna be on my own right now. You couldn't stick around until I fall asleep, could you?


*: Aloha, friend. Is there something I can do for you?


<pc> tells the cannon lady that he and his friends are going to help fight the tentacular.


*: Well now, is that so? Want to borrow one of my beautiful cannons? Tentaculars hate loud noises, you know! When they hear ‘kani kanono’, they go pupule! Yeah, that boom drives them wild!



*: I'll let you have one, but on one condition: you gotta promise to take good care of it. These cannons are my babies. And they're all I have to remind me of my late husband... Well? Deal? <yesno>


*: Shaka! That's what I like to hear! Alright friend, just this one time, I'll let you borrow the biggest, boldest, most ear-splitting piece in my collection!



<pc> receives the kanono cannon!


*: Just so you know, it doesn't actually fire anything—none of my babies do. I couldn't live with myself if they ever hurt anybody. Still, the noise should be more than enough to spook that squid!



*: It's a little big to be carrying around in your bag, so I'll have the villagers wheel it over to that ship of yours.


*: Well, if that's your attitude, you're not laying a finger on any of my babies!



*: Take good care of that cannon, now. Go take my baby and give that stupid squid the shock of his slimy life!


*: Finally decided to see sense, huh? Well? Promise you'll take good care of my baby? <yesno>


*: Good. Then just this one time, I'll let you borrow the biggest, boldest, most ear-splitting piece in my collection!



<pc> receives the kanono cannon!


*: Just so you know, it doesn't actually fire anything—none of my babies do. I couldn't live with myself if they ever hurt anybody. Still, the noise should be more than enough to spook that squid!



*: It's a little big to be carrying around in your bag, so I'll have the villagers wheel it over to that ship of yours.


*: Well, if that's your attitude, you're not laying a finger on any of my babies!



*: Take good care of that cannon, now. Go take my baby and give that stupid squid the shock of his slimy life!


*: Sometimes the men who come here to buy pearls ask us if we know where they can find mermaids too.



*: I heard one of them say something about their meat making you live forever. It's crazy talk, if you ask me...


*: I asked my tutu—that means my grandpa—what mermaids look like, and this is what he said:



*: They have rosy cheeks that shine like pearls, long tails covered in shiny scales, and eyes as deep and blue as the ocean...but!



*: Their mouths are filled with razor-sharp teeth, and they're so big they can gobble up little kids like me in a single bite! Hee hee! They must look so funny!


*: Everybody in Lonalulu knows the story of the mermaid's curse—the one from Auntie's picture show.



*: Mermaids might look pretty, but underneath it all, they're super mean—it's all just an act to trick you into giving them the things you love the most.


The doors are firmly locked.


*: My boy Kainui sailed west with the rest of the men. They've gone to do something about the tentacular that's been attacking our ships.



*: If you're looking for him, that's where he'll be.



*: But be careful out there, traveller—there are scarier things than giant squid in the sea. If you spy a mermaid, steer well clear, or you'll be waving aloha 'oe to your souls!



Now the tentacular's taken care of, all the fishermen have come back to the village. One of them's gotta be the guy we're looking for.



Still, finding Kai can wait. We're the guests of honour here—for now, let's just kick back and enjoy the party!



I've gotten used to being run out of every town I roll through. Feels kinda funny having this whole place singing our praises. Heh heh...



Isn't this a wonderful party, darling? I'm making so many fabulous new friends!



Oh, and you simply must try the giant calamari! It's to die for!



I've asked around about Kai, but nobody around here has seen him. Seems he's not much of a party person.



Michelle's still waiting for us back on that island. We should try to track him down as soon as we can.


It'sh sho much fun shailin' wiv Shylv on the Shalty Shtallion! 'E's my besht mate!


*: Grrr! That Kai really grinds my gears! The whole village is here having fun, and he's nowhere to be seen! What's his problem!?


*: I can't thank you enough, friend! If you hadn't bailed us out, I never would have made it back here to see my favourite girl shaking her stuff!


*: Woohoo! It feels so good to finally let our hair down after all those days of worry! Thank you, friend!


*: Oof! These boys sure are keeping me busy tonight! I'm working wikiwiki just to keep up with them—but I wouldn't have it any other way!



*: And it's all thanks to you, friend! You're the hero of Lonalulu! Now eat, drink and be merry!



*: Your friend's a real cutie-pie—and strong too. He can whisk me off my feet any day of the week!


*: Hey, friend! I think you have what it takes to be one heck of a fisherman! What do you say? When your adventure's over, wanna come ride the boats with us? <yesno>


*: Ha ha ha! You don't mess around, huh? But I know you got more important things to do. Maybe one day, huh?


*: Here he is—the hero who triumphed over the monstrous squid! I must admit, I thought you rather a weak-kneed sort when I first laid eyes on you, but I'm glad I was wrong!



*: Thanks to you, the pearl trade will soon be up and running again, and I'm perfectly placed to profit from it! I can't thank you enough!


*: How are you enjoying the luau, friend? If it wasn't for you, we'd still be out fighting that squid—but instead we're back home having a whale of a time!



*: Oh, by the way—you were looking for Kai, right? That boy doesn't like to party, so you probably won't find him round here.


*: Ohhh, I'm shtronger than the shtormy sheash, and shwifter than the ocean breeze! Catch me if you caaan, I'm a Lonalulu maaan! Hic!


*: You were amazing in the battle against the tentacular. In fact, I've composed a song to commemorate your victory. Would you care to hear it? <yesno>


*: Very well. I call it...‘Aloha 'Oe, Tentacular’!



*: Aloha 'oe, ocean's daughter!

Stormy child of stormy waters!

*: The heroes came, and bashed your brains!

We'll neeever see your like agaiiin!



*: ...A masterpiece, wouldn't you agree? And to think, I wrote it in a single night! Sometimes I surprise even myself.


*: ...Oh. All that effort for nothing. Well, don't let me keep you—you clearly have more important things to be doing. Other masterpieces to ignore.


*: Wheeey! I might have had a few tashty bevereragesh, but I can shtill shpeak with the shpiritsh! (burp) Ahem...


*: That stinking tentacular ripped a hole in the side of my ship, but Kai said he'd fix it up for me.



*: He's a good kid. And a great fisherman. You can count on him for pretty much anything—except maybe cracking a smile! Heh!


*: I'm sure you're keen to get going, but how could we let our heroes leave in such a shabby ship? After all you've done for us, it's the least we can do to give it a spring clean!



*: We'll work through the night if we have to! By the time we're done, it'll be shining like a well-oiled cannon! Why don't you go let your hair down until then, huh?


*: You're a real hero—we could use more men like you in Lonalulu. Say, why don't you quit adventuring and come move in with me?


*: The mermaids used their wiles to make that scary squid attack us. My tutu told me so.



*: Umm... Do you know what a wile is?


*: Tell me, traveller—have you seen my no-good, lolo husband? He said he was going to get his head examined, whatever that means. I should get mine looked at for marrying such a dope!


*: Mahalo, traveller. Thanks so much for dealing with that demon squid. Now we're back to business as usual, the future of my store is safe.



*: As long as I don't drink away all my gold at the bar, that is... Must...stay away...


*: Here we are having the biggest luau in a generation, and Kai still won't join in. Made some excuse about having to go down to the dock to fix his friend's boat...



*: Wooow! Auntie Serena's your friend, huh? You're so lucky!



*: She's so nice and kind and pretty! I wish I could travel around the world with a lady like her!


*: Auntie Jade is sooo cool! I want her to teach me how to beat up monsters!



*: Veronica's nice too, but...she's kinda immature.


*: It's way past my bedtime already, but tonight's a special night, so Ma says I can stay up as late as I want!



*: And Pa's home too! This is the best day ever!


*: Folks don't usually stop kids running around unless they have something super exciting to tell them. ...Well, do you? <yesno>


*: You do, huh? Well, I kinda wanna hear it...but I also kinda wanna go back to running around. Tell me later, okay?


*: ...You don't? Then let me get back to having fun!


*: Oh, hey. You're the guys who beat the tentacular, right? We owe you one for that, for sure.



*: You should get back to the luau—I'll bet the rest of the men will be missing their guests of honour already. ...Unless you got some business with me?



*: ...You're looking for a guy called Kai, huh? Sure, that's me—Kainui to my ma, but everybody else just calls me Kai. What do you want?


Remind Kai that Michelle is waiting for him? <yesno>


Nothing, huh? Then why are you looking for me? Guess you guys had too much fun at the party already...


(sigh) You guys again? Look, if there's something you wanna say, spit it out already.


Remind Kai that Michelle is waiting for him? <yesno>


Look, I appreciate what you've done for us, but can you quit messing with me? I gotta get this boat fixed.


I'm helping to treat the wounded sailors, but something rather strange is going on—they keep coming back to me with new injuries.



I've been asking them all their names, by the way, but I haven't come across a Kai yet. I hope he isn't too badly hurt to come and see me or anything...


*: Serena's so kind and gentle. Why can't my wife be more like her?


*: It mighta been the demon squid's fault, but I still feel bad for leavin' my wife and kids alone for so long.



*: From now on, every time I go out to sea, I'm gonna bring back a whole pile o' pearls to make up for it!


*: Pa's back and Ma's feeling better—that means I don't have to spend all day taking care of the inn any more!



*: Thanks, uncle. You're my hero!


*: As soon as I heard my husband was coming home, I felt a hundred times better. Turns out I wasn't ill—I was just sick with worry.


*: Every once in a while, the lamplight reflecting on the water looks like a million little sparkly fishes leaping out of the sea...


*: Niao!


*: My little ones are so happy to have their pa back. They were so excited to see him, they completely wore themselves out.




*: Ah-phew... Ah-phew...


*: I had to see my kids again. That's what gave me courage to fight the tentacular. I couldn't let them down.



*: Thank you, friend. If it wasn't for you, I might never have seen them again...




*: Ah-phew... Papa... You came back... Zzz...


I stepped out from the party to take a breather, and the quiet of the night and the lapping of the waves put me in something of a reflective mood...

Thought I'd take a wee stroll around town to settle my thoughts when I bumped into Kainui's mother.



She tells me her boy's down at the dock. Maybe you should go and have a word.



I'm going to stay here and chat a while longer. You go on without me.



*: Mahalo, travellers. You defeated the demon squid and saved the village. I can't thank you enough.



*: And to top it all, my boy made it home safe. He's down at the dock fixing a friend's boat, by the way.



*: He takes after me, you know—I don't like parties either. That's why I came up here where it's quiet. But you're the guests of honour—you should go have some fun with the other young people.



*: Are you sure it's my Kainui you're looking for? He's never had any visitors before.



*: He's always been such a serious boy. Even when he was little, he hardly ever played with the other children. I hope you can be a good friend to him.



You found Kai? That's great news! Now we're one step closer to finding out if that pearl that sank to the bottom of the ocean was really one of the Orbs!



We better head back and tell that mermaid—after we've filled up on calamari! Seriously, the food here is incredible! I'm sure Michelle can wait a little while longer.


*: Aloha, friend! Are you shtill having fun? This party'sh aaall for you—forget about your worriesh and enjoy yourshelf!


*: Honestly, if it's not one thing with that boy, it's another! Kai just ran up to the church with a face like thunder! What in the world's gotten into him now?


A fisherman ran up to the church just now—he looked very upset. I do hope it's not another injury...




Oh, was that Kai? How strange. I thought he'd be pleased to hear that Michelle was still thinking about him, but he looked rather gloomy...


If you're looking for Kai, you've just missed him. He was here a moment ago, but he ran straight through that door without even saying hello.



The poor lad looked a bit upset. Has something happened?



*: My son just passed through here. He's always been a quiet boy, but he looked like he was biting his lip more than ever...



*: That door leads to Saikiki Beach. It's home to the village graveyard, where the souls of the departed are returned to the ocean.



*: Kainui always hated that place. Why would he go there now?



The gravestone is old and worn, and the inscription is too faded to read.


Hello again, my friend! I'm so, so happy you've returned! It's been so long since you went off, I got a bit concerned.



I worried that your ship had sunk, or Kai had gone away. That's why I'm singing happy songs—to keep my tears at bay.



...But you don't need to know that! Seriously, shut up, Shell! The only thing that matters now is that you're safe and well.



...So tell me, did you find my Kai? Is he as well as ever? Is he on his way to meet me here, so we can be together?


Lie to Michelle and tell her that Kai is coming to meet her?<yesno 2>


Kai told you he was coming? Wait, but if that's really true...why are you here all on your own? Why isn't he with you?


Keep lying to Michelle?<yesno 2>


<pc> makes up a story to explain away Kai's absence.


<pc> tells Michelle the truth.


...My Kai is dead? That can't be true! I don't believe a word! It's ludicrous! Ridiculous! Preposterous! Absurd!



Hold on a minute—what's that thing you're holding in your hand? A net of pearls and seashells on a pretty coral band...


<pc> gives Michelle the lovers' veil.


You say my Kai made me this veil to wear when we were wed, and clutched it as he passed away... You're saying that he's...dead?



No! Please, no! It can't be so! I know he'd never break that promise that he made to me—there must be some mistake!



How can my Kai have passed away? I nursed him back to health! I simply won't believe it...till I've found out for myself...



I need to meet the Kai you met, and hear it straight from him. Take me to Lonalulu—you can sail, and I can swim.



...What's that? Why don't I come aboard? Oh, thanks—you're very kind. But there's a lot to think about. I'll follow on behind.


Is my darling on his way or not? I have to know! Hurry up and spill the beans—stop torturing me so!


Alright, you. I 'ear you managed to find that Kai bloke. Nice one!



The rest o' the gang are back on board an' ready to get sailin'. Let's 'ead to the Strand an' let that mermaid know wot's 'appened to 'er bloke, shall we?


*: You know, I like Pa a whole lot more since he came home. Thanks for bringing him back!


*: Pa's still playing music at the luau. Doesn't he ever get tired?


*: Hey uncle, listen to this—I've decided that when I grow up, I'm gonna be a traveller just like you!



*: First thing I'll need is super-straight traveller hair. How do you get it like that? Come on, what's the secret?


*: My wife's mad with me for looking at another girl... She won't let me back in the house...



*: Guess I owe you something for stopping that squid, huh? Hey, how about I teach you the secret of a happy marriage?



