Dragon Quest XI S Script: Act 2 NPC Text

2.01 - Nautica
2.02 - The Last Bastion
2.03 - Angri-La
2.04 - Puerto Valor
2.05 - Phnom Nonh
2.06 - Puerto Valor (2)
2.07 - Gondolia
2.08 - Lonalulu
2.09 - Nautica (2)
2.10 - Gallopolis
2.11 - Dundrasil
2.12 - Octagonia
2.13 - Hotto
2.14 - Sniflheim
2.15 - Arboria
2.16 - Havens Above
2.17 - Arboria (Post-Credits)
2.18 - The Last Bastion (Post-Credits)
2.19 - Angri-La (Post-Credits)
2.20 - Phnom Nonh (Post-Credits)
2.21 - Puerto Valor (Post-Credits)
2.22 - Gondolia (Post-Credits)
2.23 - Lonalulu (Post-Credits)
2.24 - Nautica (Post-Credits)
2.25 - Gallopolis (Post-Credits)
2.26 - Octagonia (Post-Credits)
2.27 - Hotto (Post-Credits)
2.28 - Sniflheim (Post-Credits)
2.29 - L'Académie de Notre Maître des Médailles (Post-Credits)

2.01 - Nautica


[pc] looks into the mirror...


He sees the face of a big blue fish staring back at him. He shuts his eyes tightly, but when he opens them again, the fish's face swims back into view.


[pc] sighs, and a string of small bubbles float out of the fish's mouth and drift up to the ceiling.


[pc] looks into the mirror...


He sees the face of a big blue fish staring back at him. He opens his mouth as wide as he can, and the fish does the same.


[pc] sighs, and a string of small bubbles float out of the fish's mouth and drift up to the ceiling.


*: This is the Court Ship. Whenever discord or disorder of any degree occur beneath the sea, this is where the truth of the matter is judged.


*: There is an important case currently underway. If you're only here angling for some juicy gossip, I'd advise you to withdraw.


*: I haven't seen you before, chum. You must be a stranger to these parts—which must mean you haven't yet given one of our famous jetstreams a try. Am I right?  [yes/no]


*: Swimming all the way up there is a pain in the fins, but if you use a jetstream, you can get around town in no time flat. They're reel lifesavers!


*: I hear the ocean whispering, Her voice is filled with fear. She tells me that a beast of boundless animus draws near.


*: I've never known the ocean to speak anything but sooth. The storm will soon consume us all—this is the honest truth.


*: So I hear that you're the Luminary, and that you've come down to us from the world above...but how can that be true when you're a fish? Somebody must be trying to wind me up...


*: Hello, Luminary! You make a reel good fish, you know!


*: I've never seen a fish with scales so blue before. And your fins swish and sway so silkily too. You're a real catch!


*: ...Eh? You've never heard a fish speak before? Sling your hook! You're a fish, and you're talking like there's no tomorrow!


*: It's wonderful to see that you've awoken finally. You've been sleeping ever since you fell into the sea.


*: We're safe down here, but awful things are happening ashore. Speak to Queen Marina if you wish to find out more.


*: Her Majesty awaits you in her palace to the north. If you're feeling fit enough, I'd urge you to go forth.


*: Her Majesty insisted that we nurse you back to health—to tell the truth, I thought it was a hopeless task myself.


*: But still, she made us sing our songs of healing night and day. If not for her, your waning life might well have ebbed away.


*: There's more to Nautica than meets the eye! Why, we have a court, a watering hole, a magnificent museum...and I'm sure there's more I've missed off the list!


*: But if there's one must-see sight, it's the Pearly Palace of the peaceful Queen Marina—there's nowhere serener!


*: It might not look like it, but I'm not slacking off. I'm replenishing my energy so that all my faculties will be fresh when judgement day rolls around.


*: ...Hm? When's judgement day? That's not for me to say. Speak to Her Majesty—she can tell you more than me.


*: The building up above us is the Royal Terrarium. It's where scaly scholars gather to research human beings.


*: It houses an eely impressive collection of artefacts from the world above, and breams and breams of useful information about the lives of landlubbers. We Nauticans are very proud of it.


