Dragon Quest XI S Script: Partner Endings NPC Text

1. Gemma
2. Erik
3. Veronica
4. Serena
5. Sylvando
6. Rab
7. Jade
8. Hendrik
9. Misc


1. Gemma


It's been a while since we were last here together, hasn't it? Why don't we try climbing the Tor again—for old times' sake?


Well, that was a bit of a surprise, wasn't it? Haven't you got big and strong, though!


Hey, since we've come this far, would you mind going up to the top of the Tor again with me? We can take in the view, for old times' sake.


I know you'll be heading off on plenty more adventures, and doing all kinds of stuff I can't even imagine...


But I'll always be here, you know. And when you've finally finished saving the world, I'll be waiting—waiting for you to come home at last...


Are we heading back to Cobblestone, then?<yesno>


<pc> and Gemma make their way back to the village.


Oh, I'm just so happy! Recreating our wedding up on the Tor was wonderful! I'm so glad you agreed to do it!


...But you look exhausted. You shouldn't push yourself so hard, you know. Anyway, now you're back, you can have a nice rest. Are you ready to turn in?<yesno>


Goodnight then, darling! Have yourself a lovely sleep, won't you?


Morning, darling! It was so nice spending time with you—I only wish you could stay longer. ...But I know that's not how things are right now.


You don't have to worry about me—I'll be just fine here with my new mother-in-law! Hee hee!


You're full of beans, aren't you? I know! Why don't we go for a walk around the village?<yesno>


Oh, I'm so happy! Well, lead the way!


...Alright. Well, we can do something next time you're home. Take care out there...darling!


Wouldn't it be really lovely to go away somewhere together when you've finally finished saving the world?


I'd really love to relax in the famous bathhouse of Hotto and forget all my worries... Oh, but the beach at Puerto Valor sounds wonderful too!


Not that it matters, of course—as long as I'm with you, it doesn't matter where we go!


...Hee hee! Oh, but just listen to me! I'm sure you must be exhausted. Are you ready to call it a day?<yesno>


I hope you're wearing the charm I gave you, darling!


That way, even when we're apart, you'll always have a reminder of your happy home here!


...Hee hee! Oh, but just listen to me! I'm sure you must be exhausted. Are you ready to call it a day?<yesno>


Oh, sweetheart, I've had the most wonderful idea!


You know that Jörmun? The great big sweetie you brought here to be the town mascot? Well, I've been thinking of making little dollies of him!


They'd make perfect souvenirs for visitors to Cobblestone! What do you think? It's a lovely idea, isn't it?


...Hee hee! Oh, but just listen to me! I'm sure you must be exhausted. Are you ready to call it a day?<yesno>


I've got a question for you! Am I your oldest and bestest friend Gemma?<yesno>


WRONG! I'm not your friend any more—I'm your wife! Hee hee!


Hee hee! I knew you'd get it right! I'm not your friend any more, of course—I'm your darling wife!


Anyway, that's enough of my silly jokes! I'm sure you must be exhausted. Are you ready to call it a day?<yesno>


I'm still getting used to cooking for two. I keep making far too much food!


But then I don't want you going hungry, do I, darling?


...Hee hee! Oh, but just listen to me! I'm sure you must be exhausted. Are you ready to call it a day?<yesno>


I still can't believe how tidy you are, darling! You never leave old socks lying about or dirty plates or anything!


I probably have your mother to thank for that! Didn't she bring you up well!


...Hee hee! Oh, but just listen to me! I'm sure you must be exhausted. Are you ready to call it a day?<yesno>


It's amazing how tough and grown-up you've become, darling!


But then, I s'pose you're not a boy any more—you're a man of the world!


...Hee hee! Oh, but just listen to me! I'm sure you must be exhausted. Are you ready to call it a day?<yesno>


Um, darling... I'm a little shy about saying it, but there's something I want you to know...