*: It's simple: whenever your wife gets mad, just bite your lip, look super sad and say ‘I'm sorry’, like, a thousand times.



*: It don't always work, though... (sniff)




She appears to be fast asleep.



*: Ah-pheeew... (snort)


*: I wish they'd let me go ride the boats with the adults. I wanna see a mermaid—or a giant tentacular!


*: Welcome to Lonalulu, the seaside paradise of crystal waters and perfect pearls! We hope you enjoy your stay!



*: ...Phew! I can finally say that and actually mean it. Thank you, friend—you saved us.


*: When we party here in Lonalulu, we party hard—our luaus last for days! We won't be finishing up any time soon!


*: Thank you so much for saving us from that nasty old tentacular, dear!



*: I hear you put up quite a fight! Ahh, you remind me of my late husband, you know. Now there was a real man!



*: When the men finish celebrating and start bringing in pearls again, I'll finally have something to sell. Man, I can't wait.


*: Kai's been even moodier than usual since he came back from the squid hunt. I'm kinda worried about him.



*: Did he get hurt in the fight with the tentacular or something? He better not have, the stupid idiot. (sigh) I hope he's okay...


I'm sorry to make you take the veil for me, but I can't meet that mermaid. It's too much of a risk.



Ma says I'm just like my grandpa. If I meet this Michelle, maybe the same thing that happened to him might...



Forget I said anything. I just want that creature out of my family's life forever. Give her the veil, and let that be an end to it.



Forget I said anything. I just want that creature out of my family's life forever. Give her the veil, and let that be an end to it.


I never knew my grandpa. Ma tells me that every night he used to leave his hut and stare out over the ocean and draw pictures.



She says it used to really creep her out. It was like he was a ghost or something, searching for his stolen soul...



Ma says I'm just like my grandpa. If I meet this Michelle, maybe the same thing that happened to him might...



Forget I said anything. I just want that creature out of my family's life forever. Give her the veil, and let that be an end to it.



Forget I said anything. I just want that creature out of my family's life forever. Give her the veil, and let that be an end to it.


*: For my next show, I'm going to tell the story of the great heroes who saved the village from the evil tentacular. I'm sure the children will love it!



*: Ah-phew... Ah-phew...


*: Pearl farming's a delicate art, you know. The way that tentacular messed up the fishing grounds, we won't be back in business overnight.



*: But with a little patience and a lot of hard work, we'll get things up and running again. We'll make our ancestors proud, you'll see!



*: They say that tentacular came all the way from Gondolia.



*: I heard it was being controlled by some no-good kid called the Darkspawn. You better take care out there, friend—who knows what else that boy's been up to!



*: When I grow up, I'm gonna be a fisherman just like Pa, and catch myself a whole mountain of pearls!




*: You're even more curvaceous than ever, hon. Man, you'll always be the prettiest!



*: Look at the way the waves sparkle... It's so romantic... Just like the night we met...


*: Aloha, frie— Oh! You're the one who beat the tentacular! A hero like you deserves a special discount!


*: E komo mai, friend. Thanks for stopping by my store. If you wanna buy something, go round to the front of the counter.



*: Grr! I've had it with my no-good husband! I oughta sell all his stock half-price—that'll teach that hupo a lesson! ...Uhh, only kidding. Sorry, no discounts.


*: My no-good, lolo husband's been mooning after another girl! I hope the next girl that catches his eye is a mermaid—then I'll never have to see him again!



*: Ma and Pa are going all moon-eyed over each other out on the dock. And guess who's left to look after the inn again? (sigh) Well, here goes...


*: Welcome to the most venerable general store in Lonalulu! I've been running this place for fifty years straight, and I'm not gonna stop any time soon!


*: Thanks for taking care of that demon squid for us, friend. If it wasn't for you, I woulda had to close this place down.


*: Welcome to the most venerable general store in Lonalulu! I've been running this place for fifty years straight, and I'm not gonna stop any time soon!


*: Nice night, huh? Real peaceful. If you and your friends hadn't taken down that demon squid, I woulda had to shut up shop.


*: Oof! These boys are keeping me busier than ever before! Even if I had ten arms like a tentacular, it wouldn't be enough!


*: Oof! Ever since the luau began, I've been rushed off my feet—and these boys are showing no signs of slowing down!


*: Have you heard the story about the mermaid's curse? Ain't nothing scarier for fisherfolk like us, you know...



*: But still, you gotta hand it to the guy who fell in love with one. If anything proves you're a fisherman through and through, it's kissing a fish!


*: Friend! The moment I set eyes on you, beautiful music filled my mind! Do you want to hear my latest creation? <yesno>


*: Alright! Get a load of this—I call it...‘Blue Lonalulu’!



*: Night and yooou, in Lonaluluuu!

Your hair is heavenlyyy, it's just like heaven to meee!

*: Dreams come truuue, in Lonaluluuu!

And mine could all come truuue, if I had hair like yooou!



*: ...What do you think? Speechless, huh? I don't blame you. It's my greatest work yet.


*: Oh. Guess I wasted my time, then. But if you don't wanna hear it, I won't force you. I'll just have to find myself a new muse...


*: I've got a new jam that'll blow your socks off! It's my best work yet! You wanna hear it? <yesno>


*: Okay, get ready to have your mind blown—I call this one...‘Empty Shells’!



*: Empty sheeells, from the oceaaan!

Shining in the suuun!

Covering the shooore!

*: When I see theeem, it reminds me I love peeearls!

More than aaall, their little empty sheeells!



*: ...Whaddya think? Not bad for a night's work, huh? I think I've got a hit on my hands!


*: Oh. Guess I wasted my time, then. If a hero like you don't wanna hear it, maybe it ain't as good as I thought. I better keep practising...



*: Who needsh pearlsh and gold coinsh? I'm gonna find myshelf a wife and live in thish sheashide paradishe for the resht of my daysh! ...Hic!


*: Ohhh, I dooo like to be beshide the sheashiiide!

Oh I dooo like to be beshide the sheeea!


*: The memory of your heroic victory over the tentacular will live forever in the hearts of every man, woman and child in Lonalulu.



*: I pray that the peace you have brought back to us may never again be broken. Now...


The door is securely locked.


Sorry for earwiggin', but I 'eard what Michelle told ya. So, are we 'eadin' back to Lonalulu or wot? <yesno>


Lovely jubbly! Leave it to old Dave!


<pc> and his friends sail back to Lonalulu. They drop anchor in the waters off Saikiki Beach to keep Michelle from the eyes of the fearful fishermen.


I need to speak to this Kainui if you wouldn't mind. Will you take me to his village? You can sail, I'll swim behind.



Don't worry about losing me—I'll keep up with your ship. No matter how quickly you go, you won't give me the slip.


I'm as keen to get back on the ocean wave as you are mate, but we can't leave poor Michelle waitin' all on 'er tod, can we? 'Urry up an' find that Kai bloke, will ya?


Takin' Kai to Saikiki Beach, are ya? You'll be better off goin' through the church than takin' the ship, innit. Good luck an' that.



*: Waaah! Don't sneak up on me like that! Kai's been acting kinda funny lately, so I've been keeping an eye on his house to make sure he's okay.



*: ...Huh? Why don't I just go up there and see him? No can! What kind of a girl do you think I am!?




*: A-Aloha, Kai. Are these guys friends of yours? Heh...I thought your boat was your only friend...



*: I've started running out along the beach every night. If I'm gonna be a great adventurer like you, I gotta build up my stamina!



*: ...Sorry, what? You wanna know where Kai is? Beats me, friend. I've been too busy staring into my honeybunch's baby blues to notice anything much. (sigh)



*: Oh, hey Kai. Good to see you hanging out with somebody other than your ma for once. Sorry, but I'm kinda busy right now—my honeybunch's eyes aren't going to stare into themselves...



*: ...You're looking for Kai? Sorry, but I can't think of any other man beside my sugarlump here. You'll have to ask somebody else.



*: ...Is that Kai with you? Sorry, but I can't tear my eyes away from my sugarlump right now to check.


So, did you give that mermaid the veil? <yesno>


...Mahalo. Thanks, friend. Sorry for making you take care of that for me.



I should do something for you in return. Fix up your ship? Go get you some pearls, maybe? Just say the word.



...Huh? You want me to go to Saikiki Beach with you? Why would you wanna go to a lonesome place like that?



Well, if you're sure that's all you want, I guess a promise is a promise. Lead the way.


...Oh. Look, I'm sorry for asking you to do this for me, but if you could give it to her, I'd appreciate it.



*: Ah-phew... Ah-phew...


Ma's had a long day. Please, don't wake her up.


*: ...What's that? You're looking for Kai? Well, he ain't out fishing and he ain't down at the dock. Have you tried his house?



*: Now here's a sight for sore eyes—Kai out and about with a new friend! You two have fun now!



*: ...Huh? You're looking for Kai? Sorry, but I got more important things to worry about right now!




*: Like keeping this thieving popoki away from my precious lobsters!



*: Stay back, popoki! You ain't getting your thieving paws on my precious lobsters!


*: My pa likes singing, but the songs he makes up are kinda lolo.



*: I don't mind the ones he sings about all the old legends from around the world, though. At least those ones teach you something.


*: As I sail across the seven seas, I hear fantastic tales of faraway lands. This song is about just such a place—I call it...‘Somewhere Over The Rainclouds’!



*: Somewheeere over the rainclouds, waaay uuup nooorth!

There's aaan ice-covered country, come let us journey fooorth!



*: The queen of this cold kingdom sighs, a cloud of cold breath fills the skies arooound heeer!

*: Amid the endless snows she weeps, the teardrops freeze upon her cheeks, that's wheeere yooou'll fiiind heeer!



*: Hmm... Not one of my best, huh? I feel like it's missing something—maybe if I segued into a whole other song?



*: Aloha, Kai! You're never gonna believe this, but I've written a song about you! I call it...‘Dreamboat’!



*: ...What, you don't wanna hear it? Come on!


*: You wanna hear that song again? Well, if you're sure... Here goes!



*: Somewheeere over the rainclouds, waaay uuup nooorth!

There's aaan ice-covered country, come let us journey fooorth!



*: The queen of this cold kingdom sighs, a cloud of cold breath fills the skies arooound heeer!

*: Amid the endless snows she weeps, the teardrops freeze upon her cheeks, that's wheeere yooou'll fiiind heeer!



*: Aloha, Kai! You're never gonna believe this, but I've written a song about you! I call it...‘Dreamboat’!



*: ...What, you don't wanna hear it? Come on!


*: I was just getting ready to close up for the day. You made it just in time, friend.



*: Aloha, Kai. It's not like you to be out and about after dark.



*: Ah-phew... Ah-phew...


*: Ever since my husband came back, I've been feeling totally better. Just goes to show, you really can get sick with worry. But anyways...


*: My sister says there's a school someplace where they teach girls to become classy ladies.



*: I don't think they'd let her in, though. Whenever we fight, she always pulls my hair. There's nothing classy about that!


*: My wife got mad at me for looking at other girls. She's thrown me out of the house...



*: ...Hm? Kai? You won't find him here. That boy doesn't drink, he doesn't dance—he doesn't support my bar at all!



*: This time of night, he's probably at home with his ma. Theirs is the last house on the right on your way outta town.



*: Long time no see, Kai. If you're wise, you'll stay away from the water's edge after dark.



*: You never know when a slimy hand might rise up from underwater and drag you under!



*: ...Whuzzah? You're shearching for a fisherman called Kai? Shorry, but I'm a shtranger here myshelf.



*: Ohhh, sho you've found that fisherman you were looking for, eh? Hmm! He'sh quite the catch!



*: Ooh...the way you move, baby... It'sh got me in a shpin...


He's talking in his sleep. It sounds like he's having a pleasant dream.


*: The pearls produced here in Lonalulu have a special name. Do you know what we call them? <yesno>


*: Ha! I shoulda known! You're a smart one huh, friend?


*: No? ‘Mermaid's tears’, that's what.



*: They say that they're made when a mermaid cries in the moonlight. I didn't even think the heartless things could cry...



*: Zzz... Just light the fuse, and... (SNORT)


She's talking in her sleep. It seems like she's having an exciting dream.



*: Niao...


*: The beach behind the church may seem like a sad and lonesome place, but it's very special to us.



*: From there, the spirits of the deceased enter the ocean and swim all the way back to the World Tree to be reborn.



*: That's why we put the graves so close to the sea—so that our dear, departed friends don't lose their way.


*: Aloha, traveller. You're looking for Kai again, huh? When did that kid get so popular?



*: Well, he won't be out at sea at this time of night. Have you tried his house? It's the last one on the right when you head outta the village.



*: Aloha, Kai. Hey, wanna hang? Moon's out, and everything's real pretty. We could shoot the breeze, you know, like old times...



*: ...Huh? You're too busy for all that stuff? Pah! You think you're too good for it, you mean! Fine! Be like that!


*: Aloha, friend. Out for a walk, huh? Well, it's getting late—be careful you don't trip over in the darkness.



*: (chomp munch guzzle) Mmm! Nothing beats my wife's cooking! She's a genius!


If the locals see a mermaid, it'll fill their hearts with fear. I'll hide on this abandoned beach and wait for Kai right here.



I'm sorry to keep asking, but this is my final plea: would you please find that man you met and bring him back to me?


If only I could walk on land without harming my health, I'd run up to the village and seek out that boy myself.



I'm sorry to keep asking you to do these things for me, but please find Kai and bring him here. This is my final plea.


Wait a minute, <pc>. Kai seemed pretty upset back there. I know he's not the friendliest person, but I think he probably needs some company right now.



Let's check on him before we head back to the village.



<pc> acquires Lorelei's harp!


There's a note at the bottom of the chest. <pc> takes it out and begins to read...



‘Dear friend, if you are reading this, it means I've gone away. If what you said to me is true, I don't think I can stay.



‘Thanks for all you've done for me, and please don't feel too sad—after my Kai, you're the kindest friend I ever had.



‘I promised that I'd take you to the mermaids' seabed town, and though I can't come with you now, this harp will take you down.



‘You'll find a shining whirlpool far inside the inland sea. Sail over it and strum that harp to meet Her Majesty.



‘Please tell the Queen I'm happy now, and there's no need to cry. I'm finally reunited with my dear, darling Kai.