*: You're welcome to take a look, but mind where you put your fins—there is one item in the collection that has ushered many an unwary fish to its doom!


*: The monsters swept into my village, round the northern cape. We tried to flee, but only I was able to escape.


*: Beyond this city's boundaries, there's naught but death and fear. I beg you, little fishy—please don't stray too far from here.


*: Hello, there! I'm the treasurer of Her Majesty's Honourable School of Illuminators—the Illuminateys for short.


*: We light the city streets with a gentle blue glow, and it's all done with clean, green, one hundred percent natural energy!


*: Good night, sleep tight, child of the deep.


The waves are lapping and the seagulls are asleep.


*: The lampfish swim above you with their twinkling eyes,


To ward off the darkness till the dawn arrives.


[pc]'s eyelids start to feel heavy. If he listens to any more of the lullaby, he might fall fast asleep!


*: Ah, traveller! You're up and about already? When we found you floundering in that coral forest, I feared the worst.


*: The sharks were circling, smacking their lips and drawing lots to work out which one got to eat what.


*: If Her Majesty hadn't decreed that they leave you be, you'd be in several sharks' bellies by now.


*: My mummy and daddy always warned me that if I ever ate anything that was dangling on the end of a line, I'd be fished up in a flash.


*: But holy mackerel, that worm smells so good! Surely a little nibble couldn't hurt...


*: ...Hm? What am I doing? Why, I'm fishing for fish fit for a dish to put before the Queen! I'm the official maker of Her Majesty's meals, don't you know!


*: Speaking of which, you're a splendid specimen yourself. Those fine fins, those bright blue scales... Mind if I have a taste of your tail?


*: A loud, clanging sound has recently been resounding through town, as if a brutish beast were dealing pealing punches upon a glass ceiling.


*: I'm sure every Nautican must feel fearful when they hear it, but whenever I ask, they take me to task and call me a cowardly cur...


*: Waaah! Don't eat me! I'm not a sweet treat! I'm nothing but rubbery blubber!


*: ...Hey! Don't scare me like that, you sprat! When I saw your shark-like shadow sneak up behind my back, I nearly had a heart attack!


*: There's no slithering out of it—man or beast, fowl or fish, we all end up back with the World Tree in the end. You can't escape Father Time. Eel come for us all in the end.


*: I for one am looking forward to it. I've heard it's an elver sight! Hur hur!


*: Welcome Luminary, it's so good to see you well. Queen Marina waits for you inside the royal shell.


*: You'll find the entrance to the throne room halfway up the tower. Now you're a fish, friend, you can get there under your own power.


*: I'd carry you up there myself, just like I did last time, but letting fine fins go to waste would really be a crime!


*: That's not the only reason I refuse. You see, the fact is...you may soon need to swim away. You ought to get some practice.


*: ...Don't do that! Don't make eyes at me like a sad seal pup! No matter how you beg and plead, I won't carry you up!


*: You need to exercise those fins to get back to full health. I'd like to help, but first of all, you need to help yourself!


*: It's been some time, my friend, since you last visited the palace. Forgive me if, when last we met, I treated you with malice.


*: The Queen has been awaiting your awakening most keenly. I'm sure she will be thrilled when you swim up to her serenely.


*: Mmm... Nautica is such a... (yawn) Yes... Such a peaceful place... And all thanks to... Mmm... All thanks to Queen Marina...


*: The barrier... Yes... The barrier she created keeps the chaos... (yawn) It keeps the chaos above at bay... Mmm... As long as it stands...no monsters can attack us... (yawn)


*: As long as Her Majesty... Yes... As long as she lives, Nautica will... Mmm... Nautica will be safe... (yawn) How lucky we are to... Yes... To have been born here beneath the sea...


*: Mmm...? Did you hear that... (yawn) Did you hear that noise...? It sounded like... Yes... Like somebody banging on a...great big window...


*: Don't tell my... Mmm... Don't tell my wife about it, will you... Yes... She will only worry... (yawn)


*: ...Hm? You never knew fish could speak? Of course we can! You're talking to me, aren't you?