...Being with you is the best thing that ever happened to me, and I love every second we spend together! There—I said it! ...I hope you feel the same!


...Hee hee! Oh, but just listen to me! I'm sure you must be exhausted. Are you ready to call it a day?<yesno>

2. Erik


So this is the famous tor, huh? Well, it'd be a waste to come all this way and not see the view from the top—come on, <pc>, let's do this!


Monsters, huh? Come on, <pc>—let's do this!


Well, that was annoying. Still, there was no way those chumps were ever going to take us.


We've already come this far. Why don't we check out the top of the Tor while we're here?


We haven't found even half the treasure that's out there yet.


I say we hunt it all down, split the take, and retire rich men. Deal?


Yeah, I guess it is about time we headed back to Cobblestone. Shall we?<yesno>


<pc> and Erik make their way back to the village.


Hey! You know something? Cobblestone's great! All this fresh country air—I can feel myself getting healthier by the second!


So are you hitting the hay or what?<yesno>


Good plan. I'm about ready to turn in myself.


Morning! I don't know about you, but I slept like a log! I'm ready for anything!


Yeah, I guess it is still kind of early. What say we head out for a wander?


Some of the locals have been telling me about the Tor. I'd kind of like to check it out. What do you say?<yesno>


Nice! Well, let's head south and see what it's all about!


Not in the mood, huh? Well, alright. We'll save the hiking expedition for another time.


So are you hitting the hay or what?<yesno>


Good plan. I'm about ready to turn in myself.


Morning! Don't know about you but I slept like a log! I'm ready for anything!


Yeah, I guess it is still kind of early. What say we head out for a wander?


Some of the locals have been telling me about the Tor. I'd kind of like to check it out. What do you say?<yesno>


Nice! Well, let's head south and see what it's all about!


Not in the mood, huh? Well, alright. We'll save the hiking expedition for another time.


Tell Erik you think you've walked enough?<yesno>


Erik heads back home.


<pc> finishes his walk with Erik and gets back to his adventure.


It's a picture of <pc> standing with his companions. They all look very happy. Take a closer look?<yesno>


So that little stroll up to the Tor was pretty fun—I mean, sure, I nearly fell to my death, but it keeps things interesting, right?


Well, anyway—you look about ready to hit the hay. Bedtime?<yesno>


Good plan. I'm about ready to turn in myself.


Morning! I don't know about you, but I slept like a log! I'm ready for anything!


Yeah, I guess it is still kind of early. What say we head out for a wander round the village?<yesno>


Nice! Let's head out and see what we can see!


Not in the mood, huh? Well, alright. We'll save it for another time.


You know, I never really had the opportunity to do much cooking before I started living here.


But now I'm taking every chance I get to hone my skills in the kitchen! Your mom's already taught me a bunch of great recipes. Next time, I'll rustle up something that'll knock your socks off!


Anyhow, I guess we'll have plenty of time to talk about cooking some other time. You look about ready to hit the hay—bedtime?<yesno>


Man, I still can't get over how peaceful this place is. I mean, there's no crime, no one fights... When I think of the way I used to live, it feels like a dream.


Sometimes I even forget that I used to steal stuff for a living. I guess what I mean to say is that life here's pretty darned good!


Anyway, maybe we've chewed the fat enough for one day. You look about ready to hit the hay—bedtime?<yesno>


Hey, I was just thinking about that stew we made on our first night here. That was quite something, right?


It's not like we knew what we were doing—we just kept on throwing all those ingredients in. I panicked when it turned that weird green colour, but boy was it tasty!


Anyway, I guess we'll have plenty of time to talk about cooking some other day. You look about ready to hit the hay—bedtime?<yesno>


We'll have to invite Derk round for dinner sometime—live it up like the good old days.


The guy has hidden talents, you know—he has a great baritone, and his belly dancing has to be seen to be believed!