‘Perhaps one day we'll meet again, but for now, farewell. You'll be my friend until the end.

Yours sincerely, Shell.’


*: So, you've been to Saikiki Beach, huh? And by the look in your eye, I'm thinking you learned the truth behind the tale of the mermaid's curse.



*: If you did friend, can I ask that you don't tell the rest of the villagers what really happened?



*: There's nobody left who was around when it was all going on, so it's not like anyone needs to know. And I'd rather people kept on being scared of mermaids—nothing ever ends well where they're concerned.



*: Please friend, forget about it. I don't want any more of my fellow villagers to have to suffer like Kainoa did.



*: Now that the tentacular's out of the way, my stall is back in business! If anything catches your eye, just let me know!


*: Now that the tentacular's out of the way, my stall is back in business! If anything catches your eye, just let me know!


*: One of the guests at the inn told me a secret—he said that there's a magic painting in a village far to the west of here that can bring you good luck!



*: Well, to tell the truth, he said it was ‘far to the wesht of here’... But then, he also said I was his ‘besht mate’... Maybe he just imagined the whole thing...


*: One of my merchant friends has recently gone missing. I must admit, it's got me quite concerned.



*: Last I heard, he was on his way west to visit Phnom Nonh and see the famous fresco that can make a man a millionaire. Nobody has seen him since...



*: One of my merchant friends has recently gone misshing. I musht admit, it'sh got me quite concerned... Hic!



*: Lasht I heard, he was on his way wesht to visit Phnom Nonh and shee the famoush freshco that can make a man a millionaire. Nobody has sheen him shince... Hic!


*: So friend, where to next? ...Huh? You're going to the bottom of the sea to see the mermaid queen? Ha ha ha! You're a funny guy!


*: 'Owau.


*: Kai showed you inside his tutu's cabin, eh? It's been a while since anybody outside the family's been in there. So, how did you like my old home?



*: I always thought that place was so lonely and quiet, but my pa—he saw something I couldn't. His pictures prove that...


*: I don't know what's happened between you and my Kai, but he seems to trust you.



*: Ever since he was a little boy, he's always had a hard time opening up to other people. You're the first real friend he's made. Be nice to him, won't you?


*: I never would have believed it, but Kai's started skipping work—word is he's got himself a girlfriend! People sure can change when they fall in love...



*: Aloha, traveller. You're friends with Kai, right? He's usually the first one out in the morning, but not today. I've never known him to miss work before...


*: Kai's usually such a hard-working guy, but he didn't show his face at the harbour all day. I wonder what's gotten into him...


*: ...What's that? Have I heard the one about the mermaid's curse? Have I ever! My ma told it to me when I was just a little girl, and I've been scared of the sea ever since!



*: Which is a good thing—the ocean's a dangerous place. Who knows how many lives have been saved by the fear that story inspired in our people.



*: I thought this cat was trying to get his sneaky paws on my catch, but he was chasing off a rat who was doing just that!



*: Now I know the truth, me and him are best buds!



*: There's a rumour going around that Kai's started skipping work.



*: He's been going over to Saikiki Beach and staring out over the ocean for hours... I'm kinda worried about him...


*: How do you like our beds, friend? ...Huh? The sheets are too thin and the wind blows right through them? All the better to keep you cool! So...


*: Everybody's talking about Kai missing work. It's never happened before. What in the world's gotten into the boy?


*: My girl's like a she-slime—she looks like a pushover, but she's actually pretty tough. And if you make her angry, you're in for a world of pain!



*: But when she flashes me that sweet little smile of hers, my heart just melts. (sigh)


*: ...What's that? Mermaids' tears are the same as human ones? Ha ha ha! You're a funny one, friend! Everybody knows mermaids cry pearls!


*: Uncle Kai's gone to Saikiki Beach! He's so brave going there all on his own—if the mermaids don't get him, the ghosts sure will!


*: Aloha, uncle! What are you doing back in Lonalulu? Well, whatever it is, you're welcome any time!


*: Oh, my poor child—you seem a little down today. Is something wrong? <yesno>


*: I see... Well, I shall pray that the source of your anguish ceases to torment you. Now...


*: Oh, I'm sorry. That was awfully presumptuous of me. Ahem...


I'm sorry for making you do all that stuff for me and my family, but...thanks. Because of you, my eyes are finally open.



In my heart of hearts, I think I hated my grandpa more than I hated the mermaid who cursed him. I was...ashamed.



But now I know the truth. He wasn't cursed—he was in love.



It's a painting of a beautiful mermaid wearing the lovers' veil.


<pc> strums briefly on Lorelei's harp.



An enormous bubble surrounds the Salty Stallion and drags it down into the whirlpool!


Queen Marina's such a dear, there's really no one kinder. But finding her's not easy—do you need a quick reminder? <yesno>


Just sail into the inland sea and park above the glow, then strum the harp I gave you and you'll soon be pulled below!



I'll stay right here, although I know my darling's running late. A mermaid lives five hundred years—I have the time to wait.



If Queen Marina asks for me, please tell her that I'm well—and next time that she sees me, she should call me Mrs Shell!


You know the way? Okay, I hope you find the dear old place. I'll wait right here till Kai decides to show his handsome face.



Don't worry about me, I won't be lonely on my own. As long as Kai is in my heart, I'll never be alone.


Queen Marina's such a dear, there's really no one kinder. But finding her's not easy—do you need a quick reminder? <yesno>


Just sail into the inland sea and park above the glow, then strum the harp I gave you and you'll soon be pulled below!



I'll stay right here, although I know my darling's running late. A mermaid lives five hundred years—I have the time to wait.



If Queen Marina asks for me, please tell her that I'm well—and the next time that she sees me, she should call me Mrs Shell!


You know the way? Okay, I hope you find the dear old place. I'll wait right here till Kai decides to show his handsome face.


*: People tell many tales, but only one version of a story can be true. You should not believe everything you hear.


*: So, you've been to Saikiki Beach, huh? And by the look in your eye, I'm thinking you learned the truth behind the tale of the mermaid's curse.



*: If you did friend, can I ask that you don't tell the rest of the villagers what really happened?



*: There's nobody left who was around when it was all going on, so it's not like anyone needs to know. And I'd rather people kept on being scared of mermaids—nothing ever ends well where they're concerned.



*: Please friend, forget about it. I don't want any more of my fellow villagers to have to suffer like Kainoa did.


*: My boy's been acting very strangely of late. He used to stay well away from Saikiki Beach, but now he never leaves the place.



*: His grandpa spent most of his life in the cabin overlooking that beach. Kai's always hated visiting...until now...


*: You see a lot of weird things out on the ocean. Why, just the other day, I saw a huge pillar of light rising from the middle of the inland sea.



*: ...Huh? You're telling me that's a magic whirlpool that leads to the home of the mermaids? Wah hah hah hah! Oh, friend! I never knew you had such a wild imagination!



*: Something changed the night of the luau... I used to think Kai was a sullen stick-in-the-mud, but now he seems so mysterious. I can't stop thinking about him... Ugh, I hate it!


*: There's a rumour going around the village that the Darkspawn has been sighted just off the coast—walking on the top of the waves, no less.



*: They say he's the one who made the tentacular go all pupule and attack our ships. If you know what's good for you friend, you'll stay well away.


*: If you ask me, this Darkspawn's no stranger to our village. I think he's been living here all along. In fact, I think I know who he is...


You know, it's funny. The moment I gave you that veil, it was like a weight was lifted from my heart.



This village may not be perfect, but it's my home. I'm not like my grandpa. I want to make a life here. Raise a family...



Thank you, friend. You've really opened my eyes. May the wind always fill your sails, and guide you wherever you need to go.



When I stare out over the sea, the only thing I see is that mermaid's face staring back at me.



I wish I could go back to that night. If I could, I never would have let go of her hand...



Now I know how my grandpa felt... He was...in love...



1.17 Nautica


The Rainbough starts to glow. One of the Orbs must be nearby!


*: ...Hm? What am I doing? Why, I'm fishing for fish fit for a dish to put before the Queen! I'm the official maker of Her Majesty's meals, don't you know!



*: What are you looking at me like that for? You humans fish for fish too, don't you? Why can't we?


*: Queen Marina's orders are the cause of some disquiet. When she told us we must welcome you, it nearly caused a riot.



*: Know this, human beings: if you mean to harm our realm, I'll take this fork and split you from your heel to your helm!



*: I'm sorry! Please don't hurt me! Please don't eat me! Please don't bish and bash and beat me!


*: In all my two-score and twenty-ten years, I've never talked to a human till today. You must be the guests Queen Marina mentioned.



*: It's Her Majesty's magic that lets you breathe below the water—a special service for our guests of honour! Without it, you'd be goners!



*: She awaits you in her pearly palace at the pinnacle of the prominence. I speak, of course, of the tower at the top of the hill.



*: The music of the mermaids has the power to ease your pain. Are you in some discomfort? Shall I sing a soothing strain? <yesno>


*: Well, if you're sure you're feeling fine...but please don't push yourself. Come back at any time and I will sing you back to health.



The mermaid sings a mystical melody that drifts pleasantly through the water around you.



The party's HP and MP are completely restored!



*: Welcome, all, to Nautica, the realm beneath the foam. You're Queen Marina's honoured guests—so make yourselves at home!



*: No gills! No fins! A pair of limbs just where his tail should be! My goodness! It's a human being, underneath the sea!



*: I've hoped to meet a human ever since I was in school! And now there's one in front of me—wow, this is really cool!


*: When it comes to humans, many mermen are wary—they think they're scary. But compared to my little brother, you lot are like lovely little lambs.



*: Oh dear, I fear I've said too much. Please forget the words you just heard.



*: It's a family matter. Nothing to do with you.



*: Pardon me for publicly proclaiming my problems. It's a family matter. Nothing to do with you.




*: H-H-Humans! What are you doing down here!?



*: If you eat us, we won't give you eternal life! All you'll get is eternal strife!



*: ...You're looking for an enormous, orb-like pearl? I don't know what you mean—but my wits aren't that keen. If you want someone keener, go and see Queen Marina!


*: Welcome to the seabed realm, o humans from on high. It has been many centuries since last your kind dropped by.



*: If you should miss the air above, just tell me and I'll send you. I have the power to summon bubbles, one of which I'll lend you.



*: Well, travellers? What say you? Shall I put my plans in motion, and send you and your ship back to the surface of the ocean? <yesno>


*: If ever you should wish to visit Nautica again, just sail over our entranceway and strum that sweet refrain.


*: You're staying, then? In that case, Nautica is through that cave. I hope you have a fine time in the land beneath the waves!



*: It doesn't matter what you are: fish, squid, mermaid or man—all I care is that you buy as much stuff as you can!


*: You've come a long way, human, just to nose around my store. But that's okay—please, nose away! Then nose away some more!




There's no reply. It doesn't seem to understand what <pc> is saying.


*: I'm keeping this house tidy while the owner is away. She said she'd be back shortly, but it seems there's some delay.



*: Now, this is super secret, but I think you can be trusted—after all, you're human—our kind might well be disgusted.



*: You might have noticed there's an extra pillow on the bed—Michelle has met a human, and they're going to be wed!



*: I'm somewhat scared of humans, but I'm sure this one is nice. Michelle's a connoisseur—only the finest will suffice!



*: Welcome to the palace of the Queen Beneath the Sea. Her Majesty awaits you in the throne room presently.



*: Alas, the hall is high above, and we do not use stairs. But if you will permit me, I will carry you up there.



*: Just take my hand, I'll take you up—as simple as can be. So tell me: are you all prepared to meet Her Majesty? <yesno>


*: Very well then, hold on tight—we don't want you to fall! A moment's swim and we'll be in the Queen's audience hall!


*: Very well then. When you're ready, come and talk to me. I'll take you up top in a flash—I swim wonderfully!


*: Her Majesty awaits in the throne room, keen for an audience with you. Shall I go ahead and take you up, so you can tell her what is new? <yesno>


*: Very well then, hold on tight—we don't want you to fall! A moment's swim and we'll be in the Queen's audience hall!


*: Very well then. When you're ready, come and talk to me. I'll take you up top in a flash—I swim wonderfully!


*: I am a priestess of the Sunken Spirit With No Name. Though our gods differ, let us pray together all the same...



*: Have you met the Queen and found out all you need to know? Do you require my services in going back below? <yesno>


*: Very well, then—take my hand, just like you did before. I'll make sure you get down safely to the lower floor.


*: Very well, just say the word when you would like to go back to where our trip began—the entrance hall below.



*: I don't have much to give, but if you let me live, I'll tell you a super special secret!



*: Okay, here goes... You know that swirling, shining whirlpool you went through to get here? Well, it's not the only one! There are more! I'm sure!



*: Each one takes you to a different place—one even leads to a large lake in the wild, wild west!


*: I'm just like you, traveller—I like travelling too! When I go walking, my favourite place to pace is the snowy sea around Sniflheim.



*: There's a weird whirlpool there that exudes icy water and a bright, blue light. On a sweltering summer's day, it's the perfect spot for a swim!



*: P-P-Please, stop staring at me. You're scaring me.



*: If you eat me, I won't give you eternal life. All you'll get is eternal strife!


The Rainbough starts to glow brighter than ever before!

Queen Marina

It was not chance that brought you here, it was the World Tree's will. No doubt She has some further fate in store for us two still...


Queen Marina

So set sail on the tide of time, that flows ceaselessly on, and if Yggdrasil wills it, we shall meet again anon.


Queen Marina

Remember, though the paths we walk are filled with twists and turns, all roads lead from the Tree of Life, and to the Tree return.

Queen Marina

Greetings, Luminary. Pray, what brings you back to me? Do you require the counsel of the Queen Beneath the Sea? <yesno>

Queen Marina

Hm hm hm. I thought so. If you're happy to be led, allow me to advise you on the path that lies ahead...


Queen Marina

In the western reaches, through a shining whirlpool's swirls, there lies a fine academy for graceful little girls.


Queen Marina

The master's an eccentric sort, you might think him quite mad, but if you were to visit him, I'm sure he'd make you glad.


Queen Marina

This is all the vision granted unto me did show. Go forth, my child, and find this place. The World Tree wills it so.