*: If you thought that only humans could talk, you must be up the pole!


*: Cor... I thought gurnards had thick heads, but you're something else...


*: Luminary! What a joy to see you well once more. Queen Marina's waiting for you just inside the door.


*: I once got caught by a fisherman, but I managed to escape. Ever since then, my fear of leaving the city has been off the scale!


*: One minute I was nibbling on a tasty worm—nothing fishy about it—the next, I was being dragged up to the surface on the end of a hook!


*: But bless my sole—nothing prepared me for what I saw when I got to the top: the big, hungry face of a human! Just thinking about it sends a chill down my spine even now...


*: Many generations ago, we Nauticans made a deal with the World Tree. She promised to keep this plaice safe if we would do something for Her in return.


*: She told us that one day, the child of light would come to us, pursued by an army of darkness. She made us swear that we would save his sole.


*: When I saw you lying on the seabed, pale and lifeless, I went green about the gills—I thought we had failed to keep our promise...


*: Oi oi! Wot've we got 'ere, then? It ain't every day I get a fish swimmin' into me shop! You've got a bit more about ya than yer lily-livered mates, ain'tcha?  [yes/no]


*: Only problem is, I'm all out o' stock. The delivery fish ain't been coming these last few weeks, an' I've already sold the stuff I 'ad. Nuffink I can do, innit.


*: Go on, then—gertcha! Swim on 'ome to mummy before I gobble you up!


*: Heh heh heh. Only kiddin'. Besides, it's against the laws of Nautica to go round chompin' on our little fishy friends wivout askin' 'em first.


*: I might be a shark, but I ain't no crook—I'd never eat a customer. Don't worry—you ain't got nuffink to be scared of.


*: The natives of Nautica come in all shapes and sizes. Our races and our faces may differ, but we all work together, whatever the weather.


*: Fishfolk like me aren't fit for physical activity, but we have a facility for mental ability. I was born to be a banker!


*: My goodness, is it really you? You're all covered in scales! Last time we met, you were human—now you've got a tail!


*: But now that you are one of us, I've got a nice surprise: I'll show you all the stuff I sell that's not for human eyes!


*: The fish can't comprehend the speech of those who live on land, but there's a common tongue that fish and mermaids understand.


*: Try speaking to the other fish that live amid these canyons—I'm sure you'd get on swimmingly with our piscine companions!


*: Welcome to the Mermaid's Legs! Can I interest you in our signature cocktail—the Salty Martini?


*: It consists of a pearl steeped in mermaids' tears, topped off with foaming seawater. A single sip with send you sailing off to paradise!


*: Or if you're feeling generous, you could tip your glass into the water around you, so that everyone can enjoy it together! That's the way the cool kids do it! Ha ha ha!


*: ‘All fishfolk are our friends, even if they are our food. To eat them is permitted only if one is not rude.’ So said the very first Queen of Nautica.


*: But the law works both ways—if somebody's rude to you, they're yours for the eating. Whenever a fight breaks out here in the bar, I lose a customer... Ha ha ha! Only kidding!


*: I'm shick of being a shtreetlight... I'm gonna tell the bossh he can take hish job and shtuff it...


*: It'sh rubbish being cooped up in a tiny cage all day...and nobody ever shtopsh to shay thank you...


*: Her Majesty's a splendid ruler, everyone concurs. There's not a Nautican who doesn't think the world of her.


*: She's beautiful to boot—you've seen her stately, snow white tail, and golden hair as shiny as a suit of polished mail.


*: Her gentle eyes transfix you with their striking, regal gaze—if you can name a fairer queen than her, I'd be amazed!


*: Queen Marina told me the sad tidings: that alack, Michelle—my mistress and my friend—will not be coming back.


*: Perhaps you'll think I'm crazy, but I'm sticking to my plan—for Shelly's sake, I'll mind this place and keep it spick and span.


*: I'll dust the books, I'll make the bed, I'll polish every tile. I know that she'll be looking down upon me with a smile.