...Anyhow, we can talk about this another time. You look about ready to hit the hay—bedtime?<yesno>


I've always loved looking up at the stars. Kinda takes me out of myself, you know. And the night sky in Cobblestone's really something.


...Hey, do you know what would be really cool? Camping up on the Tor. We could set up a tent, put a couple steaks on the fire and stare up at the night sky. Sounds good, right?


...Anyhow, we can talk about this another time. You look about ready to hit the hay—bedtime?<yesno>


Hey, you know those kids who love splashing round in the water? Well, they thought it would be funny to try and soak me. Did nobody ever teach them to respect their elders?


Were you like that when you were little? I mean, I'm not really complaining. Stuff like that keeps you young at heart, I guess.


...Anyhow, we can talk about this another time. You look about ready to hit the hay—bedtime?<yesno>


Life here in Cobblestone's good, it really is. It's just... Hm. How can I put this...?


...Well, when you've seen the world like we have, it can sometimes feel a little...lacking in excitement, if you know what I mean.


How about we head out into the wilderness for a while, maybe do some fishing in the mountains? Whoever catches the biggest one wins. Little trip like that might add a bit of excitement to our lives.


...Anyhow, we can talk about this another time. You look about ready to hit the hay—bedtime?<yesno>


I'll be honest, I wasn't sure how us living together was going to work out. But it turns out it's a lot of fun.


Who'd have guessed when I first met you in that stinking dungeon that things would turn out like this? I don't mean to sound cheesy, but I guess I was lucky to meet you.


...Anyhow, we can talk about this another time. You look about ready to hit the hay—bedtime?<yesno>

3. Veronica


Now I see why this place is the talk of the town—it's massive! How about we have a race to the top? Last one there has to do the dishes for a week!


Just our luck... Good job you've got me by your side—this will be over before they know what's hit them!


That's what happens when you mess with Veronica!


Right, I want to see this amazing view everyone's always going on about. Come on—to the top of the Tor!


We've got the rest of our lives ahead of us! The Amazing Veronica will be with you to the end!


Now let's get out there and save the world!


Time to head back to Cobblestone, eh? Fair enough! Shall we get going?<yesno>


<pc> and Veronica make their way back to the village.


The people in your village really know how to cook, <pc>! You can't take five steps without another delicious smell wafting up your nose! I could stay here forever!


Anyway, I've eaten enough for today. Are you turning in for the night?<yesno>


Fair enough. Well, goodnight then! I'm going to go to bed as well.


Morning, <pc>! How did you sleep? I slept amazingly—the perfect preparation for another quiet day in Cobblestone!


Still wide awake, are you? Well, there's no point in sitting around the house.


I know! Why don't we go for a walk? I really fancy a look at this Tor of yours. How about it?<yesno>


Great, I knew you'd be keen! Well then, off we go!


Oh, you're not in the mood? Never mind, we can save our little stroll till next time!


Are you turning in for the night?<yesno>


Fair enough. Well, goodnight then! I'm going to go to bed as well.


Morning, <pc>! How did you sleep? I slept amazingly—the perfect preparation for another quiet day in Cobblestone!


Still wide awake, are you? Well, there's no point in sitting around the house.


I know! Why don't we go for a walk? I really fancy a look at this Tor of yours. How about it?<yesno>


Great, I knew you'd be keen! Well then, off we go!


Oh, you're not in the mood? Never mind, we can save our little stroll till next time!


Tell Veronica you think you've walked enough?<yesno>


Veronica heads back home.


<pc> finishes his walk with Veronica and gets back to his adventure.


It's a picture of <pc> standing with his companions. They all look very happy. Take a closer look?<yesno>


You know, our walk up to the Tor wasn't as dreary as I thought it might be.


Anyway, it's getting pretty late. What do you think? Time to head to bed?<yesno>


Fair enough. Well, goodnight then! I'm going to go to bed as well.


Morning, <pc>! How did you sleep? I slept amazingly—the perfect preparation for another quiet day in Cobblestone!