Queen Marina

Hm hm hm. I thought so. If you're happy to be led, allow me to advise you on the path that lies ahead...


Queen Marina

Far, far to the west of here, where light floats on the seas, a village stands in ancient lands, and ruins in the trees.


Queen Marina

If ever you discover that your path ahead is blocked, these ruins may provide the key to opening that lock...


Queen Marina

This is all the vision granted unto me did show. Go forth, my child, and find this place. The World Tree wills it so.

Queen Marina

Hm hm hm. I thought so. If you're happy to be led, allow me to advise you on the path that lies ahead...


Queen Marina

To the north-east of this city there's a field of golden wheat where a long-established inn sits like a pillow on a sheet.


Queen Marina

The people there will tell you of a kingdom long since done where what was thought lost to the world may once again be won.


Queen Marina

This is all the vision granted unto me did show. Go forth, my child, and find this place. The World Tree wills it so.

Queen Marina

Hm hm hm. I thought so. If you're happy to be led, allow me to advise you on the path that lies ahead...


Queen Marina

There's a frozen northern kingdom, where a wicked woman wreaks a reign of icy terror—you shall find there what you seek.


Queen Marina

This is all the vision granted unto me did show. Go forth, my child, and find this place. The World Tree wills it so.

Queen Marina

Hm hm hm. I thought so. If you're happy to be led, allow me to advise you on the path that lies ahead...


Queen Marina

Your journey's almost over—only Yggdrasil awaits. Go to the First Forest, child, and meet your final fate!


Queen Marina

Remember, though the paths we walk are filled with twists and turns, all roads lead from the Tree of Life, and to the Tree return.

Queen Marina

Then all is well. But if you're ever unsure where to go, pray come back here and speak with me—I'll tell you all I know.


Queen Marina

I have a certain second sight which grants me clouded visions of things that yet await you, which may help you make decisions.


Queen Marina

Remember, though the paths we walk are filled with twists and turns, all roads lead from the Tree of Life, and to the Tree return.


*: When Queen Marina was a little mer-girl, she used to swim to the surface, pull gulls' legs and come back peppered with pecks...



*: It's good for a girl to want to see the world, but as Her Majesty's personal protector, I'm so glad she learned to forsake it—my poor heart couldn't take it!



*: Humans live on land, mermaids swim the sea, and that's the way it'll always be. Still, in Queen Marina's eyes, we're all equal.



*: Her Majesty's a magnanimous monarch. Firm, but fair. We could all learn a thing or two from her.



1.18 Viking Hideout


*: Welcome, traveller! You are either brave or stupid to sail into our hideout so brazenly! We are the Vikings, dreaded scourge of the northern seas!



*: What business do you have with us? If it is Sniflheim you seek, you're in the wrong place—raise your anchor and sail around the cape to the east!


*: Whatever needs doing around here, I'm the one who's gotta do it. I fix up their ship, shift their cargo...they even make me pour their drinks...



*: It's all because I'm the new guy. Ever since I joined, these Vikings have been working me to the bone...


*: Me an' the boysh were drinkin' to celebrate the haul we got on the lasht raid... I guessh I hit the firewater a bit too hard...



*: (yawn) I'm gonna go and shleep it off... Shweet dreamsh, shtranger...


*: You're a long way from home, world-walker. I'm the Chief of the Vikings, and this is my hideout. What do you think you're doing here?



*: ...Well, if you ain't here to cause trouble, you can stick around. So long as I've got the wind in my sails, gold in my hold and a flagon full of mead, I'm happy!



*: The world might be going to rack and ruin all around us, but that don't mean nothing to me! Graaah hah hah!


*: I'm the Chief's personal bodyguard. At first, I just did it for the gold, but now I'm a fully fledged member of the gang.



*: I would ask how you fit in here, but it's pretty plain that you don't. If there's somewhere you've gotta be, I'd recommend you get going.


*: Sæll, world-walker! Well met! You got a lot of guts, sailing all the way across the stormy northern seas!



*: Our younglings could do with taking a leaf out of your book. The Viking life ain't easy, but some of them find it so hard they turn tail and run!


*: All the treasure in this room belongs to us Vikings...well, it does now, anyway!



*: Sure, it might not all be mine, but seeing all this gold and silver still gives me the giggles. Just look how shiny it is! Geh heh heh!


The door won't budge...


1.19 Sniflheim


The Rainbough starts to glow. One of the Orbs must be nearby!


The castle is encased in ice. There's no way of getting inside.


The gates are encased in ice. There's no way to open them.


The bonfire is blazing brightly. <pc> feels his toes begin to thaw.


The doors are firmly locked.


So, we cannae get in the back way, either... Ye know, I think I've seen that symbol before—I reckon we'll need a special sort of key to get these doors open.



Well, there's no point hanging around here. Let's come back when we've found it, eh?


The doors are firmly locked.


So, we cannae get in the back way, either... Ye know, I think I've seen that symbol before—I reckon we'll need a special sort of key to get these doors open.



Well, there's no point hanging around here. Let's see where else Lorelei's harp can take us, eh?


The gates are encased in ice. There's no way to open them.


The man and the woman are encased in ice. It looks like they were deep in conversation when they were frozen.


The man and the woman are encased in ice. It looks like they were deep in conversation when they were frozen.


The mage is frozen solid with a shocked expression on his face.


The old woman is encased in ice. It looks like she was recoiling from something in fear when she was frozen.


The man is frozen solid.


The man is encased in ice. It looks like he was running from something when he was frozen.


The bunny girl is frozen solid.


The minstrel is frozen solid with his mouth wide open. He looks as if he's still singing.


The boy is encased in ice. It looks like he was having a snowball fight when he was frozen.


The girl is encased in ice. It looks like she was having a snowball fight when she was frozen.


The warrior is encased in ice. It looks like she was heading into the armourer's shop when she was frozen.


The woman is encased in ice. It looks like she was feeding the animals when she was frozen.


The man is encased in ice. It looks like he was shovelling snow when he was frozen.


*: So, you've sailed all the way across the ocean to visit Sniflheim, have you? I'm sorry, but your journey has been wasted, I'm afraid.



*: ...What do I mean? Heh. Go and see for yourself.


*: Ya fink I'm an armourer? Nah, mate—I'm a postman. I've got a letter to deliver to Sniflheim, but the gates are frozen solid and I can't get in. My life, eh?



*: I've 'eard there's a back door into the city, but there ain't nuffink round this way. Maybe it's over to the west...


*: I c-c-came to this k-k-kingdom to learn the local f-f-folk dances, but it's so c-c-cold, I can't m-m-move a m-m-muscle!


The soldier is frozen solid, looking up in shock.


The soldier is encased in ice. It looks like he was asleep at his post when he was frozen.


The cow is frozen solid.


The sheep is frozen solid.


The horse is frozen solid.


*: The gates are frozen shut, and the castle is completely silent. What in the world has happened to Sniflheim?



The man is encased in ice. He looks like he was walking his horse when he was frozen.


The horse is encased in ice. It looks like it was following after its owner when it was frozen.


The cow is frozen solid.


The woman is encased in ice. It looks like she was talking to the owner of the stall when she was frozen.


The stall owner is encased in ice. It looks like he was talking to a customer when he was frozen.


The merchant is encased in ice. It looks like he was just about to open his stall when he was frozen.


The old man is encased in ice. It looks like he was trying to attract customers to his stall when he was frozen.


The man is encased in ice. It looks like he was rearranging his stock when he was frozen.


The woman is frozen solid with a shocked expression on her face.


The boy is frozen solid with a shocked expression on his face.


The man is encased in ice. It looks like he was strolling around town when he was frozen.


The woman is encased in ice. It looks like she was trying to attract customers to her stall when she was frozen.


The woman is encased in ice. It looks like she was strolling around town when she was frozen.


The man is encased in ice. It looks like he was ogling the bunny girl when he was frozen.


The soldier is encased in ice. It looks like he was readying himself for a fight when he was frozen.


The dog is frozen solid.


The cat is frozen solid.


The bed looks warm and comfortable. Settle down for the night? <yesno>



*: No... There is nothing here, either... What spell could possibly be strong enough to—




*: ...Oh! Forgive me, adventurer. I was so absorbed in my investigations, I didn't notice you there.



*: You are strangers to this land, yes? No doubt you are feeling the cold. If you want to rest and recover your energy, please feel free to use the bed.


*: You are strangers to this land, yes? No doubt you are feeling the cold. If you want to rest and recover your energy, please feel free to use the bed.


The shelves are stacked high with old, dusty tomes. The titles are written in an ancient language that <pc> doesn't understand.


The other switches blink into life. It looks like <pc> can use them now.


A path leading back to the entrance hall has opened!


*: Goowee! You're the first gooman to have visited this place in a long slime. Welcome to the Royal Library, home of the gooreatest collection of books in all Erdrea!



*: Since you've come all this way, I'll tell you something really oozeful.



*: This building's like a puzzle box—when you press the goolowing switches, the walls and staircases spin around, and you can goo to different places.



*: But first you've got to press this big, gooreen button next to me—that will activate the switches so you can actually ooze them.



*: Once you've pressed this button, keep your eyes peeled for the other goolowing gooreen switches—there's one on this level that will open a way upstairs!


*: This building's like a puzzle box—when you press the goolowing switches, the walls and staircases spin around, and you can goo to different places.



*: But first you've got to press this big, gooreen button next to me—that will activate the switches so you can actually ooze them.



*: Once you've pressed this button, keep your eyes peeled for the other goolowing gooreen switches—there's one on this level that will open a way upstairs!

Queen Frysabel

The wicked witch is hiding in the Hekswood—a haunted forest to the north of the Snærfelt steppe.


Queen Frysabel

But be very, very wary, for the witch does not live in the woods alone—she keeps a fierce magical beast to guard against intruders.


*: You saw the gates, right? Frozen solid. I can't see any way of getting into Sniflheim until that ice thaws.



*: I came here to do business with a merchant who runs a shop in the city, but the date of our appointment has long since passed... What in the world is happening in there?


*: Off to the Snærfelt, are ya? Watch yer back out there.



*: I 'ear some of them rotten monsters breathe blizzards at ya, an' before ya know it, yer as frosty as a snowman!


*: I'm dancing to keep myself from freezing! I usually only dance for the paying public, but that idea's gone right out of the window!



*: You're really lucky to be getting all this for free, you know. If you ever meet the person who froze those doors, you should thank them! Tee hee!


*: If you're feeling chilly, why don't you dance with me? It really gets the blood pumping! Come on, now—left, right, step, heel, change!


*: I sailed all the way from Gallopolis to witness the beauty of the Crystal Kingdom of Sniflheim first-hand. Alas, it seems my journey was a wasted one...



*: Still, my plight pales in comparison to that of the Sniflheimers themselves—something terrible must have happened for the gates to be frozen so.



*: ...Hm? Do I know the way to the Hekswood? Indeed I do. Just head west out of the cabin, then follow the path around to the north.



*: I don't know why you would want to visit such a place, but if you are resolved to go, be very, very careful—it is highly dangerous.


*: What in the world is a civilian doing here? This forest is extremely dangerous! I'd advise you to leave immediately!



*: ...What am I doing here? I'm a soldier from Heliodor. We were dispatched to investigate why all contact with Sniflheim had been lost.



*: It seems the city was frozen by an evil witch, and she and her monstrous protector are at large somewhere in this forest. Which is why you shouldn't be here!



*: The snowstorms that plague this forest make it very treacherous indeed—I've lost contact with my squad thanks to the latest one. I'd advise you to leave before the same happens to you and your friends.


*: We have travelled all the way from Heliodor to come to Sniflheim's aid. The witch who froze the city is somewhere in this forest. If we can cut her down, it may break her spell.



*: Unfortunately, our squad has become separated in this blasted blizzard, and the Commander is nowhere to be found. He is a knight beyond compare, but like all men of Heliodor, he feels the cold...



*: If the Commander were to encounter the witch alone... And if her monstrous protector were with her... (gulp)



*: He may be the finest knight in all Heliodor, but in this climate, I fear they might have the edge over him. We must find him, and fast!


*: (sigh) Why must I be dragged to these bleak backwaters? I am the scion of one of the most noble houses of Heliodor! I knew it was a mistake joining the army.



*: If only I'd ignored everyone's advice and followed in the footsteps of my rake of a father. I could be sitting on a beach in Puerto Valor right now, watching the girls go by...


*: So...c-c-cold... My squad were c-c-caught in a snowstorm, and b-b-before I knew it, I was all on my own... I hope they f-f-find me before that wicked witch does...



*: I know you, don't I? I'm sure I've seen your face before...



*: Yes... Something about you is very familiar indeed...but I can't quite place it.



*: Well, never mind. I have more important matters to be attending to at present—like finding the Commander, post-haste!


It's the bed that <pc> was just sleeping in.

Queen Frysabel

Isn't this snowstorm awful, <pc>? When I woke up this morning, all I could see was white. I wonder why it has worsened so suddenly...


Queen Frysabel

...What? You say that you found the witch, but she escaped? Oh no—this must be her doing!


Queen Frysabel

If that wicked woman has her way, my kingdom will never see summer again. But how will we ever defeat her?

Queen Frysabel

If that wicked witch has her way, my kingdom will never see summer again.


Queen Frysabel

But if she escaped from the Hekswood, goodness knows where she will be hiding now. How can we possibly find her?


*: Goodness gracious! Where in the world did this blizzard come from? I came to this country to pick up a few bargains, but I never bargained for this!


*: Some soldiers from 'Eliodor came through 'ere the other day an' sailed off, quick as you like.



*: The feller in charge looked familiar—a big unit wiv a face like thunder an' a natty little beard. Reckon 'e's some kind of bigwig in the 'Eliodorian army.


*: Aaagh, what is wrong with the weather in this kingdom!? If it gets any colder, even the fieriest fandango won't be enough to keep me warm!



*: But if I stop now, I'll freeze for sure...so I suppose I'll just have to keep on dancing!



*: Feel free to watch—my moves are guaranteed to get your blood pumping!


*: If I stop dancing now, I'll freeze for sure...so I suppose I'll just have to keep going!



*: Feel free to watch—my moves are guaranteed to get your blood pumping!


*: Brr... I have never known such cold. This is more than a Gallopolitan can take. I so wished to see the Crystal Kingdom, but now I am thinking I ought to cut my trip short...