*: Though many humans hate our kind, not all of them are bad. Michelle told me her boyfriend was a kind and thoughtful lad.


*: We're told that meeting humans can be harmful to our health, but I've a mind to go up there and find out for myself!


*: Luminary, you've recovered faster than foreseen! Shall I take you up to see Her Majesty the Queen?  [yes/no]


*: Very well. When you are ready, come and speak to me and I will take you up to meet the Queen Beneath the Sea.


*: You were once a human being, now you're more a human been. Shall I take you up to see Her Majesty the Queen?  [yes/no]


*: Very well. When you are ready, come and speak to me and I will take you up to meet the Queen Beneath the Sea.


*: By the Sunken Spirit, I'm amazed that you're alive! Few others have sustained such awful trauma and survived.


*: It must be holy providence that you're alive today. Although we worship different gods, come, human—let us pray...


*: Is your meeting with Her Majesty already at an end? If that's so, then tell me—are you ready to descend?  [yes/no]


*: Imagine that—to think themselves the equal of our god! These creatures are such egotists as to seem, frankly, odd.


*: Stay back! This is one of the deadliest devices known to fishkind!


*: Humans like to put creatures like us inside these things with a few peeled potatoes and light a fire underneath!


*: Just imagine—innocent sea-dwellers just like you and me have probably been boiled alive in this very vessel!


*: The most interesting thing I've ever seen fall down from the world above was a small white stone with the word ‘SOAP’ carved into the top.


*: I watched it from behind a rock, and over the space of just a few hours it got smaller and smaller, until it disappeared completely in a cloud of bubbles. I cod barely believe my eyes!


*: That's right, I'm talking to you! Are you the famous fish who used to be a human? Well, I'm the chairfish of Her Majesty's Honourable School of Illuminators—the Illuminateys for short.


*: Our line of work involves keeping the city streets well lit so that no Nautican has to stumble in the dark. Are you interested in joining the team?  [yes/no]


*: I'm sure that symbol on your hand was all lit up when the mermaids first carried you in... Or was that just my imagination?


*: I'm sorry, but I'm going to have to reel in my offer. But if you're ever reborn with a brightly shining lure on your forehead, there'll be a lamp post with your name on it!


*: Welcome to the seabed realm of Nautica, my friend. How wonderful to see you well—I'm glad you're on the mend.


*: No doubt you're keen to head ashore, but I'm afraid to say, now that you're in that fishy form, I think you'll have to stay.


*: But once Her Majesty has heard the news of your awaking, I'm sure she'll let you know the steps that you need to be taking.


*: No doubt you're keen to head ashore, but I'm afraid to say, now that you're in that fishy form, I think you'll have to stay.


*: But once Her Majesty has heard the news of your awaking, I'm sure she'll let you know the steps that you need to be taking.


*: Her Majesty has bid you join her in her private room? You are the first in aeons to be granted such a boon.


*: None may enter but the Queen, or so it is decreed. To be allowed inside is a great privilege indeed!


*: A millennium or more has passed since last the Queen allowed her most private demesne to be seen.


*: The tidings Queen Marina means to impart are of the utmost import. The odds are great, and getting greater. Don't make her wait—it may be too late later.


*: 'Er Majesty's waitin' for you in 'er private room. It's just through these doors. Don't cause any trouble, or you'll 'ave me to deal wiv.


*: Welcome to the seabed realm of Nautica, my friend. How wonderful to see you well—I'm glad you're on the mend.


*: No doubt you're keen to head ashore, but I'm afraid to say, now that you're in that fishy form, I think you'll have to stay.


*: No doubt you're keen to head ashore, but I'm afraid to say, now that you're in that fishy form, I think you'll have to stay.

Queen Marina

Whenever you are ready, touch your fin against the pearl, and you will see what's come to pass there in your airy world.

Queen Marina

Our time grows short, please hurry—touch your fin against the pearl, and witness what has come to pass there in your airy world.


*: Her Majesty is just about to make a speech outside. Due to this, just now the throne room is unoccupied.


*: But if you'd rather leave the building from the upstairs door, perhaps you would like me to take you to the upper floor?  [yes/no]


*: The Queen has summoned all her subjects—every one of us. Whatever she means to announce, it must be serious.