Still wide awake, are you? Well, there's no point in sitting around the house. How about going for a walk?<yesno>


Great, I knew you'd be keen! Well then, off we go!


Oh, you're not in the mood? Never mind, we can save our little stroll till next time!


People are so kind in Cobblestone. The other day, an old couple gave me a big bag of boiled sweets. I'll share them with you—if I don't end up eating them all myself, that is!


I know I don't normally like being treated like a child, but I'm happy to make an exception when it comes to sweets!


Anyway, it's getting late. What do you say? Are you heading to bed or what?<yesno>


It's funny, you never had all that much to say when we were all travelling around together, but now we're living with each other, you hardly ever shut up!


Not that I'm complaining, you understand. I just never knew you had so much to say for yourself. I suppose when you live with someone, you can't help but learn a lot about them.


Anyway, it's getting late. What do you say? Are you heading to bed or what?<yesno>


One thing we haven't really talked about is how we're going to divvy up the household chores. Well, you'll be happy to hear that I'm going to volunteer to do the sweeping.


Well, I say that—I'm actually working on a spell to make the broom go over the whole house every morning by itself! Bet you're glad you decided to live with me!


Anyway, it's getting late. What do you say? Are you heading to bed or what?<yesno>


Sandy's so adorable! I wish I'd had a dog like that when I was growing up.


I'd love to use her big fluffy belly as a pillow! Do you think Gemma would mind?


Anyway, it's getting late. What do you say? Are you heading to bed or what?<yesno>


You know, I was a little hurt that you didn't like that delicious home-made curry I cooked you the other day.


Maybe it wasn't spicy enough for you? I put a couple of handfuls of chilli peppers in there, but maybe I should have added a few more?


Anyway, if you didn't like it, that's your problem. Serena always loved my cooking, so the problem is clearly your taste buds.


Anyway, it's getting late. What do you say? Are you heading to bed or what?<yesno>


Hee hee! So...what do you think? You have noticed, right?<yesno>


Ha, I knew it! That's right! I've plaited my hair a tiny bit differently today! Thanks for noticing, <pc>!


Hmph! You really are useless, aren't you? I'm not sure you'd even notice if I suddenly sprouted another head!


Anyway, it's getting late. What do you say? Are you heading to bed or what?<yesno>


I have a feeling Gemma and I are going to be good friends. We're planning to meet up tomorrow for tea and a good chinwag.


She's a really lovely person. You're lucky to have her as a friend—don't forget that, will you?


Anyway, it's getting late. What do you say? Are you heading to bed or what?<yesno>


I have to admit, I was a bit worried about whether or not we'd get on, but it turns out that living with you isn't so bad.


You could do a bit more housework, but at least you don't leave dirty socks lying around.


But don't let it go to your head, alright? I'm saying you're not doing too badly so far. Now you just need to avoid doing anything to annoy me for the rest of your life, and we'll get along just fine! Hee hee!


Anyway, it's getting late. What do you say? Are you heading to bed or what?<yesno>

4. Serena


Well, it's a perfect day for it—shall we make the most of it and climb to the top of the Tor?


Oh no—monsters! ...I suppose we shall have no choice but to fight them.


Oh, <pc>! We did it, we won!


Now, I'd like to see the view from the top of the Tor if that's alright with you—I hear it's wonderful.


I've had such a lovely time, <pc>. But of course I have—whenever I'm by your side, I always do!


Shall we make our way back to Cobblestone?<yesno>


<pc> and Serena make their way back to the village.


Oh, <pc>! I love it here! Everyone is so wonderfully kind, and they're never too busy to stop and chat!


Gosh, it's getting late. I suppose you'll be heading to bed, will you?<yesno>


Well, it has been a long day, I suppose. Goodnight!


Good morning, <pc>! I hope you slept as well as I did!


No? Well, the weather's lovely again—perhaps we could go for a walk?