*: Why does this country have to be so cold? As if my luck wasn't bad enough! I was following Sir Hendrik and the others back to the city when we were caught in a blizzard, you see.



*: The others must have thought me lost for good, because they've sailed away and left me. Honestly, it never rains but it snows!


*: This building's like a puzzle box—when you press the goolowing switches, the walls and staircases spin around, and you can goo to different places.



*: But first you've got to press this big, gooreen button next to me—that will activate the switches so you can actually ooze them.



*: Once you've pressed this button, keep your eyes peeled for the other goolowing gooreen switches—there's one on this level that will open a way upstairs!


*: This library was built a long, long slime agoo, before the Age of Heroes. That was when the goolorious master of monsters fought against the evil Luminary.



*: Over the years, more and more books have been added, and now there's a goojillion of them. It's a goldmine of oozeful information.


Krystalinda's bonfire is burning brightly. <pc> feels his toes begin to thaw.


*: The castle is closed to visitors after dark, I am afraid. If you wish to go in, you will have to come back during the day.


Cosying up to royals isn't exactly my style. I'll wait out here—you go see Queen Frysabel without me.


*: By the stars! It is Krystalinda! The wicked witch who terrorised Sniflheim in the Age of Heroes has returned!



*: Hold on—where has she gone? I am sure she was here just a moment ago...


*: Many centuries ago, this city was besieged by a wicked witch who commanded the powers of ice and snow. Her name was Krystalinda.



*: For some years now, she has been the primary subject of my research. I thought that I had finally found her...but it seems I was mistaken.



*: Waaah! I, I'm shaking like a leaf! ...Wait, why am I shaking again?



*: Hmm... I suppose that is just what happens when you get to my age...


*: Why in the world am I shaking so? I suppose that is just what happens when you get to my age...


*: Welcome, wanderer, to the Crystal Kingdom of Sniflheim—the jewel of the north!



*: It might be a little colder than you are used to up here, but do not worry—you won't freeze! Ha ha ha!


*: Wh-Wh-Who are you!? Actually, that does not matter right now—we must get out of here, fast!



*: ...You are asking why? Is it not obvious? Because... Err... Hmm. Why was I running again?



*: I'm sure there was something terrifying that I had to escape from, but for the life of me, I cannot remember what it was...


*: Hello, honey! Why don't you come on in and have some fun? I'll make sure you go home happy!



*: Aaagh, AGH! Aaagh, AGH!

We come from the land of the snow and ice, where the— (COUGH COUGH COUGH)



*: Urrrgh... I can't stop shivering, and my throat feels so sore. I think I must be coming down with a cold.



*: Ooh, now you have made me angry! Take this! And this! Aaand...THIS!



*: Hehe! You could not hit a barn door with the back of a snow shovel! Throw properly, will you?


*: Heave-ho! Heave-ho! I am the snow-shovelling specialist of Sniflheim! Every day I'm shovelling!



*: My job won't be done till every road in the city is one hundred percent flake-free—so I guess I better get back to work! Heave-ho! Heave-ho!



*: What time do you call this!? You were supposed to meet me here ages ago! What have you been doing all this time!?



*: ...What? This is the time we arranged to meet? Don't make me laugh! Have you got any idea what day it is!?


*: This fellow's always been a bit unreliable, but this time he's really taken the cake! Honestly, doing business with unpunctual people is so frustrating!


*: What the 'eck's goin' on? This 'ole place 'as been frozen for ages, but everyone's goin' about their business like nuffink's 'appened!



*: I've been tryin' to tell 'em they were all 'uman icicles till five minutes ago, but no one believes me! Either they've all gone bonkers, or I 'ave...


*: I saw her with my own eyes, yet I still cannot quite believe it... Tell me, wanderer—is the witch from the ancient legends among us once more? <yesno>


*: So it really was Krystalinda that I saw. She was floating in the sky above the city, smiling sweetly... (shudder)



*: I thought she had come to attack us, just as she did so many centuries ago. But at the very moment she was about to unleash her magic, she disappeared. I wonder why...


*: You are right, of course. The legend of the witch is centuries old—how could she possibly still be alive? I must be seeing things.



*: Krystalinda... Were you really here, or were you just an illusion...?




*: Oh! Forgive me, wanderer—I did not see you there. The castle is closed to visitors after dark, I am afraid. If you wish to see the Queen, you will have to come back in the morning.


*: Hei traveller, listen to this—my captain here says he saw a witch flying through the sky! He still believes in faerie stories!



*: At his age, he should know the difference between fantasy and reality!


*: It makes no sense. I had a pot of delicious fiskesuppe simmering away over the cook-fire, but when I came to check on it, it was frozen solid...



*: Well, I shall just have to buy some more fishes and cook up another pot!



*: Only a short time ago, this whole city was as silent as the grave, but now it is positively humming with life. What in the world can have happened?



*: My horse is such a handful. If I do not take her out for a walk every single day, she gets in a very bad mood.



*: She was just the same when she was a little foal. I thought she might have settled down by now, but sadly no.



*: Still, when I see the way that her little eyes light up when she looks out at the ocean, I can almost forget about my frozen toes.



*: You would not believe how much I have bought today! The stallholder offered me such fantastic discounts, I simply could not resist!



*: What a fine fellow he is to put the joy he brings to his customers before his own profit!


*: One of my regular customers is a rich noblewoman. She stopped by this morning and practically bought the whole stall!



*: And not only that, she paid the full price for everything! ...This is just between you and me, but when I see her coming, I pencil another zero on the end of every price!



*: And still she says how wonderfully inexpensive everything is! Agh, I wish I had her riches... Well, I mean...more of them than I already do...



*: Roll up, roll up! Come and get the finest fruit and veggies in all of Sniflheim! Everything freshly picked today!



*: ...Or at least, I thought it was. All of my stock is frozen solid! I cannot sell this—if somebody cracked a tooth on one of my apples, I would never hear the end of it!


*: I just saw my old friend Snorri trotting off to the castle with a big smile on his face.



*: It was only the other day that he told me he was going to stay in his cabin in the Snærfelt, and that he might be gone for some time. I wonder why he is back so soon...



*: (sigh) This merchant will not stop going on about me being late for our appointment.



*: I mean, sure, I might not be the most punctual person, but I am here now, aren't I? What does a minute or two either way matter, hm? Some people are such sticklers...



*: Come on now, stop being silly. You know that people cannot fly. It must have been a bird, or a cloud or a trick of the light.



*: It was a lady, Mamma, I am sure it was! She was flying in the air right above the fountain!


*: Ahh, I do so love to take a stroll around the town and see the sights of Sniflheim. These buildings are simply beautiful, are they not?



*: The stained glass! The intricate latticework! The dramatic pitched roofs that remind one of the mountains! It is enough to make one want to sing!


*: I deal in the finest herbs and spices from all over Erdrea. Would you care to take a look?



*: This yellow powder, for instance, comes all the way from the desert kingdom of Gallopolis. It might look like ordinary meal or flour, but it is worth its weight in gold!



*: Sæll, wanderer! Hello, hello! You must have sailed a very long way to get here. Before you leave, you must go and see Queen Frysabel.



*: Her Majesty is very interested in broadening her horizons. I am sure she would be thrilled to speak with a well travelled fellow such as you.



*: The witch! Flying in the sky, as plain as day! You must have seen her! She was right there!



*: Wait... You have been ‘resting your eyes’ again, haven't you? Curse your laziness!


*: I usually spend my days deep in prayer inside the church, but I had a sudden urge to see the faces of my fellow Sniflheimers.



*: I am glad to see that everyone is in good cheer. I pray that their shining smiles may never fade.



*: I cannot understand it. I have only just finished re-planking the jetty, but half the wood has gone rotten already.



*: It must have been a bad batch, I suppose. Some of these boards look as if they have been out here for months...


*: I could have sworn that there were a lot more ships in the harbour just a moment ago.



*: Why did they all sail away so suddenly? Maybe they knew something that we don't...


*: I'm stopping off in Sniflheim on my way to see the World Tree. Quick shufti round town, then it's onwards and upwards to Arboria.



*: I hope the last leg of the journey isn't as bad as the first—I'm still getting used to not being seasick all the time.


*: It seems our skald's throat is hurting. Just the other day, the minstrel's voice was as clear as a sandpiper, but now it's more like sandpaper. It must be something serious to affect him so suddenly.



*: Mister Minstrel's got a sore throat. But I don't mind waiting. He's sure to get through a song sooner or later.



*: I got such a surprise when the ice covering the castle suddenly melted away. Does this mean the witch is no more?



*: If someone really did defeat her, they must have been as strong as anything—after all, not even Sir Hendrik himself was able to put a stop to her antics!


*: Welcome, my child. What brings you to the land of ice and snow?



*: Make sure you wrap up warm—the cold can be more dangerous than any monster, especially for those who are not used to it.



*: You are a strange one, friend. Most of my customers come to the front of the counter rather than sneaking around to the back. If you want to buy something, please—you will have to go around.



*: It's cold outside, wanderer. I expect you will be wanting to buy some nice, new armour to keep yourself warm, hm? Come around to the front and I will see what I can do.



*: I came in here to get out of the cold, but it's just as chilly as it was out there! Honestly, I don't know how the locals dress like this and survive!


*: Did you know that Sniflheim is famous for the study of the arcane arts? Our scholars are particularly skilled in the field of magical craftsmanship.



*: Many of the weapons and suits of armour available in our shops are enhanced with magical enchantments that make them more powerful.



*: There are many dangerous monsters lurking in the Snærfelt. If you intend to travel through it, I would advise you to purchase some Sniflheim specials before you go!


*: Oh, dear—the medicinal herbs have gone all soggy. I was sure I had dried them out properly... Well, I suppose I will just have to hang them out over the fire again...



*: I'm a bounty hunter, and I always get my man. They say the Darkspawn's come to Sniflheim. Now I'm here, well...let's just say that he won't be leaving.


*: Cold out today, isn't it? Why don't you take a break at my inn—I'll make you a nice, hot meal to warm you up.


*: The Snærfelt is home to many dangerous monsters. If you are planning to cross it, you would do well to leave your money with us first.


*: Finally, I can feel my toes again! I thought I was going to freeze to death in that snowstorm, but I made it out alive somehow.



*: It's strange, the way all that ice suddenly melted away. I wonder what caused it.


*: Just around the cape to the west, there is a little cave where the Vikings live. I can always rely on them to buy my mead by the kegful.



*: If it was not for them, I fear this place might go out of business.



*: The lovely lady outside told me to come in and have a drink, so here I am...again.



*: My wife is going to be terribly angry with me, but it's not my fault... That bunny girl has such tremendous...powers...


*: I am the head of one of the most storied houses of Sniflheim. My life is one of uninterrupted comfort and pleasure—my only worry is what to spend my vast riches on next!


*: I am training to be an astrologer. Everything to do with stars and planets has fascinated me ever since I was a girl.



*: Many centuries ago, our ancestors stared up into the sea of stars and saw the very same images that we do today. Isn't that a romantic thought?


*: Welcome to the Crystal Kingdom of Sniflheim! Are you here to take a tour of the city and see all of its wonderful architecture? <yesno>


*: I knew it! Our beautiful buildings are the envy of all Erdrea!



*: And Sniflheim Castle is the jewel in the crown, so to speak! Designed in the Age of Heroes by the legendary Gunnar Bilder Borg, it is a must-see for every discerning traveller!



*: No? Then perhaps you came to spend some time trekking through the stunning snowfields, enjoying all the natural miracles that our kingdom has to offer? <yesno>


*: I knew it! The icy air! The blistering blizzards! Nowhere else in Erdrea can one experience such things!



*: There is a lake deep in the Snærfelt that has remained frozen for many thousands of years. If natural wonders are what you seek, it is not to be missed!



*: No? Then perhaps you are here to sample some of the culinary delights of which our nation is so rightfully proud? <yesno>


*: I knew it! Animals and vegetables grow slowly in these cold climes, but they taste all the better for it!



*: I would particularly recommend the fiskesuppe. It is so tasty, you will eat bowl after bowl! Be careful that your belly doesn't burst!



*: No? Then are you here to meet the Vikings, perhaps? Those rowdy raiders who are rougher and tougher even than the seas on which they ply their villainous trade?



*: They are not bad people at heart perhaps, but they are rude and rambunctious, and make trouble wherever they go.



*: If hearing this about them has made you decide that you would rather not get mixed up in their mischief, you will steer clear of that inlet to the north-west!



*: Well, this is strange... The book that Master Snorri asked me to bring him is soaking wet...



*: (sigh) The master is always so strict about the proper storage of ancient tomes. If I take it to him like this, he will be furious...



*: Master Snorri is a very kindly man, but he can be quite the disciplinarian when it comes to scholarly matters. As his student, one has to be on one's toes at all times!


*: The throne room is just beyond these doors. Her Majesty is expecting you. Please, proceed inside.


*: As you can see, it is my duty to guard the doors to the throne room. It is a hard job, having to stand at attention all day.



*: But whenever I hold the door open for Her Majesty, and she smiles and says ‘thank you’, it makes it all worthwhile!



*: It is hard being a guard, but when I tell myself that everything I do is for Queen Frysabel, it gives me the strength to carry on.



*: Have you heard that long, long ago, a wicked witch used her magical powers to freeze Sniflheim solid?



*: If ever she returned, she might try to do the same thing again! What a terrifying thought!



*: A wicked witch, you say? And she froze the whole city with a single spell? Surely not...



*: But if there is any truth to the tale, the witch's return is a frightening prospect indeed. We should make a plan for how to deal with such an eventuality—better safe than sorry!


*: Queen Frysabel and I grew up together. We have been like sisters ever since we were little girls.



*: Nobody in this whole castle understands Her Majesty better than I do.


*: Ah, you must be Her Majesty's honoured guests. The Queen awaits you in the throne room at the top of the stairs.


*: The walls of this castle are built from thick stone, and they usually do a good job of keeping out the cold.



*: But today, it is absolutely freezing! It feels like the whole building has been encased in ice!


*: Queen Frysabel takes such good care of her kingdom. I wish I could say the same about her bedroom.



*: Whenever she goes to bed, she just throws her dirty clothes onto the floor. If it was not for me, this room would be knee-deep in smelly socks!