*: Queen Marina's summoned all her subjects to the square. It seems to be important—I'd suggest you too head there.


*: To get there, you can just swim through the window in the wall—or would you rather that I take you to the entrance hall?  [yes/no]


*: Everyone's assembled already, ready to hear her words. There's no time to worry—you have to hurry!


The Pearl of Wisdom shines with a mysterious light.


There's a big, juicy prawn dangling in the water. Take a bite?  [yes/no]

Blue John

Oh, and if you need to bed down for the night on the way, there's a campsite off to the north there.

Blue John

And if it's any help to you, I can look after your money. Don't worry, you can trust old John. It's been a while since I did this, so let's see if I've still got the patter. Ahem...


2.02 - The Last Bastion


*: Ever since the World Tree fell from the sky, things have gone from bad to worse. The monsters round here have got a lot nastier, for a start.


*: Take just now—I was standing round minding my own business when this rabid, wild-eyed slime jumped out at me! I ran for it and ended up here.


*: If you see any beasties with flaming red eyes, you'd best run for it too. They hit a lot harder than they used to. Now, to business...


It's the three-sided rock where [pc]'s grandad buried the letters for him.


It's cool to the touch and strangely soothing.


*: The Manglegrove is up ahead. It's positively teeming with deadly monsters.


*: I don't care how tough you think you are—it's too dangerous to enter alone.


*: I'd turn back if I were you. This is no place to be wandering around on your own. Head south to the Last Bastion. You'll be safer there.


*: The Manglegrove is up ahead. It's positively teeming with deadly monsters.


*: I don't care how tough you think you are—it's too dangerous to enter alone.


*: You know, I've been posted here for months, and you're the first person who's made it all the way here alone. Clearly you can handle yourself.


*: Well, you'll be happy to hear that you're safe now. Head south and go through the big gate—that leads into the Last Bastion. You'll find other survivors there.


The curious energy that once emanated from the plant can no longer be felt.


[pc]'s old bed isn't in great shape, but it's probably still possible to sleep in it. Lie down for a rest? [yes/no]


*: I wish I had more cheerful news, but I'm afraid I lost my beloved husband the day Yggdrasil fell. Then I came back to Cobblestone to find our home burnt to the ground. Ahh, it's been terrible...


*: But you just have to go on—what else can you do? At least I've still got my Cole. Make sure to say hello if you see him.


*: I wish I had more cheerful news, but I'm afraid I lost my beloved husband the day Yggdrasil fell. Then I came back to Cobblestone to find our home burnt to the ground. Ahh, it's been terrible...


*: But you just have to go on—what else can you do? At least I've still got my Cole. Make sure to say hello if you see him.


*: Well, well! Look 'oo it is! You survived, then? Course, I always knew you could take care o' yerself! Yer Chalky's grandson after all, an' 'e always found 'is way back 'ome, no matter 'ow far he roamed.


*: Everyone'll be over the moon to 'ear yer 'ome! There ain't been much in the way o' good news lately.


*: Most of 'em are through the gate there. Ahh, it's great to 'ave ya back!


*: I always knew you could take care o' yerself! Yer Chalky's grandson after all, an' 'e always found 'is way back 'ome, no matter 'ow far he roamed.


*: The good folks o' Cobblestone'll be over the moon to see ya! Most of 'em are through the gate there. Ahh, it's great to 'ave ya back!


*: I'm a genius, I tell ya! I reckon a good ol' rummage through the rubble of the mayor's house'll turn up all sorts o' good stuff! Heh heh!


*: Oi, go an' find yer own rubble to rummage through, will ya? Yer crampin' my style!


*: I couldn't believe my eyes when it happened—this huge, dark cloud started billowing up from Heliodor Castle.


*: It was the most terrifying thing I've ever seen. It gives me shivers just to think about it even now...


*: There's no getting round it—food supplies are running low. I don't want to say it, but people are going to starve if this goes on.


*: I hope it doesn't come to it, but we might have to start eating grass and leaves soon. Maybe I should go and try some now, just to get used to the taste...