I think a gentle stroll up to the Tor would be rather enjoyable, don't you?<yesno>


Wonderful! Well, I'll let you take the lead!


Oh, well! There's always next time!


Hello there, <pc>! It's getting rather late, isn't it? I suppose you'll be heading to bed soon?<yesno>


Well, it has been a long day, I suppose. Goodnight!


Good morning, <pc>! I hope you slept as well as I did!


No? Well, the weather's lovely again—perhaps we could go for a walk?


I think a gentle stroll up to the Tor would be rather enjoyable, don't you?<yesno>


Wonderful! Well, I'll let you take the lead!


Oh, well! There's always next time!


Tell Serena you think you've walked enough?<yesno>


Serena heads back home.


<pc> finishes his walk with Serena and gets back to his adventure.


It's a picture of <pc> standing with his companions. They all look very happy. Take a closer look?<yesno>


I really had the most marvellous time going up to the Tor with you, and it was so lovely of you to try my food! Thank you so much!


Oh, but you must be tired. So—are you heading to bed?<yesno>


Well, it has been a long day, I suppose. Goodnight!


Good morning, <pc>! I hope you slept as well as I did!


No? Well, the weather's lovely again—perhaps we could go for a walk?<yesno>


Wonderful! Well, I'll let you take the lead!


Oh, well! There's always next time!


Umm, <pc>... There's something I've been meaning to ask you for the longest time...


Well, it's... It's just... I want to know... Umm...


...I want to know what your secret is! How do you do it? How do you get your hair so shiny? You just have to tell me!


...Oh, but listen to me babbling away. I'm sure you're probably ready for bed, aren't you?<yesno>


You know, <pc>, your grandfather Chalky really does have the kindest smile...


...What's that? How do I know? Why, because he's standing right over there!


...Hee hee! Not really! But I had you going for a moment, didn't I? Still, he really must have been a very lovely person—and it all rubbed off on you!


...Oh, but listen to me babbling away. I'm sure you're probably ready for bed, aren't you?<yesno>


Sandy really is such a clever dog! The other day I was walking through the village when I tripped over my skirt. I was about to fall flat on my face when she came bounding over and helped me recover my balance!


But thinking about it, Gemma is the loveliest owner a dog could ever have. No wonder Sandy grew to be so kind-hearted and clever.


...Oh, but listen to me babbling away. I'm sure you're probably ready for bed, aren't you?<yesno>


Cobblestone is so nice and quiet—it's just perfect for playing the harp. The other day I got a little carried away and burst into song.


Before I knew it, all the children from the village had gathered round, and were singing along! Oh, it was just so lovely! Maybe next time you can join in too, <pc>?


...Oh, but listen to me babbling away. I'm sure you're probably ready for bed, aren't you?<yesno>


It was so kind of your mother to teach me how to make that delicious stew! I shall have to get practising—I know how much you like it!


Oh, and I need to do some baking too! You're going to love my sticky toffee pudding, I just know it!


...Oh, but listen to me babbling away. I'm sure you're probably ready for bed, aren't you?<yesno>


Oh, I'm just so happy! Here I am living in a wonderful village with the most wonderful person in the world!


...Oh, I hope I didn't embarrass you, <pc>! I'm sorry—I got a little overexcited!


...Oh, but listen to me babbling away. I'm sure you're probably ready for bed, aren't you?<yesno>


Gemma's so very kind! She lent me a marvellous book—I was up ever so late last night reading it. Would you like to borrow it when I'm finished?


It will be so nice to hear what you think about it. ...Ahh, life is so lovely and calm here in Cobblestone, isn't it? After all we've been through, it's like a dream come true!


...Oh, but listen to me babbling away. I'm sure you're probably ready for bed, aren't you?<yesno>


I must admit, I was rather worried I might find it hard to fit in here in Cobblestone, but everyone has made me so, so welcome!


They're all just so lovely and kind—they feel like family already! I'm at home here, I really am!