*: Her Majesty awaits you in the throne room, wanderer. It is the grand chamber toward the rear of the palace.



*: These doors lead to the lift. If you want to try riding it downstairs, I won't stop you, but there is nothing down there but storerooms and cells...


*: You are here to see Queen Frysabel? Then you should head upstairs to the throne room. You can take the lift back up.


*: Sniflheim is a peaceful place, but every so often, somebody will break that peace, and we must punish them for their crimes.



*: This is where we imprison such people until they pledge to change their ways—and they nearly always do. It is almost like magic!


Thank you, my friend. If not for you, Sniflheim may have remained frozen forever.



Her Majesty is eager to offer you her own personal thanks—and your reward, of course. You will find her up the stairs here.



Krystalinda's disguise was flawless. I have been Her Majesty's tutor since she was a little girl, yet even I was fooled.



I have learned my lesson—from now on, I must be more wary. Never again will I be hoodwinked by such base trickery!


*: It might be my imagination, but Her Majesty does not seem herself today. She is a little more...menacing than usual...


*: So, you're the one who saved the Queen, are you? You have our thanks.



*: But taking care of Her Majesty is our job. The next time something like this happens, we will deal with it.


*: Her Majesty may have the common touch, but do not forget that she is our queen. If you should offend her in any way, I will be forced to take your head.


*: Ah, you must be the ones who came to the aid of Her Majesty. Master Snorri told me the whole story.



*: You are honourable indeed to lend your strength to a kingdom that is not your own. Sniflheim owes you a debt of gratitude.


You can't leave at a time like this!


You can't leave at a time like this!



What are you doing...?


Why would Her Majesty protect the witch who tried to destroy her kingdom? Could she be under Krystalinda's control?



But her eyes are clear and lucid, and she seems to be in her right mind... Well, there is only one way to find out—let us hear what she has to say.



*: Her Majesty turns into a wicked witch, then the real Queen Frysabel jumps out of a book!? What in the world is going on here!?



*: I knew Her Majesty was acting strangely—it was Krystalinda all along! If the witch harms a hair on that girl's head, she will have me to answer to!



*: Helvíti! Curse that witch! We need to take her down, but we cannot risk Queen Frysabel getting caught up in the melee! Get out of the way, Your Majesty!



*: Every entrance to the castle is guarded night and day—how did Krystalinda manage to slip through undetected? Stand back, Your Majesty! We will deal with the witch!



*: Your Majesty, what are you doing!? Why are you protecting the witch!?



*: I heard a commotion and came running—what in the world is happening in here!? Is that really the wicked witch from the legends?



*: Hear this, witch! As long as I draw breath, you shall not harm the Queen!



*: I feel so happy when you say you love me, but there are four little words that would make me even happier...



*: Honestly, how long are you going to keep me waiting, my love? Every day is like a dagger in my heart!



*: Do not worry, darling—I will say the words you long to hear soon enough, but there are things that we must do first. We have not even met each other's parents yet.



*: And besides, there is no need to hurry. Or do you not trust me, perhaps? Hm hm!


*: It is prophesied that Krystalinda, the wicked witch who laid siege to Sniflheim in the Age of Heroes, will one day return.



*: Do you know anything of this fiend, wanderer? <yesno>



*: What!? The witch is in the castle!? You say that she has made friends with Queen Frysabel and renounced her evil ways!?



*: By the raven's soot-black beak! Does this mean that this...creature is to live alongside us as a fellow Sniflheimer? I can hardly believe it...


*: It is to be expected, I suppose. Even the scholars themselves do not know her current whereabouts. But until she is finally laid low, this kingdom will never know true peace.



*: If you should learn anything about her—even the vaguest of rumours—please, you must let me know.


*: Sæll, traveller! Well met! How did you enjoy your stay in Sniflheim? I hope that you will visit us again. Until the next time, far vel! Goodbye now!


*: Hrmmm... I am sure that I was running away from something absolutely terrifying...but for the life of me, I cannot remember what it was...


*: La la laaa, la! La la laaa, la!

We come from the land of the snow and ice,

where the cold winds blow and the food is nice!

*: Hurra! I got through a whole line without coughing!



*: As the resident skald of Sniflheim—this is a kind of a minstrel—it is my duty to fill the streets with song each and every day. Thank goodness that the frog has finally hopped out of my throat!


*: These poor little animals were shivering with cold, but I took them on a brisk walk around town to warm them up, and now they're back to their spirited selves again.


*: If I wasn't here to shovel this stuff, the streets would be submerged in snow! I'm the saviour of Sniflheim!



*: Heave-ho! Heave-ho!

Far vel, snow!

Away you go!


*: I don't get it... Everyone's goin' about their business like nuffink's 'appened...




*: Cor blimey! I clean forgot I've got me own business to take care of—I've gotta get that letter to the priest!


*: There is a young man with blue hair loitering by the city gates. I wonder what he is doing there... Waiting for somebody, maybe?


*: The Captain is telling anyone who will listen that there is a witch in the castle. He usually takes himself so seriously. I suppose the stress has finally gotten to him...



*: Come on, Sleepnir! Move your lazy behind! You are blocking the door!


*: I am sorry, but my lazy lump of a horse just will not budge. If you want to head out of the city, I would suggest that you use the main gates.



*: Honestly, I do wish my boy would stop talking about wanting to fly. Nobody can fly! That is just a fact!


*: Hey, you have to hear this! I like walking around town looking out for pretty boys—I suppose you might call it my hobby.



*: Well, I just spotted a very fine specimen over by the gates! Spiky blue hair, a knife at his belt, an air of danger... He was just my type!


*: The handsome boy by the gates looks a little moody, but if you ask me, that is just because of the secret sadness he is holding in his heart.



*: ...What!? The wicked witch has made friends with Queen Frysabel, and has moved into the castle!?



*: I knew that it was her that I saw! By the snows... The ancient enemy of Sniflheim, living among us... I wonder how this will turn out...


*: What a beautiful tone he has... I am glad to hear our skald's singing voice back to its normal loveliness. I could listen to that magical minstrel all day—in fact, I think I will!



*: When Mister Minstrel sings about shining snowfields or stormy seas, it makes you feel like you are really there! When I grow up, I want to sing songs just like him!



*: I came to this kingdom to join the Sniflheimian army. I'm going to have an interview with Queen Frysabel herself. To tell you the truth, I'm a bit nervous...


*: I'm a bounty hunter, and I always get my man. I came here to catch the Darkspawn.



*: I reckon it's about time for the hunt to begin. Heh heh heh... I'm coming for you, Darkspawn! Enjoy your freedom while it lasts!


*: Cold out today, isn't it? Why don't you take a break at my inn—I'll make you a nice, hot meal to warm you up.


*: The Snærfelt is home to many dangerous monsters. If you are planning to cross it, you would do well to leave your money with us first.


*: Every time that lovely lady outside gives me her sales pitch, I end up coming in here.



*: I try to control myself, but when she waggles those ears at me, I feel like I have to do whatever she tells me...


*: Do you know Erdwin's Lantern, the bright red star? Legend has it that the Luminary turned himself into this heavenly body so that he might watch over Erdrea for all eternity.



*: Now, I do not know if there is any truth to the tale, but for our ancestors to pass down such a story proves what a kind and trusted protector Erdwin must have been.


*: This tome tells the history of the Royal Library, that ancient archive of esoteric texts that rises high above the Snærfelt.



*: A repository of forgotten knowledge from a bygone age... Does the mere idea of it not make your heart leap with wonder? <yesno>


*: It does? Splendid, splendid! You have the soul of a scholar!


*: Ha ha. You are not a reader then, I take it? For a bookworm such as I, a place like that would be paradise!



*: It is my dream to one day visit the Royal Library. I doubt I would eat or sleep for at least the first three days, I would be so engrossed in its treasures!


*: I wonder what that awful racket in the throne room was all about...



*: Oh, but I do not have the time to stand around pontificating! I must prepare Her Majesty's supper!


*: So Krystalinda is here on the invitation of the Queen? I do wish she had told us beforehand. It would have saved a lot of bother.



*: When I saw the witch in the throne room, I thought she had returned to reduce our realm to rubble! Her Majesty has a wider circle of friends than I knew...


*: I always thought the wicked witch was...well, wicked...but it seems that she is friends with Queen Frysabel.



*: Perhaps if I were on good terms with Krystalinda, I could make friends with Her Majesty too... I must introduce myself!



*: The Heliodorian army are scouring the world for the Darkspawn. It seems their forces are on the alert all across Erdrea.



*: Our kingdom has remained neutral until now, but if they were to request our assistance directly, it would be very difficult to turn them down.



*: What manner of demon must this Darkspawn be to have an entire army hunting him down?



*: I fear that it is only a matter of time before Sniflheim is forced to aid in this search. I pray that our soldiers are not exposed to too much danger...


*: Velkominn to Sniflheim Castle, official residence of the noble Queen Frysabel.



*: Please, feel free to look around. Many say that this is the handsomest palace in all Erdrea—and that our ruler is the most beautiful too.


*: Phew! It feels like the castle has finally warmed up again. There must be a nice warm blaze going in all the fireplaces.


*: The lift beyond these doors will take you down to the basement. There is little down there but storerooms and cells, but you are welcome to take a look.


*: What are you doing down here, wanderer? If you came to see the castle, the chambers upstairs are of far more interest.


The Rainbough starts to glow brighter than ever before!

Queen Frysabel

Thank you, <pc>. You and your friends have saved my kingdom. If it was not for you, my people might have stayed frozen forever.


Queen Frysabel

You are on a very important quest, are you not? One on which the fate of the world may depend? <yesno>

Queen Frysabel

I thought so. When I look into your eyes, I can see just how determined you are to achieve your goal.


Queen Frysabel

You should know that not only I, but all the people of Sniflheim stand ready to aid you in your quest. I will pray that you prevail.

Queen Frysabel

You do not need to hide it. I can see the fire in your eyes. A heavy responsibility rests on your shoulders—one that you are determined to fulfil.


Queen Frysabel

You should know that not only I, but all the people of Sniflheim stand ready to aid you in your quest. I will pray that you prevail.


As long as I am beside her, Frysabel has nothing to fear. She saved my life. Keeping her safe is the least I can do in return.



And perhaps I can do something to ease her troubled mind too. Poor little Fryssy has so many worries, she needs somebody to talk to—why not a witch?


Don't look so frightened! I'm not going to freeze you again. Even if I wanted to, I simply don't have the power any more.



But that's not to say I've lost all my magic—I can still send a shiver down your spine, I'm sure! Hm hm hm!


I never thought I would see the day when the Queen would be receiving her counsel from a witch! It just goes to show, you can never tell what the future holds.



And as long as Krystalinda swears that she will never turn against Sniflheim again, I don't see the harm in allowing her to stay here in the castle.


I can hardly believe that Krystalinda tricked me twice. What kind of tutor is unable to recognise his own pupil?


*: I am still not entirely sure what happened, but it seems that everything is settled now. Thank you, wanderers, for...err...whatever it was that you did.


*: If Her Majesty was worried about her royal responsibilities, why did she not talk with me about it? Does she not trust me, her most faithful advisor?



*: I had no idea...


*: The legends talk of Krystalinda as a creature of unfathomable malice, with a heart as black as a raven's beak. Can she really be trusted?


*: I am not sure about the witch. Still, Her Majesty seems to trust her, so she cannot be all bad, I suppose.



*: So long as Queen Frysabel is safe and well, our kingdom has nothing to fear.


*: My thanks, wanderers. If it were not for you, the wicked witch might still be sitting on the throne, and not our beloved queen.



*: Sniflheim is in your debt. I do not know where your adventure will take you next, but you will always be welcome here.


*: Krystalinda's evil deeds were the stuff of legend, and yet Queen Frysabel managed to make her change her ways.



*: Her Majesty's kindness is so great that she melted even that frostiest of hearts.


*: Do you see the shining sphere at the top of the fountain? We call it the Æsteinn. Its everlasting light serves as a symbol of eternal peace.



*: If a couple pledge their love before the Æsteinn, they will never be parted...or so the legend goes.



*: My girlfriend asked me to come with her to swear our love before the Æsteinn. It is a load of old mumbo jumbo if you ask me.



*: After more than a decade of painstaking study, I came to the conclusion that the wicked witch would one day return to wreak vengeance upon Sniflheim.



*: But now I understand that she is living happily at the castle! There must have been some flaw in my research...



*: In a single stroke, the fruit of my life's work has been proven false. Ha ha! The study of the arcane arts is full of surprises!



*: Waaah! P-P-Please, spare my life! Think of my children!




*: ...Oh wait, it is you. Please, you must not scare me like that. For a moment, I thought you were the wicked witch, escaped from the castle, and come to gnaw on my bones!



*: Everybody else seems to have forgiven Krystalinda, but personally, I would rather be safe than sorry. I will not be visiting the castle any time soon.


*: I always thought that I was the most bewitching of them all, but now that I've seen Krystalinda, I have had to think again.



*: Compared to her, I am about as seductive as Snorri! (sigh) I suppose I'll just have to learn to live with being second best...




*: But I won't give up! One of these days, I'll be the Queen of Comeliness again! I'll just have to turn on the charm even more than before!



*: Hei there, handsome. Say, do you think I'm more alluring than Krystalinda? <yesno>


*: Really!? Oh, you big flirt! I know you're just flattering me, but thanks all the same!


*: I guess you're right... But just you wait, honey—one of these days, I'll be more bewitching than the witch herself!


*: La la laaa, la! La la laaa, la!

We come from the land of the snow and ice,

where the cold winds blow and the food is nice!



*: We've a queen, fair and wise, ruler of us all!

With the witch by her side she will never fall!


*: I composed a new verse to celebrate the witch taking up residence at the castle. Not bad, eh?



*: La la laaa, la! La la laaa, la!

We come from the land of the snow and ice,

where the cold winds blow and the food is nice!




*: Myself and this lovely young lady have joined forces to put on a performance of song and dance. It seems to be attracting quite the crowd.



*: Forgive me, but I must return to the show. I cannot disappoint my public!


*: Jööör! Jööör! Jööör!

Jöööööör! Jöööööör!

Jör jör jör jör jööööööööör!