*: The occupant of this tent has been in poor health ever since Yggdrasil fell.


*: He mustn't be disturbed, so if you wouldn't mind going elsewhere...


*: I always saw myself as a lone wolf, a swashbuckling sword-for-hire. But then I got attacked by a mob of monsters and the Hero came to my rescue. That's when I realised I couldn't go it alone any more.


*: Yes, making it here saved my skin, and I won't forget it! I'm honour-bound now to defend this place with my life!


*: I don't know who came up with the name, but this place is known as the Last Bastion.


*: It represents the final hope for all those who were robbed of their homes when Yggdrasil fell.


*: The Hero took some troops and rode out again to look for the injured and the lost.


*: I just worry he's pushing himself too hard. No matter how strong you are, you can't do battle every day without it taking its toll.


*: They say this place was once a little village called Cobblestone. Well, those days are gone, I'm afraid. Now it's known as the Last Bastion.


*: ...Eh!? You were born and raised in Cobblestone, you say? Well, you've chosen one heck of a time for your homecoming!


*: When Yggdrasil fell, a terrible darkness descended over Heliodor, and monsters poured from the castle. We barely escaped with our lives...


*: We would have given in to despair if it wasn't for one man—the Hero. We owe him our lives.


*: If this place is the final flickering flame of hope, he's the one who keeps it burning.


*: You'll find the main part of the Last Bastion just beyond here. If you need food or weapons or anything, that's the place to get them.


*: I know they're not trained soldiers, but we've got no choice. Everyone who can lift a sword has been been drafted into the army.


*: Use your whole body! Don't just wave your wrist! What are you planning to do—tickle the monsters to death?


*: This used to be the church, but it's ruined now, and we can't use it any more. But don't worry—we made a new chapel in the main part of the Bastion.


*: It's too dangerous to be ringing the bells and gathering for morning prayers these days anyway, but I do miss it...


*: This used to be the church, but it's ruined now, and we can't use it any more. But don't worry—we made a new chapel in the main part of the Bastion.


*: I do miss it, though. The glow of candlelight on the stained glass of an evening was such a lovely sight... Ahh, we've lost so much...


*: Gah! I'm a total idiot! I tried to climb that ladder but my hand slipped and I ended up taking a tumble...


*: Back before the Fall, some lucky folks could flit between places using Zoom, but thanks to the Lord of Shadows, the magical pathways all got messed up, and now it doesn't work any more.


*: Which means if you want to start using it again, you'll have to revisit everywhere you want to Zoom to first. A real pain, I know, but it's the only way...


*: ...Gah! You've made me lose track! I'm counting the seconds till my shift ends!


*: The sky's so dark that if I don't keep count, I can't tell what time of the day or night it is.


*: By my reckoning, it's the middle of the afternoon right now. Which means there should be glorious sunshine, and instead we've got...this! What a drag!


*: ...Gah! You've made me lose track! I'm counting the seconds till my shift ends!


*: The sky's so dark that if I don't keep count, I can't tell what time of the day or night it is.


*: By my reckoning, it's the middle of the night right now. We should be gazing up at a beautiful starry sky, and instead we've got...this! What a pain!



*: ...Wait! You're him—the Darkspawn!


*: ...Oh, I'm sorry. I shouldn't have called you that, it just came out. I know we made a terrible mistake—many terrible mistakes. I hope you can learn to forgive us.


*: Unfortunately, I can't let you in here just now, I'm afraid. This tent belongs to a rather important person who's been very unwell since the Fall.


*: Ever so sorry, Mr Luminary, sir!


*: This tent belongs to a rather important person who I am afraid to say has been very unwell since the Fall.


*: Ever so sorry, Mr Luminary, sir, but I can't let you in.


*: It's a scary world out there, so you need to make sure you've got the right weapon for the job...


*: I'm tending to the wounded. It's the least I can do for our boys!


*: Every single day brings new casualties, and we're running out of beds fast. Goodness knows where I'm going to put people when that happens...