...Oh, but listen to me babbling away. I'm sure you're probably ready for bed, aren't you?<yesno>

5. Sylvando


Well, darling? We're here now—might as well go all the way to the top, no?


Uh-oh! Looks like we've got company, honey. Let's take care of them so we can get back to our little stroll!


Marvellously done, darling! That's what happens to those who try to take on the Great Sylvando and the almighty Luminary!


Now, let's head to the top of the Tor and celebrate, eh? I can't wait to take in that view!


You really are a fabulous dancer, darling. I can't wait to get started on making the world a happier place together!


Heading back to Cobblestone, huh?<yesno>


<pc> and Sylvando make their way back to the village.


I have to say, I'm Cobblestone's number one fan! It's just beautiful! The people are fabulous, and they love to see me perform! What more could I ask for?


Well, I could keep you up all night talking about the wonders of your hometown, but you probably want to go to bed, huh?<yesno>


I totally understand, darling! We all need our beauty sleep, after all!


Good morniiing! I had a simply wonderful sleep! I hope you did too!


Not quite done for the day, huh? Then neither am I!


Say, why don't we take a trip to the top of the Tor? I've always wanted to see the view from up there!<yesno>


You're keen? Fabulous! Then let's get going! I'll follow your lead, darling!


Aww, that's a shame! But I understand—there'll be time to climb another day!


Hey, honey! So I guess it's time for beddy-byes, huh?<yesno>


I totally understand, darling! We all need our beauty sleep, after all!


Good morniiing! I had a simply wonderful sleep! I hope you did too!


Not quite done for the day, huh? Then neither am I!


Say, why don't we take a trip to the top of the Tor? I've always wanted to see the view from up there!<yesno>


You're keen? Fabulous! Then let's get going! I'll follow your lead, darling!


Aww, that's a shame! But I understand—there'll be time to climb another day!


Tell Sylvando you think you've walked enough?<yesno>


Sylvando heads back home.


<pc> finishes his walk with Sylvando and gets back to his adventure.


It's a picture of <pc> standing with his companions. They all look very happy. Take a closer look?<yesno>


Oh, sweetie! I had such a lot of fun dancing with you up on the Tor! Thanks for showing me a good time!


But how are you feeling, hm? Want to call it a night?<yesno>


I totally understand, darling! We all need our beauty sleep, after all!


Good morniiing! I had a simply wonderful sleep! I hope you did too!


Not quite done for the day, huh? Then neither am I! How about a gentle stroll around the village?<yesno>


You're keen? Fabulous! Then let's get going! I'll follow your lead, darling!


Aww, that's a shame! But I understand—there'll be time to take the air together another day!


You know, honey, as a natural-born entertainer, I've lived most of my life on the road. I can't remember the last time I had anything you could call a fixed abode.


I can't tell you how nice it is to have somewhere to come home to. It's like a safe haven after sailing on a stormy sea!


Anyway, I'm guessing you must be tired, sweetie. Want to turn in for the night?<yesno>


I've been thinking, honey—it might be nice if you and I teamed up and formed a dance revue to bring joy into the lives of the good people of Cobblestone.


What do you say? We can work on some moves after dinner if you like. Ahh, living together is going to be a scream, I can just feel it!


Anyway, I'm guessing you must be tired, honey. Want to turn in for the night?<yesno>


Oh, darling, it completely slipped my mind—your pyjama bottoms had a big rip in them, so I grabbed my trusty needle and thread and sewed them up, good as new!


I'm far too modest to talk about it, of course, but I'm a real whizz when it comes to needlework.


Anyway, I'm guessing you must be tired, honey. Want to turn in for the night?<yesno>


Oh, sweetie, I don't think I've ever felt this relaxed in my life! Spending time in Cobblestone is pure bliss! I've been sleeping like a baby.


It's worked wonders for my complexion. When I looked at myself in the mirror this morning, I was so bright-eyed and bushy-tailed it was all I could do to stop myself from kissing my reflection!