*: Do you like my song? My mamma taught it to me. She says the same song was once roared by a magical beast!



*: Jööör! Jööör! Jööör!

Jöööööör! Jöööööör!

Jör jör jör jör jööööööööör!



*: I wonder if that is really what the magical beast sounds like. I would like to meet it one day and find out!


*: My mamma makes the best fiskesuppe in Sniflheim! It's full of fresh fish and vegetables!



*: She is the greatest cook in the whole wide world!


*: My cow is such a nuisance. She is always running away from the pen and getting lost.



*: Where has she run off to this time? Well, wherever she is, she is not getting any hay today!


*: My cow is a nuisance, but that just makes me love her all the more. I suppose it is the same with animals as it is with people.



*: What are you doing all the way over here? If I have told you once, I have told you a thousand times—you are not supposed to leave your pen!



*: No hay for you tonight, missy!



*: Honestly Fjola, you could at least have the decency to look a little upset. Whenever I scold you, you just stare back at me and smile.



*: You might have everybody else fooled, but I know you understand every word I say!



*: No, no, that's far too much! You could at least give me a discount for keeping me waiting so long!



*: ...What do you mean you didn't keep me waiting!? Oh, come on! You're not still trying to sell me that story, are you? You were late—admit it!


*: I finally 'anded over that letter to the priest. Bish bosh, job done! Now it's on to Arboria!



*: Which means I'll 'ave to traipse all the way over that snowfield, then up into the 'ighlands... I just 'ope me poor old knees can 'andle it...


*: It's my dream to master every dance in the world, so I'm travelling all over Erdrea to seek them out.



*: The people of Sniflheim are so kind. I asked them to teach me the traditional dance of their kingdom, and they were more than happy to oblige!



*: I've teamed up with a local musician to put on a performance. Come over to the bonfire by the city gates later on and see the show!


*: Tee hee! Isn't this music wonderful? It's a traditional Sniflheimian dancing song. That kind of energetic rhythm is sure to keep folks warm in these cold climes, don't you think?



*: Can't you feel yourself just starting to sway with the beat? Come on, why don't you join me?


*: I'm a bounty hunter, and I always get my man. I came here to catch the Darkspawn.



*: They say a hundred soldiers couldn't stop him escaping from Heliodor. He cut them all down, one after another.



*: You're tough, Darkspawn, but are you tough enough to take me on? Heh heh heh. I can't wait to find out...


*: I'm a bounty hunter, and I always get my man. I came here to catch the Darkspawn, but the trail's gone cold.



*: He's definitely somewhere close, though—I can smell it. If you see anyone suspicious, let me know.


*: I knew it was not just my imagination! I did see that witch! And now she is living in the castle!



*: She was much more...angry-looking when I saw her, though. I wonder what Her Majesty did to calm her down...


*: The castle is closed to visitors after dark, I am afraid. If you wish to go in, you will have to come back during the day.



*: Helvíti! Curses! I take my eyes off our new recruit for one minute, and he is sleeping at his post again! If the Captain catches him, there will be trouble for sure.


*: When the Captain said he had seen a witch, I took him for a fool—but now she has appeared in the castle! Looks like it was me who was the fool...



*: Ah-phew... Ah-phew...


The guard is fast asleep.



*: One of these, please...and one of those...oh, and a sackful of that over there!



*: Dear me, my little girl is growing up so fast! She is eating me out of house and home! At this rate, my nest egg will be gone before I know it...


*: She just cannot get enough of my fiskesuppe. Surely once a week is enough, but she wants it for dinner every day!


*: Brrr... I was taking a look around the town, and before I knew it, I couldn't stop shivering! Thank goodness for this bonfire—I can finally get some heat back in my bones.



*: I think that this fire must be enchanted—it is always burning brightly, though no one ever stokes it. Whoever lit it must have been a powerful magician indeed.


*: La la laaa, la! La la laaa, la!

We come from the land of the snow and ice,

where the cold winds blow and the food is nice!



*: When I was younger, I dreamt of becoming a minstrel. Sadly, I did not have the talent.



*: But even though I abandoned that dream, my love for music remains. Whenever I hear a minstrel play, I cannot help but sing along.



*: My horse loves the sea. She is never happier than when she is looking out over the ocean with the salty wind ruffling her mane.



*: She has always been like this, ever since she was a foal. I thought she would have grown out of it by now, but it seems she just cannot get enough!



*: I raised this horse from a foal. She is like a daughter to me, and I do my very best to be a good father.



*: Tee hee! I am ready for another grand shopping spree! Money is no object! Come along, shopkeep, let me see your wares!



*: This lady is my very best customer. She is always so generous when it comes to splashing her cash.



*: If it was not for her, I do not think that I would ever turn a profit. Most of the money that I make comes straight out of her purse!



*: Come and get your fruit and vegetables, fresh from the snowfields of Sniflheim! They're the cheapest in town!



*: Plants have to be strong to survive in this cold climate. This means that my vegetables are packed full of nutrients. And if they are strong, you will be too!


*: If you are looking for the finest produce in Sniflheim, any time of the day or night, I'm your man! My vegetables are the best in town—and cheap too!



*: Throw some of my hearty potatoes into a pot with a nice piece of fish, and you'll soon have yourself a fiskesuppe that is sure to warm your cockles!



*: Can I interest you in this fine specimen? ...I can? And that one...and the other one too!? My word, you must be hungry!



*: Thank you for your custom! I am sure you will make a feast fit for Queen Frysabel herself!


*: I met my old friend Snorri for the first time in forever the other day. He was staying at his cabin in the Snærfelt, but he is back now.



*: He said some very strange things—like that he was glad to see I had survived being frozen solid. I hope he is not going soft in the head in his old age...



*: Are you trying to ruin me? There is no way I can sell to you at that price! ...What? You want an extra discount for being kept waiting!?



*: How many times do I have to tell you!? I may have made you wait before, but this time, it was not me who was late—it was you who were early!


*: You will never believe this—the witch who lives in the castle can actually fly! I have never heard of a person being able to fly before!




*: My boy wants to make friends with the witch. He thinks she will teach him how to fly. I don't mind the flying, but I worry what else he might learn from a woman like that...



*: Krystalinda certainly has her charms. She is very popular with the townsfolk—especially the men—but I do worry that she might not have completely renounced her wicked ways.



*: But I am sure that I am being silly. Yes, I am worrying over nothing. Ignore me.



*: Krystalinda says she can teach me how to fly, but not until I am older.



*: When I grow up, I am going to learn how to fly, and then I will zoom through the sky like a bird! It is going to be amaaazing!



*: When I grow up, Krystalinda is going to teach me how to fly, but I cannot wait that long! I want to fly right now!



*: Did you know that the whole of the city of Sniflheim, including our famous castle, was designed by the legendary architect Gunnar Bilder Borg?



*: He built many buildings all over Erdrea, but very few are still standing. Sniflheim is the only place where one can see the true beauty of his original vision.



*: Because of the strangely shaped domes that top the towers, some people call Sniflheim Castle the ‘Onion Palace’. Ha ha ha! I bet you did not know that!


*: There was a handsome boy with spiky blue hair hanging around by the gates, but he has gone now. Such a shame—he was so easy on the eye...



*: So the bunny girl lured you into the mead-hall again, did she? Honestly, when are you going to learn your lesson!?


*: My husband is such a fool. I do not know why I ever married him! If only I had said ‘I don't’, I could be in the arms of that handsome young man who was by the gates instead...



*: When the witch first appeared, I was sure that she meant to do us harm, but now it seems that she is firm friends with Queen Frysabel.



*: This is a welcome development, but still, I cannot help feeling a little ashamed that she was able to slip into the castle undetected...


*: After the sun sets, the monsters come out in force. It is my duty to make sure not a single one of them sets foot inside the city.



*: Sniflheim is a prosperous kingdom, but that wealth is not shared by everyone. While some live lives of luxury, others struggle to survive.



*: Why, just a few years ago, two young children lived in a makeshift shack beyond the city walls—a brother and a sister whose only family was each other.



*: Though they were poor and hungry, they refused to accept their fate, and steadfastly struggled on together through thick and thin.



*: I joined the church to aid just such suffering souls...but sometimes I wonder whether I am making any difference at all...



*: Hey, have you seen Queen Frysabel's friend? What a beauty!



*: And I think she likes me! I've decided to go over there and ask if she wants to join me for a drink—I just need to pluck up the courage first...


*: There is a band of Vikings who live just around the coast—expert sailors, every one. They are not bad guys, but they can be a bit rough and ready sometimes.



*: If you are planning on taking a trip to their hideout, you had better make sure to tread carefully.


*: Don't do it, my friend. Krystalinda is a witch—she may have lost most of her powers, but I'm sure she still has some magic left.



*: If you go over there and make a fool of yourself, she might get angry and turn you into a snowman!


*: I was planning to head up into the Arborian Highlands to get a closer look at Yggdrasil, but I wasn't counting on it being quite this chilly here.



*: ...What's that? You're heading up there yourself? Well, the trail goes from the south-east corner of the Snærfelt, but it's no pleasant country stroll, I'm warning you.



*: The monsters in those mountains are some of the most vicious brutes in the whole of Erdrea. You'll want to keep your wits about you—and get yourself some decent equipment to boot.


*: The skald and the dancer may have only recently met, but already their performances complement each other perfectly.



*: If they were to tour the world together, I am sure they would attract great crowds wherever they went.



*: That dancer is really good. She never misses a beat! When I grow up, I want to be able to dance like her.


*: It doesn't look like Sir Hendrik and the others are coming back. They just sailed off into the sunset and left me behind.



*: You don't think they've forgotten about me, do you? It would be funny if it wasn't so tragic...


*: Have you met Queen Frysabel? She's so nice! I told her that I wanted to join the Sniflheimian army, and she welcomed me with open arms!



*: Her Majesty's army isn't so much of a boys' club as some of the other nations' forces, so I should be able to fit right in. I knew it was a good idea to come here!



*: This whole city was designed by one man? Well, he did a good job, I'll give him that.


*: Her Majesty is quite the connoisseur. She is always asking me to order fine wines and exotic spirits from all over the world.



*: Perhaps one day, she will invite me to set up a mead-hall in the castle itself. With all those rich nobles around, I would make a killing for sure!



*: The witch who has moved into the castle is absolutely captivating. I think she might be even more beautiful than the lovely lady who stands outside.



*: But no matter how wonderful she may be, my heart will always belong to my beautiful bunny girl!



*: She stole it some years ago, when she first tempted me to spend all day drinking in the mead-hall...and I've been in her thrall ever since...


*: (sob) I couldn't help myshelf... She has magical powersh, I tell you...



*: Urk! (gulp) Urrrgh... I feel shick to my shtomach...


*: Since prehistoric times, people have watched the stars.



*: It seems that our distant ancestors were able to compile an accurate calendar by observing their movements, just as we do now.



*: I have heard that in the deserts of Gallopolis, there lie the remains of an ancient observatory, built in a time before the Age of Heroes.



*: As a student of the astronomical arts, I should very much like to pay it a visit one day.



*: Oh, and I am sure every visitor to Sniflheim will be very interested in meeting Krystalinda, the not-so-wicked witch!



*: As this kingdom's tourist information officer-in-chief, I must remember to write a pamphlet telling tourists all about our latest attraction!



*: I spend every day cooped up in my room, poring over musty old manuscripts. It is nice to come outside every so often and have some fun.



*: Listening to this beautiful music and watching this beautiful lady dance... Ahh, it really blows away the cobwebs!



*: Have you heard the news? Queen Frysabel has made friends with the wicked witch Krystalinda!



*: Just imagine... Making friends with the legendary Mistress of Misery—the Queen of Cruelty—the Scourge of Sniflheim! If you ask me, Her Majesty is almost too kind.


*: Her Majesty spends nearly every day in court receiving visitors and hearing the petitions of her people. As yet, we soldiers have had no reason to intervene.



*: But we must remain vigilant! It is our duty to protect Queen Frysabel from every danger, whether it be an invading army, or an assassin's dagger.


*: Whenever Her Majesty smiles at me, I forget that I am nothing more than a lowly guard—for I feel like a prince!



*: But I know that it is just a fantasy... A dream that will never come true...



*: I wonder what kind of man Her Majesty will marry... One of the princes of the great nations, I suppose... (sigh)



*: The wicked witch who froze Sniflheim so many centuries ago has come back to life, and she is living in the castle!



*: At first, I thought she was here to wreak revenge on us all, but she is actually very friendly! People are just full of surprises, are they not?



*: I have seen her at last! Krystalinda, the wicked witch, in the flesh! The legends said that she was possessed of a savage beauty, but she is even more breathtaking than I had imagined!



*: Those ice-blue eyes of hers... Ooh, they sent a shiver down my spine—in a good way, of course.


*: They say that Krystalinda is already firm friends with Her Majesty. I wonder how she did it—Frysabel is usually so shy around strangers...



*: Even though we grew up together, it was years before we grew close—and now that witch has done the same thing in a matter of days! Where does that leave me, hm!?


*: Velkominn to Sniflheim Castle, official residence of the noble Queen Frysabel.



*: Nowadays, it is also home to Krystalinda, the only woman in all Erdrea whose beauty rivals that of Her Majesty! Please, feel free to look around.


*: Krystalinda showed me some of the things she could do with what remains of her powers.



*: She froze a rose, and when I touched it, it shattered into dust. It was a very impressive little trick.


*: Ever since Her Majesty made friends with the witch, she has started to smile again.



*: It is good that she has found a new friend. After her father died, I was worried that she would never overcome the awful slump she fell into.


*: The lift down to the dungeon was constructed many centuries ago. We believe that it is powered by magic, but the details of its workings have been lost to time.



*: Our ancestors must have been very advanced indeed to be able to construct something that has continued to work so well for all these years.



*: My grandfather told me that the same technology that keeps the lift afloat could be used to raise whole villages into the sky.



*: But then again, he always was one for tall tales. It is an interesting idea though, no?


*: Have you seen how much dust has piled up behind the barrels? This room looks as if it has not been cleaned for months.



*: They are supposed to come down here every day! I shall have to give one of the maids a piece of my mind!

Queen Frysabel

Hello! How wonderful it is to see you again! If there is anything troubling you, please do let me know.