*: I tell you, being wounded isn't all bad! You get to lie about in bed all day while pretty nurses look after you!


*: ...Hey! Don't look at me like that! I was joking, honest!


*: We were fighting a sizeable force of monsters when I saw something I still can't quite believe...


*: There was a figure behind them... He was the one in charge, I'm sure of it... And he was human!


*: Are we really just fighting monsters, or is there more to this than we know...?


*: The D-D-Darkspawn!


*: ...I know, I know. I shouldn't call you that. You're the Luminary. Please forgive me.


*: I was convinced you were going to bring disaster on the world. We all were. But now I know different. I'm sorry...


*: I owe you an apology. I was convinced you were going to bring disaster on the world. We all were. But now I know different. I'm sorry...


*: Yay! It's [pc]! You're back! I'm so happy!


*: When we were locked up in the castle, I remember a big boom, and then everyone was screaming and running...


*: I remember my daddy telling me to hide with the horsies, and then... Then... I don't know what happened then. All I know is that I haven't seen my daddy since.


*: But if I'm a good girl, my daddy will come back, won't he? That's why I'm looking after the horsies!


*: When we were locked up in the castle, I remember a big boom, and then everyone was screaming and running...


*: I remember my daddy telling me to hide with the horsies, and then... Then... I don't know what happened then. All I know is that I haven't seen my daddy since.


*: But if I'm a good girl, my daddy will come back, won't he? That's why I'm looking after the horsies!


*: Neeeigh!


*: I've got to hand it to her, this little girl knows what she's doing! Even the feistiest steed is like putty in her hands!


*: She says her old man taught her about horses. Well, he did a good job, that's all I can say.

Blue John

Don't take this the wrong way sonny, but shouldn't you be hitting the road? You're not going to achieve much hanging round here. Steer a course to the Last Bastion.

Blue John

Unless you're looking to make use of my financial know-how, of course. It's been a while since I did this, so let's see if I've still got the patter. Ahem...


*: This is the road to the Emerald Coast, but you'll need to keep your wits about you. Even sticking your head out of the Last Bastion is risky these days.


*: The monsters have destroyed the road that leads to Heliodor Castle. But with that horrible dark stuff billowing out of it, you'd be mad to want to go there anyway.


*: To be honest, even going beyond this bridge would be pretty foolish. You're better off heading back to the safety of the Last Bastion.


*: I wish I had more cheerful news, but I'm afraid I lost my beloved husband the day Yggdrasil fell. Then I came back to Cobblestone to find our home burnt to the ground. Ahh, it's been terrible...


*: But you just have to go on—what else can you do? At least I've still got my Cole. Make sure to say hello if you see him.


*: I always knew you could take care o' yerself! Yer Chalky's grandson after all, an' 'e always found 'is way back 'ome, no matter 'ow far he roamed.


*: The people of Cobblestone are certainly a forgiving lot. We blasted their village to smithereens, but no one seems to be holding too much of a grudge against us.


*: Well, all we can do is repay their kindness and make up for all we've done by defending them with everything we've got.


*: Greetings, Mr Luminary, sir! His Majesty is waiting for you inside.


*: He woke up not long ago, and seems to be rather keen to talk to you.


*: When we were locked up in the castle, I remember a big boom, and then everyone was screaming and running...


*: I remember my daddy telling me to hide with the horsies, and then... Then... I don't know what happened then. All I know is that I haven't seen my daddy since.


*: But if I'm a good girl, my daddy will come back, won't he? That's why I'm looking after the horsies!


*: Ah, a new recruit, I take it? Well, if you've just arrived, His Majesty will want to speak to you. You'll find him in his tent. You can't miss it!


I don't know exactly what happened between you and the King, but it's time to let bygones be bygones. You really should go and see what he has to say.


You'll find the King in a big tent with two flags outside it—you can't miss it. But be on your best behaviour, won't you? This isn't the time to be picking fights.


[pc]! It's really you! I knew you'd come back! I just knew it!


When we were in the castle and there was that big boom, it was really scary. But then I remembered how you stood up to those monsters on the Tor and I decided to be brave too!