Anyway, I'm guessing you must be tired, honey. Want to turn in for the night?<yesno>


You know what Cobblestone is missing, darling? A dedicated event space—I was thinking of a kind of cross between a circus tent and a theatre.


Imagine! After all, the location is just perfect! I can see entertainers flocking here from around the world! Ahh, the sky's the limit, I'm telling you!


Anyway, I'm guessing you must be tired, honey. Want to turn in for the night?<yesno>


I do hope you enjoyed that little lunch box I prepared for you, darling. I don't know if you noticed, but I cut the lettuce leaves into little heart shapes, just for you!


Next time, it's your turn! Work your magic in the kitchen and cook me up something that will knock my socks off! I'm expecting great things, you know!


Anyway, I'm guessing you must be tired, honey. Want to turn in for the night?<yesno>


I still can't quite believe how peaceful it is here. At night, you really can't hear a thing. I really feel at one with nature.


I'm hoping all this healthy living and fresh air will give me inspiration for new ways to put smiles on people's faces!


Anyway, I'm guessing you must be tired, honey. Want to turn in for the night?<yesno>


Living together's a blast, isn't it, darling? Every day's better than the one before!


But for a natural-born entertainer like me, it's not enough for me to be happy! I need to be putting smiles on people's faces—starting with yours!


Anyway, I'm guessing you must be tired, honey. Want to turn in for the night?<yesno>

6. Rab


Well now, would ye look at that! Here's an idea: now we're here, why don't we climb the thing? Come on, it'll be fun!


Monsters, eh? Well, we'll soon make short work of them. Come on, laddie...


Ye've monsters up this Tor of yours, eh? Well, nothing we couldn't handle.


While we're here—ye said you went all the way to the top when ye came of age, didn't ye? I wouldn't mind seeing the view from up there with my own eyes if that's alright with you, laddie...


I said it, and I meant it—I'll never leave ye alone again, my boy. I promise ye.


Let me know if ye ever fancy another wee ogle at my magazine, won't ye? It'll be our little secret.


Back to Cobblestone, is it?<yesno>


<pc> and Rab make their way back to the village.


This is the life, laddie! The country air, the sound of birdsong! And the good folks of Cobblestone, of course! Aye, I could stay here forever!


So how're ye feeling? Ready to call it a day?<yesno>


Aye, that's probably sensible. I'm ready for a wee lie-down myself.


Morning, laddie! I hope ye managed to sleep as well as I did! I feel like a new man!


Ho ho! So ye've still got some get-up-and-go in ye! Well, I'll not be beaten!


How about you and I go for a wee jaunt over to the Tor? I'm dying to spend some quality time with my grandson! Come on, laddie, what d'ye say?<yesno>


Great! Well, there's no sense hanging about! Let's hit the road!


Och, that's a shame! Well, there isnae any sense going if ye're not in the mood. Next time, eh?


So how're ye feeling? Ready to call it a day?<yesno>


Aye, that's probably sensible. I'm ready for a wee lie-down myself.


Morning, laddie! I hope ye managed to sleep as well as I did! I feel like a new man!


Ho ho! So ye've still got some get-up-and-go in ye! Well, I'll not be beaten!


How about you and I go for a wee jaunt over to the Tor? I'm dying to spend some quality time with my grandson! Come on, laddie, what d'ye say?<yesno>


Great! Well, there's no sense hanging about! Let's hit the road!


Och, that's a shame! Well, there isnae any sense going if ye're not in the mood. Next time, eh?


Tell Rab you think you've walked enough?<yesno>


Rab heads back home.


<pc> finishes his walk with Rab and gets back to his adventure.


It's a picture of <pc> standing with his companions. They all look very happy. Take a closer look?<yesno>


Och, I'm a lucky man, and no mistake. Heading up to the Tor with my grandson isn't something I'll be forgetting in a hurry.