Queen Frysabel

I don't know if I can be of any real help, but since you saved my kingdom, I shall try to aid you in whatever way I can.

Queen Frysabel


Krystalinda seems to have settled into her new life in the castle already.


Queen Frysabel

But don't worry—if she should ever even think of turning on Sniflheim again, I shall give her a jolly good telling off!



By the way, Fryssy, how did it go with that guard? You know, the pretty little thing you said you had a crush on?

Queen Frysabel


Err... Well, I... Ahem...



Ugh, you mean you haven't told him you like him yet!? You'd better tell him soon, or some other girl will come along and snap him up!

Queen Frysabel


B-But...what if he doesn't...



Oh, honestly! You're rich, you're pretty—you could have any man you wanted! Have a little more confidence in yourself, will you?


Ever since I came here, I've been observing how everyone lives. It's fascinating to see all the little things they do... What they think... What they say...



It's funny—I've never had the slightest bit of interest in the lives of humans until now.



I feel bad about having you maul that poor monster who was suppressing my powers.



Well, when I meet him in the next world, I'll be sure to say sorry. We witches live for centuries, so I'll have plenty of time to perfect my apology.



By the way, Fryssy, how did it go with that guard? You know, the pretty little thing you said you had a crush on?

Queen Frysabel


Err... Well, I... Ahem...



Ugh, you mean you haven't told him you like him yet!? You'd better tell him soon, or some other girl will come along and snap him up!

Queen Frysabel


B-But...what if he doesn't...



Oh, honestly! You're rich, you're pretty—you could have any man you wanted! Have a little more confidence in yourself, will you?


The townspeople are unaware that Krystalinda froze the city, and I think it best that they stay that way. Ignorance is bliss, as they say.



But fear not, <pc>—Krystalinda, Queen Frysabel and I know that you are the true heroes of this kingdom, and we will never forget it.



When I was in my cabin, I would often hear strange groaning sounds at night. It must have been Jörmun.


*: The King of Heliodor has mobilised his entire army to hunt for the Darkspawn. Sniflheim has remained neutral in the matter so far.



*: It is Her Majesty's policy to watch and wait—only if it is confirmed that the Luminary is truly a danger to the world will we involve ourselves.



*: Queen Frysabel comes from a long line of wise and conscientious rulers. She will not be moved to rash action by baseless rumour.


*: Krystalinda taught me all about how to put on make-up the other day. I was very wary of her at first, but it seems my fears were unfounded.



*: As a warrior, I have never had any interest in such things, but she assures me it will be highly effective against attackers—with smoky eyes like hers, I will knock them dead, apparently!



*: Now that I think about it, Her Majesty has been looking a little more glamorous than usual lately. Could that be Krystalinda's doing?


*: Queen Frysabel is as beautiful as she is kind. Everybody in the kingdom loves her.



*: Perhaps I am wrong, but it seems there is one who loves her more than others—one who wants to make Her Majesty HIS Majesty. If you ask me, he's got ideas above his station.



*: You're pretty friendly with Her Majesty too, aren't you? Don't even think about getting any friendlier, if you know what I mean.



*: A lady as noble as Queen Frysabel is not going to run away with any old Thor, Dag or Harald. But if you were the prince of a great nation, it would be a different story! Ha ha ha!


*: Her Majesty is a congenial soul, and will meet with anyone who desires an audience, however suspicious they may be.



*: That is why we soldiers stay close by, ever-ready to deal with any danger.


*: Her Majesty's manner of speaking reminds me of her father, King Gustaf.



*: When I hear those little turns of phrase, it takes me back to the days when His Majesty was still with us... (sniff) Forgive me, I am getting a little choked up just thinking about it...


1.20 Arboria


When you offer up the six sacred orbs to the altar in the First Forest, the path to Yggdrasil shall be revealed.



Go, my child, and seek out the Orbs. When you have all six in your possession, return to me, and I will guide you to your destiny.


Splendid! You have all six Orbs in your possession!


*: This path leads to the top of the mountain. It is a sacred place, where none may set foot without the Holy Father's permission. Forgive me, but I must ask that you turn back.



*: Welcome to Arboria, the sacred sanctuary beneath Yggdrasil's all-embracing boughs.



*: We Keepers have dwelt here for many generations, watching over the World Tree and keeping the legend of the Luminary alive. I am sure everyone will be delighted to meet you.



*: I had imagined the Luminary to be some manner of grizzled warrior, but you are simply adorable! Why, if I was ten years younger, I would gobble you up!



*: We are blessed with soil of a most wondrous richness, from which spring forth some of Erdrea's most fragrant herbs and delicious vegetables.


*: Welcome, child, to Arboria, the home of the Keepers. We have waited many years for your coming.



*: If you should wish to learn more of the Age of Heroes and the Luminary of Legend, we have many books that relate these ancient tales in detail. You may read them at your leisure.


*: Ah, Luminary. I hear that you came here to visit the Tree of Life Herself, is that so?



*: Then you must needs journey through the First Forest. It is a sacred wood that lies beyond the village. From the peak of the hill at its centre, Yggdrasil is so close that one can almost touch Her roots.


*: The sigil on your hand is known in the legends as the Mark of Light. It is said to symbolise the bond between the Luminary and the World Tree.



*: If you were to visit Her holy Heart and offer up the Mark, I do not doubt that mighty Yggdrasil would make Her will known to you.


*: When you lift up your eyes to the night sky and gaze upon the constellations glinting above you, have you perchance spied a solitary star shining with a rich, red light? <yesno>


*: Then you must seek it out when next the heavens darken. The star I speak of is none other than Erdwin's Lantern, the flame-red beacon we Keepers have prayed to since time immemorial.



*: The star is known as Erdwin's Lantern, for it symbolises our saviour, the Luminary of Legend. We Keepers have prayed to it since time immemorial.



*: When you gaze up into the night sky, have you perchance spied a solitary star shining with a rich, red light? <yesno>


*: Then you must seek it out. The star I speak of is none other than Erdwin's Lantern, the flame-red beacon we Keepers have prayed to since time immemorial.


*: The star is known as Erdwin's Lantern, for it symbolises our saviour, the Luminary of Legend. We Keepers have prayed to it since time immemorial.


*: The great figure carved into the mountain above us represents the holy sage who fought the Dark One alongside the Luminary of Legend.



*: It may be naught but a figment of my imagination, but She seems to be smiling today...


*: My wife and I have been happily married for many years. Alas, Yggdrasil did not bless us with a child. I had almost given up hope that I would ever be a father.



*: But at long last, the World Tree has answered my prayers and delivered unto us a beautiful baby boy! I am so very happy!



*: To think that the Luminary himself should be present at my son's baptism... Truly, the World Tree must have great things in store for this boy!



*: Before Veronica and Serena were born, it was prophesied that Alma's child would be the reincarnation of the holy sage. Imagine our surprise when she gave birth to twins!



*: It seems they still inherited Serenica's soul—it was simply divided between them.



*: Father Benedictus knew this as soon as he saw them. That is why he sent them to search for the Luminary—as the scions of Serenica, he knew that they would surely recognise him on sight.


*: Hurrah! The Luminary's here! I'm so, so happy to meet you!



*: You're amazing! Looking into your face is like staring into the sun! I'm blinded by your heroism!



*: Ah-phew... Ah-phew...


*: Woof! Arf, arf! Aooo!



*: Ao-ao-aooo!


*: This path leads to a small copse. There is little there save an abiding aura of serenity, but this is no bad thing.



*: When we were children, Veronica, Serena and I would often go there to play. Ahh, such happy memories...


*: As with people, so with plants—it is all in the upbringing. If one gives even the tiniest, frailest seedling enough love and attention, it will one day grow into a mighty oak.



*: I see a great strength in you, Luminary. You may have lost your kingdom and your home, but you should be grateful to those who raised you—it is evident that they cared for you very much.



*: These stairs lead to the terrace. When Serena was young, she would often go there to practise the harp under the old oak. I should very much like to hear her play again.


*: When I heard all those years ago that the Luminary had been slain by the monsters who destroyed Dundrasil, I feared that all was lost...



*: Every false sighting, every baseless rumour of your survival, was like a dagger thrust into my heart... But now you stand before me, alive and well! Prithee, tell me I am not dreaming!


*: Some years ago, on an evening just like this one, we saw the World Tree bathed in a beautiful light. The Holy Father told us that it signified the rebirth of the Luminary.



*: Ever since then, I have offered up a prayer to almighty Yggdrasil each night to ask that She watch over you.



*: To we Keepers, you are as sacred even as our beloved children. May Her divine light keep you always from harm.


*: There was once a famous sage who lived in this village. She taught us how to use magic, and would sing songs of love and longing as she strummed her harp.



*: Whether it was told by her or about her, almost every one of our legends relates to that sage in one way or another.


*: Father Benedictus and I are the same age, you know. I have lost count of the number of baptisms I have seen him perform.



*: The ceremony welcomes the child into the fold, marking them out as a beloved son or daughter of Arboria. And all of them I love as though they were my own.


*: Brr... I am chilled to the very bone. But a nice, warm cup of tea will soon see to that.


*: I have seen many a baptism in my day, but the pleasure of welcoming another child into our midst never lessens.



*: And how much greater the pleasure when it is accompanied by your coming, Luminary—another gift sent to us by almighty Yggdrasil!


*: This path leads to the top of the mountain. It is a sacred place, where none may set foot without the Holy Father's permission. Forgive me, but I must ask that you turn back.



*: We of Arboria worship almighty Yggdrasil. Oft have I prayed that She would watch over you, Chosen One. And now at last we may pray together...


*: Oho! The day has finally come! The Luminary stands on the threshold of my humble inn! Step inside, I prithee!



*: If you and your friends were to stay the night, this establishment would surely go down in legend! I shall rename it the Hostelry of Heroes, and it will be celebrated for generations to come!



*: This is the house that your friends Veronica and Serena grew up in.



*: Their honoured parents, Fidelus and Alma, still live here. I am sure they will be overjoyed to learn that their daughters succeeded in finding the Luminary.


*: Father Benedictus is blessed with a most wondrous gift. When events of great importance are afoot, the World Tree will grant him a premonition. The visions come to him in his sleep.



*: Indeed, only a few nights before your birth, the Holy Father woke the entire village to announce that the Luminary was to be born anew.



*: Ah, and he has asked me to tell you that you are welcome to come and go freely from his home here as you please.


*: Why, if it isn't the Luminary! It would be an honour to have you stay at our humble establishment! Well, then—to business...


*: We do not get many visitors all the way up here, but still I change the sheets and fluff the pillows every morning. After all, who knows—the Luminary himself might stop by!





*: I must admit, I am a little nervous about being entrusted with the Luminary's life savings...but if you so desire, I shall guard your gold as if it were my own!


*: The people of Arboria are only interested in matters of the soul or of the intellect—they have no interest whatsoever in financial affairs.



*: But at least they do not fritter away their gold on gaudy trinkets and loose living. After all, if one does not nurture one's nest egg, it will never hatch!





*: It is every Keeper's duty to defend the village in times of crisis. But all that huffing and puffing and swinging swords around is a terrible bore.

*: This is why I am studying healing magic instead—if monsters should attack, I will simply stand at the back and cast a few spells. Then, when the dust settles, I will be alive and well to bask in the adulation!



*: It is a shame I do not have Serena's talent—then I would not even have to study very hard to achieve my noble aim! Agh, I am so very jealous!


*: A horrible, dirty rat just scuttled across the floor! I will not be able to sleep now until I know it is gone for good.



*: (sigh) If only I had not been neglecting my studies, I could Whack it and Thwack it to kingdom come!


*: When I grow up, I want to be just like Veronica! That's why I'm studying magic—so I can sling fireballs just like she showed me!


*: I'm training to be a mage. I just learned how to cast Frizz—I can't do it very well yet, but it's good enough to make toast!


*: The Luminary himself! What an unexpected honour! Can I interest you in any of my wares? Let us see now...


*: Trees grow very slowly up here in the highlands, but this makes their wood wonderfully dense. It may be difficult to work with, but it can be used to make some terrific weapons and armour.





*: I was very sorry to hear of what happened to Dundrasil and Cobblestone. You have my deepest condolences.



*: If you should find yourself without a home to return to when your adventure is over, you must come and live in Arboria. We would be thrilled to have the Luminary living among us.


*: Ah, Luminary! Welcome to Arboria! I am Fidelus, proud father of Veronica and Serena.



I always knew that my little angels would find you—I only hope that they have not been causing you too much trouble!


*: So you are the Luminary... You are younger than I expected. Ah, but forgive me—I have not introduced myself. I am Alma, Veronica and Serena's mother.



The responsibilities of your role no doubt weigh heavily upon your shoulders. I trust that my daughters will do all they can to lighten that burden.


*: Oh, so you are the Luminary, are you? You do not look much like a legendary hero to me.



*: In fact, you look more like a heroine! Just look at that hair! It is even silkier and straighter than mine! Almost...annoyingly so...



*: Zzz... That... Zzz... Hair... Ugh...


<pc> reads the inscription on the stone.



‘The Nascence

The birth of Erdwin, Luminary of Legend, marked the beginning of the Age of Heroes.’


<pc> reads the inscription on the stone.



‘The Fall

Almighty Yggdrasil, whose holy heart is the source of all life, was laid low by the Dark One.’


<pc> reads the inscription on the stone.



‘The Reckoning

Erdwin and his faithful companions ventured forth to face the Dark One in mortal combat.’


<pc> reads the inscription on the stone.



‘The Ascension

After triumphing over the Dark One and restoring peace to Erdrea, the Luminary ascended to the heavens to watch over us forever more.’


To make your way one step closer to Yggdrasil, go through these doors and follow the mountain trail to the First Forest. The altar you seek is at the very highest point of that holy grove.



The Forest overflows with life—but not all is friendly. You would do well to stop by the armoury before you make your ascent.



Pray speak with my fellow Arborians too. Their knowledge of the local flora and fauna may aid you in your preparations.



Go forth, my child, and may you find that which might aid you in the fight to save our world! I wish you the very best of luck!


Offer up the Orbs and summon the path to Yggdrasil? <yesno>


There's a strange magic symbol on the ground. It looks like you might be able to use it to go back down to the First Forest.



Return to the ground below? <yesno>

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