And I was! I helped people who were hurt make it home! I wanted you to be proud of me, [pc]!


*: You know, your mother has been such an inspiration to us all. When we were on the verge of giving up, she told us to buck up, and that the fight wasn't over yet.


*: She's braver than any of us. It's no surprise she produced a son like you!


Woof! Woof woof!


I'll bet you're tired, [pc]. There's a nice comfy bed in that tent if you need a little lie down.


We all sleep in there, so it's a bit of a mess, but I'm afraid you'll just have to make do. You'll drop off eventually, I'm sure.


Ahh, I'm exhausted! I might call it a day. Do you want to join me? ...Wait! Don't take that the wrong way—I mean, um, maybe you should rest too. Ahem...


*: I've been helping the grown-ups all day, but I'm bored of that now. I want to go and play in the river instead, but it's too cold and miserable...


*: ...What's that, dear? What are we sewing? Well, that's a good question. We're...umm...sewing the seeds of hope!


*: Oh, hark at me—Miss La-Di-Da! You must think I'm awfully silly!


*: Fings got pretty 'ectic up at the castle. Everyone runnin' round like 'eadless chickens, screamin' blue murder. I didn't know 'ow I was gonna get out o' there, but then a proper little 'ero came to the rescue.


*: ‘Cole’, 'e said 'is name was. Fanks to 'im, I realised I needed to pull meself togevver. Wivout 'im, I'd never 'ave made it 'ere.


*: Now 'e's my best friend, an' everyone 'ere's bein' really nice to me. An' there I was finkin' there was no 'ope left in the world.


*: I won't lie to ya darlin', I've seen better days. When it all went to pot, I only went an' twisted me ankle on top of everyfink else.


*: Hee hee! But don't go worryin' about me not 'avin' anyfink to do—I may not be able to strut me stuff no more, but I know one end of a needle an' thread from the other!


*: Me ol' mum wanted me to be a good little 'ousewife, see. Fings didn't quite work out that way, but all that sewin' practice is comin' in 'andy!


*: I've never lifted anything heavier than a champagne flute in my life, and now they have me working in the fields! Do they not know who I am!?


*: Is no one willing to wield this ridiculous implement in my place? I can offer a handsome reward. ...Anyone?


*: Ahh, I remember how things used to be. I would sit with my sweetheart in the sunshine talking about all the things we would do in the future.


*: Now it all seems like a distant dream...


*: Oi, she's with me! Don't you be muscling in, you hear?


*: You'll never believe this—apparently, King Carnelian was possessed by a monster!


*: ...Excuse me, young man! This is a private conversation, I'll have you know!


*: They say that Sir Jasper hasn't been seen since the day Yggdrasil fell. I wonder where he can have got to...


*: ...Ahem! Of course, this sort of idle gossip is beneath one of my station.


*: Is it the middle of the night, or first thing in the morning? You just can't tell any more.


*: The way things are going, I'll end up getting so confused I won't remember who I am. Ahh, it doesn't bear thinking about...


*: ...Surely not! You are [pc], correct? How very fortuitous that one should run into someone of your quality in such an...earthy place.


*: One is, of course, Derk's wife. He does so love to regale us all with tales of yours and young Erik's exploits!


*: If you have a moment, one is sure he would be overjoyed to see you. Ever the entrepreneur, he has been trading in sundries in an exquisite little spot in the western part of the encampment.


*: ...What's that? You want to speak with the King? Well, good luck with that—he hasn't come out of his tent since he got here.


*: Unless it's something really important, I doubt he'll want to see you.


*: Up ahead you'll find Cobblestone Tor, and— ...What's that? You already know?


*: You grew up here, you say? Well, fancy that! But you don't look much like the other folks from Cobblestone. They tend to be a little less...umm...well groomed.


*: I found this poor baby bawling his eyes out in Heliodor on the day Yggdrasil fell.


*: His family's house had burnt to the ground, but somehow his mother managed to save him. She wasn't so lucky, though... Oh, it's so sad!


*: I don't even know the poor thing's name. Well, we'll have to think of a nice new one for you, won't we, dear?